/* ** Copyright (c) 2020 rxi ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the MIT license. See `microui.c` for details. */ #ifndef MICROUI_H #define MICROUI_H #define MU_VERSION "2.01" #define MU_COMMANDLIST_SIZE (256 * 1024) #define MU_ROOTLIST_SIZE 32 #define MU_CONTAINERSTACK_SIZE 32 #define MU_CLIPSTACK_SIZE 32 #define MU_IDSTACK_SIZE 32 #define MU_LAYOUTSTACK_SIZE 16 #define MU_CONTAINERPOOL_SIZE 48 #define MU_TREENODEPOOL_SIZE 48 #define MU_MAX_WIDTHS 16 #define MU_REAL float #define MU_REAL_FMT "%.3g" #define MU_SLIDER_FMT "%.2f" #define MU_MAX_FMT 127 #define mu_stack(T, n) struct { int idx; T items[n]; } #define mu_min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define mu_max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define mu_clamp(x, a, b) mu_min(b, mu_max(a, x)) enum { MU_CLIP_PART = 1, MU_CLIP_ALL }; enum { MU_COMMAND_JUMP = 1, MU_COMMAND_CLIP, MU_COMMAND_RECT, MU_COMMAND_TEXT, MU_COMMAND_ICON, MU_COMMAND_MAX }; enum { MU_COLOR_TEXT, MU_COLOR_BORDER, MU_COLOR_WINDOWBG, MU_COLOR_TITLEBG, MU_COLOR_TITLETEXT, MU_COLOR_PANELBG, MU_COLOR_BUTTON, MU_COLOR_BUTTONHOVER, MU_COLOR_BUTTONFOCUS, MU_COLOR_BASE, MU_COLOR_BASEHOVER, MU_COLOR_BASEFOCUS, MU_COLOR_SCROLLBASE, MU_COLOR_SCROLLTHUMB, MU_COLOR_MAX }; enum { MU_ICON_CLOSE = 1, MU_ICON_CHECK, MU_ICON_COLLAPSED, MU_ICON_EXPANDED, MU_ICON_MAX }; enum { MU_RES_ACTIVE = (1 << 0), MU_RES_SUBMIT = (1 << 1), MU_RES_CHANGE = (1 << 2) }; enum { MU_OPT_ALIGNCENTER = (1 << 0), MU_OPT_ALIGNRIGHT = (1 << 1), MU_OPT_NOINTERACT = (1 << 2), MU_OPT_NOFRAME = (1 << 3), MU_OPT_NORESIZE = (1 << 4), MU_OPT_NOSCROLL = (1 << 5), MU_OPT_NOCLOSE = (1 << 6), MU_OPT_NOTITLE = (1 << 7), MU_OPT_HOLDFOCUS = (1 << 8), MU_OPT_AUTOSIZE = (1 << 9), MU_OPT_POPUP = (1 << 10), MU_OPT_CLOSED = (1 << 11), MU_OPT_EXPANDED = (1 << 12) }; enum { MU_MOUSE_LEFT = (1 << 0), MU_MOUSE_RIGHT = (1 << 1), MU_MOUSE_MIDDLE = (1 << 2) }; enum { MU_KEY_SHIFT = (1 << 0), MU_KEY_CTRL = (1 << 1), MU_KEY_ALT = (1 << 2), MU_KEY_BACKSPACE = (1 << 3), MU_KEY_RETURN = (1 << 4) }; typedef struct mu_Context mu_Context; typedef unsigned mu_Id; typedef MU_REAL mu_Real; typedef void* mu_Font; typedef struct { int x, y; } mu_Vec2; typedef struct { int x, y, w, h; } mu_Rect; typedef struct { unsigned char r, g, b, a; } mu_Color; typedef struct { mu_Id id; int last_update; } mu_PoolItem; typedef struct { int type, size; } mu_BaseCommand; typedef struct { mu_BaseCommand base; void *dst; } mu_JumpCommand; typedef struct { mu_BaseCommand base; mu_Rect rect; } mu_ClipCommand; typedef struct { mu_BaseCommand base; mu_Rect rect; mu_Color color; } mu_RectCommand; typedef struct { mu_BaseCommand base; mu_Font font; mu_Vec2 pos; mu_Color color; char str[1]; } mu_TextCommand; typedef struct { mu_BaseCommand base; mu_Rect rect; int id; mu_Color color; } mu_IconCommand; typedef union { int type; mu_BaseCommand base; mu_JumpCommand jump; mu_ClipCommand clip; mu_RectCommand rect; mu_TextCommand text; mu_IconCommand icon; } mu_Command; typedef struct { mu_Rect body; mu_Rect next; mu_Vec2 position; mu_Vec2 size; mu_Vec2 max; int widths[MU_MAX_WIDTHS]; int items; int item_index; int next_row; int next_type; int indent; } mu_Layout; typedef struct { mu_Command *head, *tail; mu_Rect rect; mu_Rect body; mu_Vec2 content_size; mu_Vec2 scroll; int zindex; int open; } mu_Container; typedef struct { mu_Font font; mu_Vec2 size; int padding; int spacing; int indent; int title_height; int scrollbar_size; int thumb_size; mu_Color colors[MU_COLOR_MAX]; } mu_Style; struct mu_Context { /* callbacks */ int (*text_width)(mu_Font font, const char *str, int len); int (*text_height)(mu_Font font); void (*draw_frame)(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Rect rect, int colorid); /* core state */ mu_Style _style; mu_Style *style; mu_Id hover; mu_Id focus; mu_Id last_id; mu_Rect last_rect; int last_zindex; int updated_focus; int frame; mu_Container *hover_root; mu_Container *next_hover_root; mu_Container *scroll_target; char number_edit_buf[MU_MAX_FMT]; mu_Id number_edit; /* stacks */ mu_stack(char, MU_COMMANDLIST_SIZE) command_list; mu_stack(mu_Container*, MU_ROOTLIST_SIZE) root_list; mu_stack(mu_Container*, MU_CONTAINERSTACK_SIZE) container_stack; mu_stack(mu_Rect, MU_CLIPSTACK_SIZE) clip_stack; mu_stack(mu_Id, MU_IDSTACK_SIZE) id_stack; mu_stack(mu_Layout, MU_LAYOUTSTACK_SIZE) layout_stack; /* retained state pools */ mu_PoolItem container_pool[MU_CONTAINERPOOL_SIZE]; mu_Container containers[MU_CONTAINERPOOL_SIZE]; mu_PoolItem treenode_pool[MU_TREENODEPOOL_SIZE]; /* input state */ mu_Vec2 mouse_pos; mu_Vec2 last_mouse_pos; mu_Vec2 mouse_delta; mu_Vec2 scroll_delta; int mouse_down; int mouse_pressed; int key_down; int key_pressed; char input_text[32]; }; mu_Vec2 mu_vec2(int x, int y); mu_Rect mu_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h); mu_Color mu_color(int r, int g, int b, int a); void mu_init(mu_Context *ctx); void mu_begin(mu_Context *ctx); void mu_end(mu_Context *ctx); void mu_set_focus(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Id id); mu_Id mu_get_id(mu_Context *ctx, const void *data, int size); void mu_push_id(mu_Context *ctx, const void *data, int size); void mu_pop_id(mu_Context *ctx); void mu_push_clip_rect(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Rect rect); void mu_pop_clip_rect(mu_Context *ctx); mu_Rect mu_get_clip_rect(mu_Context *ctx); int mu_check_clip(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Rect r); mu_Container* mu_get_current_container(mu_Context *ctx); mu_Container* mu_get_container(mu_Context *ctx, const char *name); void mu_bring_to_front(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Container *cnt); int mu_pool_init(mu_Context *ctx, mu_PoolItem *items, int len, mu_Id id); int mu_pool_get(mu_Context *ctx, mu_PoolItem *items, int len, mu_Id id); void mu_pool_update(mu_Context *ctx, mu_PoolItem *items, int idx); void mu_input_mousemove(mu_Context *ctx, int x, int y); void mu_input_mousedown(mu_Context *ctx, int x, int y, int btn); void mu_input_mouseup(mu_Context *ctx, int x, int y, int btn); void mu_input_scroll(mu_Context *ctx, int x, int y); void mu_input_keydown(mu_Context *ctx, int key); void mu_input_keyup(mu_Context *ctx, int key); void mu_input_text(mu_Context *ctx, const char *text); mu_Command* mu_push_command(mu_Context *ctx, int type, int size); int mu_next_command(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Command **cmd); void mu_set_clip(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Rect rect); void mu_draw_rect(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Rect rect, mu_Color color); void mu_draw_box(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Rect rect, mu_Color color); void mu_draw_text(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Font font, const char *str, int len, mu_Vec2 pos, mu_Color color); void mu_draw_icon(mu_Context *ctx, int id, mu_Rect rect, mu_Color color); void mu_layout_row(mu_Context *ctx, int items, const int *widths, int height); void mu_layout_width(mu_Context *ctx, int width); void mu_layout_height(mu_Context *ctx, int height); void mu_layout_begin_column(mu_Context *ctx); void mu_layout_end_column(mu_Context *ctx); void mu_layout_set_next(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Rect r, int relative); mu_Rect mu_layout_next(mu_Context *ctx); void mu_draw_control_frame(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Id id, mu_Rect rect, int colorid, int opt); void mu_draw_control_text(mu_Context *ctx, const char *str, mu_Rect rect, int colorid, int opt); int mu_mouse_over(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Rect rect); void mu_update_control(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Id id, mu_Rect rect, int opt); #define mu_button(ctx, label) mu_button_ex(ctx, label, 0, MU_OPT_ALIGNCENTER) #define mu_textbox(ctx, buf, bufsz) mu_textbox_ex(ctx, buf, bufsz, 0) #define mu_slider(ctx, value, lo, hi) mu_slider_ex(ctx, value, lo, hi, 0, MU_SLIDER_FMT, MU_OPT_ALIGNCENTER) #define mu_number(ctx, value, step) mu_number_ex(ctx, value, step, MU_SLIDER_FMT, MU_OPT_ALIGNCENTER) #define mu_header(ctx, label) mu_header_ex(ctx, label, 0) #define mu_begin_treenode(ctx, label) mu_begin_treenode_ex(ctx, label, 0) #define mu_begin_window(ctx, title, rect) mu_begin_window_ex(ctx, title, rect, 0) #define mu_begin_panel(ctx, name) mu_begin_panel_ex(ctx, name, 0) void mu_text(mu_Context *ctx, const char *text); void mu_label(mu_Context *ctx, const char *text); int mu_button_ex(mu_Context *ctx, const char *label, int icon, int opt); int mu_checkbox(mu_Context *ctx, const char *label, int *state); int mu_textbox_raw(mu_Context *ctx, char *buf, int bufsz, mu_Id id, mu_Rect r, int opt); int mu_textbox_ex(mu_Context *ctx, char *buf, int bufsz, int opt); int mu_slider_ex(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Real *value, mu_Real low, mu_Real high, mu_Real step, const char *fmt, int opt); int mu_number_ex(mu_Context *ctx, mu_Real *value, mu_Real step, const char *fmt, int opt); int mu_header_ex(mu_Context *ctx, const char *label, int opt); int mu_begin_treenode_ex(mu_Context *ctx, const char *label, int opt); void mu_end_treenode(mu_Context *ctx); int mu_begin_window_ex(mu_Context *ctx, const char *title, mu_Rect rect, int opt); void mu_end_window(mu_Context *ctx); void mu_open_popup(mu_Context *ctx, const char *name); int mu_begin_popup(mu_Context *ctx, const char *name); void mu_end_popup(mu_Context *ctx); void mu_begin_panel_ex(mu_Context *ctx, const char *name, int opt); void mu_end_panel(mu_Context *ctx); #endif