module Email exposing (Email, decoder, encode, toString) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Encode as Encode exposing (Value) {-| An email address. Having this as a custom type that's separate from String makes certain mistakes impossible. Consider this function: updateEmailAddress : Email -> String -> Http.Request updateEmailAddress email password = ... (The server needs your password to confirm that you should be allowed to update the email address.) Because Email is not a type alias for String, but is instead a separate custom type, it is now impossible to mix up the argument order of the email and the password. If we do, it won't compile! If Email were instead defined as `type alias Email = String`, we could call updateEmailAddress password email and it would compile (and never work properly). This way, we make it impossible for a bug like that to compile! -} type Email = Email String toString : Email -> String toString (Email str) = str encode : Email -> Value encode (Email str) = Encode.string str decoder : Decoder Email decoder = Email Decode.string