import logging import subprocess import json import tempfile from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional from pyinfra import host from pyinfra.api import deploy, FactBase, operation, FunctionCommand from pyinfra.operations import files, apt, dnf, systemd, python, server from pyinfra.facts.server import LinuxName from .install_consul_server import template_and_install_systemd DEFAULTS = { "docker_registry_image": "registry:2.8.1", } @deploy("install docker") def install_docker(): linux_name = host.get_fact(LinuxName) if linux_name == "Fedora": dnf.packages(["docker", "docker-compose"]) systemd.service("docker", enabled=True, running=True) else: apt.packages(["", "docker-compose"]) class TailscaleIPs(FactBase): requires_command = "tailscale" command = "tailscale ip" def process(self, output): # TODO provide ipaddress for nicer formatting in conf tools for line in output: if ":" in line: continue return [line] class DockerImage(FactBase): requires_command = "docker" def command(self, object_id): return f"docker image inspect {object_id} || true" def process(self, output): joined_out = "".join(output) return json.loads(joined_out) class DockerManifestInspect(FactBase): requires_command = "docker" def command(self, object_id): return f"docker image inspect {object_id} || true" def process(self, output): if "no such manifest" in output: return None joined_out = "".join(output) return json.loads(joined_out) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def docker_image_from_host_to_target(image_reference: str): assert image_reference username = hostname = log.warning( "hello, sending image %r to host %s@%s", image_reference, username, hostname ) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: cmdline = f"docker save {image_reference} | gzip | pv > {}" log.warning("exec %r", cmdline) subprocess.check_output(cmdline, shell=True) with subprocess.Popen(["croc", "send",], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as proc: transfer_code = None for line_in in proc.stderr: line = line_in.decode() log.warning("got stdin line: %r", line) TRANSFER_CODE_PHRASE = "Code is: " transfer_code_index = line.find(TRANSFER_CODE_PHRASE) if transfer_code_index == -1: continue transfer_code = line[ transfer_code_index + len(TRANSFER_CODE_PHRASE) : ].strip() assert len(transfer_code) > 10 log.warning("extracted transfer code: %r", transfer_code) break assert transfer_code target_path = Path( send_cmdline = f"croc --yes {transfer_code}", _chdir="/tmp") f"cat {target_path} | docker load", _chdir="/tmp", name="load image file" )"rm /tmp/{target_path}", name="remove image file after importing") @operation def docker_image(image_reference: str): images = host.get_fact(DockerImage, image_reference) if not images: name, *_version = image_reference.split(":") if name in # get it from my machine lmao log.warning( "this deploy script wants image %r, taking it from host system and sending it", image_reference, ) yield FunctionCommand( docker_image_from_host_to_target, (image_reference,), {} ) else: # take it from given image ref yield f"docker pull {image_reference}" def template_and_install_compose( compose_template_path: str, env_dict: Optional[dict] = None, *, systemd_service: Optional[str] = None, ): env_dict = env_dict or {} compose_template = Path(compose_template_path) systemd_service = systemd_service or".")[0] assert systemd_service != "compose" assert systemd_service.endswith(".service") systemd_service_name = systemd_service.split(".")[0] working_directory = f"/opt/{systemd_service_name}" files.template( compose_template_path, f"{working_directory}/compose.yaml", env_dict=env_dict, name=f"sending compose file {systemd_service_name}", ) template_and_install_systemd( "files/compose.service.j2", env_dict={ "service_name": systemd_service_name, "working_directory": working_directory, }, service_name=systemd_service, ) @deploy("install docker registry", data_defaults=DEFAULTS) def install_registry(): install_docker() docker_image( template_and_install_compose( "files/registry/compose.yaml.j2", { "docker_registry_image":, }, systemd_service="registry.service", )