const std = @import("std"); const c = @cImport({ @cInclude("SDL2/SDL.h"); @cInclude("microui.h"); @cInclude("renderer.h"); }); export fn text_width(font: c.mu_Font, text: [*c]const u8, len: c_int) c_int { var actual_len: c_int = len; if (actual_len == -1) { actual_len = @intCast(c_int, std.mem.len(text)); } return c.r_get_text_width(text, actual_len); } export fn text_height(font: c.mu_Font) c_int { // TODO handle font data? return c.r_get_text_height(); } fn toMuMouse(sdl_mouse: u8) u8 { return switch (sdl_mouse) { c.SDL_BUTTON_LEFT => c.MU_MOUSE_LEFT, c.SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT => c.MU_MOUSE_RIGHT, c.SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE => c.MU_MOUSE_MIDDLE, else => 0, }; } fn toMuKey(sdl_key: i32) u8 { return switch (sdl_key) { c.SDLK_LSHIFT => c.MU_KEY_SHIFT, c.SDLK_RSHIFT => c.MU_KEY_SHIFT, c.SDLK_LCTRL => c.MU_KEY_CTRL, c.SDLK_RCTRL => c.MU_KEY_CTRL, c.SDLK_LALT => c.MU_KEY_ALT, c.SDLK_RALT => c.MU_KEY_ALT, c.SDLK_RETURN => c.MU_KEY_RETURN, c.SDLK_BACKSPACE => c.MU_KEY_BACKSPACE, else => 0, }; } fn testWindow(ctx: *c.mu_Context) void { if (c.mu_begin_window(ctx, "test", c.mu_rect(350, 40, 300, 200)) != 0) { c.mu_end_window(ctx); } } fn processFrame(ctx: *c.mu_Context) void { c.mu_begin(ctx); testWindow(ctx); c.mu_end(ctx); } pub fn main() anyerror!void { _ = c.SDL_Init(c.SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING); c.r_init(); var ctx = try std.heap.c_allocator.create(c.mu_Context); defer std.heap.c_allocator.destroy(ctx); c.mu_init(ctx); ctx.text_width = text_width; ctx.text_height = text_height; while (true) { var e: c.SDL_Event = undefined; while (c.SDL_PollEvent(&e) != 0) { switch (e.@"type") { c.SDL_QUIT => std.os.exit(0), c.SDL_MOUSEMOTION => c.mu_input_mousemove(ctx, e.motion.x, e.motion.y), c.SDL_MOUSEWHEEL => c.mu_input_scroll(ctx, 0, e.motion.y * -30), c.SDL_TEXTINPUT => c.mu_input_text(ctx, &e.text.text), c.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, c.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP => { const b = toMuMouse(e.button.button); if (b != 0 and e.type == c.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { c.mu_input_mousedown(ctx, e.button.x, e.button.y, b); } if (b != 0 and e.type == c.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) { c.mu_input_mouseup(ctx, e.button.x, e.button.y, b); } }, c.SDL_KEYDOWN, c.SDL_KEYUP => { var mu_char = toMuKey(e.key.keysym.sym); if (mu_char != 0 and e.@"type" == c.SDL_KEYDOWN) { c.mu_input_keydown(ctx, mu_char); } if (mu_char != 0 and e.@"type" == c.SDL_KEYUP) { c.mu_input_keyup(ctx, mu_char); } }, else => {}, } } processFrame(ctx); var clr = c.mu_Color{ .r = 255, .g = 0, .b = 0, .a = 255 }; std.debug.warn("color: {}\n", .{clr}); c.r_clear(clr); std.debug.warn("sex\n", .{}); var cmd: ?*c.mu_Command = null; while (c.mu_next_command(ctx, &cmd) != 0) { switch (cmd.?.@"type") { c.MU_COMMAND_TEXT => c.r_draw_text(&cmd.?.text.str, cmd.?.text.pos, cmd.?.text.color), c.MU_COMMAND_RECT => c.r_draw_rect(cmd.?.rect.rect, cmd.?.rect.color), c.MU_COMMAND_ICON => c.r_draw_icon(cmd.?, cmd.?.icon.rect, cmd.?.icon.color), c.MU_COMMAND_CLIP => c.r_set_clip_rect(cmd.?.clip.rect), else => {}, } } c.r_present(); } }