mywear = obj { nam = 'quilted jacket', dsc = function(s) if here() == stolcorridor then local st='.'; if not have('gun') then st = ', under which my shotgun is hidden.'; end return 'Also there\'s my {quilted jacket} on the rack'; else return 'On the nail in the pine door there\'s my {quilted jacket}.'; end end, inv = 'It\'s winter. But I\'m wearing a warm quilted jacket.', tak = function(s) if here() == stolcorridor then if have('alienwear') then return 'I\'m already dressed... If I take my quilted jacket too, I\'ll look suspicious...', false; end if me()._walked then me()._walked = false; inv():add('gun'); return 'But my quilted jacket is the best!'; end return 'That would be too conspicuous... ', false; else return 'I took my coat off the nail.'; end end, use = function(s, o) if o == 'guy' then return 'After a short delay you exchanged coats...'; end end }; money = obj { nam = 'money', inv = 'Big money are a great evil... Good thing I don\'t have much money...', use = function(s, w) if w == 'shopman' then if shopman._wantmoney then shopman._wantmoney = false; return 'I pay to Vladimir.'; end return 'I don\'t want to pay without reason...'; end end }; mybed = obj { nam = 'bed', dsc = 'There\'s a {bed} by the window.', act = 'No time to sleep.', }; mytable = obj { nam = 'table', dsc = 'There\'s an oaken {table} with drawers in the left corner.', act = function() if not have(money) then take('money'); return 'After rummaging in the drawers I found money.'; end return 'Table... I made it myself.'; end, }; foto = obj { nam = 'photo', dsc = 'On the table there\'s a framed {photo}.', tak = 'I took the photo.', inv = 'The photo shows me and my Barsik.', }; gun = obj { nam = 'shotgun', dsc = 'There\'s a {shotgun} in the right corner of the cabin.', tak = 'I took the shotgun and hung it behind my back.', inv = function(s) local st = ''; if s._obrez then st = ' By the way, now it\'s a sawed-off shotgun.'; if s._hidden then st = st..' It\'s hidden inside my clothes.'; end end if s._loaded then return 'The shotgun is loaded...'; else return 'The shotgun isn\'t loaded... I rarely used it in the forest...'; end end, use = function(s, w) if not s._hidden then if w == 'mywear' or w == 'alienwear' then if not s._obrez then return 'I tried to hide the shotgun in the clothes, but it was too long.' else s._hidden = true; return 'Now I can hide the sawed-off shotgun in the clothes!'; end end end if not s._loaded then return 'Not loaded...', false; end if w == 'guard' then return 'Yes, they are scoundrels, but firstly they are humans too, and secondly it wouldn\'t help...', false; end if w == 'wire' then return 'Too close... I need something like wire cutters...', false; end if w == 'cam' and not cam._broken then cam._broken = true; s._loaded = false; return 'I aimed at the camera and fired both barrels... The dull gunshot was drowned by gusts of the snowstorm...'; end if w == 'mycat' or w == 'shopman' or w == 'guy' then return 'This isn\'t my thought...', false; end end }; fireplace = obj { nam = 'fireplace', dsc = 'There\'s a {fireplace} by the wall. The flames illuminate the cabin irregularly.', act = 'I like to spend long winter evenings by the fireplace.', }; mycat = obj { nam = 'Barsik', _lflast = 0, lf = { [1] = 'Barsik is moving in my bosom.', [2] = 'Barsik peers out of my bosom.', [3] = 'Barsik purrs in my bosom.', [4] = 'Barsik shivers in my bosom.', [5] = 'I feel Barsik\'s warmth in my bosom.', [6] = 'Barsik leans out of my bosom and looks around.', }, life = function(s) local r = rnd(6); if r > 2 then return; end r = rnd(6); while (s._lflast == r) do r = rnd(6); end s._lflast = r; return s.lf[r]; end, desc = { [1] = 'My cat {Barsik} (“little snow leopard”) is sleeping by the fireplace cosily curled in a ball.', [2] = '{Barsik} scans the terrain around the cabin.', [3] = '{Barsik} is sitting on the front passenger seat.', [4] = '{Barsik} is studying something by the trash bins...', [5] = '{Barsik} snuggles up at my feet.', }, inv = 'Barsik is in my bosom... My poor tomkitty... I\'ll save you!!! And the whole world...', dsc = function(s) local state if here() == home then state = 1; elseif here() == forest then state = 2; elseif here() == inmycar then state = 3; elseif here() == village then state = 4; elseif here() == escape3 then state = 5; end return s.desc[state]; end, act = function(s) if here() == escape3 then take('mycat'); lifeon('mycat'); return 'I put Barsik in my bosom.'; end return 'I scratched Barsik behind the ears...'; end, }; inmycar = room { nam = 'in the car', dsc = 'I\'m in my car... My workhorse...', pic = 'gfx/incar.png', way = {'forest', 'village'}, enter = function(s, f) local s = 'I open the car door.'; if have('mybox') then return 'I can\'t get into the car with this box...', false; end if seen('mycat') then s = s..' Barsik jumps into the car.' move('mycat','inmycar'); elseif not me()._know_where then return 'No... First I have to find Barsik!', false end if f == 'guarddlg' then return 'Hmm... I\'ll have to come up with something...'; end return cat(s, ' Well, time to go...'); end, exit = function(s, t) local s='' if seen('mycat') then s = ' Barsik is the first to jump out of the car.'; move('mycat',t); end if ref(t) ~= from() then from().obj:del('mycar'); move('mycar', t); return [[ The car starts reluctantly... After a long road I finally kill the engine and open the door...]]..s; end return 'No... I think, I forgot something...'..s; end }; mycar = obj { nam = 'my car', desc = { [1] = 'In front of the cabin there is my old Toyota {pickup}.', [2] = 'In the parking lot there is my old {pickup}.', [3] = 'Near the checkpoint stands my {pickup}.', [4] = 'Behind the corner stands my {pickup}.', }, dsc = function(s) local state if here() == forest then state = 1; elseif here() == village then state = 2; elseif here() == inst then state = 3; elseif here() == backwall then state = 4; end return s.desc[state]; end, act = function(s) return walk('inmycar'); end }; iso = obj { nam = 'insulating tape', inv = 'A roll of insulating tape. Blue...', use = function(s, o) if o == 'trap' and not trap._iso then trap._iso = true; return 'I insulated the trap with the tape.'; end if o == 'wire' then return 'What for? I wouldn\'t go through the barbed wire. Besides, I can\'t insulate it — I\'d be struck by electricity!'; end end }; trap = obj { nam = 'trap', dsc = 'There\'s a {steel trap} in the snow.', -- !!!! tak = 'Damned poachers! I\'m taking the trap with me.', inv = function(s) if s._salo then return 'Big mousetrap! Insulated too.'; end if s._iso then return 'Steel. Very sharp. Insulated with the tape.'; else return 'Steel. Very sharp.'; end end, use = function(s, o) if o == 'wire' and not wire._broken then if not s._iso then return 'The trap is metallic... I\'d be knocked by electricity and that\'s all...'; end wire._broken = true; onwall.way:add('eside'); return 'I bring the primed trap to the wire... As I thought the trap breaks the wire!'; end end }; deepforest = room { i = 0, nam = 'deep forest', pic = 'gfx/deepforest.png', dsc = function(s) local st = 'I\'m deep in the woods... '; if s._i == 1 then return st..'Pines and firs... Nothing else...'; elseif s._i == 2 then return st..'Beautiful birches — trying not to get lost...'; elseif s._i == 3 then return st..'Impassable thicket... I don\'t understand — am I lost?..'; elseif s._i == 4 then return st..'Beautiful lake... Yes... Should I go back?'; elseif s._i == 5 then s._trap = true; return st..'Some bushes... Bushes... Bushes...'; else return st..'Stump... What a beautiful stump...'; end end, enter = function(s,f) if f == 'forest' then s._trap = false; end s._lasti = s._i; while (s._i == s._lasti) do s._i = rnd(6); end s.obj:del('trap'); s.way:del('forest'); if s._i == 5 and not inv():srch('trap') then s.obj:add('trap'); end if s._i == 3 and s._trap then s.way:add('forest'); end if f == 'forest' and inv():srch('trap') then return [[Thanks, i\'ve already went for a walk in the forest...]], false; end if f == 'deepforest' then return 'Hmm... Let\'s see...'; end return [[Into the wild woods, afoot? Hm... Why not — that's my job after all... Would drive away some poachers...]], true; --Я пол часа бродил по лесу, когда наткнулся на капкан... --Проклятые браконьеры! Я взял капкан с собой.]], false; end, way = {'deepforest'}, }; road = room { nam = 'road', enter = function() return 'Afoot? Naah...', false; end }; forest = room { nam = 'in front of the cabin', pic = 'gfx/forest.png', dsc = [[ In front of the cabin everything is covered with drifting snow. Wild wood surrounds the cabin. The road to town is covered with snow.]], way = { 'home', 'deepforest', 'road' }, obj = { 'mycar' }, }; home = room { nam = 'cabin', pic = function(s) if not seen('mycat') then return "gfx/house-empty.png" end return "gfx/house.png"; end, dsc = [[ I spent 10 years in this hut. 10 years ago I built it myself. Somewhat cramped, but cozy.]], obj = { 'fireplace', 'mytable', 'foto', 'mycat', 'gun', vobj(1,'window', 'The cabin has a single {window}.'), 'mybed', 'mywear' }, way = { 'forest' }, act = function(s,o) if o == 1 then return 'Outside everything\'s white...'; end end, exit = function() if not have('mywear') then return 'It\'s cold outside... I won\'t go there without my quilted jacket.', false end if seen(mycat) then move('mycat','forest'); return [[ When I was walking out, Barsik suddenly woke and dashed after me. I petted him behind the ears. “Coming with me?” ]] end end }; ---------------- here village begins truck = obj { nam = 'black car', dsc = 'There\'s a black {car} with tinted windows sy the shop.', act = 'Hm... It\'s a van... Armored body, it\'s evident by the wheel load...', }; guydlg = dlg { pic = 'gfx/guy.png', nam = 'conversation with a bum', dsc = 'I walked to him... He turned back and glanced at me — a shortish man in a worn cap and tattered quilted jacket.', obj = { [1] = phr('Hi! Cold, isn\'t it?', 'Yes... Somewhat...'), [2] = phr('How come you\'ve got to be out in the street?', [[I used to work toward getting a Ph.D... I was writing a thesis about the structure of matter... But... Overstrained my brain... I tried to calm down and... Now I'm here...]]), [3] = phr('What\'s your name?', 'Eduard...'), [4] = _phr('When I left, there was a cat next to you... Where is it?', 'Hm...', 'pon(5)'), [5] = _phr('Yes... A tomcat. Ordinary tomcat roaming the snow around the dumpster.', 'So, that was your cat? Emmm...', 'pon(6)'); [6] = _phr('Yes... That was my Barsik! Tell me!', '... Mmm... I think that man took it... Mmm... — a chill ran down my spine...', 'pon(7)'), [7] = _phr('Where, where did he go?', 'Sorry, brother, I haven\'t seen...', 'shopdlg:pon(4); pon(8);'), [8] = phr('Ok... Doesn\'t matter...', '...', 'pon(8); back()'), }, exit = function() pon(1); return 'He turned back and continued rummaging in the dumpster bins...'; end }; guy = obj { nam = 'bum', dsc = 'A {bum} is rummaging in the dumpster bins.', act = function() return walk('guydlg'); end, used = function(s, w) if w == 'money' then return [[ I approached him and offered some money... “I don't need other people's money...” he said.]]; else return 'What would he need this for?'; end end, }; nomoney = function() pon(1,2,3,4,5); shopdlg:pon(2); return cat('This is when I remember, that I\'ve got no money... None at all...^',back()); end ifmoney ='if not have("money") then return nomoney(); end; shopman._wantmoney = true; '; dshells = obj { nam = 'shells', dsc = function(s) -- Note for translators: -- this block picks the appropriate plural form -- for “shells” for a given numeral. Since English has -- only 1 form, I commented it out. -- Uncomment and use form-number combinations -- appropriate for your language -- if here()._dshells > 4 then return 'Under my feet there are '' empty shotgun {shells}...'; -- else -- return 'Under my feet there are '' empty shotgun {shells}...'; -- end end, act = 'Those are my shells... I don\'t need them anymore...'; }; function dropshells() if here() == deepforest then return; end if not here()._dshells then here()._dshells = 2; else here()._dshells = here()._dshells + 2; end here().obj:add('dshells'); end shells = obj { nam = 'cartridges', inv = 'Shotgun cartridges. I rarely use those, mostly against poachers.', use = function(s, on) if on == 'gun' then if gun._loaded then return 'Already loaded...'; end if gun._loaded == false then gun._loaded = true; dropshells(); return 'I open the shotgun, drop two shells and reload the shotgun.'; end gun._loaded = true; return 'I take two cartridges and load them into the twin barrels of the shotgun...'; end end }; news = obj { nam = 'newspaper', inv = [[ Fresh newspaper... <>.. Hm...]], used = function(s, w) if w == 'poroh' then if have('trut') then return 'I\'ve already got a tinder.'; end inv():add('trut'); inv():del('poroh'); return 'I pour gunpowder on the piece of the newspaper, I\'ve torn off...'; end end, }; hamb = obj { nam = 'hamburger', inv = function() inv():del('hamb'); return 'I\'ve had a snack. Junk food...'; end }; zerno = obj { nam = 'groats', inv = 'Just a buckwheat. Buckwheat groats...', }; shop2 = dlg { nam = 'buy', pic = 'gfx/shopbuy.png', obj = { [1] = phr('Shotgun cartridges... I need ammunition...', 'All right... Price as usual', ifmoney..'inv():add("shells")'), [2] = phr('Groats...', 'Good... ', ifmoney..'inv():add("zerno")'), [3] = phr('And a hamburger...', 'Ok..', ifmoney..'inv():add("hamb")'), [4] = phr('Fresh press...', 'Of course...', ifmoney..'inv():add("news")'), [5] = phr('A roll of insulating tape...', 'Yes. Here.', ifmoney..'inv():add("iso")'), [6] = phr('Nothing else...', 'As you wish.', 'pon(6); back()'), [7] = _phr('Also I need a ladder and wire cutters...', 'Sorry, I don\'t have those — Vladimir shakes his head'), }, exit = function(s) if have('news') then s.obj[4]:disable(); end end }; shopdlg = dlg { nam = 'conversation with the salesman', pic = 'gfx/shopman.png', dsc = 'Little eyes drill me with an oily stare.', obj = { [1] = phr('Hello, Vladimir! How\'s it going?', 'Hello, ''... So-so... - Vladimir smiles slyly.', 'pon(2)'), [2] = _phr('I want to make a few purchases.', 'Ok... Let\'s see, what do you need?', 'pon(2); return walk("shop2")'), [3] = phr('Bye then!...', 'Yeah... Good luck!', 'pon(3); return back();'), [4] = _phr('A man just was here — who is he?', 'Hm? — Vladimir\'s thin eyebrows rise a bit...','pon(5)'), [5] = _phr('For some reason he took my cat... Probably thought he\'s homeless... Who\'s that man in a gray coat?', [[ Actually, he's some boss... - Vladimir scratches his unshaved chin. — In that new institute, which has been built in our backwoods a year ago... — Vladimir's pince-nez twitched as he spoke — he often comes to our shop, doesn't like crowds — those physicists — you know... Odd bunch, — Vladimir shrugged...]],'pon(6)'), [6] = _phr('Where is this institute located?', 'Kilometer marker 127... But well, you know — Vladimir lowered his voice — there are rumours about his institute...', 'me()._know_where = true; inmycar.way:add("inst");pon(7)'), [7] = _phr('I\'m just going to get back my cat...', 'Take care... If I was in you shoes... — Vladimir shakes his head. — By the way, I think his name is Belin. I\'ve seen his credit card... Even though, as you know, I don\'t accept them — Vladimir moved his lips, his monocle stirred slyly'), }, }; shopman = obj { nam = 'salesman', dsc = 'There\'s a {salesman} behind the counter. His wide face with stubble is complemented by a monocle.', act = function() return walk('shopdlg'); end }; shop = room { nam = 'shop', pic = 'gfx/inshop.png', enter = function(s, f) if village.obj:look('truck') then village.obj:del('truck'); village.obj:del('mycat'); return [[ When I entered the shop, I almost ran into an unpleasant man in a grey coat and broad-brimmed hat... He apologized in a sort of hissing voice and feighned raising his hat... White teeth flashed from under the brim... When I reached the counter, I heard the engine starting.]]; end end, act = function(s,w) if w == 1 then return 'There\'s only my car left in the parking lot.'; end end, dsc = [[ The store is somewhat unusual... Here you can find ironware, food, even ammunition... No wonder, since it's the only store in a 100 km area...]], way = { 'village' }, obj = {'shopman',vobj(1, 'окно', 'Through the {window} the parking lot is visible.') }, exit = function(s, t) if t ~= 'village' then return; end if shopman._wantmoney then return 'I was going to step outside, when I was stopped by Vlsdimir\'s quiet semicough... Of course, I forgot to pay...', false; end if not have('news') then shop2.obj[4]:disable(); inv():add('news'); return 'I was going to leave, when Vladimir\'s voice stopped me. — Take the fresh newspaper — it\'s free for you. I walk back, take the paper and leave.'; end end }; carbox = obj { _num = 0, nam = function(s) if s._num > 1 then return 'boxes in the car'; else return 'a box in the car'; end end, act = function(s) if inv():srch('mybox') then return 'I\'ve already got a box in my hands...'; end s._num = s._num - 1; if s._num == 0 then mycar.obj:del('carbox'); end take('mybox'); return 'I took a box from the car.'; end, dsc = function(s) if s._num == 0 then return; elseif s._num == 1 then return 'There is one {box} in the cargo body of my car.'; -- Again not needed, since "boxes" stays the same for all numerals -- elseif s._num < 5 then -- return 'There are '..tostring(s._num)..' {boxes} in the cargo body of my car.'; else return 'There are '..tostring(s._num)..' {boxes} in the cargo body of my car..'; end end, }; mybox = obj { nam = 'a box', inv = 'I am holding a wooden box... A soundly built thing! Might come in handy.', use = function(s, o) if o == 'boxes' then inv():del('mybox'); return 'I put the box back...'; end if o == 'mycar' then inv():del('mybox'); mycar.obj:add('carbox'); carbox._num = carbox._num + 1; return 'I put the box in the cargo body of my car...'; end if o == 'ewall' or o == 'wboxes' then if not cam._broken then return 'The camera won\'t let me...'; end if wboxes._num > 7 then return "It's enough I think..." end inv():del('mybox'); ewall.obj:add('wboxes'); wboxes._num = wboxes._num + 1; if wboxes._num > 1 then return 'I put another box on top of the previous one...'; end return 'I put the box next to the wall...'; end end }; boxes = obj { nam = 'ящики', desc = { [1] = 'Near the parking lot there are many empty wooden {boxes} that once held tins.', }, dsc = function(s) local state = 1; return s.desc[state]; end, act = function(s, t) if carbox._num >= 5 then return 'Maybe I\'ve got enough boxes already?...'; end if inv():srch('mybox') then return 'I\'m holding one box already...'; end take('mybox'); return 'I took a box.'; end, }; village = room { nam = 'parking lot in front of the store', dsc = 'A familiar place in front of the store. The parking lot. All covered with snow...', pic = 'gfx/shop.png', act = function(s, w) if w == 1 then return 'Ordinary bins... White snow covers the garbage...'; end end, exit = function(s, t) if t == 'shop' and seen('mycat') then return 'I called Barsik, but he was too busy with the dumpster... OK, it won\'t take long...'; end end, enter = function(s, f) if ewall:srch('wboxes') and wboxes._num == 1 then ewall.obj:del('wboxes'); ewall._stolen = true; wboxes._num = 0; end if f == 'shop' and not s._ogh then s._ogh = true; set_music("mus/revel.s3m"); guydlg:pon(4); guydlg:poff(8); return 'I glanced over the parking lot and called — Barsik! Barsik! — Where did my cat disappear?'; end end, way = { 'road', 'shop' }, obj = { 'truck', vobj(1,'bins', 'Rusty dumpster {bins} are covered with snow.'), 'guy','boxes' }, }; ----------- trying to go over wall function guardreact() pon(7); if inst:srch('mycar') then inst.obj:del('mycar'); inmycar.way:add('backwall'); inst.way:add('backwall'); return cat([[Four people with submachine guns escorted me to my car. I had to start the engine and drive away from the institute. I drove a dozen kilometers before the military jeep with the seeing-off guards disappeared from the rear-view mirror... ]], walk('inmycar')); end return cat([[Four armed people throw me out of the check-point.^^]], walk('inst')); end guarddlg = dlg { nam = 'guard', pic = 'gfx/guard.png', dsc = [[I can see the angular face of the guard. His eyes look archly, but corners of his mouth are turned down, discouraging any conversation...]], obj = { [1] = phr('One of the institute staff took my cat by mistake — I need to get in.','— Show the pass...', 'poff(2); pon(3);'), [2] = phr('I forgot my pass — may I come in?','— No...', 'poff(1); pon(3);'), [3] = _phr('Do you know Belin? He\'s got my cat — I need to take it...', '— No pass?', 'pon(4)'), [4] = _phr('I just came to get back my cat! Give me Belin\'s number.', [[The guard's eyes change their color. The corners of his lips move up. — Mister, as I understand you have no pass. Walk out of here while you still can...]], 'pon(5, 6)'), [5] = _phr('I\'m gonna hit your face...', 'The guard\'s hand moves to his submachine gun. ', 'poff(6); return guardreact();'), [6] = _phr('OK, I\'m leaving...', '— Don\'t hurry, — the guard no longer hides his smile — I don\'t like you...','poff(5); return guardreact()'), [7] = _phr('Now I\'m gonna shotgun you all...', 'This time the guard doesn\'t even answer. His bloodshot eyes speak louder than any words.','return guardreact()'), }, }; guard = obj { nam = 'guards', dsc = [[ There are {guards} in the kiosk. Looks like they are armed with Kalashnikov submachine guns. ]], act = function(s) return walk('guarddlg'); end, }; kpp = room { nam = 'checkpoint', pic = 'gfx/kpp.png', dsc = [[The checkpoint leaves no doubt that strangers are not welcome in the institute. Lift gate. Latticed kiosk. And silence. ]], obj = { 'guard' }, way = { 'inst' } }; inst = room { nam = 'institute', pic = 'gfx/inst.png', dsc = [[ The building rises over the empty field of snow. Its sinister outline looks more like a jail rather than a research institute. There are railways behind the building. ]], act = function(s, w) if w == 1 then return 'The wall is 5 meters high. Moreover, there is barbed wire on its top, and I suppose it\'s alive...'; end if w == 2 then return 'Yes, Vladimir was right... It\'s some sort of a military headquaters...'; end if w == 3 then return 'Yes — this looks like the van in which the man in gray coat took away my Barsik.'; end end, used = function(s, w, b) if b == 'mybox' and w == 1 then return 'I think the guards will notice me at once.'; end if w == 2 and b == 'gun' and gun._loaded then return 'I\'d get canned for that... Or just beaten... The guards are quite near.'; end if w == 3 and b == 'gun' and gun._loaded then return 'I need the cat, not destruction...'; end end, obj = {vobj(1, 'wall', 'The institute building is surrounded by a heavy concrete {wall}. There\'s a checkpoint at the centre.'), vobj(2, 'cameras', 'Survelliance {cameras} watch the area from the towers.'), vobj(3, 'van', 'Behind the gate I can see the black {van}.')}, way = { 'road', 'kpp' }, exit = function(s, t) if have('mybox') and t ~= 'inmycar' then return 'I won\'t walk around with the box...', false; end end, }; cam = obj { nam = 'surveillance camera', dsc = function(s) if not s._broken then return 'One of the surveillance {cameras} isn\'t far from here. I press myself to the wall to stay unnoticed.'; end return 'The shards of the surveillance {camera} are lying around. They\'re already dusted by snow.'; end, act = function(s) if not s._broken then return 'Damned camera...'; end return 'Ha... You\'ve had it coming, damned mechanism, hadn\'t you? I wonder when will the guards come...'; end, }; wire = obj { nam = 'barbed wire', dsc = function(s) if s._broken then return 'I can see the shreds of barbed {wire}.'; end return 'I can see barbed {wire}.'; end, act = function(s) if s._broken then return 'Now it\'s safe! I can get inside...'; end return 'What if it\'s alive?'; end, }; onwall = room { pic = 'gfx/onwall.png', nam = 'on the wall', dsc = 'I am standing atop the boxes, my head is on the wall top level. It\'s cold.', enter = function(s) if have('mybox') then return 'I cannot climb the wall with a box in my hands.', false; end if wboxes._num < 5 then return 'I try to climb the wall... But it\'s still to high...',false; end return 'I climb the wall over the boxes.'; end, obj = { 'wire' }, way = { 'backwall' } }; wboxes = obj { _num = 0, nam = function(s) if (s._num > 1) then return 'boxes by the wall'; end return 'a box by the wall'; end, act = function(s) return walk('onwall'); end, dsc = function(s) if s._num == 0 then return; elseif s._num == 1 then return 'There is one {box} by the wall.'; -- And again only one plural form -- elseif s._num < 5 then -- return 'There are '..tostring(s._num)..' {boxes}, stacked by the wall.'; else return 'There are '..tostring(s._num)..' {boxes}, stacked by the wall.'; end end, }; ewall = obj { nam = 'wall', dsc = 'Here {the wall} is 4 meters high. The howling snowdrift tosses snowflakes to its bottom.', act = function(s) if not s._ladder then s._ladder = true; shop2:pon(7); end return 'Too high... I\'ll need a ladder.'; end }; backwall = room { pic = 'gfx/instback.png', enter = function(s, f) local st = ''; if ewall._stolen then ewall._stolen = false; st = 'Oho!!! Somebody has stolen my box!!!'; end if f == 'inmycar' then return 'Great... Looks like I managed to get here unnoticed...'..' '; end if f == 'onwall' then return end return 'Rambling through the snowfield I got to the back wall.'..' '; end, nam = 'eastern wall of the institute', dsc = 'I am at the back side of the institute.', obj = { 'ewall', 'cam' }, way = { 'inst', }, exit = function(s, t) if have('mybox') and t ~= 'inmycar' then return 'I won\'t walk around with the box in my hands...', false; end end, };