2023-03-15 14:09:09 +00:00
import fs from "fs";
import emojiRegex from "emoji-regex";
import emoji from "node-emoji";
import ImageCommand from "../../classes/imageCommand.js";
class FlagCommand extends ImageCommand {
2023-03-19 05:10:48 +00:00
static category = "image-editing"
2023-03-15 14:09:09 +00:00
flagPath = "";
async criteria() {
const text = this.options.text ?? this.args[0];
if (!text.match(emojiRegex())) return false;
const flag = emoji.unemojify(text).replaceAll(":", "").replace("flag-", "");
let path = `assets/images/region-flags/png/${flag.toUpperCase()}.png`;
if (flag === "pirate_flag") path = "assets/images/pirateflag.png";
if (flag === "rainbow-flag") path = "assets/images/rainbowflag.png";
if (flag === "checkered_flag") path = "assets/images/checkeredflag.png";
if (flag === "transgender_flag") path = "assets/images/transflag.png";
if (text === "🏴") path = "assets/images/region-flags/png/GB-SCT.png";
if (text === "🏴") path = "assets/images/region-flags/png/GB-WLS.png";
if (text === "🏴") path = "assets/images/region-flags/png/GB-ENG.png";
try {
await fs.promises.access(path);
this.flagPath = path;
return true;
} catch {
return false;
params() {
return {
overlay: this.flagPath
static description = "Overlays a flag onto an image";
static arguments = ["[flag]"];
static requiresText = true;
static noText = "You need to provide an emoji of a flag to overlay!";
static noImage = "You need to provide an image/GIF to overlay a flag onto!";
static command = "flag";
export default FlagCommand;