# tagger-showdown attempting to create a more readable evaluation to anime tagger ai systems idea: take some recent images from danbooru, also include your own then run x tagger systems against each other score formula: (len(tags in ground_truth) - len(tags not in ground_truth)) / len(ground_truth) then average for all posts system dependencies: - python3 - [stable-diffusion-webui](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui) with the [tagger extension](https://github.com/toriato/stable-diffusion-webui-wd14-tagger) - [hydrus-dd](https://gitgud.io/koto/hydrus-dd) ```sh python3 -m venv env env/bin/pip install -Ur ./requirements.txt # by default, downloads 30 images at page 150 of the default empty query env/bin/python3 ./main.py download_images # gets 40 images at page 150 from tag 'rating:questionable' # you should add more tags to diversify the dataset before calculating scores env/bin/python3 ./main.py download_images 'rating:questionable' 40 150 # configure interrogators / tagger models # set sd_webui_address to your stable diffusion webui' address # set dd_address to hydrus-dd's address # and set dd_model_name to be something identifiable about the model # i set it to the md5sum output of my file, to make sure that if the file # changes back on koto's end, my numbers may be different cp config.example.json config.json # fight mode -- run all interrogators against the dataset you've downloaded env/bin/python3 ./main.py fight # score mode -- crank the final numbers, generates graphs under plots/ folder env/bin/python3 ./main.py fight # keep in mind that you can download more images, run fight mode, and then # run score mode! the commands are aware of work that's been already done and # will only run the tagger models for the new files ```