import time import discord from discord.ext import commands from .common import Cog class Basic(Cog): @commands.command(aliases=['p']) async def ping(self, ctx): """Ping. """ t1 = time.monotonic() m = await ctx.send('pinging...') t2 = time.monotonic() rtt = (t2 - t1) * 1000 gw = * 1000 await m.edit(content=f'rtt: `{rtt:.1f}ms`, gw: `{gw:.1f}ms`') @commands.command() async def uptime(self, ctx): """Show uptime""" sec = round(time.monotonic() - m, s = divmod(sec, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) d, h = divmod(h, 24) await ctx.send(f'Uptime: **`{d} days, {h} hours, ' f'{m} minutes, {s} seconds`**') @commands.command() async def about(self, ctx): """Show stuff.""" em = discord.Embed(title='Sex Dungeon Mistress') em.add_field(name='About', value='SDM is a bot made to manage' 'memework vps\' (sexhouse) operations to users') appinfo = await owner = appinfo.owner em.add_field(name='Owner', value=f'{owner.mention}, {owner}, (`{}`)') await ctx.send(embed=em) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Basic(bot))