const gm = require("gm").subClass({
  imageMagick: true
}); = async (message) => {
  const image = await require("../utils/imagedetect.js")(message);
  if (image === undefined) return `${}, you need to provide an image to add some magik!`;
  if (image.type === "gif") return `${}, this command doesn't work with GIFs!`;
  const processMessage = await"<a:processing:479351417102925854> Processing... This might take a while");
  const resultBuffer = await gm(image.path).in("(").in("(").coalesce().scale(600, 600).out(")").out("-liquid-rescale", "300x300").out(")").out("-liquid-rescale", "600x600").bufferPromise(image.type, image.delay);
  await processMessage.delete();
  return {
    file: resultBuffer,
    name: `magik.${image.type}`

exports.aliases = ["imagemagic", "imagemagick", "imagemagik", "magic", "magick", "cas", "liquid"];
exports.category = 5; = "Adds a content aware scale effect to an image";