# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ wakatime.offlinequeue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Queue for saving heartbeats while offline. :copyright: (c) 2014 Alan Hamlett. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import logging import os import traceback from time import sleep try: import sqlite3 HAS_SQL = True except ImportError: HAS_SQL = False from .compat import u log = logging.getLogger('WakaTime') class Queue(object): DB_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.wakatime.db') def connect(self): conn = sqlite3.connect(self.DB_FILE) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS heartbeat ( file text, time real, project text, branch text, is_write integer, stats text, misc text, plugin text) ''') return (conn, c) def push(self, data, stats, plugin, misc=None): if not HAS_SQL: return try: conn, c = self.connect() heartbeat = { 'file': u(data.get('entity')), 'time': data.get('time'), 'project': u(data.get('project')), 'branch': u(data.get('branch')), 'is_write': 1 if data.get('is_write') else 0, 'stats': u(stats), 'misc': u(misc), 'plugin': u(plugin), } c.execute(u('INSERT INTO heartbeat VALUES (:file,:time,:project,:branch,:is_write,:stats,:misc,:plugin)'), heartbeat) conn.commit() conn.close() except sqlite3.Error: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) def pop(self): if not HAS_SQL: return None tries = 3 wait = 0.1 heartbeat = None try: conn, c = self.connect() except sqlite3.Error: log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return None loop = True while loop and tries > -1: try: c.execute('BEGIN IMMEDIATE') c.execute('SELECT * FROM heartbeat LIMIT 1') row = c.fetchone() if row is not None: values = [] clauses = [] index = 0 for row_name in ['file', 'time', 'project', 'branch', 'is_write']: if row[index] is not None: clauses.append('{0}=?'.format(row_name)) values.append(u(row[index])) else: clauses.append('{0} IS NULL'.format(row_name)) index += 1 if len(values) > 0: c.execute(u('DELETE FROM heartbeat WHERE {0}').format(u(' AND ').join(clauses)), values) else: c.execute(u('DELETE FROM heartbeat WHERE {0}').format(u(' AND ').join(clauses))) conn.commit() if row is not None: heartbeat = { 'file': row[0], 'time': row[1], 'project': row[2], 'branch': row[3], 'is_write': True if row[4] is 1 else False, 'stats': row[5], 'misc': row[6], 'plugin': row[7], } loop = False except sqlite3.Error: log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) sleep(wait) tries -= 1 try: conn.close() except sqlite3.Error: log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return heartbeat