To make managing environment variables easier, an example `.env` file is included with the bot at `.env.example` and can be used to load the variables on startup.
-`DB`: The database connection string. By default the `sqlite` and `postgresql` protocols are available, but this can be expanded by putting proper DB driver scripts into `utils/database/`.
-`OWNER`: Your Discord user ID. This is used for granting yourself access to certain management commands. Adding multiple users is supported by separating the IDs with a comma; however, this is not recommended for security purposes.
-`STAYVC`: Set this to true if you want the bot to stay in voice chat after playing music/a sound effect. You can make it leave by using the stop command.
-`OUTPUT`: A directory to output the help documentation in Markdown format to. It's recommended to set this to a directory being served by a web server.
-`TEMPDIR`: A directory that will store generated images larger than 8MB. It's recommended to set this to a directory being served by a web server.
-`TMP_DOMAIN`: The root domain/directory that the images larger than 8MB are stored at. Example: ``
-`API_TYPE`: Set this to "none" if you want to process all images locally. Alternatively, set it to "ws" to use an image API server specified in the `image` block of `config/servers.json`.