commit 70a315165f90a6350a11bddd53b81233d4114ca3 Author: Jane Petrovna Date: Mon Jun 14 16:58:17 2021 -0400 refactor diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d318a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +# ---> Node +# Logs +logs +*.log +npm-debug.log* +yarn-debug.log* +yarn-error.log* +lerna-debug.log* + +# Diagnostic reports ( +report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json + +# Runtime data +pids +*.pid +*.seed +*.pid.lock + +# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover +lib-cov + +# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul +coverage +*.lcov + +# nyc test coverage +.nyc_output + +# Grunt intermediate storage ( +.grunt + +# Bower dependency directory ( +bower_components + +# node-waf configuration +.lock-wscript + +# Compiled binary addons ( +build/Release + +# Dependency directories +node_modules/ +jspm_packages/ + +# Snowpack dependency directory ( +web_modules/ + +# TypeScript cache +*.tsbuildinfo + +# Optional npm cache directory +.npm + +# Optional eslint cache +.eslintcache + +# Microbundle cache +.rpt2_cache/ +.rts2_cache_cjs/ +.rts2_cache_es/ +.rts2_cache_umd/ + +# Optional REPL history +.node_repl_history + +# Output of 'npm pack' +*.tgz + +# Yarn Integrity file +.yarn-integrity + +# dotenv environment variables file +.env +.env.test + +# parcel-bundler cache ( +.cache +.parcel-cache + +# Next.js build output +out + +# Nuxt.js build / generate output +.nuxt +dist + +# Gatsby files +.cache/ +# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js +# +# public + +# vuepress build output +.vuepress/dist + +# Serverless directories +.serverless/ + +# FuseBox cache +.fusebox/ + +# DynamoDB Local files +.dynamodb/ + +# TernJS port file +.tern-port + +# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions +.vscode-test + +# yarn v2 +.yarn/cache +.yarn/unplugged +.yarn/build-state.yml +.yarn/install-state.gz +.pnp.* + +static/ + +.idea + +elm-stuff/ diff --git a/elm-deprecated/elm.json b/elm-deprecated/elm.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01ba003 --- /dev/null +++ b/elm-deprecated/elm.json @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "type": "application", + "source-directories": [ + "src" + ], + "elm-version": "0.19.1", + "dependencies": { + "direct": { + "elm/browser": "1.0.2", + "elm/core": "1.0.5", + "elm/html": "1.0.0", + "elm/http": "2.0.0", + "elm/json": "1.1.3", + "elm/time": "1.0.0", + "elm/url": "1.0.0", + "f0i/iso8601": "1.1.2", + "mdgriffith/elm-ui": "1.1.8" + }, + "indirect": { + "elm/bytes": "1.0.8", + "elm/file": "1.0.5", + "elm/virtual-dom": "1.0.2" + } + }, + "test-dependencies": { + "direct": {}, + "indirect": {} + } +} diff --git a/elm-deprecated/index.html b/elm-deprecated/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c718e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/elm-deprecated/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,14025 @@ + + + + + Main + + + + + +

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/About.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/About.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b65252d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/About.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module About exposing (..)
+import Element exposing (..)
+import Model exposing (..)
+getPage : Model -> Element Msg
+getPage _ =
+    text "About page."
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Account.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Account.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35a5d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Account.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Account exposing (..)
+import Element exposing (..)
+import Model exposing (..)
+getPage : Model -> Element Msg
+getPage _ =
+    text "Account page."
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Api.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Api.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acdbec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Api.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+port module Api exposing (Cred, addServerError, application, decodeErrors, delete, get, login, logout, post, put, register, settings, storeCredWith, username, viewerChanges)
+{-| This module is responsible for communicating to the Conduit API.
+It exposes an opaque Endpoint type which is guaranteed to point to the correct URL.
+import Api.Endpoint as Endpoint exposing (Endpoint)
+import Avatar exposing (Avatar)
+import Browser
+import Browser.Navigation as Nav
+import Http exposing (Body, Expect)
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, Value, decodeString, field, string)
+import Json.Encode as Encode
+import Url exposing (Url)
+import Username exposing (Username)
+-- CRED
+{-| The authentication credentials for the Viewer (that is, the currently logged-in user.)
+This includes:
+  - The cred's Username
+  - The cred's authentication token
+    By design, there is no way to access the token directly as a String.
+    It can be encoded for persistence, and it can be added to a header
+    to a HttpBuilder for a request, but that's it.
+    This token should never be rendered to the end user, and with this API, it
+    can't be!
+type Cred
+    = Cred Username String
+username : Cred -> Username
+username (Cred val _) =
+    val
+credHeader : Cred -> Http.Header
+credHeader (Cred _ str) =
+    Http.header "authorization" ("Token " ++ str)
+{-| It's important that this is never exposed!
+We expose `login` and `application` instead, so we can be certain that if anyone
+ever has access to a `Cred` value, it came from either the login API endpoint
+or was passed in via flags.
+credDecoder : Decoder Cred
+credDecoder =
+    Decode.succeed Cred
+        |> field "username" Username.decoder
+        |> field "token" Decode.string
+decode : Decoder (Cred -> viewer) -> Value -> Result Decode.Error viewer
+decode decoder value =
+    -- It's stored in localStorage as a JSON String;
+    -- first decode the Value as a String, then
+    -- decode that String as JSON.
+    Decode.decodeValue Decode.string value
+        |> Result.andThen (\str -> Decode.decodeString (Decode.field "user" (decoderFromCred decoder)) str)
+port onStoreChange : (Value -> msg) -> Sub msg
+viewerChanges : (Maybe viewer -> msg) -> Decoder (Cred -> viewer) -> Sub msg
+viewerChanges toMsg decoder =
+    onStoreChange (\value -> toMsg (decodeFromChange decoder value))
+decodeFromChange : Decoder (Cred -> viewer) -> Value -> Maybe viewer
+decodeFromChange viewerDecoder val =
+    -- It's stored in localStorage as a JSON String;
+    -- first decode the Value as a String, then
+    -- decode that String as JSON.
+    Decode.decodeValue (storageDecoder viewerDecoder) val
+        |> Result.toMaybe
+storeCredWith : Cred -> Avatar -> Cmd msg
+storeCredWith (Cred uname token) avatar =
+    let
+        json =
+            Encode.object
+                [ ( "user"
+                  , Encode.object
+                        [ ( "username", Username.encode uname )
+                        , ( "token", Encode.string token )
+                        , ( "image", Avatar.encode avatar )
+                        ]
+                  )
+                ]
+    in
+    storeCache (Just json)
+logout : Cmd msg
+logout =
+    storeCache Nothing
+port storeCache : Maybe Value -> Cmd msg
+application :
+    Decoder (Cred -> viewer)
+    ->
+        { init : Maybe viewer -> Url -> Nav.Key -> ( model, Cmd msg )
+        , onUrlChange : Url -> msg
+        , onUrlRequest : Browser.UrlRequest -> msg
+        , subscriptions : model -> Sub msg
+        , update : msg -> model -> ( model, Cmd msg )
+        , view : model -> Browser.Document msg
+        }
+    -> Program Value model msg
+application viewerDecoder config =
+    let
+        init flags url navKey =
+            let
+                maybeViewer =
+                    Decode.decodeValue Decode.string flags
+                        |> Result.andThen (Decode.decodeString (storageDecoder viewerDecoder))
+                        |> Result.toMaybe
+            in
+            config.init maybeViewer url navKey
+    in
+    Browser.application
+        { init = init
+        , onUrlChange = config.onUrlChange
+        , onUrlRequest = config.onUrlRequest
+        , subscriptions = config.subscriptions
+        , update = config.update
+        , view = config.view
+        }
+storageDecoder : Decoder (Cred -> viewer) -> Decoder viewer
+storageDecoder viewerDecoder =
+    Decode.field "user" (decoderFromCred viewerDecoder)
+-- HTTP
+get : Endpoint -> Maybe Cred -> Decoder a -> Cmd a
+get url maybeCred decoder =
+    Endpoint.request
+        { method = "GET"
+        , url = url
+        , expect = Http.expectJson decoder
+        , headers =
+            case maybeCred of
+                Just cred ->
+                    [ credHeader cred ]
+                Nothing ->
+                    []
+        , body = Http.emptyBody
+        , timeout = Nothing
+        , withCredentials = False
+        }
+put : Endpoint -> Cred -> Body -> Decoder a -> Cmd a
+put url cred body decoder =
+    Endpoint.request
+        { method = "PUT"
+        , url = url
+        , expect = Http.expectJson decoder
+        , headers = [ credHeader cred ]
+        , body = body
+        , timeout = Nothing
+        , withCredentials = False
+        }
+post : Endpoint -> Maybe Cred -> Body -> Decoder a -> Cmd a
+post url maybeCred body decoder =
+    Endpoint.request
+        { method = "POST"
+        , url = url
+        , expect = Http.expectJson decoder
+        , headers =
+            case maybeCred of
+                Just cred ->
+                    [ credHeader cred ]
+                Nothing ->
+                    []
+        , body = body
+        , timeout = Nothing
+        , withCredentials = False
+        }
+delete : Endpoint -> Cred -> Body -> Decoder a -> Cmd a
+delete url cred body decoder =
+    Endpoint.request
+        { method = "DELETE"
+        , url = url
+        , expect = Http.expectJson decoder
+        , headers = [ credHeader cred ]
+        , body = body
+        , timeout = Nothing
+        , withCredentials = False
+        }
+login : Http.Body -> Decoder (Cred -> a) -> Cmd a
+login body decoder =
+    post Endpoint.login Nothing body (Decode.field "user" (decoderFromCred decoder))
+register : Http.Body -> Decoder (Cred -> a) -> Cmd a
+register body decoder =
+    post Endpoint.users Nothing body (Decode.field "user" (decoderFromCred decoder))
+settings : Cred -> Http.Body -> Decoder (Cred -> a) -> Cmd a
+settings cred body decoder =
+    put Endpoint.user cred body (Decode.field "user" (decoderFromCred decoder))
+decoderFromCred : Decoder (Cred -> a) -> Decoder a
+decoderFromCred decoder =
+    Decode.map2 (\fromCred cred -> fromCred cred)
+        decoder
+        credDecoder
+addServerError : List String -> List String
+addServerError list =
+    "Server error" :: list
+{-| Many API endpoints include an "errors" field in their BadStatus responses.
+decodeErrors : Http.Error -> List String
+decodeErrors error =
+    case error of
+        Http.BadStatus errid ->
+            [ Int.toString errid ]
+        err ->
+            [ "Server error" ]
+errorsDecoder : Decoder (List String)
+errorsDecoder =
+    Decode.keyValuePairs (Decode.list Decode.string)
+        |> (List.concatMap fromPair)
+fromPair : ( String, List String ) -> List String
+fromPair ( field, errors ) =
+ (\error -> field ++ " " ++ error) errors
+cacheStorageKey : String
+cacheStorageKey =
+    "cache"
+credStorageKey : String
+credStorageKey =
+    "cred"
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Api/Endpoint.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Api/Endpoint.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4a4f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Api/Endpoint.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+module Api.Endpoint exposing (Endpoint, login, request, tags, todo, todoList, user, users)
+import Http
+import Todo.UUID as UUID exposing (UUID)
+import Url.Builder exposing (QueryParameter)
+import Username exposing (Username)
+{-| Http.request, except it takes an Endpoint instead of a Url.
+request :
+    { body : Http.Body
+    , expect : Http.Expect a
+    , headers : List Http.Header
+    , method : String
+    , timeout : Maybe Float
+    , url : Endpoint
+    , tracker : Maybe String
+    }
+    -> Cmd a
+request config =
+    Http.request
+        { body = config.body
+        , expect = config.expect
+        , headers = config.headers
+        , method = config.method
+        , timeout = config.timeout
+        , url = unwrap config.url
+        , tracker = config.tracker
+        }
+{-| Get a URL to the Conduit API.
+This is not publicly exposed, because we want to make sure the only way to get one of these URLs is from this module.
+type Endpoint
+    = Endpoint String
+unwrap : Endpoint -> String
+unwrap (Endpoint str) =
+    str
+url : List String -> List QueryParameter -> Endpoint
+url paths queryParams =
+    -- NOTE: Url.Builder takes care of percent-encoding special URL characters.
+    -- See
+    Url.Builder.crossOrigin ""
+        ("api" :: paths)
+        queryParams
+        |> Endpoint
+login : Endpoint
+login =
+    url [ "users", "login" ] []
+user : Endpoint
+user =
+    url [ "user" ] []
+users : Endpoint
+users =
+    url [ "users" ] []
+follow : Username -> Endpoint
+follow uname =
+    url [ "profiles", Username.toString uname, "follow" ] []
+todo : UUID -> Endpoint
+todo uuid =
+    url [ "articles", UUID.toString uuid ] []
+todoList : List QueryParameter -> Endpoint
+todoList params =
+    url [ "articles" ] params
+tags : Endpoint
+tags =
+    url [ "tags" ] []
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Asset.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Asset.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daa023b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Asset.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+module Asset exposing (Image, defaultAvatar, error, loading, src)
+{-| Assets, such as images, videos, and audio. (We only have images for now.)
+We should never expose asset URLs directly; this module should be in charge of
+all of them. One source of truth!
+import Html exposing (Attribute, Html)
+import Html.Attributes as Attr
+type Image
+    = Image String
+error : Image
+error =
+    image "error.jpg"
+loading : Image
+loading =
+    image "loading.svg"
+defaultAvatar : Image
+defaultAvatar =
+    image "smiley-cyrus.jpg"
+image : String -> Image
+image filename =
+    Image ("/assets/images/" ++ filename)
+src : Image -> Attribute msg
+src (Image url) =
+    Attr.src url
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Avatar.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Avatar.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ecafb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Avatar.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+module Avatar exposing (Avatar, decoder, encode, src, toMaybeString)
+import Asset
+import Html exposing (Attribute)
+import Html.Attributes
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Json.Encode as Encode exposing (Value)
+type Avatar
+    = Avatar (Maybe String)
+decoder : Decoder Avatar
+decoder =
+ Avatar (Decode.nullable Decode.string)
+encode : Avatar -> Value
+encode (Avatar maybeUrl) =
+    case maybeUrl of
+        Just url ->
+            Encode.string url
+        Nothing ->
+            Encode.null
+src : Avatar -> Attribute msg
+src (Avatar maybeUrl) =
+    case maybeUrl of
+        Nothing ->
+            Asset.src Asset.defaultAvatar
+        Just "" ->
+            Asset.src Asset.defaultAvatar
+        Just url ->
+            Html.Attributes.src url
+toMaybeString : Avatar -> Maybe String
+toMaybeString (Avatar maybeUrl) =
+    maybeUrl
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/CommonElements.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/CommonElements.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9bdd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/CommonElements.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+-- this is a list of common styled elements
+module CommonElements exposing (..)
+import Element exposing (..)
+import Element.Font as Font
+bolded : String -> Element msg
+bolded content =
+    el
+        [ Font.bold ]
+        (text content)
+namedLink : String -> String -> Element msg
+namedLink path name =
+    link []
+        { url = "/#" ++ path
+        , label = text name
+        }
+debugLog : a -> a
+debugLog value =
+    let
+        _ =
+            Debug.log "value: " value
+    in
+    value
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Email.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Email.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0181842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Email.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+module Email exposing (Email, decoder, encode, toString)
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Json.Encode as Encode exposing (Value)
+{-| An email address.
+Having this as a custom type that's separate from String makes certain
+mistakes impossible. Consider this function:
+updateEmailAddress : Email -> String -> Http.Request
+updateEmailAddress email password = ...
+(The server needs your password to confirm that you should be allowed
+to update the email address.)
+Because Email is not a type alias for String, but is instead a separate
+custom type, it is now impossible to mix up the argument order of the
+email and the password. If we do, it won't compile!
+If Email were instead defined as `type alias Email = String`, we could
+call updateEmailAddress password email and it would compile (and never
+work properly).
+This way, we make it impossible for a bug like that to compile!
+type Email
+    = Email String
+toString : Email -> String
+toString (Email str) =
+    str
+encode : Email -> Value
+encode (Email str) =
+    Encode.string str
+decoder : Decoder Email
+decoder =
+ Email Decode.string
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Home.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Home.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..462b0a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Home.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Home exposing (..)
+import Element exposing (..)
+import Model exposing (..)
+getPage : Model -> Element Msg
+getPage _ =
+    text "Home page."
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Login.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Login.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa8067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Login.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+module Login exposing (..)
+import CommonElements exposing (..)
+import Element exposing (..)
+import Element.Input as Input
+import Model exposing (..)
+getPage : Model -> Element Msg
+getPage model =
+    column []
+        [ loginBox model
+        , namedLink "/signup" "Sign Up"
+        ]
+loginBox : Model -> Element Msg
+loginBox model =
+    column []
+        [ text "Log in"
+        ,
+            [ Input.focusedOnLoad
+            ]
+            { onChange = CredentialsChange "loginUsername"
+            , text = Maybe.withDefault ""
+            , placeholder = Just (Input.placeholder [] (text ""))
+            , label = Input.labelHidden "email"
+            }
+        , Input.currentPassword []
+            { onChange = CredentialsChange "loginPassword"
+            , text = Maybe.withDefault ""
+            , placeholder = Just (Input.placeholder [] (text ""))
+            , label = Input.labelHidden "password"
+            , show = False
+            }
+        , Input.button []
+            { onPress = Just SubmitLogin
+            , label = text "Log In"
+            }
+        ]
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Main.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Main.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1166ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Main.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+module Main exposing (..)
+import Browser
+import Browser.Navigation as Nav
+import CommonElements exposing (..)
+import Element exposing (..)
+import NavRow exposing (..)
+import PageState exposing (..)
+import Session exposing (Session)
+import Url
+import Viewer exposing (..)
+type Model
+    = Redirect Session
+    | NotFound Session
+    | About Session
+    | Home Home.Model
+    | Account Account.Model
+    | Login Login.Model
+    | Signup Signup.Model
+    | Todo Todo.Model
+    | Editor (Maybe UUID) Editor.Model
+type Msg
+    = UrlChange Url.Url
+    | Request Browser.UrlRequest
+    | GotHomeMsg Home.Msg
+    | GotAccountMsg Account.Msg
+    | GotLoginMsg Login.Msg
+    | GotSignupMsg Signup.Msg
+    | GotEditorMsg Editor.Msg
+    | GotTodoMsg Todo.Msg
+    | GotSession Session
+init : Maybe Viewer -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
+init maybeViewer url key =
+    changeRouteTo (Route.fromUrl url)
+        (Redirect (Session.fromViewer navKey maybeViewer))
+toSession : Model -> Session
+toSession page =
+    case page of
+        Redirect session ->
+            session
+        NotFound session ->
+            session
+        About session ->
+            session
+        Home home ->
+            Home.toSession home
+        Account settings ->
+            Settings.toSession settings
+        Login login ->
+            Login.toSession login
+        Signup signup ->
+            Signup.toSession signup
+        Todo todo ->
+            Todo.toSession todo
+        Editor _ editor ->
+            Editor.toSession editor
+changeRouteTo : Maybe Route -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
+changeRouteTo maybeRoute model =
+    let
+        session =
+            toSession model
+    in
+    case maybeRoute of
+        Nothing ->
+            ( NotFound session, Cmd.none )
+        Just Route.Root ->
+            ( model, Route.replaceUrl (Session.navKey session) Route.Home )
+        Just Route.Logout ->
+            ( model, Api.logout )
+        Just Route.NewTodo ->
+            Editor.initNew session
+                |> updateWith (Editor Nothing) GotEditorMsg model
+        Just (Route.EditTodo slug) ->
+            Editor.initEdit session slug
+                |> updateWith (Editor (Just slug)) GotEditorMsg model
+        Just Route.Account ->
+            Account.init session
+                |> updateWith Account GotAccountMsg model
+        Just Route.Home ->
+            Home.init session
+                |> updateWith Home GotHomeMsg model
+        Just Route.Login ->
+            Login.init session
+                |> updateWith Login GotLoginMsg model
+        Just Route.Signup ->
+            Signup.init session
+                |> updateWith Signup GotSignupMsg model
+        Just (Route.Profile username) ->
+            Profile.init session username
+                |> updateWith (Profile username) GotProfileMsg model
+        Just (Route.Todo slug) ->
+            Todo.init session slug
+                |> updateWith Todo GotArticleMsg model
+update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
+update msg model =
+    case ( msg, model ) of
+        ( _, _ ) ->
+            ( model, Cmd.none )
+updateWith : (subModel -> Model) -> (subMsg -> Msg) -> Model -> ( subModel, Cmd subMsg ) -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
+updateWith toModel toMsg model ( subModel, subCmd ) =
+    ( toModel subModel
+    , toMsg subCmd
+    )
+-- view takes current application state and is responsible
+-- for rendering the document based on it
+view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg
+view model =
+    { title = "Elm App Test"
+    , body =
+        [ layout [ height fill ]
+            (column [ width fill ]
+                [ getNavRow model
+                , getMainContent model
+                ]
+            )
+        ]
+    }
+-- subscriptions takes the current state and
+-- maybe returns the subscriptions based on it (?)
+-- might be used to subscribe to different events based on
+-- the url, etc.
+subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
+subscriptions _ =
+    Sub.none
+main : Program Value Model Msg
+main =
+    Api.application Viewer.decoder
+        { init = init
+        , view = view
+        , update = update
+        , subscriptions = subscriptions
+        , onUrlChange = UrlChange -- these are actual types from Msg
+        , onUrlRequest = Request
+        }
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/NavRow.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/NavRow.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9edcd2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/NavRow.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+module NavRow exposing (..)
+import CommonElements exposing (..)
+import Element exposing (..)
+import Element.Region as Region
+import Model exposing (..)
+import Request exposing (..)
+import Url
+getNavRow : Model -> Element Msg
+getNavRow model =
+    row
+        [ Region.navigation
+        --, explain Debug.todo
+        , paddingXY 10 5
+        , spacing 10
+        , width fill
+        ]
+        [ namedLink "/" "TODOAPP"
+        , getDebugInfo model
+        , getCurrentUser model
+        ]
+-- temp function to get current page url
+-- and links in case shit breaks
+getDebugInfo : Model -> Element Msg
+getDebugInfo model =
+    row
+        [ centerX ]
+        [ text "Current URL: "
+        , bolded (Url.toString model.url)
+        , column []
+            [ namedLink "/" "root"
+            , namedLink "/login" "login"
+            , namedLink "/signup" "signup"
+            , namedLink "/account" "account"
+            , namedLink "/about" "about"
+            ]
+        ]
+getCurrentUser : Model -> Element Msg
+getCurrentUser model =
+    el []
+        (case model.user of
+            Just user ->
+                namedLink "/account"
+            _ ->
+                namedLink "/login" "Log In"
+        )
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/PageState.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/PageState.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2982fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/PageState.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+module PageState exposing (getMainContent)
+import About as AboutPage
+import Account as AccountPage
+import Element exposing (..)
+import Home as HomePage
+import Login as LoginPage
+import Model exposing (..)
+import Signup as SignupPage
+import Url
+import Url.Parser as Parser exposing (..)
+type Route
+    = About
+    | Account
+    | Home
+    | Login
+    | Signup
+    | NotFound
+getMainContent : Model -> Element Msg
+getMainContent model =
+    el []
+        (case consume (toRoute model.url) of
+            About ->
+                AboutPage.getPage model
+            Account ->
+                AccountPage.getPage model
+            Home ->
+                HomePage.getPage model
+            Login ->
+                LoginPage.getPage model
+            Signup ->
+                SignupPage.getPage model
+            _ ->
+                text "Page not found."
+        )
+routeParser : Parser (Route -> a) a
+routeParser =
+    oneOf
+        [ Home top
+        , Account (s "account")
+        , About (s "about")
+        , Login (s "login")
+        , Signup (s "signup")
+        ]
+toRoute : Url.Url -> Maybe Route
+toRoute url =
+    { url | path = Maybe.withDefault "" url.fragment, fragment = Nothing }
+        |> Parser.parse routeParser
+consume : Maybe Route -> Route
+consume route =
+    Maybe.withDefault NotFound route
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Route.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Route.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..484d8a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Route.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+module Route exposing (Route(..), fromUrl, href, replaceUrl)
+import Browser.Navigation as Nav
+import Html exposing (Attribute)
+import Html.Attributes as Attr
+import Todo.UUID as UUID
+import Url exposing (Url)
+import Url.Parser as Parser exposing ((), Parser, oneOf, s, string)
+import Username exposing (Username)
+type Route
+    = Home
+    | Login
+    | Logout
+    | Signup
+    | Account
+    | Todo UUID.UUID
+    | NewTodo
+    | EditTodo UUID.UUID
+parser : Parser (Route -> a) a
+parser =
+    oneOf
+        [ Home
+        , Login (s "login")
+        , Logout (s "logout")
+        , Account (s "account")
+        , Signup (s "signup")
+        , Todo (s "article"  UUID.urlParser)
+        , NewTodo (s "editor")
+        , EditTodo (s "editor"  UUID.urlParser)
+        ]
+href : Route -> Attribute msg
+href targetRoute =
+    Attr.href (routeToString targetRoute)
+replaceUrl : Nav.Key -> Route -> Cmd msg
+replaceUrl key route =
+    Nav.replaceUrl key (routeToString route)
+fromUrl : Url -> Maybe Route
+fromUrl url =
+    -- The RealWorld spec treats the fragment like a path.
+    -- This makes it *literally* the path, so we can proceed
+    -- with parsing as if it had been a normal path all along.
+    { url | path = Maybe.withDefault "" url.fragment, fragment = Nothing }
+        |> Parser.parse parser
+routeToString : Route -> String
+routeToString page =
+    "#/" ++ String.join "/" (routeToPieces page)
+routeToPieces : Route -> List String
+routeToPieces page =
+    case page of
+        Home ->
+            []
+        Login ->
+            [ "login" ]
+        Logout ->
+            [ "logout" ]
+        Signup ->
+            [ "Signup" ]
+        Account ->
+            [ "account" ]
+        Todo uuid ->
+            [ "article", UUID.toString uuid ]
+        NewTodo ->
+            [ "editor" ]
+        EditTodo uuid ->
+            [ "editor", UUID.toString uuid ]
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Session.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Session.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a8e994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Session.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+module Session exposing (Session, changes, cred, fromViewer, navKey, viewer)
+import Api exposing (Cred)
+import Avatar exposing (Avatar)
+import Browser.Navigation as Nav
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Json.Encode as Encode exposing (Value)
+import Profile exposing (Profile)
+import Time
+import Viewer exposing (Viewer)
+type Session
+    = LoggedIn Nav.Key Viewer
+    | Guest Nav.Key
+-- INFO
+viewer : Session -> Maybe Viewer
+viewer session =
+    case session of
+        LoggedIn _ val ->
+            Just val
+        Guest _ ->
+            Nothing
+cred : Session -> Maybe Cred
+cred session =
+    case session of
+        LoggedIn _ val ->
+            Just (Viewer.cred val)
+        Guest _ ->
+            Nothing
+navKey : Session -> Nav.Key
+navKey session =
+    case session of
+        LoggedIn key _ ->
+            key
+        Guest key ->
+            key
+changes : (Session -> msg) -> Nav.Key -> Sub msg
+changes toMsg key =
+    Api.viewerChanges (\maybeViewer -> toMsg (fromViewer key maybeViewer)) Viewer.decoder
+fromViewer : Nav.Key -> Maybe Viewer -> Session
+fromViewer key maybeViewer =
+    -- It's stored in localStorage as a JSON String;
+    -- first decode the Value as a String, then
+    -- decode that String as JSON.
+    case maybeViewer of
+        Just viewerVal ->
+            LoggedIn key viewerVal
+        Nothing ->
+            Guest key
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Signup.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Signup.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64218be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Signup.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+module Signup exposing (..)
+import CommonElements exposing (..)
+import Element exposing (..)
+import Element.Input as Input
+import Model exposing (..)
+getPage : Model -> Element Msg
+getPage model =
+    el [] (signupBox model)
+signupBox : Model -> Element Msg
+signupBox model =
+    column []
+        [ text "Sign up"
+        ,
+            [ Input.focusedOnLoad
+            ]
+            { onChange = CredentialsChange "loginUsername"
+            , text = Maybe.withDefault ""
+            , placeholder = Just (Input.placeholder [] (text "email"))
+            , label = Input.labelHidden "email"
+            }
+        , Input.newPassword []
+            { onChange = CredentialsChange "loginPassword"
+            , text = Maybe.withDefault ""
+            , placeholder = Just (Input.placeholder [] (text "password"))
+            , label = Input.labelHidden "password"
+            , show = False
+            }
+        , Input.newPassword []
+            { onChange = CredentialsChange "confirmPassword"
+            , text = Maybe.withDefault ""
+            , placeholder = Just (Input.placeholder [] (text "confirm password"))
+            , label = Input.labelHidden "confirm password"
+            , show = False
+            }
+        , Input.button []
+            { onPress = ensurePasswordMatch model
+            , label = text "Sign Up"
+            }
+        ]
+ensurePasswordMatch : Model -> Maybe Msg
+ensurePasswordMatch model =
+    if == then
+        Just SubmitSignup
+    else
+        Just SignupPasswordMismatch
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Todo.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Todo.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e97eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Todo.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+module Todo exposing (Full, Preview, Todo, author, body, favorite, favoriteButton, fetch, fromPreview, fullDecoder, mapAuthor, metadata, previewDecoder, unfavorite, unfavoriteButton, uuid)
+{-| The interface to the Todo data structure.
+This includes:
+  - The Todo type itself
+  - Ways to make HTTP requests to retrieve and modify Todos
+  - Ways to access information about an Todo
+  - Converting between various types
+import Api exposing (Cred)
+import Api.Endpoint as Endpoint
+import Author exposing (Author)
+import Element exposing (..)
+import Http
+import Iso8601
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Json.Encode as Encode
+import Markdown
+import Time
+import Todo.Body as Body exposing (Body)
+import Todo.Tag as Tag exposing (Tag)
+import Todo.UUID exposing (UUID)
+import Username as Username exposing (Username)
+import Viewer exposing (Viewer)
+{-| An Todo, optionally with an Todo body.
+To see the difference between { extraInfo : a } and { extraInfo : Maybe Body },
+consider the difference between the "view individual Todo" page (which
+renders one Todo, including its body) and the "Todo feed" -
+which displays multiple Todos, but without bodies.
+This definition for `Todo` means we can write:
+viewTodo : Todo Full -> Html msg
+viewFeed : List (Todo Preview) -> Html msg
+This indicates that `viewTodo` requires an Todo _with a `body` present_,
+wereas `viewFeed` accepts Todos with no bodies. (We could also have written
+it as `List (Todo a)` to specify that feeds can accept either Todos that
+have `body` present or not. Either work, given that feeds do not attempt to
+read the `body` field from Todos.)
+This is an important distinction, because in Request.Todo, the `feed`
+function produces `List (Todo Preview)` because the API does not return bodies.
+Those Todos are useful to the feed, but not to the individual Todo view.
+type Todo a
+    = Todo Internals a
+{-| Metadata about the Todo - its title, description, and so on.
+Importantly, this module's public API exposes a way to read this metadata, but
+not to alter it. This is read-only information!
+If we find ourselves using any particular piece of metadata often,
+for example `title`, we could expose a convenience function like this:
+Todo.title : Todo a -> String
+If you like, it's totally reasonable to expose a function like that for every one
+of these fields!
+(Okay, to be completely honest, exposing one function per field is how I prefer
+to do it, and that's how I originally wrote this module. However, I'm aware that
+this code base has become a common reference point for beginners, and I think it
+is _extremely important_ that slapping some "getters and setters" on a record
+does not become a habit for anyone who is getting started with Elm. The whole
+point of making the Todo type opaque is to create guarantees through
+_selectively choosing boundaries_ around it. If you aren't selective about
+where those boundaries are, and instead expose a "getter and setter" for every
+field in the record, the result is an API with no more guarantees than if you'd
+exposed the entire record directly! It is so important to me that beginners not
+fall into the terrible "getters and setters" trap that I've exposed this
+Metadata record instead of exposing a single function for each of its fields,
+as I did originally. This record is not a bad way to do it, by any means,
+but if this seems at odds with  - now you know why!
+type alias Metadata =
+    { description : String
+    , title : String
+    , tags : List String
+    , createdAt : Time.Posix
+    , favorited : Bool
+    , favoritesCount : Int
+    }
+type alias Internals =
+    { uuid : UUID
+    , author : Author
+    , metadata : Metadata
+    }
+type Preview
+    = Preview
+type Full
+    = Full Body
+-- INFO
+author : Todo a -> Author
+author (Todo internals _) =
+metadata : Todo a -> Metadata
+metadata (Todo internals _) =
+    internals.metadata
+uuid : Todo a -> UUID
+uuid (Todo internals _) =
+    internals.uuid
+body : Todo Full -> Body
+body (Todo _ (Full extraInfo)) =
+    extraInfo
+{-| This is the only way you can transform an existing Todo:
+you can change its author (e.g. to follow or unfollow them).
+All other Todo data necessarily comes from the server!
+We can tell this for sure by looking at the types of the exposed functions
+in this module.
+mapAuthor : (Author -> Author) -> Todo a -> Todo a
+mapAuthor transform (Todo info extras) =
+    Todo { info | author = transform } extras
+fromPreview : Body -> Todo Preview -> Todo Full
+fromPreview newBody (Todo info Preview) =
+    Todo info (Full newBody)
+previewDecoder : Maybe Cred -> Decoder (Todo Preview)
+previewDecoder maybeCred =
+    Decode.succeed Todo
+        |> custom (internalsDecoder maybeCred)
+        |> hardcoded Preview
+fullDecoder : Maybe Cred -> Decoder (Todo Full)
+fullDecoder maybeCred =
+    Decode.succeed Todo
+        |> custom (internalsDecoder maybeCred)
+        |> required "body" ( Full Body.decoder)
+internalsDecoder : Maybe Cred -> Decoder Internals
+internalsDecoder maybeCred =
+    Decode.succeed Internals
+        |> required "uuid" UUID.decoder
+        |> required "author" (Author.decoder maybeCred)
+        |> custom metadataDecoder
+metadataDecoder : Decoder Metadata
+metadataDecoder =
+    Decode.succeed Metadata
+        |> required "description" ( (Maybe.withDefault "") (Decode.nullable Decode.string))
+        |> required "title" Decode.string
+        |> required "tagList" (Decode.list Decode.string)
+        |> required "createdAt" Iso8601.decoder
+        |> required "favorited" Decode.bool
+        |> required "favoritesCount"
+fetch : Maybe Cred -> UUID -> Http.Request (Todo Full)
+fetch maybeCred uuid =
+    Decode.field "Todo" (fullDecoder maybeCred)
+        |> Api.get (Endpoint.Todo uuid) maybeCred
+favorite : UUID -> Cred -> Http.Request (Todo Preview)
+favorite uuid cred =
+ (Endpoint.favorite uuid) (Just cred) Http.emptyBody (faveDecoder cred)
+unfavorite : UUID -> Cred -> Http.Request (Todo Preview)
+unfavorite uuid cred =
+    Api.delete (Endpoint.favorite uuid) cred Http.emptyBody (faveDecoder cred)
+faveDecoder : Cred -> Decoder (Todo Preview)
+faveDecoder cred =
+    Decode.field "Todo" (previewDecoder (Just cred))
+{-| This is a "build your own element" API.
+You pass it some configuration, followed by a `List (Attribute msg)` and a
+`List (Html msg)`, just like any standard Html element.
+favoriteButton :
+    Cred
+    -> msg
+    -> List (Attribute msg)
+    -> List (Element msg)
+    -> Element msg
+favoriteButton _ msg attrs kids =
+    toggleFavoriteButton "btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary" msg attrs kids
+unfavoriteButton :
+    Cred
+    -> msg
+    -> List (Attribute msg)
+    -> List (Element msg)
+    -> Element msg
+unfavoriteButton _ msg attrs kids =
+    toggleFavoriteButton "btn btn-sm btn-primary" msg attrs kids
+toggleFavoriteButton :
+    String
+    -> msg
+    -> List (Attribute msg)
+    -> List (Element msg)
+    -> Element msg
+toggleFavoriteButton classStr msg attrs kids =
+    Html.button
+        (class classStr :: onClickStopPropagation msg :: attrs)
+        (i [ class "ion-heart" ] [] :: kids)
+onClickStopPropagation : msg -> Attribute msg
+onClickStopPropagation msg =
+    stopPropagationOn "click"
+        (Decode.succeed ( msg, True ))
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Todo/UUID.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Todo/UUID.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd200f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Todo/UUID.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+module Todo.UUID exposing (UUID, decoder, toString, urlParser)
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Url.Parser exposing (Parser)
+type UUID
+    = UUID String
+urlParser : Parser (UUID -> a) a
+urlParser =
+    Url.Parser.custom "UUID" (\str -> Just (UUID str))
+decoder : Decoder UUID
+decoder =
+ UUID Decode.string
+toString : UUID -> String
+toString (UUID str) =
+    str
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Username.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Username.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..781104d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Username.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+module Username exposing (Username, decoder, encode, toHtml, toString, urlParser)
+import Element exposing (..)
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Json.Encode as Encode exposing (Value)
+import Url.Parser
+type Username
+    = Username String
+decoder : Decoder Username
+decoder =
+ Username Decode.string
+encode : Username -> Value
+encode (Username username) =
+    Encode.string username
+toString : Username -> String
+toString (Username username) =
+    username
+urlParser : Url.Parser.Parser (Username -> a) a
+urlParser =
+    Url.Parser.custom "USERNAME" (\str -> Just (Username str))
+toHtml : Username -> Element msg
+toHtml (Username username) =
+    text username
diff --git a/elm-deprecated/src/Viewer.elm b/elm-deprecated/src/Viewer.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58ec005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm-deprecated/src/Viewer.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+module Viewer exposing (Viewer, avatar, cred, decoder, minPasswordChars, store, username)
+{-| The logged-in user currently viewing this page. It stores enough data to
+be able to render the menu bar (username and avatar), along with Cred so it's
+impossible to have a Viewer if you aren't logged in.
+import Api exposing (Cred)
+import Avatar exposing (Avatar)
+import Email exposing (Email)
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (custom, required)
+import Json.Encode as Encode exposing (Value)
+import Profile exposing (Profile)
+import Username exposing (Username)
+type Viewer
+    = Viewer Avatar Cred
+-- INFO
+cred : Viewer -> Cred
+cred (Viewer _ val) =
+    val
+username : Viewer -> Username
+username (Viewer _ val) =
+    Api.username val
+avatar : Viewer -> Avatar
+avatar (Viewer val _) =
+    val
+{-| Passwords must be at least this many characters long!
+minPasswordChars : Int
+minPasswordChars =
+    6
+decoder : Decoder (Cred -> Viewer)
+decoder =
+    Decode.succeed Viewer
+        |> custom (Decode.field "image" Avatar.decoder)
+store : Viewer -> Cmd msg
+store (Viewer avatarVal credVal) =
+    Api.storeCredWith
+        credVal
+        avatarVal
diff --git a/todo/LICENSE b/todo/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..212a7ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/todo/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Copyright ©  
+This is anti-capitalist software, released for free use by individuals and organizations that do not operate by capitalist principles.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization (the "User") obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to use, copy, modify, merge, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, subject to the following conditions:
+1. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or modified versions of the Software.
+2. The User is one of the following:
+a. An individual person, laboring for themselves
+b. A non-profit organization
+c. An educational institution
+d. An organization that seeks shared profit for all of its members, and allows non-members to set the cost of their labor
+3. If the User is an organization with owners, then all owners are workers and all workers are owners with equal equity and/or equal vote.
+4. If the User is an organization, then the User is not law enforcement or military, or working for or under either.
diff --git a/todo/ b/todo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85dfcb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/todo/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# todo
diff --git a/todo/config.json b/todo/config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..948073a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/todo/config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  "secret": "TEST_SECRET",
+  "https": false,
+  "alter_db": true,
+  "port": 8080,
+  "db_url": "postgres://postgres:@",
+  "cert": "",
+  "cert_key": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/todo/package.json b/todo/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd35f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/todo/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+  "name": "todo",
+  "version": "1.0.0",
+  "description": "todo list app (because it hasnt been done before)",
+  "main": "src/index.js",
+  "scripts": {
+    "who": "pwd",
+    "build": "cd frontend; elm make src/Main.elm --output=../static/elm.js",
+    "debug": "cd frontend; elm make src/Main.elm --debug --output=../static/elm.js",
+    "prod": "cd frontend; elm make src/Main.elm --optimize --output=../static/elm.js",
+    "start": "node src/index.js"
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "author": "jane ",
+  "license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE",
+  "dependencies": {
+    "cookie-parser": "^1.4.5",
+    "cors": "^2.8.5",
+    "express": "^4.17.1",
+    "pg": "^8.6.0",
+    "sequelize": "^6.6.2"
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/todo/pnpm-lock.yaml b/todo/pnpm-lock.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b8148f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/todo/pnpm-lock.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+  cookie-parser: 1.4.5
+  cors: 2.8.5
+  express: 4.17.1
+  pg: 8.6.0
+  sequelize: 6.6.2_pg@8.6.0
+lockfileVersion: 5.2
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+  /cookie-parser/1.4.5:
+    dependencies:
+      cookie: 0.4.0
+      cookie-signature: 1.0.6
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.8.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-f13bPUj/gG/5mDr+xLmSxxDsB9DQiTIfhJS/sqjrmfAWiAN+x2O4i/XguTL9yDZ+/IFDanJ+5x7hC4CXT9Tdzw==
+  /cookie-signature/1.0.6:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-4wOogrNCzD7oylE6eZmXNNqzriw=
+  /cookie/0.4.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-+Hp8fLp57wnUSt0tY0tHEXh4voZRDnoIrZPqlo3DPiI4y9lwg/jqx+1Om94/W6ZaPDOUbnjOt/99w66zk+l1Xg==
+  /cors/2.8.5:
+    dependencies:
+      object-assign: 4.1.1
+      vary: 1.1.2
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.10'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-KIHbLJqu73RGr/hnbrO9uBeixNGuvSQjul/jdFvS/KFSIH1hWVd1ng7zOHx+YrEfInLG7q4n6GHQ9cDtxv/P6g==
+  /debug/2.6.9:
+    dependencies:
+      ms: 2.0.0
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-bC7ElrdJaJnPbAP+1EotYvqZsb3ecl5wi6Bfi6BJTUcNowp6cvspg0jXznRTKDjm/E7AdgFBVeAPVMNcKGsHMA==
+  /debug/4.3.1:
+    dependencies:
+      ms: 2.1.2
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=6.0'
+    peerDependencies:
+      supports-color: '*'
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      supports-color:
+        optional: true
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-doEwdvm4PCeK4K3RQN2ZC2BYUBaxwLARCqZmMjtF8a51J2Rb0xpVloFRnCODwqjpwnAoao4pelN8l3RJdv3gRQ==
+  /depd/1.1.2:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-m81S4UwJd2PnSbJ0xDRu0uVgtak=
+  /destroy/1.0.4:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-l4hXRCxEdJ5CBmE+N5RiBYJqvYA=
+  /dottie/2.0.2:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-fmrwR04lsniq/uSr8yikThDTrM7epXHBAAjH9TbeH3rEA8tdCO7mRzB9hdmdGyJCxF8KERo9CITcm3kGuoyMhg==
+  /ee-first/1.1.1:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-WQxhFWsK4vTwJVcyoViyZrxWsh0=
+  /encodeurl/1.0.2:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.8'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-rT/0yG7C0CkyL1oCw6mmBslbP1k=
+  /escape-html/1.0.3:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-Aljq5NPQwJdN4cFpGI7wBR0dGYg=
+  /etag/1.8.1:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-Qa4u62XvpiJorr/qg6x9eSmbCIc=
+  /express/4.17.1:
+    dependencies:
+      accepts: 1.3.7
+      array-flatten: 1.1.1
+      body-parser: 1.19.0
+      content-disposition: 0.5.3
+      content-type: 1.0.4
+      cookie: 0.4.0
+      cookie-signature: 1.0.6
+      debug: 2.6.9
+      depd: 1.1.2
+      encodeurl: 1.0.2
+      escape-html: 1.0.3
+      etag: 1.8.1
+      finalhandler: 1.1.2
+      fresh: 0.5.2
+      merge-descriptors: 1.0.1
+      methods: 1.1.2
+      on-finished: 2.3.0
+      parseurl: 1.3.3
+      path-to-regexp: 0.1.7
+      proxy-addr: 2.0.7
+      qs: 6.7.0
+      range-parser: 1.2.1
+      safe-buffer: 5.1.2
+      send: 0.17.1
+      serve-static: 1.14.1
+      setprototypeof: 1.1.1
+      statuses: 1.5.0
+      type-is: 1.6.18
+      utils-merge: 1.0.1
+      vary: 1.1.2
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.10.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-mHJ9O79RqluphRrcw2X/GTh3k9tVv8YcoyY4Kkh4WDMUYKRZUq0h1o0w2rrrxBqM7VoeUVqgb27xlEMXTnYt4g==
+  /finalhandler/1.1.2:
+    dependencies:
+      debug: 2.6.9
+      encodeurl: 1.0.2
+      escape-html: 1.0.3
+      on-finished: 2.3.0
+      parseurl: 1.3.3
+      statuses: 1.5.0
+      unpipe: 1.0.0
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.8'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-aAWcW57uxVNrQZqFXjITpW3sIUQmHGG3qSb9mUah9MgMC4NeWhNOlNjXEYq3HjRAvL6arUviZGGJsBg6z0zsWA==
+  /forwarded/0.2.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-buRG0fpBtRHSTCOASe6hD258tEubFoRLb4ZNA6NxMVHNw2gOcwHo9wyablzMzOA5z9xA9L1KNjk/Nt6MT9aYow==
+  /fresh/0.5.2:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-PYyt2Q2XZWn6g1qx+OSyOhBWBac=
+  /http-errors/1.7.2:
+    dependencies:
+      depd: 1.1.2
+      inherits: 2.0.3
+      setprototypeof: 1.1.1
+      statuses: 1.5.0
+      toidentifier: 1.0.0
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-uUQBt3H/cSIVfch6i1EuPNy/YsRSOUBXTVfZ+yR7Zjez3qjBz6i9+i4zjNaoqcoFVI4lQJ5plg63TvGfRSDCRg==
+  /http-errors/1.7.3:
+    dependencies:
+      depd: 1.1.2
+      inherits: 2.0.4
+      setprototypeof: 1.1.1
+      statuses: 1.5.0
+      toidentifier: 1.0.0
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-ZTTX0MWrsQ2ZAhA1cejAwDLycFsd7I7nVtnkT3Ol0aqodaKW+0CTZDQ1uBv5whptCnc8e8HeRRJxRs0kmm/Qfw==
+  /iconv-lite/0.4.24:
+    dependencies:
+      safer-buffer: 2.1.2
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=0.10.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-v3MXnZAcvnywkTUEZomIActle7RXXeedOR31wwl7VlyoXO4Qi9arvSenNQWne1TcRwhCL1HwLI21bEqdpj8/rA==
+  /inflection/1.12.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      '0': node >= 0.4.0
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-ogCTVlbW9fa8TcdQLhrstwMihBY=
+  /inherits/2.0.3:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-Yzwsg+PaQqUC9SRmAiSA9CCCYd4=
+  /inherits/2.0.4:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-k/vGaX4/Yla3WzyMCvTQOXYeIHvqOKtnqBduzTHpzpQZzAskKMhZ2K+EnBiSM9zGSoIFeMpXKxa4dYeZIQqewQ==
+  /ipaddr.js/1.9.1:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.10'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-0KI/607xoxSToH7GjN1FfSbLoU0+btTicjsQSWQlh/hZykN8KpmMf7uYwPW3R+akZ6R/w18ZlXSHBYXiYUPO3g==
+  /lodash/4.17.21:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-v2kDEe57lecTulaDIuNTPy3Ry4gLGJ6Z1O3vE1krgXZNrsQ+LFTGHVxVjcXPs17LhbZVGedAJv8XZ1tvj5FvSg==
+  /lru-cache/6.0.0:
+    dependencies:
+      yallist: 4.0.0
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=10'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-Jo6dJ04CmSjuznwJSS3pUeWmd/H0ffTlkXXgwZi+eq1UCmqQwCh+eLsYOYCwY991i2Fah4h1BEMCx4qThGbsiA==
+  /media-typer/0.3.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-hxDXrwqmJvj/+hzgAWhUUmMlV0g=
+  /merge-descriptors/1.0.1:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-sAqqVW3YtEVoFQ7J0blT8/kMu2E=
+  /methods/1.1.2:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-VSmk1nZUE07cxSZmVoNbD4Ua/O4=
+  /mime-db/1.48.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-FM3QwxV+TnZYQ2aRqhlKBMHxk10lTbMt3bBkMAp54ddrNeVSfcQYOOKuGuy3Ddrm38I04If834fOUSq1yzslJQ==
+  /mime-types/2.1.31:
+    dependencies:
+      mime-db: 1.48.0
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-XGZnNzm3QvgKxa8dpzyhFTHmpP3l5YNusmne07VUOXxou9CqUqYa/HBy124RqtVh/O2pECas/MOcsDgpilPOPg==
+  /mime/1.6.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=4'
+    hasBin: true
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-x0Vn8spI+wuJ1O6S7gnbaQg8Pxh4NNHb7KSINmEWKiPE4RKOplvijn+NkmYmmRgP68mc70j2EbeTFRsrswaQeg==
+  /moment-timezone/0.5.33:
+    dependencies:
+      moment: 2.29.1
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-PTc2vcT8K9J5/9rDEPe5czSIKgLoGsH8UNpA4qZTVw0Vd/Uz19geE9abbIOQKaAQFcnQ3v5YEXrbSc5BpshH+w==
+  /moment/2.29.1:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-kHmoybcPV8Sqy59DwNDY3Jefr64lK/by/da0ViFcuA4DH0vQg5Q6Ze5VimxkfQNSC+Mls/Kx53s7TjP1RhFEDQ==
+  /ms/2.0.0:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-VgiurfwAvmwpAd9fmGF4jeDVl8g=
+  /ms/2.1.1:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-tgp+dl5cGk28utYktBsrFqA7HKgrhgPsg6Z/EfhWI4gl1Hwq8B/GmY/0oXZ6nF8hDVesS/FpnYaD/kOWhYQvyg==
+  /ms/2.1.2:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-sGkPx+VjMtmA6MX27oA4FBFELFCZZ4S4XqeGOXCv68tT+jb3vk/RyaKWP0PTKyWtmLSM0b+adUTEvbs1PEaH2w==
+  /negotiator/0.6.2:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-hZXc7K2e+PgeI1eDBe/10Ard4ekbfrrqG8Ep+8Jmf4JID2bNg7NvCPOZN+kfF574pFQI7mum2AUqDidoKqcTOw==
+  /object-assign/4.1.1:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=0.10.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-IQmtx5ZYh8/AXLvUQsrIv7s2CGM=
+  /on-finished/2.3.0:
+    dependencies:
+      ee-first: 1.1.1
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.8'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-IPEzZIGwg811M3mSoWlxqi2QaUc=
+  /packet-reader/1.0.0:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-HAKu/fG3HpHFO0AA8WE8q2g+gBJaZ9MG7fcKk+IJPLTGAD6Psw4443l+9DGRbOIh3/aXr7Phy0TjilYivJo5XQ==
+  /parseurl/1.3.3:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.8'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-CiyeOxFT/JZyN5m0z9PfXw4SCBJ6Sygz1Dpl0wqjlhDEGGBP1GnsUVEL0p63hoG1fcj3fHynXi9NYO4nWOL+qQ==
+  /path-to-regexp/0.1.7:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-32BBeABfUi8V60SQ5yR6G/qmf4w=
+  /pg-connection-string/2.5.0:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-r5o/V/ORTA6TmUnyWZR9nCj1klXCO2CEKNRlVuJptZe85QuhFayC7WeMic7ndayT5IRIR0S0xFxFi2ousartlQ==
+  /pg-int8/1.0.1:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=4.0.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-WCtabS6t3c8SkpDBUlb1kjOs7l66xsGdKpIPZsg4wR+B3+u9UAum2odSsF9tnvxg80h4ZxLWMy4pRjOsFIqQpw==
+  /pg-pool/3.3.0_pg@8.6.0:
+    dependencies:
+      pg: 8.6.0
+    dev: false
+    peerDependencies:
+      pg: '>=8.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-0O5huCql8/D6PIRFAlmccjphLYWC+JIzvUhSzXSpGaf+tjTZc4nn+Lr7mLXBbFJfvwbP0ywDv73EiaBsxn7zdg==
+  /pg-protocol/1.5.0:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-muRttij7H8TqRNu/DxrAJQITO4Ac7RmX3Klyr/9mJEOBeIpgnF8f9jAfRz5d3XwQZl5qBjF9gLsUtMPJE0vezQ==
+  /pg-types/2.2.0:
+    dependencies:
+      pg-int8: 1.0.1
+      postgres-array: 2.0.0
+      postgres-bytea: 1.0.0
+      postgres-date: 1.0.7
+      postgres-interval: 1.2.0
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=4'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-qTAAlrEsl8s4OiEQY69wDvcMIdQN6wdz5ojQiOy6YRMuynxenON0O5oCpJI6lshc6scgAY8qvJ2On/p+CXY0GA==
+  /pg/8.6.0:
+    dependencies:
+      buffer-writer: 2.0.0
+      packet-reader: 1.0.0
+      pg-connection-string: 2.5.0
+      pg-pool: 3.3.0_pg@8.6.0
+      pg-protocol: 1.5.0
+      pg-types: 2.2.0
+      pgpass: 1.0.4
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 8.0.0'
+    peerDependencies:
+      pg-native: '>=2.0.0'
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      pg-native:
+        optional: true
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-qNS9u61lqljTDFvmk/N66EeGq3n6Ujzj0FFyNMGQr6XuEv4tgNTXvJQTfJdcvGit5p5/DWPu+wj920hAJFI+QQ==
+  /pgpass/1.0.4:
+    dependencies:
+      split2: 3.2.2
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-YmuA56alyBq7M59vxVBfPJrGSozru8QAdoNlWuW3cz8l+UX3cWge0vTvjKhsSHSJpo3Bom8/Mm6hf0TR5GY0+w==
+  /postgres-array/2.0.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=4'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-VpZrUqU5A69eQyW2c5CA1jtLecCsN2U/bD6VilrFDWq5+5UIEVO7nazS3TEcHf1zuPYO/sqGvUvW62g86RXZuA==
+  /postgres-bytea/1.0.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=0.10.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-AntTPAqokOJtFy1Hz5zOzFIazTU=
+  /postgres-date/1.0.7:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=0.10.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-suDmjLVQg78nMK2UZ454hAG+OAW+HQPZ6n++TNDUX+L0+uUlLywnoxJKDou51Zm+zTCjrCl0Nq6J9C5hP9vK/Q==
+  /postgres-interval/1.2.0:
+    dependencies:
+      xtend: 4.0.2
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=0.10.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-9ZhXKM/rw350N1ovuWHbGxnGh/SNJ4cnxHiM0rxE4VN41wsg8P8zWn9hv/buK00RP4WvlOyr/RBDiptyxVbkZQ==
+  /proxy-addr/2.0.7:
+    dependencies:
+      forwarded: 0.2.0
+      ipaddr.js: 1.9.1
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.10'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-llQsMLSUDUPT44jdrU/O37qlnifitDP+ZwrmmZcoSKyLKvtZxpyV0n2/bD/N4tBAAZ/gJEdZU7KMraoK1+XYAg==
+  /qs/6.7.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-VCdBRNFTX1fyE7Nb6FYoURo/SPe62QCaAyzJvUjwRaIsc+NePBEniHlvxFmmX56+HZphIGtV0XeCirBtpDrTyQ==
+  /range-parser/1.2.1:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-Hrgsx+orqoygnmhFbKaHE6c296J+HTAQXoxEF6gNupROmmGJRoyzfG3ccAveqCBrwr/2yxQ5BVd/GTl5agOwSg==
+  /raw-body/2.4.0:
+    dependencies:
+      bytes: 3.1.0
+      http-errors: 1.7.2
+      iconv-lite: 0.4.24
+      unpipe: 1.0.0
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.8'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-4Oz8DUIwdvoa5qMJelxipzi/iJIi40O5cGV1wNYp5hvZP8ZN0T+jiNkL0QepXs+EsQ9XJ8ipEDoiH70ySUJP3Q==
+  /readable-stream/3.6.0:
+    dependencies:
+      inherits: 2.0.4
+      string_decoder: 1.3.0
+      util-deprecate: 1.0.2
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-BViHy7LKeTz4oNnkcLJ+lVSL6vpiFeX6/d3oSH8zCW7UxP2onchk+vTGB143xuFjHS3deTgkKoXXymXqymiIdA==
+  /retry-as-promised/3.2.0:
+    dependencies:
+      any-promise: 1.3.0
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-CybGs60B7oYU/qSQ6kuaFmRd9sTZ6oXSc0toqePvV74Ac6/IFZSI1ReFQmtCN+uvW1Mtqdwpvt/LGOiCBAY2Mg==
+  /safe-buffer/5.1.2:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-Gd2UZBJDkXlY7GbJxfsE8/nvKkUEU1G38c1siN6QP6a9PT9MmHB8GnpscSmMJSoF8LOIrt8ud/wPtojys4G6+g==
+  /safe-buffer/5.2.1:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-rp3So07KcdmmKbGvgaNxQSJr7bGVSVk5S9Eq1F+ppbRo70+YeaDxkw5Dd8NPN+GD6bjnYm2VuPuCXmpuYvmCXQ==
+  /safer-buffer/2.1.2:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-YZo3K82SD7Riyi0E1EQPojLz7kpepnSQI9IyPbHHg1XXXevb5dJI7tpyN2ADxGcQbHG7vcyRHk0cbwqcQriUtg==
+  /semver/7.3.5:
+    dependencies:
+      lru-cache: 6.0.0
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=10'
+    hasBin: true
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-PoeGJYh8HK4BTO/a9Tf6ZG3veo/A7ZVsYrSA6J8ny9nb3B1VrpkuN+z9OE5wfE5p6H4LchYZsegiQgbJD94ZFQ==
+  /send/0.17.1:
+    dependencies:
+      debug: 2.6.9
+      depd: 1.1.2
+      destroy: 1.0.4
+      encodeurl: 1.0.2
+      escape-html: 1.0.3
+      etag: 1.8.1
+      fresh: 0.5.2
+      http-errors: 1.7.3
+      mime: 1.6.0
+      ms: 2.1.1
+      on-finished: 2.3.0
+      range-parser: 1.2.1
+      statuses: 1.5.0
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.8.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-BsVKsiGcQMFwT8UxypobUKyv7irCNRHk1T0G680vk88yf6LBByGcZJOTJCrTP2xVN6yI+XjPJcNuE3V4fT9sAg==
+  /sequelize-pool/6.1.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 10.0.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-4YwEw3ZgK/tY/so+GfnSgXkdwIJJ1I32uZJztIEgZeAO6HMgj64OzySbWLgxj+tXhZCJnzRfkY9gINw8Ft8ZMg==
+  /sequelize/6.6.2_pg@8.6.0:
+    dependencies:
+      debug: 4.3.1
+      dottie: 2.0.2
+      inflection: 1.12.0
+      lodash: 4.17.21
+      moment: 2.29.1
+      moment-timezone: 0.5.33
+      pg: 8.6.0
+      retry-as-promised: 3.2.0
+      semver: 7.3.5
+      sequelize-pool: 6.1.0
+      toposort-class: 1.0.1
+      uuid: 8.3.2
+      validator: 10.11.0
+      wkx: 0.5.0
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=10.0.0'
+    peerDependencies:
+      mariadb: '*'
+      mysql2: '*'
+      pg: '*'
+      pg-hstore: '*'
+      sqlite3: '*'
+      tedious: '*'
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      mariadb:
+        optional: true
+      mysql2:
+        optional: true
+      pg:
+        optional: true
+      pg-hstore:
+        optional: true
+      sqlite3:
+        optional: true
+      tedious:
+        optional: true
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-H/zrzmTK+tis9PJaSigkuXI57nKBvNCtPQol0yxCvau1iWLzSOuq8t3tMOVeQ+Ep8QH2HoD9/+FCCIAqzUr/BQ==
+  /serve-static/1.14.1:
+    dependencies:
+      encodeurl: 1.0.2
+      escape-html: 1.0.3
+      parseurl: 1.3.3
+      send: 0.17.1
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.8.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-JMrvUwE54emCYWlTI+hGrGv5I8dEwmco/00EvkzIIsR7MqrHonbD9pO2MOfFnpFntl7ecpZs+3mW+XbQZu9QCg==
+  /setprototypeof/1.1.1:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-JvdAWfbXeIGaZ9cILp38HntZSFSo3mWg6xGcJJsd+d4aRMOqauag1C63dJfDw7OaMYwEbHMOxEZ1lqVRYP2OAw==
+  /split2/3.2.2:
+    dependencies:
+      readable-stream: 3.6.0
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-9NThjpgZnifTkJpzTZ7Eue85S49QwpNhZTq6GRJwObb6jnLFNGB7Qm73V5HewTROPyxD0C29xqmaI68bQtV+hg==
+  /statuses/1.5.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-Fhx9rBd2Wf2YEfQ3cfqZOBR4Yow=
+  /string_decoder/1.3.0:
+    dependencies:
+      safe-buffer: 5.2.1
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-hkRX8U1WjJFd8LsDJ2yQ/wWWxaopEsABU1XfkM8A+j0+85JAGppt16cr1Whg6KIbb4okU6Mql6BOj+uup/wKeA==
+  /toidentifier/1.0.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-yaOH/Pk/VEhBWWTlhI+qXxDFXlejDGcQipMlyxda9nthulaxLZUNcUqFxokp0vcYnvteJln5FNQDRrxj3YcbVw==
+  /toposort-class/1.0.1:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-f/0feMi+KMO6Rc1OGj9e4ZO9mYg=
+  /type-is/1.6.18:
+    dependencies:
+      media-typer: 0.3.0
+      mime-types: 2.1.31
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.6'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-TkRKr9sUTxEH8MdfuCSP7VizJyzRNMjj2J2do2Jr3Kym598JVdEksuzPQCnlFPW4ky9Q+iA+ma9BGm06XQBy8g==
+  /unpipe/1.0.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.8'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-sr9O6FFKrmFltIF4KdIbLvSZBOw=
+  /util-deprecate/1.0.2:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-RQ1Nyfpw3nMnYvvS1KKJgUGaDM8=
+  /utils-merge/1.0.1:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.4.0'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-n5VxD1CiZ5R7LMwSR0HBAoQn5xM=
+  /uuid/8.3.2:
+    dev: false
+    hasBin: true
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-+NYs2QeMWy+GWFOEm9xnn6HCDp0l7QBD7ml8zLUmJ+93Q5NF0NocErnwkTkXVFNiX3/fpC6afS8Dhb/gz7R7eg==
+  /validator/10.11.0:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.10'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-X/p3UZerAIsbBfN/IwahhYaBbY68EN/UQBWHtsbXGT5bfrH/p4NQzUCG1kF/rtKaNpnJ7jAu6NGTdSNtyNIXMw==
+  /vary/1.1.2:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>= 0.8'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha1-IpnwLG3tMNSllhsLn3RSShj2NPw=
+  /wkx/0.5.0:
+    dependencies:
+      '@types/node': 15.12.1
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-Xng/d4Ichh8uN4l0FToV/258EjMGU9MGcA0HV2d9B/ZpZB3lqQm7nkOdZdm5GhKtLLhAE7PiVQwN4eN+2YJJUg==
+  /xtend/4.0.2:
+    dev: false
+    engines:
+      node: '>=0.4'
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-LKYU1iAXJXUgAXn9URjiu+MWhyUXHsvfp7mcuYm9dSUKK0/CjtrUwFAxD82/mCWbtLsGjFIad0wIsod4zrTAEQ==
+  /yallist/4.0.0:
+    dev: false
+    resolution:
+      integrity: sha512-3wdGidZyq5PB084XLES5TpOSRA3wjXAlIWMhum2kRcv/41Sn2emQ0dycQW4uZXLejwKvg6EsvbdlVL+FYEct7A==
+  cookie-parser: ^1.4.5
+  cors: ^2.8.5
+  express: ^4.17.1
+  pg: ^8.6.0
+  sequelize: ^6.6.2
diff --git a/todo/src/config.js b/todo/src/config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9343cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/todo/src/config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+const fs = require('fs');
+if (!global.config) {
+  global.config = {}
+  const cfg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./config.json'));
+  if (cfg) {
+    global.config = cfg;
+  }
+class Config {
+  get config() {
+    return global.config;
+  }
+  set config(dat) {
+    global.config = dat; 
+  }
+module.exports = new Config();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/todo/src/db_interface.js b/todo/src/db_interface.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d841c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/todo/src/db_interface.js
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
+const Config = require('./config.js');
+if (!Config.config.db_url) {
+  console.error("No database url found. please set `db_url` in config.json");
+  process.exit();
+const db = new Sequelize(Config.config.db_url);
+const User = db.define('User', {
+  id: {
+    type: Sequelize.DataTypes.UUID,
+    defaultValue: Sequelize.UUIDV4,
+    allowNull: false,
+    primaryKey: true,
+    unique: true
+  },
+  email: {
+    type: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
+    allowNull: false,
+    unique: true
+  },
+  password_hash: {
+    type: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
+    allowNull: true
+  }
+const Todo = db.define('Todo', {
+  id: {
+    type: Sequelize.DataTypes.UUID,
+    defaultValue: Sequelize.UUIDV4,
+    allowNull: false,
+    primaryKey: true,
+    unique: true
+  },
+  content: {
+    type: Sequelize.DataTypes.TEXT,
+    allowNull: false
+  }
+const Tag = db.define('Tag', {
+  id: {
+    type: Sequelize.DataTypes.UUID,
+    defaultValue: Sequelize.UUIDV4,
+    allowNull: false,
+    primaryKey: true,
+    unique: true
+  },
+  content: {
+    type: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
+    allowNull: false
+  }
+let options = {
+  alter: false
+if (Config.config.alter_db) {
+  options.alter = true;
+module.exports = {
+  db: db,
+  constructors: {
+    user: () => { return; }
+  },
+  schemas: {
+    user: User
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/todo/src/index.js b/todo/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c86ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/todo/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+const http = require('http');
+const https = require('https');
+const cors = require('cors');
+const express = require('express');
+const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
+const Config = require('./config.js');
+const UserInterface = require('./user.js');
+let credentials = {};
+if (Config.config.https) {
+  if (
+    fs.existsSync(Config.config.cert) &&
+    fs.existsSync(Config.config.cert_key)
+  ) {
+    credentials.key = fs.readFileSync(Config.config.cert_key);
+    credentials.cert = fs.readFileSync(Config.config.cert);
+  }
+let app = express();
+// force https
+app.use((req, res, next) => {
+  if (Config.config.https) {
+    if (req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'] !== 'https') {
+      return res.redirect(`https://${}${req.url}`);
+    }
+  }
+  return next();
+if (!Config.config.secret) {
+  console.error('No password secret found. please set `secret` in config.json');
+  process.exit();
+} else if (Config.config.https && Config.config.secret == 'TEST_SECRET') {
+  console.error('please do not use the testing secret in production.');
+  process.exit();
+app.use('/api/user', UserInterface.router);
+// serve static files last
+// DISABLED: no longer needs to serve static files
+// due to frontend being employed in elm
+if (Config.config.https) {
+  var server = https.createServer(credentials, app);
+  server.listen(Config.config.port || 8080);
+} else {
+  var server = http.createServer(app);
+  server.listen(Config.config.port || 8080);
+  `listening on port ${Config.config.port || 8080}` +
+    ` with https ${Config.config.https ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}`
diff --git a/todo/src/user.js b/todo/src/user.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..980cb77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/todo/src/user.js
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+const express = require('express');
+const crypto = require('crypto');
+const Config = require('./config.js');
+const Database = require('./db_interface.js');
+let router = express.Router();
+let session_entropy = {};
+user_cache = {};
+email_cache = {};
+async function get_user_details(id) {
+  if (!id) {
+    return undefined;
+  }
+  console.log(`search for user with id ${id}`);
+  if (!user_cache[id]) {
+    let user = await Database.schemas.user.findOne({where: {id: id}});
+    if (!user) {
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    user_cache[] = {
+      id:,
+      email:,
+      password_hash: user.password_hash,
+    };
+    email_cache[] =;
+  }
+  console.log(`returning ${JSON.stringify(user_cache[id])}`);
+  return user_cache[id];
+async function get_user_details_by_email(email) {
+  if (!email) {
+    return undefined;
+  }
+  console.log(`search for user with email ${email}}`);
+  if (!email_cache[email] || !user_cache[email_cache[email]]) {
+    let user = await Database.schemas.user.findOne({where: {email: email}});
+    if (!user) {
+      return undefined;
+    }
+    user_cache[] = {
+      id:,
+      email:,
+      password_hash: user.password_hash,
+    };
+    email_cache[] =;
+  }
+  console.log(`returning ${JSON.stringify(user_cache[email_cache[email]])}`);
+  return user_cache[email_cache[email]];
+router.get('/byEmail/:email', async (req, res) => {
+  if (!req.params?.email) {
+    res.status(400).json({
+      error: 'email is a required parameter',
+    });
+  }
+  let user = get_user_details_by_email(;
+  console.log(user);
+  if (user != null) {
+    res.json({
+      id:,
+      email:,
+    });
+  } else {
+    res.sendStatus(404);
+  }
+function hash(secret, password) {
+  let pw_hash = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(
+    password,
+    secret,
+    Config.config.key?.iterations || 1000,
+    Config.config.key?.length || 64,
+    'sha512'
+  );
+  return pw_hash.toString('base64');
+function verify(secret, password, hash) {
+  let pw_hash = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(
+    password,
+    secret,
+    Config.config.key?.iterations || 1000,
+    Config.config.key?.length || 64,
+    'sha512'
+  );
+  return hash === pw_hash.toString('base64');
+function hash_password(password) {
+  return hash(Config.config.secret, password);
+function verify_password(password, hash) {
+  return verify(Config.config.secret, password, hash);
+function get_session_token(id, token) {
+  session_entropy[id] = crypto.randomBytes(Config.config.session_entropy || 32);
+  return hash(session_entropy[id], token);
+function verify_session_token(id, hash, token) {
+  if (session_entropy[id]) {
+    return verify(session_entropy[id], hash, token);
+  } else {
+    return false;
+  }
+async function enforce_session_login(req, res, next) {
+  let userid = req.cookies?.userid;
+  let session_token = req.cookies?._session;
+  console.log('a', userid, session_token);
+  if (!userid || !session_token) {
+    return res.sendStatus(401);
+  }
+  let user = await get_user_details(userid);
+  if (!user) {
+    return res.sendStatus(401);
+  }
+  let verified_session = verify_session_token(
+    userid,
+    user.password_hash,
+    session_token
+  );
+  if (!verified_session) {
+    return res.sendStatus(401);
+  }
+  return next();
+'/new', async (req, res) => {
+  if (!req.body?.email || !req.body?.password) {
+    return res.status(400).json({
+      error: 'must have email and password fields',
+    });
+  }
+  let user = await get_user_details_by_email(;
+  console.log(user);
+  if (user != null) {
+    return res.status(403).json({
+      error: `email ${} is already in use.`,
+    });
+  } else {
+    let user = await Database.schemas.user.create({
+      email: String(,
+      password_hash: hash_password(req.body.password),
+    });
+    return res.json({
+      id:,
+      email:,
+    });
+  }
+'/login', async (req, res) => {
+  if (!req.body?.email || !req.body?.password) {
+    return res.status(400).json({
+      error: 'must have email and password fields',
+    });
+  }
+  let user = await get_user_details_by_email(;
+  if (!user) {
+    return res.status(401).json({
+      error: 'incorrect email or password',
+    });
+  }
+  let verified = verify_password(req.body.password, user.password_hash);
+  if (!verified) {
+    return res.status(401).json({
+      error: 'incorrect email or password',
+    });
+  }
+  res.cookie('userid',, {
+    httpOnly: true,
+    secure: true,
+  });
+  res.cookie('_session', get_session_token(, user.password_hash), {
+    httpOnly: true,
+    secure: true,
+  });
+  return res.sendStatus(204);
+router.get('/:id([a-f0-9-]+)', async (req, res) => {
+  console.log(req.params);
+  if (!req.params?.id) {
+    return res.status(400).json({
+      error: 'must have id parameter',
+    });
+  }
+  let id = req.params?.id;
+  console.log(id);
+  let user = await get_user_details(id);
+  console.log(user);
+  if (user != null) {
+    return res.json({
+      id:,
+      email:,
+    });
+  } else {
+    return res.sendStatus(404);
+  }
+router.use('/authorized', enforce_session_login);
+router.get('/authorized', async (req, res) => {
+  let userid = req.cookies?.userid;
+  let user = await get_user_details(userid);
+  return res.json({
+    authorized: true,
+    user: {
+      id:,
+      email:,
+    },
+  });
+module.exports = {
+  router: router,
+  enforce_session_login: enforce_session_login,