'; if(!empty($_SESSION['signed_in'])){ $get_user = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1'); $get_user->bind_param('i', $_SESSION['user_id']); $get_user->execute(); $user_result = $get_user->get_result(); $user = $user_result->fetch_assoc(); userContent($user, ""); } sidebarSetting(); echo ''; echo '
Posts from Verified Users Get the latest news here!
'; $get_posts = $dbc->prepare('SELECT posts.* FROM posts, users WHERE posts.post_by_id = users.user_id AND users.user_level > 1 AND posts.deleted = 0 ORDER BY posts.date_time DESC LIMIT 25'); $get_posts->execute(); $posts_result = $get_posts->get_result(); while($posts = $posts_result->fetch_array()){ $get_title = $dbc->prepare('SELECT title_id, title_name, title_icon FROM titles WHERE title_id = ? LIMIT 1'); $get_title->bind_param('i', $posts['post_title']); $get_title->execute(); $title_result = $get_title->get_result(); $title = $title_result->fetch_assoc(); $get_user = $dbc->prepare('SELECT users.*, profiles.* FROM users INNER JOIN profiles ON profiles.user_id = ? WHERE users.user_id = ?'); $get_user->bind_param('ii', $posts['post_by_id'], $posts['post_by_id']); $get_user->execute(); $user_result = $get_user->get_result(); $user = $user_result->fetch_assoc(); echo '

'. $title['title_name'] .'

'; $check_followed = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * FROM follows WHERE follow_by = ? AND follow_to = ? LIMIT 1'); $check_followed->bind_param('ii', $_SESSION['user_id'], $user['user_id']); $check_followed->execute(); $followed_result = $check_followed->get_result(); if (($followed_result->num_rows == 0) && ($_SESSION['user_id'] != $user['user_id']) && !empty($_SESSION['signed_in'])){ echo ' '; } echo '

'. htmlspecialchars($user['nickname'], ENT_QUOTES) .'

'. $user['bio'] .'

'; if (!empty($posts['post_image'])){ echo '
'; } echo '
'. (mb_strlen($posts['text']) > 199 ? htmlspecialchars(mb_substr($posts['text'],0,200), ENT_QUOTES) .'...' : htmlspecialchars($posts['text'], ENT_QUOTES)) . '
'; echo '

'. humanTiming(strtotime($posts['date_time'])) .'

'; $yeah_count = $dbc->prepare('SELECT COUNT(yeah_by) FROM yeahs WHERE type = "post" AND yeahs.yeah_post = ?'); $yeah_count->bind_param('i', $posts['id']); $yeah_count->execute(); $result_count = $yeah_count->get_result(); $yeah_amount = $result_count->fetch_assoc(); echo '
' . $yeah_amount['COUNT(yeah_by)'] . '
'; $reply_count = $dbc->prepare('SELECT COUNT(reply_id) FROM replies WHERE reply_post = ? AND deleted = 0'); $reply_count->bind_param('i', $posts['id']); $reply_count->execute(); $result_count = $reply_count->get_result(); $reply_amount = $result_count->fetch_assoc(); echo '
' . $reply_amount['COUNT(reply_id)'] . '
'; }