Delete 'userYeahs.php'

This commit is contained in:
Robert 2019-12-04 00:02:25 +00:00
parent 7b2ab04e29
commit a65f8f727f
1 changed files with 0 additions and 193 deletions

View File

@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
$get_user = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * FROM users INNER JOIN profiles ON profiles.user_id = users.user_id WHERE user_name = ? LIMIT 1');
$get_user->bind_param('s', $action);
$user_result = $get_user->get_result();
if ($user_result->num_rows == 0) {
} else {
$user = $user_result->fetch_assoc();
if (!((isset($_GET['offset']) && is_numeric($_GET['offset'])) && isset($_GET['dateTime']))) {
$tabTitle = 'Ziiverse - '. htmlspecialchars($user['nickname'], ENT_QUOTES) .'\'s Profile';
echo '<script>var loadOnScroll=true;</script><div id="sidebar" class="user-sidebar">';
userContent($user, "yeahs");
userSidebarSetting($user, 3);
echo '</div>
<div class="main-column">
<div class="post-list-outline">
<h2 class="label">'. htmlspecialchars($user['nickname'], ENT_QUOTES) .'\'s Yeahs</h2>
<div class="post-body">
<div class="list multi-timeline-post-list" data-next-page-url="/users/'. $user['user_name'] .'/yeahs?offset=1&dateTime='.date("Y-m-d H:i:s").'">';
$get_yeahs = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * FROM yeahs WHERE yeah_by = ? ORDER BY yeah_id DESC LIMIT 20');
$get_yeahs->bind_param('i', $user['user_id']);
} else {
$offset = ($_GET['offset'] * 25);
$dateTime = htmlspecialchars($_GET['dateTime']);
$get_yeahs = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * FROM yeahs WHERE yeah_by = ? AND date_time < ? ORDER BY date_time DESC LIMIT 20 OFFSET ?');
$get_yeahs->bind_param('isi', $user['user_id'], $dateTime, $offset);
$yeahs_result = $get_yeahs->get_result();
if (!$yeahs_result->num_rows == 0) {
while ($yeahs = $yeahs_result->fetch_array()) {
if ($yeahs['type'] == "post") {
$get_posts = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * FROM posts INNER JOIN titles ON title_id = post_title INNER JOIN users ON user_id = post_by_id WHERE id = ? AND deleted = 0 LIMIT 1');
$get_posts->bind_param('i', $yeahs['yeah_post']);
$posts_result = $get_posts->get_result();
if ($posts_result->num_rows==0) {
$posts = $posts_result->fetch_assoc();
echo '<div data-href="/posts/'. $posts['id'] .'" class="post post-subtype-default trigger">
<p class="community-container">
<a class="test-community-link" href="/titles/'. $posts['title_id'] .'"><img src="'. $posts['title_icon'] .'" class="community-icon">'. $posts['title_name'] .'</a></p>';
printPost($posts, 1);
} else {
$get_replies = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * FROM replies WHERE reply_id = ? LIMIT 1');
$get_replies->bind_param('i', $yeahs['yeah_post']);
$replies_result = $get_replies->get_result();
$replies = $replies_result->fetch_assoc();
$get_user_post = $dbc->prepare('SELECT users.* FROM users, posts WHERE users.user_id = posts.post_by_id AND = ? LIMIT 1');
$get_user_post->bind_param('i', $replies['reply_post']);
$user_post_result = $get_user_post->get_result();
$user_post = $user_post_result->fetch_assoc();
$get_reply_post = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1');
$get_reply_post->bind_param('i', $replies['reply_post']);
$reply_post_result = $get_reply_post->get_result();
$reply_post = $reply_post_result->fetch_assoc();
$get_reply_user = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1');
$get_reply_user->bind_param('i', $replies['reply_by_id']);
$reply_user_result = $get_reply_user->get_result();
$reply_user = $reply_user_result->fetch_assoc();
echo '<div data-href="/replies/'. $replies['reply_id'] .'" class="post post-subtype-default trigger">
<p class="community-container">
<a class="test-community-link" href="/posts/'. $replies['reply_post'] .'"><img src="'. printFace($user_post['user_face'], $reply_post['feeling_id']) .'" class="community-icon">Comment on '. htmlspecialchars($user_post['nickname'], ENT_QUOTES) .'\'s Post</a>
<a href="/users/'. $reply_user['user_name'] .'/posts" class="icon-container';
if ($reply_user['user_level'] > 1) {
echo ' verified';
echo '"><img src="'. printFace($reply_user['user_face'], $replies['feeling_id']) .'" id="icon"></a><p class="user-name"><a href="/users/'. $reply_user['user_name'] .'/posts">'. htmlspecialchars($reply_user['nickname'], ENT_QUOTES) .'</a></p><p class="timestamp-container"><a id="timestamp">' .
humanTiming(strtotime($replies['date_time'])) . '</a></p><div id="body">';
if (!empty($replies['reply_image'])) {
echo '<div class="screenshot-container"><img src="' . $replies['reply_image'] . '"></div>';
echo '<div id="post-body">'. (mb_strlen($replies['text']) > 199 ? mb_substr($replies['text'],0,200) . '...' : $replies['text']) .'</div><div id="post-meta">';
$yeah_count = $dbc->prepare('SELECT COUNT(yeah_by) FROM yeahs WHERE type = "reply" AND yeah_post = ?');
$yeah_count->bind_param('i', $replies['reply_id']);
$result_count = $yeah_count->get_result();
$yeah_amount = $result_count->fetch_assoc();
$nah_count = $dbc->prepare('SELECT COUNT(nah_by) FROM nahs WHERE type = 1 AND nah_post = ?');
$nah_count->bind_param('i', $replies['reply_id']);
$result_count = $nah_count->get_result();
$nah_amount = $result_count->fetch_assoc();
$yeahs = $yeah_amount['COUNT(yeah_by)'] - $nah_amount['COUNT(nah_by)'];
echo '<button class="yeah symbol';
if (!empty($_SESSION['signed_in']) && checkYeahAdded($replies['reply_id'], 'reply', $_SESSION['user_id'])) {
echo ' yeah-added';
echo '"';
if (empty($_SESSION['signed_in']) || checkReplyCreator($replies['reply_id'], $_SESSION['user_id'])) {
echo ' disabled ';
echo 'id="'. $replies['reply_id'] .'" data-track-label="reply"><span class="yeah-button-text">';
if (!empty($_SESSION['signed_in']) && checkYeahAdded($replies['reply_id'], 'reply', $_SESSION['user_id'])) {
echo 'Unyeah';
} else {
echo 'Yeah!';
echo '</span></button>';
echo '<button class="nah symbol';
if (!empty($_SESSION['signed_in']) && checkNahAdded($replies['reply_id'], 1, $_SESSION['user_id'])) {
echo ' nah-added';
echo '"';
if (empty($_SESSION['signed_in']) || checkReplyCreator($replies['reply_id'], $_SESSION['user_id'])) {
echo ' disabled ';
echo 'id="'. $replies['reply_id'] .'" data-track-label="1"><span class="nah-button-text">';
if (!empty($_SESSION['signed_in']) && checkNahAdded($replies['reply_id'], 1, $_SESSION['user_id'])) {
echo 'Un-nah.';
} else {
echo 'Nah...';
echo '</span></button>';
echo '<div class="empathy symbol" yeahs="'. $yeah_amount['COUNT(yeah_by)'] .'" nahs="'. $nah_amount['COUNT(nah_by)'] .'" title="'. $yeah_amount['COUNT(yeah_by)'] .' '. ($yeah_amount['COUNT(yeah_by)'] == 1 ? 'Yeah' : 'Yeahs') .' / '. $nah_amount['COUNT(nah_by)'] .' '. ($nah_amount['COUNT(nah_by)'] == 1 ? 'Nah' : 'Nahs') .'"><span class="yeah-count">'. $yeahs .'</span></div>';
echo '</div></div></div>';
} else {
if (!((isset($_GET['offset']) && is_numeric($_GET['offset'])) && isset($_GET['dateTime']))) {
echo '
<div id="user-page-no-content" class="no-content"><div>
<p>There are no posts with Yeahs yet.</p>