# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ wakatime.constants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Constant variable definitions. :copyright: (c) 2016 Alan Hamlett. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ """ Success Exit code used when a heartbeat was sent successfully. """ SUCCESS = 0 """ Api Error Exit code used when the WakaTime API returned an error. """ API_ERROR = 102 """ Config File Parse Error Exit code used when the ~/.wakatime.cfg config file could not be parsed. """ CONFIG_FILE_PARSE_ERROR = 103 """ Auth Error Exit code used when our api key is invalid. """ AUTH_ERROR = 104 """ Unknown Error Exit code used when there was an unhandled exception. """ UNKNOWN_ERROR = 105 """ Connection Error Exit code used when there was proxy or other problem connecting to the WakaTime API servers. """ CONNECTION_ERROR = 107 """ Max file size supporting line number count stats. Files larger than this in bytes will not have a line count stat for performance. Default is 2MB. """ MAX_FILE_SIZE_SUPPORTED = 2000000 """ Default limit of number of offline heartbeats to sync before exiting.""" DEFAULT_SYNC_OFFLINE_ACTIVITY = 100 """ Number of heartbeats per api request. Even when sending more heartbeats, this is the number of heartbeats sent per individual https request to the WakaTime API. """ HEARTBEATS_PER_REQUEST = 25