" ============================================================================ " File: wakatime.vim " Description: Automatic time tracking for Vim. " Maintainer: Wakati.Me " Version: 0.2.1 " ============================================================================ " Init {{{ " Check Vim version if v:version < 700 echoerr "This plugin requires vim >= 7." finish endif " Check for Python support if !has('python') echoerr "This plugin requires Vim to be compiled with Python support." finish endif " Only load plugin once if exists("g:loaded_wakatime") finish endif let g:loaded_wakatime = 1 " Backup & Override cpoptions let s:old_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Set default away minutes if !exists("g:wakatime_AwayMinutes") let g:wakatime_AwayMinutes = 10 endif " Globals let s:plugin_directory = expand(":p:h") . '/' let s:last_action = 0 let s:fresh = 1 " Import things python needs python import time python import vim " }}} " Function Definitions {{{ function! s:GetCurrentFile() return expand("%:p") endfunction function! s:GetCurrentTime() python vim.command('let current_time="%f"' % time.time()) return current_time endfunction function! s:Api(targetFile, time, endtime, is_write, last) let targetFile = a:targetFile if targetFile == '' let targetFile = a:last[1] endif if targetFile != '' let extras = '' if a:is_write let extras = extras . '--write' endif if a:endtime let extras = extras . '--endtime ' . a:endtime endif exec "silent !python" s:plugin_directory . "packages/wakatime/wakatime.py --verbose --file" shellescape(targetFile) "--time" a:time extras . " &" let time = a:time if a:endtime && time < a:endtime let time = a:endtime endif call s:SetLastAction(time, targetFile) endif endfunction function! s:GetLastAction() if !filereadable(expand("$HOME/.wakatime.data")) return [0, ''] endif let last = readfile(expand("$HOME/.wakatime.data"), '', 2) if len(last) != 2 return [0, ''] endif return [str2float(last[0]), last[1]] endfunction function! s:SetLastAction(time, targetFile) let s:fresh = 0 call writefile([a:time, a:targetFile], expand("$HOME/.wakatime.data")) endfunction function! s:GetChar() let c = getchar() if c =~ '^\d\+$' let c = nr2char(c) endif return c endfunction function! s:EnoughTimePassed(now, prev) if a:now - a:prev >= 299 return 1 endif return 0 endfunction function! s:Away(now, last) if s:fresh || a:last[0] < 1 return 0 endif let duration = a:now - a:last[0] if duration > g:wakatime_AwayMinutes * 60 let units = 'seconds' if duration > 59 let duration = round(duration / 60) let units = 'minutes' endif if duration > 59 let duration = round(duration / 60) let units = 'hours' endif if duration > 24 let duration = round(duration / 24) let units = 'days' endif let answer = input(printf("You were away %.f %s. Add time to current file? (y/n)", duration, units)) if answer != "y" return 1 endif return 0 endif endfunction " }}} " Event Handlers {{{ function! s:normalAction() let targetFile = s:GetCurrentFile() let now = s:GetCurrentTime() let last = s:GetLastAction() if s:EnoughTimePassed(now, last[0]) || targetFile != last[1] if s:Away(now, last) call s:Api(targetFile, last[0], now, 0, last) else call s:Api(targetFile, now, 0, 0, last) endif endif endfunction function! s:writeAction() call s:Api(s:GetCurrentFile(), s:GetCurrentTime(), 0, 1, s:GetLastAction()) endfunction " }}} " Autocommand Events {{{ augroup Wakatime autocmd! autocmd BufEnter * call s:normalAction() autocmd VimEnter * call s:normalAction() autocmd BufWritePost * call s:writeAction() autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI * call s:normalAction() augroup END " }}} " Restore cpoptions let &cpo = s:old_cpo