import './App.css'; import {Button, ButtonGroup} from 'react-bootstrap'; import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'; import { Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Github, Youtube, Linkedin, Pinterest, Reddit } from 'react-bootstrap-icons'; import './styles/roots.scss'; import data from './roots.json' function App() { var res; return (


{, index)=>{ if(rootDetail.type === "facebook") { res = } else if(rootDetail.type === "instagram") { res = } else if (rootDetail.type === "twitter") { res = } else if (rootDetail.type === "github") { res = } else if (rootDetail.type === "youtube") { res = } else if (rootDetail.type === "linkedin") { res = } else if (rootDetail.type === "pinterest") { res = } else if (rootDetail.type === "tumblr") { res = } else if (rootDetail.type === "reddit") { res = } else if (rootDetail.type === "basic") { res = } else { // throw "One of your roots has an unrecognized type. Check out the documentation for the supported types."; } return res; })}
); } export default App;