vim-wakatime ============ Fully automatic time tracking for Vim. Installation ------------ Heads Up! WakaTime depends on [Python]( being installed to work correctly. 1. Get an api key from: 2. Using [Vundle](, the Vim plugin manager:
`echo "Bundle 'wakatime/vim-wakatime'" >> ~/.vimrc && vim +BundleInstall` or using [Pathogen](
`cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone git://` 3. You will see a prompt at the bottom asking for your [api key]( Enter your api key, then press `enter`. 4. Use Vim and your time will automatically be tracked for you. 5. Visit to see your logged time. 6. Consider installing [BIND9]( to cache your repeated DNS requests: `sudo apt-get install bind9` Screen Shots ------------ ![Project Overview]( Shot 2013-10-26 at 5.04.01 PM.png)