pub const struct___va_list_tag = extern struct { gp_offset: c_uint, fp_offset: c_uint, overflow_arg_area: ?*c_void, reg_save_area: ?*c_void, }; pub const __builtin_va_list = [1]struct___va_list_tag; pub const va_list = __builtin_va_list; pub const __gnuc_va_list = __builtin_va_list; pub const __u_char = u8; pub const __u_short = c_ushort; pub const __u_int = c_uint; pub const __u_long = c_ulong; pub const __int8_t = i8; pub const __uint8_t = u8; pub const __int16_t = c_short; pub const __uint16_t = c_ushort; pub const __int32_t = c_int; pub const __uint32_t = c_uint; pub const __int64_t = c_long; pub const __uint64_t = c_ulong; pub const __int_least8_t = __int8_t; pub const __uint_least8_t = __uint8_t; pub const __int_least16_t = __int16_t; pub const __uint_least16_t = __uint16_t; pub const __int_least32_t = __int32_t; pub const __uint_least32_t = __uint32_t; pub const __int_least64_t = __int64_t; pub const __uint_least64_t = __uint64_t; pub const __quad_t = c_long; pub const __u_quad_t = c_ulong; pub const __intmax_t = c_long; pub const __uintmax_t = c_ulong; pub const __dev_t = c_ulong; pub const __uid_t = c_uint; pub const __gid_t = c_uint; pub const __ino_t = c_ulong; pub const __ino64_t = c_ulong; pub const __mode_t = c_uint; pub const __nlink_t = c_ulong; pub const __off_t = c_long; pub const __off64_t = c_long; pub const __pid_t = c_int; pub const __fsid_t = extern struct { __val: [2]c_int, }; pub const __clock_t = c_long; pub const __rlim_t = c_ulong; pub const __rlim64_t = c_ulong; pub const __id_t = c_uint; pub const __time_t = c_long; pub const __useconds_t = c_uint; pub const __suseconds_t = c_long; pub const __daddr_t = c_int; pub const __key_t = c_int; pub const __clockid_t = c_int; pub const __timer_t = ?*c_void; pub const __blksize_t = c_long; pub const __blkcnt_t = c_long; pub const __blkcnt64_t = c_long; pub const __fsblkcnt_t = c_ulong; pub const __fsblkcnt64_t = c_ulong; pub const __fsfilcnt_t = c_ulong; pub const __fsfilcnt64_t = c_ulong; pub const __fsword_t = c_long; pub const __ssize_t = c_long; pub const __syscall_slong_t = c_long; pub const __syscall_ulong_t = c_ulong; pub const __loff_t = __off64_t; pub const __caddr_t = [*c]u8; pub const __intptr_t = c_long; pub const __socklen_t = c_uint; pub const __sig_atomic_t = c_int; pub const __mbstate_t = extern struct { __count: c_int, __value: extern union { __wch: c_uint, __wchb: [4]u8, }, }; pub const struct__G_fpos_t = extern struct { __pos: __off_t, __state: __mbstate_t, }; pub const __fpos_t = struct__G_fpos_t; pub const struct__G_fpos64_t = extern struct { __pos: __off64_t, __state: __mbstate_t, }; pub const __fpos64_t = struct__G_fpos64_t; pub const struct__IO_marker = @OpaqueType(); pub const _IO_lock_t = c_void; pub const struct__IO_codecvt = @OpaqueType(); pub const struct__IO_wide_data = @OpaqueType(); pub const struct__IO_FILE = extern struct { _flags: c_int, _IO_read_ptr: [*c]u8, _IO_read_end: [*c]u8, _IO_read_base: [*c]u8, _IO_write_base: [*c]u8, _IO_write_ptr: [*c]u8, _IO_write_end: [*c]u8, _IO_buf_base: [*c]u8, _IO_buf_end: [*c]u8, _IO_save_base: [*c]u8, _IO_backup_base: [*c]u8, _IO_save_end: [*c]u8, _markers: ?*struct__IO_marker, _chain: [*c]struct__IO_FILE, _fileno: c_int, _flags2: c_int, _old_offset: __off_t, _cur_column: c_ushort, _vtable_offset: i8, _shortbuf: [1]u8, _lock: ?*_IO_lock_t, _offset: __off64_t, _codecvt: ?*struct__IO_codecvt, _wide_data: ?*struct__IO_wide_data, _freeres_list: [*c]struct__IO_FILE, _freeres_buf: ?*c_void, __pad5: usize, _mode: c_int, _unused2: [20]u8, }; pub const __FILE = struct__IO_FILE; pub const FILE = struct__IO_FILE; pub const off_t = __off_t; pub const fpos_t = __fpos_t; pub extern var stdin: [*c]FILE; pub extern var stdout: [*c]FILE; pub extern var stderr: [*c]FILE; pub extern fn remove(__filename: [*c]const u8) c_int; pub extern fn rename(__old: [*c]const u8, __new: [*c]const u8) c_int; pub extern fn renameat(__oldfd: c_int, __old: [*c]const u8, __newfd: c_int, __new: [*c]const u8) c_int; pub extern fn tmpfile() [*c]FILE; pub extern fn tmpnam(__s: [*c]u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn tmpnam_r(__s: [*c]u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn tempnam(__dir: [*c]const u8, __pfx: [*c]const u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn fclose(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn fflush(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn fflush_unlocked(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn fopen(__filename: [*c]const u8, __modes: [*c]const u8) [*c]FILE; pub extern fn freopen(noalias __filename: [*c]const u8, noalias __modes: [*c]const u8, noalias __stream: [*c]FILE) [*c]FILE; pub extern fn fdopen(__fd: c_int, __modes: [*c]const u8) [*c]FILE; pub extern fn fmemopen(__s: ?*c_void, __len: usize, __modes: [*c]const u8) [*c]FILE; pub extern fn open_memstream(__bufloc: [*c]([*c]u8), __sizeloc: [*c]usize) [*c]FILE; pub extern fn setbuf(noalias __stream: [*c]FILE, noalias __buf: [*c]u8) void; pub extern fn setvbuf(noalias __stream: [*c]FILE, noalias __buf: [*c]u8, __modes: c_int, __n: usize) c_int; pub extern fn setbuffer(noalias __stream: [*c]FILE, noalias __buf: [*c]u8, __size: usize) void; pub extern fn setlinebuf(__stream: [*c]FILE) void; pub extern fn fprintf(__stream: [*c]FILE, __format: [*c]const u8, ...) c_int; pub extern fn printf(__format: [*c]const u8, ...) c_int; pub extern fn sprintf(__s: [*c]u8, __format: [*c]const u8, ...) c_int; pub extern fn vfprintf(__s: [*c]FILE, __format: [*c]const u8, __arg: [*c]struct___va_list_tag) c_int; pub extern fn vprintf(__format: [*c]const u8, __arg: [*c]struct___va_list_tag) c_int; pub extern fn vsprintf(__s: [*c]u8, __format: [*c]const u8, __arg: [*c]struct___va_list_tag) c_int; pub extern fn snprintf(__s: [*c]u8, __maxlen: c_ulong, __format: [*c]const u8, ...) c_int; pub extern fn vsnprintf(__s: [*c]u8, __maxlen: c_ulong, __format: [*c]const u8, __arg: [*c]struct___va_list_tag) c_int; pub extern fn vdprintf(__fd: c_int, noalias __fmt: [*c]const u8, __arg: [*c]struct___va_list_tag) c_int; pub extern fn dprintf(__fd: c_int, noalias __fmt: [*c]const u8, ...) c_int; pub extern fn fscanf(noalias __stream: [*c]FILE, noalias __format: [*c]const u8, ...) c_int; pub extern fn scanf(noalias __format: [*c]const u8, ...) c_int; pub extern fn sscanf(noalias __s: [*c]const u8, noalias __format: [*c]const u8, ...) c_int; pub extern fn vfscanf(noalias __s: [*c]FILE, noalias __format: [*c]const u8, __arg: [*c]struct___va_list_tag) c_int; pub extern fn vscanf(noalias __format: [*c]const u8, __arg: [*c]struct___va_list_tag) c_int; pub extern fn vsscanf(noalias __s: [*c]const u8, noalias __format: [*c]const u8, __arg: [*c]struct___va_list_tag) c_int; pub extern fn fgetc(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn getc(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn getchar() c_int; pub extern fn getc_unlocked(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn getchar_unlocked() c_int; pub extern fn fgetc_unlocked(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn fputc(__c: c_int, __stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn putc(__c: c_int, __stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn putchar(__c: c_int) c_int; pub extern fn fputc_unlocked(__c: c_int, __stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn putc_unlocked(__c: c_int, __stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn putchar_unlocked(__c: c_int) c_int; pub extern fn getw(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn putw(__w: c_int, __stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn fgets(noalias __s: [*c]u8, __n: c_int, noalias __stream: [*c]FILE) [*c]u8; pub extern fn __getdelim(noalias __lineptr: [*c]([*c]u8), noalias __n: [*c]usize, __delimiter: c_int, noalias __stream: [*c]FILE) __ssize_t; pub extern fn getdelim(noalias __lineptr: [*c]([*c]u8), noalias __n: [*c]usize, __delimiter: c_int, noalias __stream: [*c]FILE) __ssize_t; pub extern fn getline(noalias __lineptr: [*c]([*c]u8), noalias __n: [*c]usize, noalias __stream: [*c]FILE) __ssize_t; pub extern fn fputs(noalias __s: [*c]const u8, noalias __stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn puts(__s: [*c]const u8) c_int; pub extern fn ungetc(__c: c_int, __stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn fread(__ptr: ?*c_void, __size: c_ulong, __n: c_ulong, __stream: [*c]FILE) c_ulong; pub extern fn fwrite(__ptr: ?*const c_void, __size: c_ulong, __n: c_ulong, __s: [*c]FILE) c_ulong; pub extern fn fread_unlocked(noalias __ptr: ?*c_void, __size: usize, __n: usize, noalias __stream: [*c]FILE) usize; pub extern fn fwrite_unlocked(noalias __ptr: ?*const c_void, __size: usize, __n: usize, noalias __stream: [*c]FILE) usize; pub extern fn fseek(__stream: [*c]FILE, __off: c_long, __whence: c_int) c_int; pub extern fn ftell(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_long; pub extern fn rewind(__stream: [*c]FILE) void; pub extern fn fseeko(__stream: [*c]FILE, __off: __off_t, __whence: c_int) c_int; pub extern fn ftello(__stream: [*c]FILE) __off_t; pub extern fn fgetpos(noalias __stream: [*c]FILE, noalias __pos: [*c]fpos_t) c_int; pub extern fn fsetpos(__stream: [*c]FILE, __pos: [*c]const fpos_t) c_int; pub extern fn clearerr(__stream: [*c]FILE) void; pub extern fn feof(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn ferror(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn clearerr_unlocked(__stream: [*c]FILE) void; pub extern fn feof_unlocked(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn ferror_unlocked(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn perror(__s: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern var sys_nerr: c_int; pub extern const sys_errlist: [*c]const ([*c]const u8); pub extern fn fileno(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn fileno_unlocked(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn popen(__command: [*c]const u8, __modes: [*c]const u8) [*c]FILE; pub extern fn pclose(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn ctermid(__s: [*c]u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn flockfile(__stream: [*c]FILE) void; pub extern fn ftrylockfile(__stream: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn funlockfile(__stream: [*c]FILE) void; pub extern fn __uflow(arg0: [*c]FILE) c_int; pub extern fn __overflow(arg0: [*c]FILE, arg1: c_int) c_int; pub const wchar_t = c_int; pub const _Float32 = f32; pub const _Float64 = f64; pub const _Float32x = f64; pub const _Float64x = c_longdouble; pub const div_t = extern struct { quot: c_int, rem: c_int, }; pub const ldiv_t = extern struct { quot: c_long, rem: c_long, }; pub const lldiv_t = extern struct { quot: c_longlong, rem: c_longlong, }; pub extern fn __ctype_get_mb_cur_max() usize; pub extern fn atof(__nptr: [*c]const u8) f64; pub extern fn atoi(__nptr: [*c]const u8) c_int; pub extern fn atol(__nptr: [*c]const u8) c_long; pub extern fn atoll(__nptr: [*c]const u8) c_longlong; pub extern fn strtod(__nptr: [*c]const u8, __endptr: [*c]([*c]u8)) f64; pub extern fn strtof(__nptr: [*c]const u8, __endptr: [*c]([*c]u8)) f32; pub extern fn strtold(__nptr: [*c]const u8, __endptr: [*c]([*c]u8)) c_longdouble; pub extern fn strtol(__nptr: [*c]const u8, __endptr: [*c]([*c]u8), __base: c_int) c_long; pub extern fn strtoul(__nptr: [*c]const u8, __endptr: [*c]([*c]u8), __base: c_int) c_ulong; pub extern fn strtoq(noalias __nptr: [*c]const u8, noalias __endptr: [*c]([*c]u8), __base: c_int) c_longlong; pub extern fn strtouq(noalias __nptr: [*c]const u8, noalias __endptr: [*c]([*c]u8), __base: c_int) c_ulonglong; pub extern fn strtoll(__nptr: [*c]const u8, __endptr: [*c]([*c]u8), __base: c_int) c_longlong; pub extern fn strtoull(__nptr: [*c]const u8, __endptr: [*c]([*c]u8), __base: c_int) c_ulonglong; pub extern fn l64a(__n: c_long) [*c]u8; pub extern fn a64l(__s: [*c]const u8) c_long; pub const u_char = __u_char; pub const u_short = __u_short; pub const u_int = __u_int; pub const u_long = __u_long; pub const quad_t = __quad_t; pub const u_quad_t = __u_quad_t; pub const fsid_t = __fsid_t; pub const loff_t = __loff_t; pub const ino_t = __ino_t; pub const dev_t = __dev_t; pub const gid_t = __gid_t; pub const mode_t = __mode_t; pub const nlink_t = __nlink_t; pub const uid_t = __uid_t; pub const pid_t = __pid_t; pub const id_t = __id_t; pub const daddr_t = __daddr_t; pub const caddr_t = __caddr_t; pub const key_t = __key_t; pub const clock_t = __clock_t; pub const clockid_t = __clockid_t; pub const time_t = __time_t; pub const timer_t = __timer_t; pub const ulong = c_ulong; pub const ushort = c_ushort; pub const uint = c_uint; pub const u_int8_t = u8; pub const u_int16_t = c_ushort; pub const u_int32_t = c_uint; pub const u_int64_t = c_ulong; pub const register_t = c_long; pub fn __bswap_16(__bsx: __uint16_t) __uint16_t { return __uint16_t(((c_int(__bsx) >> @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int)(8)) & 255) | ((c_int(__bsx) & 255) << @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int)(8))); } pub fn __bswap_32(__bsx: __uint32_t) __uint32_t { return ((((__bsx & 4278190080) >> @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint)(24)) | ((__bsx & 16711680) >> @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint)(8))) | ((__bsx & 65280) << @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint)(8))) | ((__bsx & 255) << @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint)(24)); } pub fn __bswap_64(__bsx: __uint64_t) __uint64_t { return __uint64_t(((((((((c_ulonglong(__bsx) & 18374686479671623680) >> @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_ulonglong)(56)) | ((c_ulonglong(__bsx) & 71776119061217280) >> @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_ulonglong)(40))) | ((c_ulonglong(__bsx) & 280375465082880) >> @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_ulonglong)(24))) | ((c_ulonglong(__bsx) & 1095216660480) >> @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_ulonglong)(8))) | ((c_ulonglong(__bsx) & 4278190080) << @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_ulonglong)(8))) | ((c_ulonglong(__bsx) & 16711680) << @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_ulonglong)(24))) | ((c_ulonglong(__bsx) & 65280) << @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_ulonglong)(40))) | ((c_ulonglong(__bsx) & 255) << @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_ulonglong)(56))); } pub fn __uint16_identity(__x: __uint16_t) __uint16_t { return __x; } pub fn __uint32_identity(__x: __uint32_t) __uint32_t { return __x; } pub fn __uint64_identity(__x: __uint64_t) __uint64_t { return __x; } pub const __sigset_t = extern struct { __val: [16]c_ulong, }; pub const sigset_t = __sigset_t; pub const struct_timeval = extern struct { tv_sec: __time_t, tv_usec: __suseconds_t, }; pub const struct_timespec = extern struct { tv_sec: __time_t, tv_nsec: __syscall_slong_t, }; pub const suseconds_t = __suseconds_t; pub const __fd_mask = c_long; pub const fd_set = extern struct { __fds_bits: [16]__fd_mask, }; pub const fd_mask = __fd_mask; pub extern fn select(__nfds: c_int, noalias __readfds: [*c]fd_set, noalias __writefds: [*c]fd_set, noalias __exceptfds: [*c]fd_set, noalias __timeout: [*c]struct_timeval) c_int; pub extern fn pselect(__nfds: c_int, noalias __readfds: [*c]fd_set, noalias __writefds: [*c]fd_set, noalias __exceptfds: [*c]fd_set, noalias __timeout: [*c]const struct_timespec, noalias __sigmask: [*c]const __sigset_t) c_int; pub const blksize_t = __blksize_t; pub const blkcnt_t = __blkcnt_t; pub const fsblkcnt_t = __fsblkcnt_t; pub const fsfilcnt_t = __fsfilcnt_t; pub const struct___pthread_rwlock_arch_t = extern struct { __readers: c_uint, __writers: c_uint, __wrphase_futex: c_uint, __writers_futex: c_uint, __pad3: c_uint, __pad4: c_uint, __cur_writer: c_int, __shared: c_int, __rwelision: i8, __pad1: [7]u8, __pad2: c_ulong, __flags: c_uint, }; pub const struct___pthread_internal_list = extern struct { __prev: [*c]struct___pthread_internal_list, __next: [*c]struct___pthread_internal_list, }; pub const __pthread_list_t = struct___pthread_internal_list; pub const struct___pthread_mutex_s = extern struct { __lock: c_int, __count: c_uint, __owner: c_int, __nusers: c_uint, __kind: c_int, __spins: c_short, __elision: c_short, __list: __pthread_list_t, }; pub const struct___pthread_cond_s = extern struct { @"": extern union { __wseq: c_ulonglong, __wseq32: extern struct { __low: c_uint, __high: c_uint, }, }, @"": extern union { __g1_start: c_ulonglong, __g1_start32: extern struct { __low: c_uint, __high: c_uint, }, }, __g_refs: [2]c_uint, __g_size: [2]c_uint, __g1_orig_size: c_uint, __wrefs: c_uint, __g_signals: [2]c_uint, }; pub const pthread_t = c_ulong; pub const pthread_mutexattr_t = extern union { __size: [4]u8, __align: c_int, }; pub const pthread_condattr_t = extern union { __size: [4]u8, __align: c_int, }; pub const pthread_key_t = c_uint; pub const pthread_once_t = c_int; pub const union_pthread_attr_t = extern union { __size: [56]u8, __align: c_long, }; pub const pthread_attr_t = union_pthread_attr_t; pub const pthread_mutex_t = extern union { __data: struct___pthread_mutex_s, __size: [40]u8, __align: c_long, }; pub const pthread_cond_t = extern union { __data: struct___pthread_cond_s, __size: [48]u8, __align: c_longlong, }; pub const pthread_rwlock_t = extern union { __data: struct___pthread_rwlock_arch_t, __size: [56]u8, __align: c_long, }; pub const pthread_rwlockattr_t = extern union { __size: [8]u8, __align: c_long, }; pub const pthread_spinlock_t = c_int; pub const pthread_barrier_t = extern union { __size: [32]u8, __align: c_long, }; pub const pthread_barrierattr_t = extern union { __size: [4]u8, __align: c_int, }; pub extern fn random() c_long; pub extern fn srandom(__seed: c_uint) void; pub extern fn initstate(__seed: c_uint, __statebuf: [*c]u8, __statelen: usize) [*c]u8; pub extern fn setstate(__statebuf: [*c]u8) [*c]u8; pub const struct_random_data = extern struct { fptr: [*c]i32, rptr: [*c]i32, state: [*c]i32, rand_type: c_int, rand_deg: c_int, rand_sep: c_int, end_ptr: [*c]i32, }; pub extern fn random_r(noalias __buf: [*c]struct_random_data, noalias __result: [*c]i32) c_int; pub extern fn srandom_r(__seed: c_uint, __buf: [*c]struct_random_data) c_int; pub extern fn initstate_r(__seed: c_uint, noalias __statebuf: [*c]u8, __statelen: usize, noalias __buf: [*c]struct_random_data) c_int; pub extern fn setstate_r(noalias __statebuf: [*c]u8, noalias __buf: [*c]struct_random_data) c_int; pub extern fn rand() c_int; pub extern fn srand(__seed: c_uint) void; pub extern fn rand_r(__seed: [*c]c_uint) c_int; pub extern fn drand48() f64; pub extern fn erand48(__xsubi: [*c]c_ushort) f64; pub extern fn lrand48() c_long; pub extern fn nrand48(__xsubi: [*c]c_ushort) c_long; pub extern fn mrand48() c_long; pub extern fn jrand48(__xsubi: [*c]c_ushort) c_long; pub extern fn srand48(__seedval: c_long) void; pub extern fn seed48(__seed16v: [*c]c_ushort) [*c]c_ushort; pub extern fn lcong48(__param: [*c]c_ushort) void; pub const struct_drand48_data = extern struct { __x: [3]c_ushort, __old_x: [3]c_ushort, __c: c_ushort, __init: c_ushort, __a: c_ulonglong, }; pub extern fn drand48_r(noalias __buffer: [*c]struct_drand48_data, noalias __result: [*c]f64) c_int; pub extern fn erand48_r(__xsubi: [*c]c_ushort, noalias __buffer: [*c]struct_drand48_data, noalias __result: [*c]f64) c_int; pub extern fn lrand48_r(noalias __buffer: [*c]struct_drand48_data, noalias __result: [*c]c_long) c_int; pub extern fn nrand48_r(__xsubi: [*c]c_ushort, noalias __buffer: [*c]struct_drand48_data, noalias __result: [*c]c_long) c_int; pub extern fn mrand48_r(noalias __buffer: [*c]struct_drand48_data, noalias __result: [*c]c_long) c_int; pub extern fn jrand48_r(__xsubi: [*c]c_ushort, noalias __buffer: [*c]struct_drand48_data, noalias __result: [*c]c_long) c_int; pub extern fn srand48_r(__seedval: c_long, __buffer: [*c]struct_drand48_data) c_int; pub extern fn seed48_r(__seed16v: [*c]c_ushort, __buffer: [*c]struct_drand48_data) c_int; pub extern fn lcong48_r(__param: [*c]c_ushort, __buffer: [*c]struct_drand48_data) c_int; pub extern fn malloc(__size: c_ulong) ?*c_void; pub extern fn calloc(__nmemb: c_ulong, __size: c_ulong) ?*c_void; pub extern fn realloc(__ptr: ?*c_void, __size: c_ulong) ?*c_void; pub extern fn reallocarray(__ptr: ?*c_void, __nmemb: usize, __size: usize) ?*c_void; pub extern fn free(__ptr: ?*c_void) void; pub extern fn alloca(__size: c_ulong) ?*c_void; pub extern fn valloc(__size: usize) ?*c_void; pub extern fn posix_memalign(__memptr: [*c](?*c_void), __alignment: usize, __size: usize) c_int; pub extern fn aligned_alloc(__alignment: usize, __size: usize) ?*c_void; pub extern fn abort() noreturn; pub extern fn atexit(__func: ?extern fn () void) c_int; pub extern fn at_quick_exit(__func: ?extern fn () void) c_int; pub extern fn on_exit(__func: ?extern fn (c_int, ?*c_void) void, __arg: ?*c_void) c_int; pub extern fn exit(__status: c_int) noreturn; pub extern fn quick_exit(__status: c_int) noreturn; pub extern fn _Exit(__status: c_int) noreturn; pub extern fn getenv(__name: [*c]const u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn putenv(__string: [*c]u8) c_int; pub extern fn setenv(__name: [*c]const u8, __value: [*c]const u8, __replace: c_int) c_int; pub extern fn unsetenv(__name: [*c]const u8) c_int; pub extern fn clearenv() c_int; pub extern fn mktemp(__template: [*c]u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn mkstemp(__template: [*c]u8) c_int; pub extern fn mkstemps(__template: [*c]u8, __suffixlen: c_int) c_int; pub extern fn mkdtemp(__template: [*c]u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn system(__command: [*c]const u8) c_int; pub extern fn realpath(noalias __name: [*c]const u8, noalias __resolved: [*c]u8) [*c]u8; pub const __compar_fn_t = ?extern fn (?*const c_void, ?*const c_void) c_int; pub extern fn bsearch(__key: ?*const c_void, __base: ?*const c_void, __nmemb: usize, __size: usize, __compar: __compar_fn_t) ?*c_void; pub extern fn qsort(__base: ?*c_void, __nmemb: usize, __size: usize, __compar: __compar_fn_t) void; pub extern fn abs(__x: c_int) c_int; pub extern fn labs(__x: c_long) c_long; pub extern fn llabs(__x: c_longlong) c_longlong; pub extern fn div(__numer: c_int, __denom: c_int) div_t; pub extern fn ldiv(__numer: c_long, __denom: c_long) ldiv_t; pub extern fn lldiv(__numer: c_longlong, __denom: c_longlong) lldiv_t; pub extern fn ecvt(__value: f64, __ndigit: c_int, noalias __decpt: [*c]c_int, noalias __sign: [*c]c_int) [*c]u8; pub extern fn fcvt(__value: f64, __ndigit: c_int, noalias __decpt: [*c]c_int, noalias __sign: [*c]c_int) [*c]u8; pub extern fn gcvt(__value: f64, __ndigit: c_int, __buf: [*c]u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn qecvt(__value: c_longdouble, __ndigit: c_int, noalias __decpt: [*c]c_int, noalias __sign: [*c]c_int) [*c]u8; pub extern fn qfcvt(__value: c_longdouble, __ndigit: c_int, noalias __decpt: [*c]c_int, noalias __sign: [*c]c_int) [*c]u8; pub extern fn qgcvt(__value: c_longdouble, __ndigit: c_int, __buf: [*c]u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn ecvt_r(__value: f64, __ndigit: c_int, noalias __decpt: [*c]c_int, noalias __sign: [*c]c_int, noalias __buf: [*c]u8, __len: usize) c_int; pub extern fn fcvt_r(__value: f64, __ndigit: c_int, noalias __decpt: [*c]c_int, noalias __sign: [*c]c_int, noalias __buf: [*c]u8, __len: usize) c_int; pub extern fn qecvt_r(__value: c_longdouble, __ndigit: c_int, noalias __decpt: [*c]c_int, noalias __sign: [*c]c_int, noalias __buf: [*c]u8, __len: usize) c_int; pub extern fn qfcvt_r(__value: c_longdouble, __ndigit: c_int, noalias __decpt: [*c]c_int, noalias __sign: [*c]c_int, noalias __buf: [*c]u8, __len: usize) c_int; pub extern fn mblen(__s: [*c]const u8, __n: usize) c_int; pub extern fn mbtowc(noalias __pwc: [*c]wchar_t, noalias __s: [*c]const u8, __n: usize) c_int; pub extern fn wctomb(__s: [*c]u8, __wchar: wchar_t) c_int; pub extern fn mbstowcs(noalias __pwcs: [*c]wchar_t, noalias __s: [*c]const u8, __n: usize) usize; pub extern fn wcstombs(noalias __s: [*c]u8, noalias __pwcs: [*c]const wchar_t, __n: usize) usize; pub extern fn rpmatch(__response: [*c]const u8) c_int; pub extern fn getsubopt(noalias __optionp: [*c]([*c]u8), noalias __tokens: [*c]const ([*c]u8), noalias __valuep: [*c]([*c]u8)) c_int; pub extern fn getloadavg(__loadavg: [*c]f64, __nelem: c_int) c_int; pub const magick_int8_t = i8; pub const magick_uint8_t = u8; pub const magick_int16_t = c_short; pub const magick_uint16_t = c_ushort; pub const magick_int32_t = c_int; pub const magick_uint32_t = c_uint; pub const magick_int64_t = c_long; pub const magick_uint64_t = c_ulong; pub const magick_uintmax_t = c_ulong; pub const magick_uintptr_t = c_ulong; pub const magick_off_t = magick_int64_t; pub const UndefinedClass = 0; pub const DirectClass = 1; pub const PseudoClass = 2; pub const ClassType = extern enum { UndefinedClass = 0, DirectClass = 1, PseudoClass = 2, }; pub const UndefinedColorspace = 0; pub const RGBColorspace = 1; pub const GRAYColorspace = 2; pub const TransparentColorspace = 3; pub const OHTAColorspace = 4; pub const XYZColorspace = 5; pub const YCCColorspace = 6; pub const YIQColorspace = 7; pub const YPbPrColorspace = 8; pub const YUVColorspace = 9; pub const CMYKColorspace = 10; pub const sRGBColorspace = 11; pub const HSLColorspace = 12; pub const HWBColorspace = 13; pub const LABColorspace = 14; pub const CineonLogRGBColorspace = 15; pub const Rec601LumaColorspace = 16; pub const Rec601YCbCrColorspace = 17; pub const Rec709LumaColorspace = 18; pub const Rec709YCbCrColorspace = 19; pub const ColorspaceType = extern enum { UndefinedColorspace = 0, RGBColorspace = 1, GRAYColorspace = 2, TransparentColorspace = 3, OHTAColorspace = 4, XYZColorspace = 5, YCCColorspace = 6, YIQColorspace = 7, YPbPrColorspace = 8, YUVColorspace = 9, CMYKColorspace = 10, sRGBColorspace = 11, HSLColorspace = 12, HWBColorspace = 13, LABColorspace = 14, CineonLogRGBColorspace = 15, Rec601LumaColorspace = 16, Rec601YCbCrColorspace = 17, Rec709LumaColorspace = 18, Rec709YCbCrColorspace = 19, }; pub const UndefinedCompression = 0; pub const NoCompression = 1; pub const BZipCompression = 2; pub const FaxCompression = 3; pub const Group3Compression = 3; pub const Group4Compression = 4; pub const JPEGCompression = 5; pub const LosslessJPEGCompression = 6; pub const LZWCompression = 7; pub const RLECompression = 8; pub const ZipCompression = 9; pub const LZMACompression = 10; pub const JPEG2000Compression = 11; pub const JBIG1Compression = 12; pub const JBIG2Compression = 13; pub const ZSTDCompression = 14; pub const WebPCompression = 15; pub const CompressionType = extern enum { UndefinedCompression = 0, NoCompression = 1, BZipCompression = 2, FaxCompression = 3, Group4Compression = 4, JPEGCompression = 5, LosslessJPEGCompression = 6, LZWCompression = 7, RLECompression = 8, ZipCompression = 9, LZMACompression = 10, JPEG2000Compression = 11, JBIG1Compression = 12, JBIG2Compression = 13, ZSTDCompression = 14, WebPCompression = 15, pub const Group3Compression = @This().FaxCompression; }; pub const Quantum = c_ushort; pub const struct__PixelPacket = extern struct { blue: Quantum, green: Quantum, red: Quantum, opacity: Quantum, }; pub const PixelPacket = struct__PixelPacket; pub const struct__PrimaryInfo = extern struct { x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, }; pub const PrimaryInfo = struct__PrimaryInfo; pub const struct__ChromaticityInfo = extern struct { red_primary: PrimaryInfo, green_primary: PrimaryInfo, blue_primary: PrimaryInfo, white_point: PrimaryInfo, }; pub const ChromaticityInfo = struct__ChromaticityInfo; pub const UndefinedOrientation = 0; pub const TopLeftOrientation = 1; pub const TopRightOrientation = 2; pub const BottomRightOrientation = 3; pub const BottomLeftOrientation = 4; pub const LeftTopOrientation = 5; pub const RightTopOrientation = 6; pub const RightBottomOrientation = 7; pub const LeftBottomOrientation = 8; pub const OrientationType = extern enum { UndefinedOrientation = 0, TopLeftOrientation = 1, TopRightOrientation = 2, BottomRightOrientation = 3, BottomLeftOrientation = 4, LeftTopOrientation = 5, RightTopOrientation = 6, RightBottomOrientation = 7, LeftBottomOrientation = 8, }; pub const UndefinedIntent = 0; pub const SaturationIntent = 1; pub const PerceptualIntent = 2; pub const AbsoluteIntent = 3; pub const RelativeIntent = 4; pub const RenderingIntent = extern enum { UndefinedIntent = 0, SaturationIntent = 1, PerceptualIntent = 2, AbsoluteIntent = 3, RelativeIntent = 4, }; pub const UndefinedResolution = 0; pub const PixelsPerInchResolution = 1; pub const PixelsPerCentimeterResolution = 2; pub const ResolutionType = extern enum { UndefinedResolution = 0, PixelsPerInchResolution = 1, PixelsPerCentimeterResolution = 2, }; pub const struct__RectangleInfo = extern struct { width: c_ulong, height: c_ulong, x: c_long, y: c_long, }; pub const RectangleInfo = struct__RectangleInfo; pub const UndefinedFilter = 0; pub const PointFilter = 1; pub const BoxFilter = 2; pub const TriangleFilter = 3; pub const HermiteFilter = 4; pub const HanningFilter = 5; pub const HammingFilter = 6; pub const BlackmanFilter = 7; pub const GaussianFilter = 8; pub const QuadraticFilter = 9; pub const CubicFilter = 10; pub const CatromFilter = 11; pub const MitchellFilter = 12; pub const LanczosFilter = 13; pub const BesselFilter = 14; pub const SincFilter = 15; pub const FilterTypes = extern enum { UndefinedFilter = 0, PointFilter = 1, BoxFilter = 2, TriangleFilter = 3, HermiteFilter = 4, HanningFilter = 5, HammingFilter = 6, BlackmanFilter = 7, GaussianFilter = 8, QuadraticFilter = 9, CubicFilter = 10, CatromFilter = 11, MitchellFilter = 12, LanczosFilter = 13, BesselFilter = 14, SincFilter = 15, }; pub const UndefinedInterlace = 0; pub const NoInterlace = 1; pub const LineInterlace = 2; pub const PlaneInterlace = 3; pub const PartitionInterlace = 4; pub const InterlaceType = extern enum { UndefinedInterlace = 0, NoInterlace = 1, LineInterlace = 2, PlaneInterlace = 3, PartitionInterlace = 4, }; pub const UndefinedEndian = 0; pub const LSBEndian = 1; pub const MSBEndian = 2; pub const NativeEndian = 3; pub const EndianType = extern enum { UndefinedEndian = 0, LSBEndian = 1, MSBEndian = 2, NativeEndian = 3, }; pub const ForgetGravity = 0; pub const NorthWestGravity = 1; pub const NorthGravity = 2; pub const NorthEastGravity = 3; pub const WestGravity = 4; pub const CenterGravity = 5; pub const EastGravity = 6; pub const SouthWestGravity = 7; pub const SouthGravity = 8; pub const SouthEastGravity = 9; pub const StaticGravity = 10; pub const GravityType = extern enum { ForgetGravity = 0, NorthWestGravity = 1, NorthGravity = 2, NorthEastGravity = 3, WestGravity = 4, CenterGravity = 5, EastGravity = 6, SouthWestGravity = 7, SouthGravity = 8, SouthEastGravity = 9, StaticGravity = 10, }; pub const UndefinedCompositeOp = 0; pub const OverCompositeOp = 1; pub const InCompositeOp = 2; pub const OutCompositeOp = 3; pub const AtopCompositeOp = 4; pub const XorCompositeOp = 5; pub const PlusCompositeOp = 6; pub const MinusCompositeOp = 7; pub const AddCompositeOp = 8; pub const SubtractCompositeOp = 9; pub const DifferenceCompositeOp = 10; pub const MultiplyCompositeOp = 11; pub const BumpmapCompositeOp = 12; pub const CopyCompositeOp = 13; pub const CopyRedCompositeOp = 14; pub const CopyGreenCompositeOp = 15; pub const CopyBlueCompositeOp = 16; pub const CopyOpacityCompositeOp = 17; pub const ClearCompositeOp = 18; pub const DissolveCompositeOp = 19; pub const DisplaceCompositeOp = 20; pub const ModulateCompositeOp = 21; pub const ThresholdCompositeOp = 22; pub const NoCompositeOp = 23; pub const DarkenCompositeOp = 24; pub const LightenCompositeOp = 25; pub const HueCompositeOp = 26; pub const SaturateCompositeOp = 27; pub const ColorizeCompositeOp = 28; pub const LuminizeCompositeOp = 29; pub const ScreenCompositeOp = 30; pub const OverlayCompositeOp = 31; pub const CopyCyanCompositeOp = 32; pub const CopyMagentaCompositeOp = 33; pub const CopyYellowCompositeOp = 34; pub const CopyBlackCompositeOp = 35; pub const DivideCompositeOp = 36; pub const HardLightCompositeOp = 37; pub const ExclusionCompositeOp = 38; pub const ColorDodgeCompositeOp = 39; pub const ColorBurnCompositeOp = 40; pub const SoftLightCompositeOp = 41; pub const LinearBurnCompositeOp = 42; pub const LinearDodgeCompositeOp = 43; pub const LinearLightCompositeOp = 44; pub const VividLightCompositeOp = 45; pub const PinLightCompositeOp = 46; pub const HardMixCompositeOp = 47; pub const CompositeOperator = extern enum { UndefinedCompositeOp = 0, OverCompositeOp = 1, InCompositeOp = 2, OutCompositeOp = 3, AtopCompositeOp = 4, XorCompositeOp = 5, PlusCompositeOp = 6, MinusCompositeOp = 7, AddCompositeOp = 8, SubtractCompositeOp = 9, DifferenceCompositeOp = 10, MultiplyCompositeOp = 11, BumpmapCompositeOp = 12, CopyCompositeOp = 13, CopyRedCompositeOp = 14, CopyGreenCompositeOp = 15, CopyBlueCompositeOp = 16, CopyOpacityCompositeOp = 17, ClearCompositeOp = 18, DissolveCompositeOp = 19, DisplaceCompositeOp = 20, ModulateCompositeOp = 21, ThresholdCompositeOp = 22, NoCompositeOp = 23, DarkenCompositeOp = 24, LightenCompositeOp = 25, HueCompositeOp = 26, SaturateCompositeOp = 27, ColorizeCompositeOp = 28, LuminizeCompositeOp = 29, ScreenCompositeOp = 30, OverlayCompositeOp = 31, CopyCyanCompositeOp = 32, CopyMagentaCompositeOp = 33, CopyYellowCompositeOp = 34, CopyBlackCompositeOp = 35, DivideCompositeOp = 36, HardLightCompositeOp = 37, ExclusionCompositeOp = 38, ColorDodgeCompositeOp = 39, ColorBurnCompositeOp = 40, SoftLightCompositeOp = 41, LinearBurnCompositeOp = 42, LinearDodgeCompositeOp = 43, LinearLightCompositeOp = 44, VividLightCompositeOp = 45, PinLightCompositeOp = 46, HardMixCompositeOp = 47, }; pub const UndefinedDispose = 0; pub const NoneDispose = 1; pub const BackgroundDispose = 2; pub const PreviousDispose = 3; pub const DisposeType = extern enum { UndefinedDispose = 0, NoneDispose = 1, BackgroundDispose = 2, PreviousDispose = 3, }; pub const struct__ErrorInfo = extern struct { mean_error_per_pixel: f64, normalized_mean_error: f64, normalized_maximum_error: f64, }; pub const ErrorInfo = struct__ErrorInfo; pub const struct__Timer = extern struct { start: f64, stop: f64, total: f64, }; pub const Timer = struct__Timer; pub const UndefinedTimerState = 0; pub const StoppedTimerState = 1; pub const RunningTimerState = 2; pub const TimerState = extern enum { UndefinedTimerState = 0, StoppedTimerState = 1, RunningTimerState = 2, }; pub const struct__TimerInfo = extern struct { user: Timer, elapsed: Timer, state: TimerState, signature: c_ulong, }; pub const TimerInfo = struct__TimerInfo; pub const UndefinedException = 0; pub const EventException = 100; pub const ExceptionEvent = 101; pub const ResourceEvent = 102; pub const ResourceLimitEvent = 102; pub const TypeEvent = 105; pub const AnnotateEvent = 105; pub const OptionEvent = 110; pub const DelegateEvent = 115; pub const MissingDelegateEvent = 120; pub const CorruptImageEvent = 125; pub const FileOpenEvent = 130; pub const BlobEvent = 135; pub const StreamEvent = 140; pub const CacheEvent = 145; pub const CoderEvent = 150; pub const ModuleEvent = 155; pub const DrawEvent = 160; pub const RenderEvent = 160; pub const ImageEvent = 165; pub const WandEvent = 167; pub const TemporaryFileEvent = 170; pub const TransformEvent = 175; pub const XServerEvent = 180; pub const X11Event = 181; pub const UserEvent = 182; pub const MonitorEvent = 185; pub const LocaleEvent = 186; pub const DeprecateEvent = 187; pub const RegistryEvent = 190; pub const ConfigureEvent = 195; pub const WarningException = 300; pub const ExceptionWarning = 301; pub const ResourceWarning = 302; pub const ResourceLimitWarning = 302; pub const TypeWarning = 305; pub const AnnotateWarning = 305; pub const OptionWarning = 310; pub const DelegateWarning = 315; pub const MissingDelegateWarning = 320; pub const CorruptImageWarning = 325; pub const FileOpenWarning = 330; pub const BlobWarning = 335; pub const StreamWarning = 340; pub const CacheWarning = 345; pub const CoderWarning = 350; pub const ModuleWarning = 355; pub const DrawWarning = 360; pub const RenderWarning = 360; pub const ImageWarning = 365; pub const WandWarning = 367; pub const TemporaryFileWarning = 370; pub const TransformWarning = 375; pub const XServerWarning = 380; pub const X11Warning = 381; pub const UserWarning = 382; pub const MonitorWarning = 385; pub const LocaleWarning = 386; pub const DeprecateWarning = 387; pub const RegistryWarning = 390; pub const ConfigureWarning = 395; pub const ErrorException = 400; pub const ExceptionError = 401; pub const ResourceError = 402; pub const ResourceLimitError = 402; pub const TypeError = 405; pub const AnnotateError = 405; pub const OptionError = 410; pub const DelegateError = 415; pub const MissingDelegateError = 420; pub const CorruptImageError = 425; pub const FileOpenError = 430; pub const BlobError = 435; pub const StreamError = 440; pub const CacheError = 445; pub const CoderError = 450; pub const ModuleError = 455; pub const DrawError = 460; pub const RenderError = 460; pub const ImageError = 465; pub const WandError = 467; pub const TemporaryFileError = 470; pub const TransformError = 475; pub const XServerError = 480; pub const X11Error = 481; pub const UserError = 482; pub const MonitorError = 485; pub const LocaleError = 486; pub const DeprecateError = 487; pub const RegistryError = 490; pub const ConfigureError = 495; pub const FatalErrorException = 700; pub const ExceptionFatalError = 701; pub const ResourceFatalError = 702; pub const ResourceLimitFatalError = 702; pub const TypeFatalError = 705; pub const AnnotateFatalError = 705; pub const OptionFatalError = 710; pub const DelegateFatalError = 715; pub const MissingDelegateFatalError = 720; pub const CorruptImageFatalError = 725; pub const FileOpenFatalError = 730; pub const BlobFatalError = 735; pub const StreamFatalError = 740; pub const CacheFatalError = 745; pub const CoderFatalError = 750; pub const ModuleFatalError = 755; pub const DrawFatalError = 760; pub const RenderFatalError = 760; pub const ImageFatalError = 765; pub const WandFatalError = 767; pub const TemporaryFileFatalError = 770; pub const TransformFatalError = 775; pub const XServerFatalError = 780; pub const X11FatalError = 781; pub const UserFatalError = 782; pub const MonitorFatalError = 785; pub const LocaleFatalError = 786; pub const DeprecateFatalError = 787; pub const RegistryFatalError = 790; pub const ConfigureFatalError = 795; pub const ExceptionType = extern enum { UndefinedException = 0, EventException = 100, ExceptionEvent = 101, ResourceEvent = 102, pub const ResourceLimitEvent = 102; TypeEvent = 105, pub const AnnotateEvent = 105; OptionEvent = 110, DelegateEvent = 115, MissingDelegateEvent = 120, CorruptImageEvent = 125, FileOpenEvent = 130, BlobEvent = 135, StreamEvent = 140, CacheEvent = 145, CoderEvent = 150, ModuleEvent = 155, DrawEvent = 160, pub const RenderEvent = 160; ImageEvent = 165, WandEvent = 167, TemporaryFileEvent = 170, TransformEvent = 175, XServerEvent = 180, X11Event = 181, UserEvent = 182, MonitorEvent = 185, LocaleEvent = 186, DeprecateEvent = 187, RegistryEvent = 190, ConfigureEvent = 195, WarningException = 300, ExceptionWarning = 301, ResourceWarning = 302, pub const ResourceLimitWarning = 302; TypeWarning = 305, pub const AnnotateWarning = 305; OptionWarning = 310, DelegateWarning = 315, MissingDelegateWarning = 320, CorruptImageWarning = 325, FileOpenWarning = 330, BlobWarning = 335, StreamWarning = 340, CacheWarning = 345, CoderWarning = 350, ModuleWarning = 355, DrawWarning = 360, pub const RenderWarning = 360; ImageWarning = 365, WandWarning = 367, TemporaryFileWarning = 370, TransformWarning = 375, XServerWarning = 380, X11Warning = 381, UserWarning = 382, MonitorWarning = 385, LocaleWarning = 386, DeprecateWarning = 387, RegistryWarning = 390, ConfigureWarning = 395, ErrorException = 400, ExceptionError = 401, ResourceError = 402, pub const ResourceLimitError = 402; TypeError = 405, pub const AnnotateError = 405; OptionError = 410, DelegateError = 415, MissingDelegateError = 420, CorruptImageError = 425, FileOpenError = 430, BlobError = 435, StreamError = 440, CacheError = 445, CoderError = 450, ModuleError = 455, DrawError = 460, pub const RenderError = 460; ImageError = 465, WandError = 467, TemporaryFileError = 470, TransformError = 475, XServerError = 480, X11Error = 481, UserError = 482, MonitorError = 485, LocaleError = 486, DeprecateError = 487, RegistryError = 490, ConfigureError = 495, FatalErrorException = 700, ExceptionFatalError = 701, ResourceFatalError = 702, pub const ResourceLimitFatalError = 702; TypeFatalError = 705, pub const AnnotateFatalError = 705; OptionFatalError = 710, DelegateFatalError = 715, MissingDelegateFatalError = 720, CorruptImageFatalError = 725, FileOpenFatalError = 730, BlobFatalError = 735, StreamFatalError = 740, CacheFatalError = 745, CoderFatalError = 750, ModuleFatalError = 755, DrawFatalError = 760, pub const RenderFatalError = 760; ImageFatalError = 765, WandFatalError = 767, TemporaryFileFatalError = 770, TransformFatalError = 775, XServerFatalError = 780, X11FatalError = 781, UserFatalError = 782, MonitorFatalError = 785, LocaleFatalError = 786, DeprecateFatalError = 787, RegistryFatalError = 790, ConfigureFatalError = 795, }; pub const struct__ExceptionInfo = extern struct { severity: ExceptionType, reason: [*c]u8, description: [*c]u8, error_number: c_int, module: [*c]u8, function: [*c]u8, line: c_ulong, signature: c_ulong, }; pub const ExceptionInfo = struct__ExceptionInfo; pub const struct__ImageExtra = @OpaqueType(); pub const struct__CacheInfo = @OpaqueType(); pub const _CacheInfoPtr_ = ?*struct__CacheInfo; pub const struct__ThreadViewSet = @OpaqueType(); pub const _ThreadViewSetPtr_ = ?*struct__ThreadViewSet; pub const struct__ImageAttribute = extern struct { key: [*c]u8, value: [*c]u8, length: usize, previous: [*c]struct__ImageAttribute, next: [*c]struct__ImageAttribute, }; pub const _ImageAttributePtr_ = [*c]struct__ImageAttribute; pub const struct__Ascii85Info = extern struct { offset: c_long, line_break: c_long, buffer: [10]magick_uint8_t, }; pub const _Ascii85InfoPtr_ = [*c]struct__Ascii85Info; pub const struct__BlobInfo = @OpaqueType(); pub const _BlobInfoPtr_ = ?*struct__BlobInfo; pub const struct__SemaphoreInfo = @OpaqueType(); pub const _SemaphoreInfoPtr_ = ?*struct__SemaphoreInfo; pub const struct__Image = extern struct { storage_class: ClassType, colorspace: ColorspaceType, compression: CompressionType, dither: c_uint, matte: c_uint, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, colors: c_uint, depth: c_uint, colormap: [*c]PixelPacket, background_color: PixelPacket, border_color: PixelPacket, matte_color: PixelPacket, gamma: f64, chromaticity: ChromaticityInfo, orientation: OrientationType, rendering_intent: RenderingIntent, units: ResolutionType, montage: [*c]u8, directory: [*c]u8, geometry: [*c]u8, offset: c_long, x_resolution: f64, y_resolution: f64, page: RectangleInfo, tile_info: RectangleInfo, blur: f64, fuzz: f64, filter: FilterTypes, interlace: InterlaceType, endian: EndianType, gravity: GravityType, compose: CompositeOperator, dispose: DisposeType, scene: c_ulong, delay: c_ulong, iterations: c_ulong, total_colors: c_ulong, start_loop: c_long, @"error": ErrorInfo, timer: TimerInfo, client_data: ?*c_void, filename: [2053]u8, magick_filename: [2053]u8, magick: [2053]u8, magick_columns: c_ulong, magick_rows: c_ulong, exception: ExceptionInfo, previous: [*c]struct__Image, next: [*c]struct__Image, profiles: ?*c_void, is_monochrome: c_uint, is_grayscale: c_uint, taint: c_uint, extra: ?*struct__ImageExtra, ping: c_uint, cache: _CacheInfoPtr_, default_views: _ThreadViewSetPtr_, attributes: _ImageAttributePtr_, ascii85: _Ascii85InfoPtr_, blob: _BlobInfoPtr_, reference_count: c_long, semaphore: _SemaphoreInfoPtr_, logging: c_uint, list: [*c]struct__Image, signature: c_ulong, }; pub const ImagePtr = [*c]struct__Image; pub const ViewInfo = ?*c_void; pub extern fn RGBTransformImage(arg0: ImagePtr, arg1: ColorspaceType) c_uint; pub extern fn TransformColorspace(arg0: ImagePtr, arg1: ColorspaceType) c_uint; pub extern fn TransformRGBImage(arg0: ImagePtr, arg1: ColorspaceType) c_uint; pub const UndefinedExceptionBase = 0; pub const ExceptionBase = 1; pub const ResourceBase = 2; pub const ResourceLimitBase = 2; pub const TypeBase = 5; pub const AnnotateBase = 5; pub const OptionBase = 10; pub const DelegateBase = 15; pub const MissingDelegateBase = 20; pub const CorruptImageBase = 25; pub const FileOpenBase = 30; pub const BlobBase = 35; pub const StreamBase = 40; pub const CacheBase = 45; pub const CoderBase = 50; pub const ModuleBase = 55; pub const DrawBase = 60; pub const RenderBase = 60; pub const ImageBase = 65; pub const WandBase = 67; pub const TemporaryFileBase = 70; pub const TransformBase = 75; pub const XServerBase = 80; pub const X11Base = 81; pub const UserBase = 82; pub const MonitorBase = 85; pub const LocaleBase = 86; pub const DeprecateBase = 87; pub const RegistryBase = 90; pub const ConfigureBase = 95; pub const ExceptionBaseType = extern enum { UndefinedExceptionBase = 0, ExceptionBase = 1, ResourceBase = 2, ResourceLimitBase = 2, TypeBase = 5, AnnotateBase = 5, OptionBase = 10, DelegateBase = 15, MissingDelegateBase = 20, CorruptImageBase = 25, FileOpenBase = 30, BlobBase = 35, StreamBase = 40, CacheBase = 45, CoderBase = 50, ModuleBase = 55, DrawBase = 60, RenderBase = 60, ImageBase = 65, WandBase = 67, TemporaryFileBase = 70, TransformBase = 75, XServerBase = 80, X11Base = 81, UserBase = 82, MonitorBase = 85, LocaleBase = 86, DeprecateBase = 87, RegistryBase = 90, ConfigureBase = 95, }; pub const ErrorHandler = ?extern fn (ExceptionType, [*c]const u8, [*c]const u8) void; pub const FatalErrorHandler = ?extern fn (ExceptionType, [*c]const u8, [*c]const u8) void; pub const WarningHandler = ?extern fn (ExceptionType, [*c]const u8, [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn GetLocaleExceptionMessage(arg0: ExceptionType, arg1: [*c]const u8) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn GetLocaleMessage(arg0: [*c]const u8) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn SetErrorHandler(arg0: ErrorHandler) ErrorHandler; pub extern fn SetFatalErrorHandler(arg0: FatalErrorHandler) FatalErrorHandler; pub extern fn CatchException(arg0: [*c]const ExceptionInfo) void; pub extern fn CopyException(copy: [*c]ExceptionInfo, original: [*c]const ExceptionInfo) void; pub extern fn DestroyExceptionInfo(arg0: [*c]ExceptionInfo) void; pub extern fn GetExceptionInfo(arg0: [*c]ExceptionInfo) void; pub extern fn MagickError(arg0: ExceptionType, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn MagickFatalError(arg0: ExceptionType, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8) noreturn; pub extern fn MagickWarning(arg0: ExceptionType, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn _MagickError(arg0: ExceptionType, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn _MagickFatalError(arg0: ExceptionType, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8) noreturn; pub extern fn _MagickWarning(arg0: ExceptionType, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn SetExceptionInfo(arg0: [*c]ExceptionInfo, arg1: ExceptionType) void; pub extern fn ThrowException(arg0: [*c]ExceptionInfo, arg1: ExceptionType, arg2: [*c]const u8, arg3: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn ThrowLoggedException(exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo, severity: ExceptionType, reason: [*c]const u8, description: [*c]const u8, module: [*c]const u8, function: [*c]const u8, line: c_ulong) void; pub extern fn SetWarningHandler(arg0: WarningHandler) WarningHandler; pub const UndefinedEventMask = 0; pub const NoEventsMask = 0; pub const ConfigureEventMask = 1; pub const AnnotateEventMask = 2; pub const RenderEventMask = 4; pub const TransformEventMask = 8; pub const LocaleEventMask = 16; pub const CoderEventMask = 32; pub const X11EventMask = 64; pub const CacheEventMask = 128; pub const BlobEventMask = 256; pub const DeprecateEventMask = 512; pub const UserEventMask = 1024; pub const ResourceEventMask = 2048; pub const TemporaryFileEventMask = 4096; pub const ExceptionEventMask = 458752; pub const OptionEventMask = 16384; pub const InformationEventMask = 32768; pub const WarningEventMask = 65536; pub const ErrorEventMask = 131072; pub const FatalErrorEventMask = 262144; pub const AllEventsMask = 2147483647; pub const LogEventType = extern enum { UndefinedEventMask = 0, NoEventsMask = 0, ConfigureEventMask = 1, AnnotateEventMask = 2, RenderEventMask = 4, TransformEventMask = 8, LocaleEventMask = 16, CoderEventMask = 32, X11EventMask = 64, CacheEventMask = 128, BlobEventMask = 256, DeprecateEventMask = 512, UserEventMask = 1024, ResourceEventMask = 2048, TemporaryFileEventMask = 4096, ExceptionEventMask = 458752, OptionEventMask = 16384, InformationEventMask = 32768, WarningEventMask = 65536, ErrorEventMask = 131072, FatalErrorEventMask = 262144, AllEventsMask = 2147483647, }; pub const LogMethod = ?extern fn (ExceptionType, [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn IsEventLogging() c_uint; pub extern fn LogMagickEvent(type_0: ExceptionType, module: [*c]const u8, function: [*c]const u8, line: c_ulong, format: [*c]const u8, ...) c_uint; pub extern fn LogMagickEventList(type_0: ExceptionType, module: [*c]const u8, function: [*c]const u8, line: c_ulong, format: [*c]const u8, operands: [*c]struct___va_list_tag) c_uint; pub extern fn SetLogEventMask(events: [*c]const u8) c_ulong; pub extern fn SetLogFormat(format: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn SetLogMethod(arg0: LogMethod) void; pub extern fn GetElapsedTime(arg0: [*c]TimerInfo) f64; pub extern fn GetUserTime(arg0: [*c]TimerInfo) f64; pub extern fn GetTimerResolution() f64; pub extern fn ContinueTimer(arg0: [*c]TimerInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn GetTimerInfo(arg0: [*c]TimerInfo) void; pub extern fn ResetTimer(arg0: [*c]TimerInfo) void; pub const UnspecifiedAlpha = 0; pub const AssociatedAlpha = 1; pub const UnassociatedAlpha = 2; pub const AlphaType = extern enum { UnspecifiedAlpha = 0, AssociatedAlpha = 1, UnassociatedAlpha = 2, }; pub const UndefinedChannel = 0; pub const RedChannel = 1; pub const CyanChannel = 2; pub const GreenChannel = 3; pub const MagentaChannel = 4; pub const BlueChannel = 5; pub const YellowChannel = 6; pub const OpacityChannel = 7; pub const BlackChannel = 8; pub const MatteChannel = 9; pub const AllChannels = 10; pub const GrayChannel = 11; pub const ChannelType = extern enum { UndefinedChannel = 0, RedChannel = 1, CyanChannel = 2, GreenChannel = 3, MagentaChannel = 4, BlueChannel = 5, YellowChannel = 6, OpacityChannel = 7, BlackChannel = 8, MatteChannel = 9, AllChannels = 10, GrayChannel = 11, }; pub const NoValue = 0; pub const XValue = 1; pub const YValue = 2; pub const WidthValue = 4; pub const HeightValue = 8; pub const AllValues = 15; pub const XNegative = 16; pub const YNegative = 32; pub const PercentValue = 4096; pub const AspectValue = 8192; pub const LessValue = 16384; pub const GreaterValue = 32768; pub const AreaValue = 65536; pub const MinimumValue = 131072; pub const GeometryFlags = extern enum { NoValue = 0, XValue = 1, YValue = 2, WidthValue = 4, HeightValue = 8, AllValues = 15, XNegative = 16, YNegative = 32, PercentValue = 4096, AspectValue = 8192, LessValue = 16384, GreaterValue = 32768, AreaValue = 65536, MinimumValue = 131072, }; pub const UndefinedType = 0; pub const BilevelType = 1; pub const GrayscaleType = 2; pub const GrayscaleMatteType = 3; pub const PaletteType = 4; pub const PaletteMatteType = 5; pub const TrueColorType = 6; pub const TrueColorMatteType = 7; pub const ColorSeparationType = 8; pub const ColorSeparationMatteType = 9; pub const OptimizeType = 10; pub const ImageType = extern enum { UndefinedType = 0, BilevelType = 1, GrayscaleType = 2, GrayscaleMatteType = 3, PaletteType = 4, PaletteMatteType = 5, TrueColorType = 6, TrueColorMatteType = 7, ColorSeparationType = 8, ColorSeparationMatteType = 9, OptimizeType = 10, }; pub const UndefinedMode = 0; pub const FrameMode = 1; pub const UnframeMode = 2; pub const ConcatenateMode = 3; pub const MontageMode = extern enum { UndefinedMode = 0, FrameMode = 1, UnframeMode = 2, ConcatenateMode = 3, }; pub const UniformNoise = 0; pub const GaussianNoise = 1; pub const MultiplicativeGaussianNoise = 2; pub const ImpulseNoise = 3; pub const LaplacianNoise = 4; pub const PoissonNoise = 5; pub const RandomNoise = 6; pub const UndefinedNoise = 7; pub const NoiseType = extern enum { UniformNoise = 0, GaussianNoise = 1, MultiplicativeGaussianNoise = 2, ImpulseNoise = 3, LaplacianNoise = 4, PoissonNoise = 5, RandomNoise = 6, UndefinedNoise = 7, }; pub const UndefinedPreview = 0; pub const RotatePreview = 1; pub const ShearPreview = 2; pub const RollPreview = 3; pub const HuePreview = 4; pub const SaturationPreview = 5; pub const BrightnessPreview = 6; pub const GammaPreview = 7; pub const SpiffPreview = 8; pub const DullPreview = 9; pub const GrayscalePreview = 10; pub const QuantizePreview = 11; pub const DespecklePreview = 12; pub const ReduceNoisePreview = 13; pub const AddNoisePreview = 14; pub const SharpenPreview = 15; pub const BlurPreview = 16; pub const ThresholdPreview = 17; pub const EdgeDetectPreview = 18; pub const SpreadPreview = 19; pub const SolarizePreview = 20; pub const ShadePreview = 21; pub const RaisePreview = 22; pub const SegmentPreview = 23; pub const SwirlPreview = 24; pub const ImplodePreview = 25; pub const WavePreview = 26; pub const OilPaintPreview = 27; pub const CharcoalDrawingPreview = 28; pub const JPEGPreview = 29; pub const PreviewType = extern enum { UndefinedPreview = 0, RotatePreview = 1, ShearPreview = 2, RollPreview = 3, HuePreview = 4, SaturationPreview = 5, BrightnessPreview = 6, GammaPreview = 7, SpiffPreview = 8, DullPreview = 9, GrayscalePreview = 10, QuantizePreview = 11, DespecklePreview = 12, ReduceNoisePreview = 13, AddNoisePreview = 14, SharpenPreview = 15, BlurPreview = 16, ThresholdPreview = 17, EdgeDetectPreview = 18, SpreadPreview = 19, SolarizePreview = 20, ShadePreview = 21, RaisePreview = 22, SegmentPreview = 23, SwirlPreview = 24, ImplodePreview = 25, WavePreview = 26, OilPaintPreview = 27, CharcoalDrawingPreview = 28, JPEGPreview = 29, }; pub const struct__AffineMatrix = extern struct { sx: f64, rx: f64, ry: f64, sy: f64, tx: f64, ty: f64, }; pub const AffineMatrix = struct__AffineMatrix; pub const struct__DoublePixelPacket = extern struct { red: f64, green: f64, blue: f64, opacity: f64, }; pub const DoublePixelPacket = struct__DoublePixelPacket; pub const struct__FloatPixelPacket = extern struct { red: f32, green: f32, blue: f32, opacity: f32, }; pub const FloatPixelPacket = struct__FloatPixelPacket; pub const struct__FrameInfo = extern struct { width: c_ulong, height: c_ulong, x: c_long, y: c_long, inner_bevel: c_long, outer_bevel: c_long, }; pub const FrameInfo = struct__FrameInfo; pub const IndexPacket = Quantum; pub const struct__LongPixelPacket = extern struct { red: c_ulong, green: c_ulong, blue: c_ulong, opacity: c_ulong, }; pub const LongPixelPacket = struct__LongPixelPacket; pub const struct__MontageInfo = extern struct { geometry: [*c]u8, tile: [*c]u8, title: [*c]u8, frame: [*c]u8, texture: [*c]u8, font: [*c]u8, pointsize: f64, border_width: c_ulong, shadow: c_uint, fill: PixelPacket, stroke: PixelPacket, background_color: PixelPacket, border_color: PixelPacket, matte_color: PixelPacket, gravity: GravityType, filename: [2053]u8, signature: c_ulong, }; pub const MontageInfo = struct__MontageInfo; pub const struct__ProfileInfo = extern struct { length: usize, name: [*c]u8, info: [*c]u8, }; pub const ProfileInfo = struct__ProfileInfo; pub const struct__SegmentInfo = extern struct { x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64, }; pub const SegmentInfo = struct__SegmentInfo; pub const Image = struct__Image; pub const struct__ImageInfo = extern struct { compression: CompressionType, temporary: c_uint, adjoin: c_uint, antialias: c_uint, subimage: c_ulong, subrange: c_ulong, depth: c_ulong, size: [*c]u8, tile: [*c]u8, page: [*c]u8, interlace: InterlaceType, endian: EndianType, units: ResolutionType, quality: c_ulong, sampling_factor: [*c]u8, server_name: [*c]u8, font: [*c]u8, texture: [*c]u8, density: [*c]u8, pointsize: f64, fuzz: f64, pen: PixelPacket, background_color: PixelPacket, border_color: PixelPacket, matte_color: PixelPacket, dither: c_uint, monochrome: c_uint, progress: c_uint, colorspace: ColorspaceType, type: ImageType, group: c_long, verbose: c_uint, view: [*c]u8, authenticate: [*c]u8, client_data: ?*c_void, file: [*c]FILE, magick: [2053]u8, filename: [2053]u8, cache: _CacheInfoPtr_, definitions: ?*c_void, attributes: [*c]Image, ping: c_uint, preview_type: PreviewType, affirm: c_uint, blob: _BlobInfoPtr_, length: usize, unique: [2053]u8, zero: [2053]u8, signature: c_ulong, }; pub const ImageInfo = struct__ImageInfo; pub extern fn CatchImageException(arg0: [*c]Image) ExceptionType; pub extern fn AllocateImage(arg0: [*c]const ImageInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn AppendImages(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_uint, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn CloneImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: c_uint, arg4: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn GetImageClipMask(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn GetImageCompositeMask(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ReferenceImage(arg0: [*c]Image) [*c]Image; pub extern fn CloneImageInfo(arg0: [*c]const ImageInfo) [*c]ImageInfo; pub extern fn AccessDefinition(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, magick: [*c]const u8, key: [*c]const u8) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn GetImageGeometry(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: c_uint, arg3: [*c]RectangleInfo) c_int; pub extern fn IsTaintImage(arg0: [*c]const Image) c_uint; pub extern fn IsSubimage(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn AddDefinition(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, magick: [*c]const u8, key: [*c]const u8, value: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn AddDefinitions(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, options: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn AnimateImages(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, image: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn ClipImage(image: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn ClipPathImage(image: [*c]Image, pathname: [*c]const u8, inside: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn CompositeMaskImage(image: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn CompositePathImage(image: [*c]Image, pathname: [*c]const u8, inside: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn DisplayImages(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, image: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn RemoveDefinitions(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, options: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn ResetImagePage(image: [*c]Image, page: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn SetImage(image: [*c]Image, arg1: Quantum) c_uint; pub extern fn SetImageEx(image: [*c]Image, opacity: Quantum, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn SetImageColor(image: [*c]Image, pixel: [*c]const PixelPacket) c_uint; pub extern fn SetImageColorRegion(image: [*c]Image, x: c_long, y: c_long, width: c_ulong, height: c_ulong, pixel: [*c]const PixelPacket) c_uint; pub extern fn SetImageClipMask(image: [*c]Image, clip_mask: [*c]const Image) c_uint; pub extern fn SetImageCompositeMask(image: [*c]Image, composite_mask: [*c]const Image) c_uint; pub extern fn SetImageDepth(image: [*c]Image, arg1: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn SetImageInfo(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, flags: c_uint, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn SetImageType(image: [*c]Image, arg1: ImageType) c_uint; pub extern fn StripImage(image: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn SyncImage(image: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn AllocateNextImage(arg0: [*c]const ImageInfo, arg1: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn DestroyImage(arg0: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn DestroyImageInfo(arg0: [*c]ImageInfo) void; pub extern fn GetImageException(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) void; pub extern fn GetImageInfo(arg0: [*c]ImageInfo) void; pub extern fn ModifyImage(arg0: [*c]([*c]Image), arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) void; pub extern fn SetImageOpacity(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: c_uint) void; pub extern fn ImageGetClipMask(arg0: [*c]const Image) [*c]([*c]Image); pub extern fn ImageGetCompositeMask(arg0: [*c]const Image) [*c]([*c]Image); pub const struct__ImageCharacteristics = extern struct { cmyk: c_uint, grayscale: c_uint, monochrome: c_uint, opaque: c_uint, palette: c_uint, }; pub const ImageCharacteristics = struct__ImageCharacteristics; pub extern fn GetImageCharacteristics(image: [*c]const Image, characteristics: [*c]ImageCharacteristics, optimize: c_uint, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn GetImageDepth(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_ulong; pub extern fn IsGrayImage(image: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn IsMonochromeImage(image: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn IsOpaqueImage(image: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn GetImageType(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) ImageType; pub extern fn GetImageBoundingBox(arg0: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) RectangleInfo; pub const ImageAttribute = struct__ImageAttribute; pub extern fn GetImageAttribute(image: [*c]const Image, key: [*c]const u8) [*c]const ImageAttribute; pub extern fn GetImageClippingPathAttribute(image: [*c]const Image) [*c]const ImageAttribute; pub extern fn GetImageInfoAttribute(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, image: [*c]const Image, key: [*c]const u8) [*c]const ImageAttribute; pub extern fn CloneImageAttributes(clone_image: [*c]Image, original_image: [*c]const Image) c_uint; pub extern fn SetImageAttribute(image: [*c]Image, key: [*c]const u8, value: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn DestroyImageAttributes(image: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn AverageImages(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub const BlobInfo = struct__BlobInfo; pub extern fn CloneBlobInfo(blob_info: ?*const BlobInfo) ?*BlobInfo; pub extern fn ReferenceBlob(blob: ?*BlobInfo) ?*BlobInfo; pub extern fn DestroyBlobInfo(blob: ?*BlobInfo) void; pub extern fn DetachBlob(blob: ?*BlobInfo) void; pub extern fn GetBlobInfo(blob: ?*BlobInfo) void; pub extern fn AttachBlob(blob_info: ?*BlobInfo, blob: ?*const c_void, length: usize) void; pub extern fn DestroyBlob(image: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn BlobToImage(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, blob: ?*const c_void, length: usize, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn PingBlob(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, blob: ?*const c_void, length: usize, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ImageToBlob(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, image: [*c]Image, length: [*c]usize, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) ?*c_void; pub const UndefinedBlobMode = 0; pub const ReadBlobMode = 1; pub const ReadBinaryBlobMode = 2; pub const WriteBlobMode = 3; pub const WriteBinaryBlobMode = 4; pub const BlobMode = extern enum { UndefinedBlobMode = 0, ReadBlobMode = 1, ReadBinaryBlobMode = 2, WriteBlobMode = 3, WriteBinaryBlobMode = 4, }; pub extern fn OpenBlob(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, image: [*c]Image, mode: BlobMode, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn CloseBlob(image: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn ReadBlob(image: [*c]Image, length: usize, data: ?*c_void) usize; pub extern fn ReadBlobZC(image: [*c]Image, length: usize, data: [*c](?*c_void)) usize; pub extern fn WriteBlob(image: [*c]Image, length: usize, data: ?*const c_void) usize; pub extern fn SeekBlob(image: [*c]Image, offset: magick_off_t, whence: c_int) magick_off_t; pub extern fn TellBlob(image: [*c]const Image) magick_off_t; pub extern fn EOFBlob(image: [*c]const Image) c_int; pub extern fn GetBlobStatus(image: [*c]const Image) c_int; pub extern fn GetBlobFirstErrno(image: [*c]const Image) c_int; pub extern fn GetBlobIsOpen(image: [*c]const Image) c_uint; pub extern fn GetBlobSize(image: [*c]const Image) magick_off_t; pub extern fn GetBlobFileHandle(image: [*c]const Image) [*c]FILE; pub extern fn GetBlobStreamData(image: [*c]const Image) [*c]u8; pub extern fn ReadBlobByte(image: [*c]Image) c_int; pub extern fn ReadBlobLSBShort(image: [*c]Image) magick_uint16_t; pub extern fn ReadBlobLSBSignedShort(image: [*c]Image) magick_int16_t; pub extern fn ReadBlobLSBShorts(image: [*c]Image, octets: usize, data: [*c]magick_uint16_t) usize; pub extern fn ReadBlobMSBShort(image: [*c]Image) magick_uint16_t; pub extern fn ReadBlobMSBSignedShort(image: [*c]Image) magick_int16_t; pub extern fn ReadBlobMSBShorts(image: [*c]Image, octets: usize, data: [*c]magick_uint16_t) usize; pub extern fn ReadBlobLSBLong(image: [*c]Image) magick_uint32_t; pub extern fn ReadBlobLSBSignedLong(image: [*c]Image) magick_int32_t; pub extern fn ReadBlobLSBLongs(image: [*c]Image, octets: usize, data: [*c]magick_uint32_t) usize; pub extern fn ReadBlobMSBLong(image: [*c]Image) magick_uint32_t; pub extern fn ReadBlobMSBSignedLong(image: [*c]Image) magick_int32_t; pub extern fn ReadBlobMSBLongs(image: [*c]Image, octets: usize, data: [*c]magick_uint32_t) usize; pub extern fn ReadBlobLSBFloat(image: [*c]Image) f32; pub extern fn ReadBlobLSBFloats(image: [*c]Image, octets: usize, data: [*c]f32) usize; pub extern fn ReadBlobMSBFloat(image: [*c]Image) f32; pub extern fn ReadBlobMSBFloats(image: [*c]Image, octets: usize, data: [*c]f32) usize; pub extern fn ReadBlobLSBDouble(image: [*c]Image) f64; pub extern fn ReadBlobLSBDoubles(image: [*c]Image, octets: usize, data: [*c]f64) usize; pub extern fn ReadBlobMSBDouble(image: [*c]Image) f64; pub extern fn ReadBlobMSBDoubles(image: [*c]Image, octets: usize, data: [*c]f64) usize; pub extern fn ReadBlobString(image: [*c]Image, string: [*c]u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn WriteBlobByte(image: [*c]Image, value: magick_uint8_t) usize; pub extern fn WriteBlobFile(image: [*c]Image, filename: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn WriteBlobLSBShort(image: [*c]Image, value: magick_uint16_t) usize; pub extern fn WriteBlobLSBSignedShort(image: [*c]Image, value: magick_int16_t) usize; pub extern fn WriteBlobLSBLong(image: [*c]Image, value: magick_uint32_t) usize; pub extern fn WriteBlobLSBSignedLong(image: [*c]Image, value: magick_int32_t) usize; pub extern fn WriteBlobMSBLong(image: [*c]Image, value: magick_uint32_t) usize; pub extern fn WriteBlobMSBSignedLong(image: [*c]Image, value: magick_int32_t) usize; pub extern fn WriteBlobMSBShort(image: [*c]Image, value: magick_uint16_t) usize; pub extern fn WriteBlobMSBSignedShort(image: [*c]Image, value: magick_int16_t) usize; pub extern fn WriteBlobString(image: [*c]Image, string: [*c]const u8) usize; pub extern fn BlobIsSeekable(image: [*c]const Image) c_uint; pub extern fn SetBlobClosable(image: [*c]Image, closable: c_uint) void; pub extern fn SetBlobTemporary(image: [*c]Image, isTemporary: c_uint) void; pub extern fn GetBlobTemporary(image: [*c]const Image) c_uint; pub const ReadMode = 0; pub const WriteMode = 1; pub const IOMode = 2; pub const MapMode = extern enum { ReadMode = 0, WriteMode = 1, IOMode = 2, }; pub extern fn UnmapBlob(map: ?*c_void, length: usize) c_uint; pub extern fn MapBlob(file: c_int, mode: MapMode, offset: magick_off_t, length: usize) ?*c_void; pub extern fn BlobToFile(filename: [*c]const u8, blob: ?*const c_void, length: usize, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn FileToBlob(filename: [*c]const u8, length: [*c]usize, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) ?*c_void; pub extern fn BlobReserveSize(image: [*c]Image, size: magick_off_t) c_uint; pub extern fn ImageToFile(image: [*c]Image, filename: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn GetConfigureBlob(filename: [*c]const u8, path: [*c]u8, length: [*c]usize, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) ?*c_void; pub extern fn MSBOrderLong(buffer: [*c]u8, length: usize) void; pub extern fn MSBOrderShort(p: [*c]u8, length: usize) void; pub extern fn DisassociateBlob(arg0: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn CdlImage(image: [*c]Image, cdl: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn ExportImageChannel(image: [*c]const Image, channel: ChannelType, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn GetImageChannelDepth(image: [*c]const Image, channel: ChannelType, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ChannelImage(image: [*c]Image, channel: ChannelType) c_uint; pub extern fn ImportImageChannel(src_image: [*c]const Image, dst_image: [*c]Image, channel: ChannelType) c_uint; pub extern fn ImportImageChannelsMasked(source_image: [*c]const Image, update_image: [*c]Image, channels: ChannelType) c_uint; pub extern fn SetImageChannelDepth(image: [*c]Image, channel: ChannelType, depth: c_uint) c_uint; pub const struct__HistogramColorPacket = extern struct { pixel: PixelPacket, count: c_ulong, }; pub const HistogramColorPacket = struct__HistogramColorPacket; pub extern fn GetColorHistogram(image: [*c]const Image, colors: [*c]c_ulong, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]HistogramColorPacket; pub extern fn GetNumberColors(image: [*c]const Image, file: [*c]FILE, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_ulong; pub extern fn GetColorTuple(color: [*c]const PixelPacket, depth: c_uint, matte: c_uint, hex: c_uint, tuple: [*c]u8) void; pub extern fn IsPaletteImage(image: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub const UndefinedCompliance = 0; pub const NoCompliance = 0; pub const SVGCompliance = 1; pub const X11Compliance = 2; pub const XPMCompliance = 4; pub const AllCompliance = 65535; pub const ComplianceType = extern enum { UndefinedCompliance = 0, NoCompliance = 0, SVGCompliance = 1, X11Compliance = 2, XPMCompliance = 4, AllCompliance = 65535, }; pub extern fn GetColorList(pattern: [*c]const u8, number_colors: [*c]c_ulong) [*c]([*c]u8); pub extern fn QueryColorDatabase(name: [*c]const u8, color: [*c]PixelPacket, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn QueryColorname(image: [*c]const Image, color: [*c]const PixelPacket, compliance: ComplianceType, name: [*c]u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn AllocateImageColormap(arg0: [*c]Image, colors: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn CycleColormapImage(image: [*c]Image, amount: c_int) c_uint; pub extern fn ReallocateImageColormap(arg0: [*c]Image, colors: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn ReplaceImageColormap(image: [*c]Image, colormap: [*c]const PixelPacket, colors: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn SortColormapByIntensity(image: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn AnimateImageCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn BenchmarkImageCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn CompareImageCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn CompositeImageCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ConjureImageCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ConvertImageCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn DisplayImageCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn IdentifyImageCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ImportImageCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn MogrifyImage(arg0: [*c]const ImageInfo, arg1: c_int, arg2: [*c]([*c]u8), arg3: [*c]([*c]Image)) c_uint; pub extern fn MogrifyImageCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn MogrifyImages(arg0: [*c]const ImageInfo, arg1: c_int, arg2: [*c]([*c]u8), arg3: [*c]([*c]Image)) c_uint; pub extern fn MontageImageCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn TimeImageCommand(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8), metadata: [*c]([*c]u8), exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn GMCommand(argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8)) c_int; pub const UndefinedHighlightStyle = 0; pub const AssignHighlightStyle = 1; pub const ThresholdHighlightStyle = 2; pub const TintHighlightStyle = 3; pub const XorHighlightStyle = 4; pub const HighlightStyle = extern enum { UndefinedHighlightStyle = 0, AssignHighlightStyle = 1, ThresholdHighlightStyle = 2, TintHighlightStyle = 3, XorHighlightStyle = 4, }; pub const struct__DifferenceImageOptions = extern struct { channel: ChannelType, highlight_style: HighlightStyle, highlight_color: PixelPacket, }; pub const DifferenceImageOptions = struct__DifferenceImageOptions; pub extern fn InitializeDifferenceImageOptions(options: [*c]DifferenceImageOptions, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) void; pub extern fn DifferenceImage(reference_image: [*c]const Image, compare_image: [*c]const Image, difference_options: [*c]const DifferenceImageOptions, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub const UndefinedMetric = 0; pub const MeanAbsoluteErrorMetric = 1; pub const MeanSquaredErrorMetric = 2; pub const PeakAbsoluteErrorMetric = 3; pub const PeakSignalToNoiseRatioMetric = 4; pub const RootMeanSquaredErrorMetric = 5; pub const MetricType = extern enum { UndefinedMetric = 0, MeanAbsoluteErrorMetric = 1, MeanSquaredErrorMetric = 2, PeakAbsoluteErrorMetric = 3, PeakSignalToNoiseRatioMetric = 4, RootMeanSquaredErrorMetric = 5, }; pub const struct__DifferenceStatistics = extern struct { red: f64, green: f64, blue: f64, opacity: f64, combined: f64, }; pub const DifferenceStatistics = struct__DifferenceStatistics; pub extern fn InitializeDifferenceStatistics(difference_statistics: [*c]DifferenceStatistics, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) void; pub extern fn GetImageChannelDifference(reference_image: [*c]const Image, compare_image: [*c]const Image, metric: MetricType, statistics: [*c]DifferenceStatistics, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn GetImageChannelDistortion(reference_image: [*c]const Image, compare_image: [*c]const Image, channel: ChannelType, metric: MetricType, distortion: [*c]f64, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn GetImageDistortion(reference_image: [*c]const Image, compare_image: [*c]const Image, metric: MetricType, distortion: [*c]f64, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn IsImagesEqual(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const Image) c_uint; pub const struct__CompositeOptions_t = extern struct { percent_brightness: f64, amount: f64, threshold: f64, }; pub const CompositeOptions_t = struct__CompositeOptions_t; pub extern fn CompositeImage(canvas_image: [*c]Image, compose: CompositeOperator, update_image: [*c]const Image, x_offset: c_long, y_offset: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn CompositeImageRegion(compose: CompositeOperator, options: [*c]const CompositeOptions_t, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, update_image: [*c]const Image, update_x: c_long, update_y: c_long, canvas_image: [*c]Image, canvas_x: c_long, canvas_y: c_long, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickCompositeImageUnderColor(image: [*c]Image, undercolor: [*c]const PixelPacket, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub const Ascii85Info = struct__Ascii85Info; pub const WriteByteHook = ?extern fn ([*c]Image, magick_uint8_t, ?*c_void) c_uint; pub extern fn Ascii85WriteByteHook(image: [*c]Image, code: magick_uint8_t, info: ?*c_void) c_uint; pub extern fn BlobWriteByteHook(image: [*c]Image, code: magick_uint8_t, info: ?*c_void) c_uint; pub extern fn HuffmanDecodeImage(image: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn HuffmanEncodeImage(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, image: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn HuffmanEncode2Image(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, image: [*c]Image, write_byte: WriteByteHook, info: ?*c_void) c_uint; pub extern fn LZWEncodeImage(image: [*c]Image, length: usize, pixels: [*c]magick_uint8_t) c_uint; pub extern fn LZWEncode2Image(image: [*c]Image, length: usize, pixels: [*c]magick_uint8_t, write_byte: WriteByteHook, info: ?*c_void) c_uint; pub extern fn PackbitsEncodeImage(image: [*c]Image, length: usize, pixels: [*c]magick_uint8_t) c_uint; pub extern fn PackbitsEncode2Image(image: [*c]Image, length: usize, pixels: [*c]magick_uint8_t, write_byte: WriteByteHook, info: ?*c_void) c_uint; pub extern fn ImageToHuffman2DBlob(image: [*c]const Image, image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, length: [*c]usize, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]u8; pub extern fn ImageToJPEGBlob(image: [*c]const Image, image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, length: [*c]usize, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]u8; pub extern fn Ascii85Encode(image: [*c]Image, code: magick_uint8_t) void; pub extern fn Ascii85Flush(image: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn Ascii85Initialize(image: [*c]Image) void; pub const UndefinedConfirmAccessMode = 0; pub const FileExecuteConfirmAccessMode = 1; pub const FileReadConfirmAccessMode = 2; pub const FileWriteConfirmAccessMode = 3; pub const URLGetFTPConfirmAccessMode = 4; pub const URLGetFileConfirmAccessMode = 5; pub const URLGetHTTPConfirmAccessMode = 6; pub const ConfirmAccessMode = extern enum { UndefinedConfirmAccessMode = 0, FileExecuteConfirmAccessMode = 1, FileReadConfirmAccessMode = 2, FileWriteConfirmAccessMode = 3, URLGetFTPConfirmAccessMode = 4, URLGetFileConfirmAccessMode = 5, URLGetHTTPConfirmAccessMode = 6, }; pub const ConfirmAccessHandler = ?extern fn (ConfirmAccessMode, [*c]const u8, [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickConfirmAccess(mode: ConfirmAccessMode, path: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetConfirmAccessHandler(handler: ConfirmAccessHandler) ConfirmAccessHandler; pub const UndefinedQuantum = 0; pub const IndexQuantum = 1; pub const GrayQuantum = 2; pub const IndexAlphaQuantum = 3; pub const GrayAlphaQuantum = 4; pub const RedQuantum = 5; pub const CyanQuantum = 6; pub const GreenQuantum = 7; pub const YellowQuantum = 8; pub const BlueQuantum = 9; pub const MagentaQuantum = 10; pub const AlphaQuantum = 11; pub const BlackQuantum = 12; pub const RGBQuantum = 13; pub const RGBAQuantum = 14; pub const CMYKQuantum = 15; pub const CMYKAQuantum = 16; pub const CIEYQuantum = 17; pub const CIEXYZQuantum = 18; pub const QuantumType = extern enum { UndefinedQuantum = 0, IndexQuantum = 1, GrayQuantum = 2, IndexAlphaQuantum = 3, GrayAlphaQuantum = 4, RedQuantum = 5, CyanQuantum = 6, GreenQuantum = 7, YellowQuantum = 8, BlueQuantum = 9, MagentaQuantum = 10, AlphaQuantum = 11, BlackQuantum = 12, RGBQuantum = 13, RGBAQuantum = 14, CMYKQuantum = 15, CMYKAQuantum = 16, CIEYQuantum = 17, CIEXYZQuantum = 18, }; pub const UndefinedQuantumSampleType = 0; pub const UnsignedQuantumSampleType = 1; pub const FloatQuantumSampleType = 2; pub const QuantumSampleType = extern enum { UndefinedQuantumSampleType = 0, UnsignedQuantumSampleType = 1, FloatQuantumSampleType = 2, }; pub const CharPixel = 0; pub const ShortPixel = 1; pub const IntegerPixel = 2; pub const LongPixel = 3; pub const FloatPixel = 4; pub const DoublePixel = 5; pub const StorageType = extern enum { CharPixel = 0, ShortPixel = 1, IntegerPixel = 2, LongPixel = 3, FloatPixel = 4, DoublePixel = 5, }; pub const struct__ExportPixelAreaOptions = extern struct { sample_type: QuantumSampleType, double_minvalue: f64, double_maxvalue: f64, grayscale_miniswhite: c_uint, pad_bytes: c_ulong, pad_value: u8, endian: EndianType, signature: c_ulong, }; pub const ExportPixelAreaOptions = struct__ExportPixelAreaOptions; pub const struct__ExportPixelAreaInfo = extern struct { bytes_exported: usize, }; pub const ExportPixelAreaInfo = struct__ExportPixelAreaInfo; pub const struct__ImportPixelAreaOptions = extern struct { sample_type: QuantumSampleType, double_minvalue: f64, double_maxvalue: f64, grayscale_miniswhite: c_uint, endian: EndianType, signature: c_ulong, }; pub const ImportPixelAreaOptions = struct__ImportPixelAreaOptions; pub const struct__ImportPixelAreaInfo = extern struct { bytes_imported: usize, }; pub const ImportPixelAreaInfo = struct__ImportPixelAreaInfo; pub extern fn StorageTypeToString(storage_type: StorageType) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn QuantumSampleTypeToString(sample_type: QuantumSampleType) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn QuantumTypeToString(quantum_type: QuantumType) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn ConstituteImage(width: c_ulong, height: c_ulong, map: [*c]const u8, type_0: StorageType, pixels: ?*const c_void, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ConstituteTextureImage(columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, texture: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn PingImage(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ReadImage(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ReadInlineImage(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, content: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn DispatchImage(image: [*c]const Image, x_offset: c_long, y_offset: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, map: [*c]const u8, type_0: StorageType, pixels: ?*c_void, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ExportImagePixelArea(image: [*c]const Image, quantum_type: QuantumType, quantum_size: c_uint, destination: [*c]u8, options: [*c]const ExportPixelAreaOptions, export_info: [*c]ExportPixelAreaInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ExportViewPixelArea(view: [*c]const ViewInfo, quantum_type: QuantumType, quantum_size: c_uint, destination: [*c]u8, options: [*c]const ExportPixelAreaOptions, export_info: [*c]ExportPixelAreaInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ImportImagePixelArea(image: [*c]Image, quantum_type: QuantumType, quantum_size: c_uint, source: [*c]const u8, options: [*c]const ImportPixelAreaOptions, import_info: [*c]ImportPixelAreaInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ImportViewPixelArea(view: [*c]ViewInfo, quantum_type: QuantumType, quantum_size: c_uint, source: [*c]const u8, options: [*c]const ImportPixelAreaOptions, import_info: [*c]ImportPixelAreaInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn WriteImage(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, image: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn WriteImages(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, image: [*c]Image, filename: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn WriteImagesFile(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, image: [*c]Image, file: [*c]FILE, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ExportPixelAreaOptionsInit(options: [*c]ExportPixelAreaOptions) void; pub extern fn ImportPixelAreaOptionsInit(options: [*c]ImportPixelAreaOptions) void; pub extern fn MagickFindRawImageMinMax(image: [*c]Image, endian: EndianType, width: c_ulong, height: c_ulong, type_0: StorageType, scanline_octets: c_uint, scanline_buffer: ?*c_void, min: [*c]f64, max: [*c]f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetQuantumSamplesPerPixel(quantum_type: QuantumType) c_uint; pub extern fn BorderImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]const RectangleInfo, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn FrameImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]const FrameInfo, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn RaiseImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const RectangleInfo, arg2: c_int) c_uint; pub const struct__DelegateInfo = extern struct { path: [*c]u8, decode: [*c]u8, encode: [*c]u8, commands: [*c]u8, mode: c_int, stealth: c_uint, signature: c_ulong, previous: [*c]struct__DelegateInfo, next: [*c]struct__DelegateInfo, }; pub const DelegateInfo = struct__DelegateInfo; pub extern fn GetDelegateCommand(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, image: [*c]Image, decode: [*c]const u8, encode: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]u8; pub extern fn GetDelegateInfo(decode: [*c]const u8, encode: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]const DelegateInfo; pub extern fn GetPostscriptDelegateInfo(image_info: [*c]const ImageInfo, antialias: [*c]c_uint, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]const DelegateInfo; pub extern fn SetDelegateInfo(arg0: [*c]DelegateInfo) [*c]DelegateInfo; pub extern fn InvokePostscriptDelegate(verbose: c_uint, command: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn InvokeDelegate(image_info: [*c]ImageInfo, image: [*c]Image, decode: [*c]const u8, encode: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ListDelegateInfo(file: [*c]FILE, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn PopImagePixels(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: QuantumType, arg2: [*c]u8) c_uint; pub extern fn PushImagePixels(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: QuantumType, arg2: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn AcquireMemory(arg0: usize) ?*c_void; pub extern fn CloneMemory(arg0: ?*c_void, arg1: ?*const c_void, arg2: usize) ?*c_void; pub extern fn LiberateMemory(arg0: [*c](?*c_void)) void; pub extern fn ReacquireMemory(arg0: [*c](?*c_void), arg1: usize) void; pub extern fn AcquireCacheView(view: [*c]ViewInfo, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]const PixelPacket; pub extern fn GetCacheView(view: [*c]ViewInfo, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong) [*c]PixelPacket; pub extern fn SetCacheView(view: [*c]ViewInfo, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong) [*c]PixelPacket; pub extern fn SyncCacheView(view: [*c]ViewInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn DescribeImage(image: [*c]Image, file: [*c]FILE, verbose: c_uint) c_uint; pub const NormalStretch = 0; pub const UltraCondensedStretch = 1; pub const ExtraCondensedStretch = 2; pub const CondensedStretch = 3; pub const SemiCondensedStretch = 4; pub const SemiExpandedStretch = 5; pub const ExpandedStretch = 6; pub const ExtraExpandedStretch = 7; pub const UltraExpandedStretch = 8; pub const AnyStretch = 9; pub const StretchType = extern enum { NormalStretch = 0, UltraCondensedStretch = 1, ExtraCondensedStretch = 2, CondensedStretch = 3, SemiCondensedStretch = 4, SemiExpandedStretch = 5, ExpandedStretch = 6, ExtraExpandedStretch = 7, UltraExpandedStretch = 8, AnyStretch = 9, }; pub const NormalStyle = 0; pub const ItalicStyle = 1; pub const ObliqueStyle = 2; pub const AnyStyle = 3; pub const StyleType = extern enum { NormalStyle = 0, ItalicStyle = 1, ObliqueStyle = 2, AnyStyle = 3, }; pub const struct__TypeInfo = extern struct { path: [*c]u8, name: [*c]u8, description: [*c]u8, family: [*c]u8, style: StyleType, stretch: StretchType, weight: c_ulong, encoding: [*c]u8, foundry: [*c]u8, format: [*c]u8, metrics: [*c]u8, glyphs: [*c]u8, stealth: c_uint, signature: c_ulong, previous: [*c]struct__TypeInfo, next: [*c]struct__TypeInfo, }; pub const TypeInfo = struct__TypeInfo; pub extern fn GetTypeList(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]c_ulong) [*c]([*c]u8); pub extern fn ListTypeInfo(arg0: [*c]FILE, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn GetTypeInfo(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]const TypeInfo; pub extern fn GetTypeInfoByFamily(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: StyleType, arg2: StretchType, arg3: c_ulong, arg4: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]const TypeInfo; pub const UndefinedAlign = 0; pub const LeftAlign = 1; pub const CenterAlign = 2; pub const RightAlign = 3; pub const AlignType = extern enum { UndefinedAlign = 0, LeftAlign = 1, CenterAlign = 2, RightAlign = 3, }; pub const UserSpace = 0; pub const UserSpaceOnUse = 1; pub const ObjectBoundingBox = 2; pub const ClipPathUnits = extern enum { UserSpace = 0, UserSpaceOnUse = 1, ObjectBoundingBox = 2, }; pub const NoDecoration = 0; pub const UnderlineDecoration = 1; pub const OverlineDecoration = 2; pub const LineThroughDecoration = 3; pub const DecorationType = extern enum { NoDecoration = 0, UnderlineDecoration = 1, OverlineDecoration = 2, LineThroughDecoration = 3, }; pub const UndefinedRule = 0; pub const EvenOddRule = 1; pub const NonZeroRule = 2; pub const FillRule = extern enum { UndefinedRule = 0, EvenOddRule = 1, NonZeroRule = 2, }; pub const UndefinedGradient = 0; pub const LinearGradient = 1; pub const RadialGradient = 2; pub const GradientType = extern enum { UndefinedGradient = 0, LinearGradient = 1, RadialGradient = 2, }; pub const UndefinedCap = 0; pub const ButtCap = 1; pub const RoundCap = 2; pub const SquareCap = 3; pub const LineCap = extern enum { UndefinedCap = 0, ButtCap = 1, RoundCap = 2, SquareCap = 3, }; pub const UndefinedJoin = 0; pub const MiterJoin = 1; pub const RoundJoin = 2; pub const BevelJoin = 3; pub const LineJoin = extern enum { UndefinedJoin = 0, MiterJoin = 1, RoundJoin = 2, BevelJoin = 3, }; pub const PointMethod = 0; pub const ReplaceMethod = 1; pub const FloodfillMethod = 2; pub const FillToBorderMethod = 3; pub const ResetMethod = 4; pub const PaintMethod = extern enum { PointMethod = 0, ReplaceMethod = 1, FloodfillMethod = 2, FillToBorderMethod = 3, ResetMethod = 4, }; pub const UndefinedPrimitive = 0; pub const PointPrimitive = 1; pub const LinePrimitive = 2; pub const RectanglePrimitive = 3; pub const RoundRectanglePrimitive = 4; pub const ArcPrimitive = 5; pub const EllipsePrimitive = 6; pub const CirclePrimitive = 7; pub const PolylinePrimitive = 8; pub const PolygonPrimitive = 9; pub const BezierPrimitive = 10; pub const ColorPrimitive = 11; pub const MattePrimitive = 12; pub const TextPrimitive = 13; pub const ImagePrimitive = 14; pub const PathPrimitive = 15; pub const PrimitiveType = extern enum { UndefinedPrimitive = 0, PointPrimitive = 1, LinePrimitive = 2, RectanglePrimitive = 3, RoundRectanglePrimitive = 4, ArcPrimitive = 5, EllipsePrimitive = 6, CirclePrimitive = 7, PolylinePrimitive = 8, PolygonPrimitive = 9, BezierPrimitive = 10, ColorPrimitive = 11, MattePrimitive = 12, TextPrimitive = 13, ImagePrimitive = 14, PathPrimitive = 15, }; pub const UndefinedReference = 0; pub const GradientReference = 1; pub const ReferenceType = extern enum { UndefinedReference = 0, GradientReference = 1, }; pub const UndefinedSpread = 0; pub const PadSpread = 1; pub const ReflectSpead = 2; pub const RepeatSpread = 3; pub const SpreadMethod = extern enum { UndefinedSpread = 0, PadSpread = 1, ReflectSpead = 2, RepeatSpread = 3, }; pub const struct__GradientInfo = extern struct { type: GradientType, color: PixelPacket, stop: SegmentInfo, length: c_ulong, spread: SpreadMethod, signature: c_ulong, previous: [*c]struct__GradientInfo, next: [*c]struct__GradientInfo, }; pub const GradientInfo = struct__GradientInfo; pub const struct__ElementReference = extern struct { id: [*c]u8, type: ReferenceType, gradient: GradientInfo, signature: c_ulong, previous: [*c]struct__ElementReference, next: [*c]struct__ElementReference, }; pub const ElementReference = struct__ElementReference; pub const struct__DrawInfoExtra = @OpaqueType(); pub const struct__DrawInfo = extern struct { primitive: [*c]u8, geometry: [*c]u8, affine: AffineMatrix, gravity: GravityType, fill: PixelPacket, stroke: PixelPacket, stroke_width: f64, gradient: GradientInfo, fill_pattern: [*c]Image, tile: [*c]Image, stroke_pattern: [*c]Image, stroke_antialias: c_uint, text_antialias: c_uint, fill_rule: FillRule, linecap: LineCap, linejoin: LineJoin, miterlimit: c_ulong, dash_offset: f64, decorate: DecorationType, compose: CompositeOperator, text: [*c]u8, font: [*c]u8, family: [*c]u8, style: StyleType, stretch: StretchType, weight: c_ulong, encoding: [*c]u8, pointsize: f64, density: [*c]u8, @"align": AlignType, undercolor: PixelPacket, border_color: PixelPacket, server_name: [*c]u8, dash_pattern: [*c]f64, extra: ?*struct__DrawInfoExtra, bounds: SegmentInfo, clip_units: ClipPathUnits, opacity: Quantum, render: c_uint, flags: c_uint, element_reference: ElementReference, signature: c_ulong, }; pub const DrawInfo = struct__DrawInfo; pub const struct__PointInfo = extern struct { x: f64, y: f64, }; pub const PointInfo = struct__PointInfo; pub const struct__TypeMetric = extern struct { pixels_per_em: PointInfo, ascent: f64, descent: f64, width: f64, height: f64, max_advance: f64, bounds: SegmentInfo, underline_position: f64, underline_thickness: f64, }; pub const TypeMetric = struct__TypeMetric; pub extern fn CloneDrawInfo(arg0: [*c]const ImageInfo, arg1: [*c]const DrawInfo) [*c]DrawInfo; pub extern fn AnnotateImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const DrawInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn DrawAffineImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const Image, arg2: [*c]const AffineMatrix) c_uint; pub extern fn DrawClipPath(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const DrawInfo, arg2: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn DrawImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const DrawInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn DrawPatternPath(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const DrawInfo, arg2: [*c]const u8, arg3: [*c]([*c]Image)) c_uint; pub extern fn GetTypeMetrics(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const DrawInfo, arg2: [*c]TypeMetric) c_uint; pub extern fn DestroyDrawInfo(arg0: [*c]DrawInfo) void; pub extern fn GetDrawInfo(arg0: [*c]const ImageInfo, arg1: [*c]DrawInfo) void; pub extern fn DrawInfoGetClipPath(arg0: [*c]const DrawInfo) [*c]([*c]u8); pub extern fn DrawInfoGetCompositePath(arg0: [*c]const DrawInfo) [*c]([*c]u8); pub const struct__DrawContext = @OpaqueType(); pub const DrawContext = ?*struct__DrawContext; pub extern fn DrawGetClipUnits(context: DrawContext) ClipPathUnits; pub extern fn DrawPeekGraphicContext(context: DrawContext) [*c]DrawInfo; pub extern fn DrawGetTextDecoration(context: DrawContext) DecorationType; pub extern fn DrawAllocateContext(draw_info: [*c]const DrawInfo, image: [*c]Image) DrawContext; pub extern fn DrawGetClipRule(context: DrawContext) FillRule; pub extern fn DrawGetFillRule(context: DrawContext) FillRule; pub extern fn DrawGetGravity(context: DrawContext) GravityType; pub extern fn DrawGetStrokeLineCap(context: DrawContext) LineCap; pub extern fn DrawGetStrokeLineJoin(context: DrawContext) LineJoin; pub extern fn DrawGetFillColor(context: DrawContext) PixelPacket; pub extern fn DrawGetStrokeColor(context: DrawContext) PixelPacket; pub extern fn DrawGetTextUnderColor(context: DrawContext) PixelPacket; pub extern fn DrawGetFontStretch(context: DrawContext) StretchType; pub extern fn DrawGetFontStyle(context: DrawContext) StyleType; pub extern fn DrawGetClipPath(context: DrawContext) [*c]u8; pub extern fn DrawGetFont(context: DrawContext) [*c]u8; pub extern fn DrawGetFontFamily(context: DrawContext) [*c]u8; pub extern fn DrawGetTextEncoding(context: DrawContext) [*c]u8; pub extern fn DrawRender(context: DrawContext) c_int; pub extern fn DrawGetStrokeAntialias(context: DrawContext) c_uint; pub extern fn DrawGetTextAntialias(context: DrawContext) c_uint; pub extern fn DrawGetFontWeight(context: DrawContext) c_ulong; pub extern fn DrawGetStrokeMiterLimit(context: DrawContext) c_ulong; pub extern fn DrawGetFillOpacity(context: DrawContext) f64; pub extern fn DrawGetFontSize(context: DrawContext) f64; pub extern fn DrawGetStrokeDashArray(context: DrawContext, num_elems: [*c]c_ulong) [*c]f64; pub extern fn DrawGetStrokeDashOffset(context: DrawContext) f64; pub extern fn DrawGetStrokeOpacity(context: DrawContext) f64; pub extern fn DrawGetStrokeWidth(context: DrawContext) f64; pub extern fn DrawAffine(context: DrawContext, affine: [*c]const AffineMatrix) void; pub extern fn DrawAnnotation(context: DrawContext, x: f64, y: f64, text: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DrawArc(context: DrawContext, sx: f64, sy: f64, ex: f64, ey: f64, sd: f64, ed: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawBezier(context: DrawContext, num_coords: c_ulong, coordinates: [*c]const PointInfo) void; pub extern fn DrawCircle(context: DrawContext, ox: f64, oy: f64, px: f64, py: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawColor(context: DrawContext, x: f64, y: f64, paintMethod: PaintMethod) void; pub extern fn DrawComment(context: DrawContext, comment: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DrawDestroyContext(context: DrawContext) void; pub extern fn DrawEllipse(context: DrawContext, ox: f64, oy: f64, rx: f64, ry: f64, start: f64, end: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawComposite(context: DrawContext, composite_operator: CompositeOperator, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64, image: [*c]const Image) void; pub extern fn DrawLine(context: DrawContext, sx: f64, sy: f64, ex: f64, ey: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawMatte(context: DrawContext, x: f64, y: f64, paint_method: PaintMethod) void; pub extern fn DrawPathClose(context: DrawContext) void; pub extern fn DrawPathCurveToAbsolute(context: DrawContext, x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathCurveToRelative(context: DrawContext, x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute(context: DrawContext, x1: f64, y1: f64, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative(context: DrawContext, x1: f64, y1: f64, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute(context: DrawContext, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative(context: DrawContext, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathCurveToSmoothAbsolute(context: DrawContext, x2: f64, y2: f64, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathCurveToSmoothRelative(context: DrawContext, x2: f64, y2: f64, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathEllipticArcAbsolute(context: DrawContext, rx: f64, ry: f64, x_axis_rotation: f64, large_arc_flag: c_uint, sweep_flag: c_uint, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathEllipticArcRelative(context: DrawContext, rx: f64, ry: f64, x_axis_rotation: f64, large_arc_flag: c_uint, sweep_flag: c_uint, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathFinish(context: DrawContext) void; pub extern fn DrawPathLineToAbsolute(context: DrawContext, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathLineToRelative(context: DrawContext, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathLineToHorizontalAbsolute(context: DrawContext, x: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathLineToHorizontalRelative(context: DrawContext, x: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathLineToVerticalAbsolute(context: DrawContext, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathLineToVerticalRelative(context: DrawContext, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathMoveToAbsolute(context: DrawContext, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathMoveToRelative(context: DrawContext, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPathStart(context: DrawContext) void; pub extern fn DrawPoint(context: DrawContext, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawPolygon(context: DrawContext, num_coords: c_ulong, coordinates: [*c]const PointInfo) void; pub extern fn DrawPolyline(context: DrawContext, num_coords: c_ulong, coordinates: [*c]const PointInfo) void; pub extern fn DrawPopClipPath(context: DrawContext) void; pub extern fn DrawPopDefs(context: DrawContext) void; pub extern fn DrawPopGraphicContext(context: DrawContext) void; pub extern fn DrawPopPattern(context: DrawContext) void; pub extern fn DrawPushClipPath(context: DrawContext, clip_path_id: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DrawPushDefs(context: DrawContext) void; pub extern fn DrawPushGraphicContext(context: DrawContext) void; pub extern fn DrawPushPattern(context: DrawContext, pattern_id: [*c]const u8, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawRectangle(context: DrawContext, x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawRoundRectangle(context: DrawContext, x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64, rx: f64, ry: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawScale(context: DrawContext, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawSetClipPath(context: DrawContext, clip_path: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DrawSetClipRule(context: DrawContext, fill_rule: FillRule) void; pub extern fn DrawSetClipUnits(context: DrawContext, clip_units: ClipPathUnits) void; pub extern fn DrawSetFillColor(context: DrawContext, fill_color: [*c]const PixelPacket) void; pub extern fn DrawSetFillColorString(context: DrawContext, fill_color: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DrawSetFillOpacity(context: DrawContext, fill_opacity: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawSetFillRule(context: DrawContext, fill_rule: FillRule) void; pub extern fn DrawSetFillPatternURL(context: DrawContext, fill_url: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DrawSetFont(context: DrawContext, font_name: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DrawSetFontFamily(context: DrawContext, font_family: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DrawSetFontSize(context: DrawContext, font_pointsize: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawSetFontStretch(context: DrawContext, font_stretch: StretchType) void; pub extern fn DrawSetFontStyle(context: DrawContext, font_style: StyleType) void; pub extern fn DrawSetFontWeight(context: DrawContext, font_weight: c_ulong) void; pub extern fn DrawSetGravity(context: DrawContext, gravity: GravityType) void; pub extern fn DrawRotate(context: DrawContext, degrees: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawSkewX(context: DrawContext, degrees: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawSkewY(context: DrawContext, degrees: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawSetStrokeAntialias(context: DrawContext, true_false: c_uint) void; pub extern fn DrawSetStrokeColor(context: DrawContext, stroke_color: [*c]const PixelPacket) void; pub extern fn DrawSetStrokeColorString(context: DrawContext, stroke_color: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DrawSetStrokeDashArray(context: DrawContext, num_elems: c_ulong, dasharray: [*c]const f64) void; pub extern fn DrawSetStrokeDashOffset(context: DrawContext, dashoffset: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawSetStrokeLineCap(context: DrawContext, linecap: LineCap) void; pub extern fn DrawSetStrokeLineJoin(context: DrawContext, linejoin: LineJoin) void; pub extern fn DrawSetStrokeMiterLimit(context: DrawContext, miterlimit: c_ulong) void; pub extern fn DrawSetStrokeOpacity(context: DrawContext, opacity: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawSetStrokePatternURL(context: DrawContext, stroke_url: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DrawSetStrokeWidth(context: DrawContext, width: f64) void; pub extern fn DrawSetTextAntialias(context: DrawContext, true_false: c_uint) void; pub extern fn DrawSetTextDecoration(context: DrawContext, decoration: DecorationType) void; pub extern fn DrawSetTextEncoding(context: DrawContext, encoding: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DrawSetTextUnderColor(context: DrawContext, color: [*c]const PixelPacket) void; pub extern fn DrawSetTextUnderColorString(context: DrawContext, under_color: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DrawSetViewbox(context: DrawContext, x1: c_ulong, y1: c_ulong, x2: c_ulong, y2: c_ulong) void; pub extern fn DrawTranslate(context: DrawContext, x: f64, y: f64) void; pub extern fn AdaptiveThresholdImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: f64, arg4: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn AddNoiseImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: NoiseType, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn AddNoiseImageChannel(image: [*c]const Image, channel: ChannelType, noise_type: NoiseType, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn BlurImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn BlurImageChannel(image: [*c]const Image, channel: ChannelType, radius: f64, sigma: f64, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ConvolveImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_uint, arg2: [*c]const f64, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn DespeckleImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn EdgeImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn EmbossImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn EnhanceImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn GaussianBlurImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn GaussianBlurImageChannel(image: [*c]const Image, channel: ChannelType, radius: f64, sigma: f64, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn MedianFilterImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn MotionBlurImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ReduceNoiseImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ShadeImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_uint, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn SharpenImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn SharpenImageChannel(image: [*c]const Image, channel: ChannelType, radius: f64, sigma: f64, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn SpreadImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_uint, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn UnsharpMaskImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64, arg5: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn UnsharpMaskImageChannel(image: [*c]const Image, channel: ChannelType, radius: f64, sigma: f64, amount: f64, threshold: f64, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn BlackThresholdImage(image: [*c]Image, thresholds: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn ChannelThresholdImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn RandomChannelThresholdImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ThresholdImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn WhiteThresholdImage(image: [*c]Image, thresholds: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn ContrastImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn EqualizeImage(arg0: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn GammaImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn LevelImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn LevelImageChannel(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: ChannelType, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn ModulateImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn NegateImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn NormalizeImage(arg0: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn CharcoalImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ColorizeImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: PixelPacket, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ImplodeImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn MorphImages(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn OilPaintImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn SteganoImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]const Image, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn StereoImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]const Image, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn SwirlImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn WaveImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ColorMatrixImage(image: [*c]Image, order: c_uint, matrix: [*c]const f64) c_uint; pub extern fn SolarizeImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub const struct__MagickRandomKernel = extern struct { z: magick_uint32_t, w: magick_uint32_t, }; pub const MagickRandomKernel = struct__MagickRandomKernel; pub extern fn MagickRandomInteger() magick_uint32_t; pub extern fn MagickRandomReal() f64; pub extern fn ExpandAffine(arg0: [*c]const AffineMatrix) f64; pub extern fn GenerateDifferentialNoise(pixel: Quantum, noise_type: NoiseType, kernel: [*c]MagickRandomKernel) f64; pub extern fn GetOptimalKernelWidth(arg0: f64, arg1: f64) c_int; pub extern fn GetOptimalKernelWidth1D(arg0: f64, arg1: f64) c_int; pub extern fn GetOptimalKernelWidth2D(arg0: f64, arg1: f64) c_int; pub extern fn GenerateNoise(arg0: Quantum, arg1: NoiseType) Quantum; pub extern fn Contrast(arg0: c_int, arg1: [*c]Quantum, arg2: [*c]Quantum, arg3: [*c]Quantum) void; pub extern fn HSLTransform(arg0: f64, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: [*c]Quantum, arg4: [*c]Quantum, arg5: [*c]Quantum) void; pub extern fn HWBTransform(arg0: f64, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: [*c]Quantum, arg4: [*c]Quantum, arg5: [*c]Quantum) void; pub extern fn Hull(arg0: c_long, arg1: c_long, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: c_ulong, arg4: [*c]Quantum, arg5: [*c]Quantum, arg6: c_int) void; pub extern fn IdentityAffine(arg0: [*c]AffineMatrix) void; pub extern fn Modulate(arg0: f64, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: [*c]Quantum, arg4: [*c]Quantum, arg5: [*c]Quantum) void; pub extern fn TransformHSL(arg0: Quantum, arg1: Quantum, arg2: Quantum, arg3: [*c]f64, arg4: [*c]f64, arg5: [*c]f64) void; pub extern fn TransformHWB(arg0: Quantum, arg1: Quantum, arg2: Quantum, arg3: [*c]f64, arg4: [*c]f64, arg5: [*c]f64) void; pub extern fn GradientImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const PixelPacket, arg2: [*c]const PixelPacket) c_uint; pub extern fn HaldClutImage(arg0: [*c]Image, clut: [*c]const Image) c_uint; pub extern fn CloneImageList(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn GetFirstImageInList(arg0: [*c]const Image) [*c]Image; pub extern fn GetImageFromList(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_long) [*c]Image; pub extern fn GetLastImageInList(arg0: [*c]const Image) [*c]Image; pub extern fn GetNextImageInList(arg0: [*c]const Image) [*c]Image; pub extern fn GetPreviousImageInList(arg0: [*c]const Image) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ImageListToArray(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]([*c]Image); pub extern fn NewImageList() [*c]Image; pub extern fn RemoveLastImageFromList(arg0: [*c]([*c]Image)) [*c]Image; pub extern fn RemoveFirstImageFromList(arg0: [*c]([*c]Image)) [*c]Image; pub extern fn SplitImageList(arg0: [*c]Image) [*c]Image; pub extern fn SyncNextImageInList(arg0: [*c]const Image) [*c]Image; pub extern fn GetImageIndexInList(arg0: [*c]const Image) c_long; pub extern fn GetImageListLength(arg0: [*c]const Image) c_ulong; pub extern fn AppendImageToList(arg0: [*c]([*c]Image), arg1: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn DeleteImageFromList(arg0: [*c]([*c]Image)) void; pub extern fn DestroyImageList(arg0: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn InsertImageInList(arg0: [*c]([*c]Image), arg1: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn PrependImageToList(arg0: [*c]([*c]Image), arg1: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn ReplaceImageInList(images: [*c]([*c]Image), image: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn ReverseImageList(arg0: [*c]([*c]Image)) void; pub extern fn SpliceImageIntoList(arg0: [*c]([*c]Image), arg1: c_ulong, arg2: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn GetMagickFileFormat(header: [*c]const u8, header_length: usize, format: [*c]u8, format_length: usize, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ListMagicInfo(file: [*c]FILE, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub const DecoderHandler = ?extern fn ([*c]const ImageInfo, [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub const EncoderHandler = ?extern fn ([*c]const ImageInfo, [*c]Image) c_uint; pub const MagickHandler = ?extern fn ([*c]const u8, usize) c_uint; pub const BrokenCoderClass = -1; pub const UnstableCoderClass = 0; pub const StableCoderClass = 1; pub const PrimaryCoderClass = 2; pub const CoderClass = extern enum { BrokenCoderClass = -1, UnstableCoderClass = 0, StableCoderClass = 1, PrimaryCoderClass = 2, }; pub const HintExtensionTreatment = 0; pub const ObeyExtensionTreatment = 1; pub const IgnoreExtensionTreatment = 2; pub const ExtensionTreatment = extern enum { HintExtensionTreatment = 0, ObeyExtensionTreatment = 1, IgnoreExtensionTreatment = 2, }; pub const struct__MagickInfo = extern struct { next: [*c]struct__MagickInfo, previous: [*c]struct__MagickInfo, name: [*c]const u8, description: [*c]const u8, note: [*c]const u8, version: [*c]const u8, module: [*c]const u8, decoder: DecoderHandler, encoder: EncoderHandler, magick: MagickHandler, client_data: ?*c_void, adjoin: c_uint, raw: c_uint, stealth: c_uint, seekable_stream: c_uint, blob_support: c_uint, thread_support: c_uint, coder_class: CoderClass, extension_treatment: ExtensionTreatment, signature: c_ulong, }; pub const MagickInfo = struct__MagickInfo; pub extern fn MagickToMime(magick: [*c]const u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn GetImageMagick(magick: [*c]const u8, length: usize) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn IsMagickConflict(magick: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn ListModuleMap(file: [*c]FILE, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ListMagickInfo(file: [*c]FILE, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn UnregisterMagickInfo(name: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn DestroyMagick() void; pub extern fn InitializeMagick(path: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn PanicDestroyMagick() void; pub extern fn GetMagickInfo(name: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]const MagickInfo; pub extern fn GetMagickInfoArray(exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]([*c]MagickInfo); pub extern fn RegisterMagickInfo(magick_info: [*c]MagickInfo) [*c]MagickInfo; pub extern fn SetMagickInfo(name: [*c]const u8) [*c]MagickInfo; pub const MagickMallocFunc = ?extern fn (usize) ?*c_void; pub const MagickFreeFunc = ?extern fn (?*c_void) void; pub const MagickReallocFunc = ?extern fn (?*c_void, usize) ?*c_void; pub extern fn MagickAllocFunctions(free_func: MagickFreeFunc, malloc_func: MagickMallocFunc, realloc_func: MagickReallocFunc) void; pub extern fn MagickMalloc(size: usize) ?*c_void; pub extern fn MagickMallocAligned(alignment: usize, size: usize) ?*c_void; pub extern fn MagickMallocCleared(size: usize) ?*c_void; pub extern fn MagickCloneMemory(destination: ?*c_void, source: ?*const c_void, size: usize) ?*c_void; pub extern fn MagickRealloc(memory: ?*c_void, size: usize) ?*c_void; pub extern fn MagickFree(memory: ?*c_void) void; pub extern fn MagickFreeAligned(memory: ?*c_void) void; pub extern fn ListModuleInfo(file: [*c]FILE, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ExecuteModuleProcess(tag: [*c]const u8, image: [*c]([*c]Image), argc: c_int, argv: [*c]([*c]u8)) c_uint; pub const MonitorHandler = ?extern fn ([*c]const u8, magick_int64_t, magick_uint64_t, [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn SetMonitorHandler(handler: MonitorHandler) MonitorHandler; pub extern fn MagickMonitor(text: [*c]const u8, quantum: magick_int64_t, span: magick_uint64_t, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickMonitorFormatted(quantum: magick_int64_t, span: magick_uint64_t, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo, format: [*c]const u8, ...) c_uint; pub extern fn MontageImages(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]const MontageInfo, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn CloneMontageInfo(arg0: [*c]const ImageInfo, arg1: [*c]const MontageInfo) [*c]MontageInfo; pub extern fn DestroyMontageInfo(arg0: [*c]MontageInfo) void; pub extern fn GetMontageInfo(arg0: [*c]const ImageInfo, arg1: [*c]MontageInfo) void; pub const UndefinedQuantumOp = 0; pub const AddQuantumOp = 1; pub const AndQuantumOp = 2; pub const AssignQuantumOp = 3; pub const DivideQuantumOp = 4; pub const LShiftQuantumOp = 5; pub const MultiplyQuantumOp = 6; pub const OrQuantumOp = 7; pub const RShiftQuantumOp = 8; pub const SubtractQuantumOp = 9; pub const ThresholdQuantumOp = 10; pub const ThresholdBlackQuantumOp = 11; pub const ThresholdWhiteQuantumOp = 12; pub const XorQuantumOp = 13; pub const NoiseGaussianQuantumOp = 14; pub const NoiseImpulseQuantumOp = 15; pub const NoiseLaplacianQuantumOp = 16; pub const NoiseMultiplicativeQuantumOp = 17; pub const NoisePoissonQuantumOp = 18; pub const NoiseUniformQuantumOp = 19; pub const NegateQuantumOp = 20; pub const GammaQuantumOp = 21; pub const DepthQuantumOp = 22; pub const LogQuantumOp = 23; pub const MaxQuantumOp = 24; pub const MinQuantumOp = 25; pub const PowQuantumOp = 26; pub const NoiseRandomQuantumOp = 27; pub const ThresholdBlackNegateQuantumOp = 28; pub const ThresholdWhiteNegateQuantumOp = 29; pub const QuantumOperator = extern enum { UndefinedQuantumOp = 0, AddQuantumOp = 1, AndQuantumOp = 2, AssignQuantumOp = 3, DivideQuantumOp = 4, LShiftQuantumOp = 5, MultiplyQuantumOp = 6, OrQuantumOp = 7, RShiftQuantumOp = 8, SubtractQuantumOp = 9, ThresholdQuantumOp = 10, ThresholdBlackQuantumOp = 11, ThresholdWhiteQuantumOp = 12, XorQuantumOp = 13, NoiseGaussianQuantumOp = 14, NoiseImpulseQuantumOp = 15, NoiseLaplacianQuantumOp = 16, NoiseMultiplicativeQuantumOp = 17, NoisePoissonQuantumOp = 18, NoiseUniformQuantumOp = 19, NegateQuantumOp = 20, GammaQuantumOp = 21, DepthQuantumOp = 22, LogQuantumOp = 23, MaxQuantumOp = 24, MinQuantumOp = 25, PowQuantumOp = 26, NoiseRandomQuantumOp = 27, ThresholdBlackNegateQuantumOp = 28, ThresholdWhiteNegateQuantumOp = 29, }; pub extern fn QuantumOperatorImage(image: [*c]Image, channel: ChannelType, quantum_operator: QuantumOperator, rvalue: f64, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn QuantumOperatorImageMultivalue(image: [*c]Image, quantum_operator: QuantumOperator, values: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn QuantumOperatorRegionImage(image: [*c]Image, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, channel: ChannelType, quantum_operator: QuantumOperator, rvalue: f64, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn ColorFloodfillImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const DrawInfo, arg2: PixelPacket, arg3: c_long, arg4: c_long, arg5: PaintMethod) c_uint; pub extern fn MatteFloodfillImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: PixelPacket, arg2: c_uint, arg3: c_long, arg4: c_long, arg5: PaintMethod) c_uint; pub extern fn OpaqueImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: PixelPacket, arg2: PixelPacket) c_uint; pub extern fn TransparentImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: PixelPacket, arg2: c_uint) c_uint; pub const UndefinedVirtualPixelMethod = 0; pub const ConstantVirtualPixelMethod = 1; pub const EdgeVirtualPixelMethod = 2; pub const MirrorVirtualPixelMethod = 3; pub const TileVirtualPixelMethod = 4; pub const VirtualPixelMethod = extern enum { UndefinedVirtualPixelMethod = 0, ConstantVirtualPixelMethod = 1, EdgeVirtualPixelMethod = 2, MirrorVirtualPixelMethod = 3, TileVirtualPixelMethod = 4, }; pub const Cache = _CacheInfoPtr_; pub extern fn AcquireImagePixels(image: [*c]const Image, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]const PixelPacket; pub extern fn AccessImmutableIndexes(image: [*c]const Image) [*c]const IndexPacket; pub extern fn AcquireOnePixel(image: [*c]const Image, x: c_long, y: c_long, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) PixelPacket; pub extern fn GetImagePixels(image: [*c]Image, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong) [*c]PixelPacket; pub extern fn GetImagePixelsEx(image: [*c]Image, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]PixelPacket; pub extern fn GetImageVirtualPixelMethod(image: [*c]const Image) VirtualPixelMethod; pub extern fn GetPixels(image: [*c]const Image) [*c]PixelPacket; pub extern fn AccessMutablePixels(image: [*c]Image) [*c]PixelPacket; pub extern fn GetIndexes(image: [*c]const Image) [*c]IndexPacket; pub extern fn AccessMutableIndexes(image: [*c]Image) [*c]IndexPacket; pub extern fn GetOnePixel(image: [*c]Image, x: c_long, y: c_long) PixelPacket; pub extern fn GetPixelCacheArea(image: [*c]const Image) magick_off_t; pub extern fn SetImagePixels(image: [*c]Image, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong) [*c]PixelPacket; pub extern fn SetImagePixelsEx(image: [*c]Image, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]PixelPacket; pub extern fn SetImageVirtualPixelMethod(image: [*c]const Image, method: VirtualPixelMethod) c_uint; pub extern fn SyncImagePixels(image: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn SyncImagePixelsEx(image: [*c]Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn OpenCacheView(image: [*c]Image) [*c]ViewInfo; pub extern fn CloseCacheView(view: [*c]ViewInfo) void; pub extern fn AccessCacheViewPixels(view: [*c]const ViewInfo) [*c]PixelPacket; pub extern fn AcquireCacheViewIndexes(view: [*c]const ViewInfo) [*c]const IndexPacket; pub extern fn AcquireCacheViewPixels(view: [*c]ViewInfo, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]const PixelPacket; pub extern fn AcquireOneCacheViewPixel(view: [*c]ViewInfo, pixel: [*c]PixelPacket, x: c_long, y: c_long, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn GetCacheViewArea(view: [*c]const ViewInfo) magick_off_t; pub extern fn GetCacheViewImage(view: [*c]const ViewInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn GetCacheViewIndexes(view: [*c]const ViewInfo) [*c]IndexPacket; pub extern fn GetCacheViewPixels(view: [*c]ViewInfo, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]PixelPacket; pub extern fn GetCacheViewRegion(view: [*c]const ViewInfo) RectangleInfo; pub extern fn SetCacheViewPixels(view: [*c]ViewInfo, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]PixelPacket; pub extern fn SyncCacheViewPixels(view: [*c]const ViewInfo, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub const struct__PixelIteratorOptions = extern struct { max_threads: c_int, signature: c_ulong, }; pub const PixelIteratorOptions = struct__PixelIteratorOptions; pub extern fn InitializePixelIteratorOptions(options: [*c]PixelIteratorOptions, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) void; pub const PixelIteratorMonoReadCallback = ?extern fn (?*c_void, ?*const c_void, [*c]const Image, [*c]const PixelPacket, [*c]const IndexPacket, c_long, [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn PixelIterateMonoRead(call_back: PixelIteratorMonoReadCallback, options: [*c]const PixelIteratorOptions, description: [*c]const u8, mutable_data: ?*c_void, immutable_data: ?*const c_void, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, image: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub const PixelIteratorMonoModifyCallback = ?extern fn (?*c_void, ?*const c_void, [*c]Image, [*c]PixelPacket, [*c]IndexPacket, c_long, [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn PixelIterateMonoSet(call_back: PixelIteratorMonoModifyCallback, options: [*c]const PixelIteratorOptions, description: [*c]const u8, mutable_data: ?*c_void, immutable_data: ?*const c_void, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, image: [*c]Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn PixelIterateMonoModify(call_back: PixelIteratorMonoModifyCallback, options: [*c]const PixelIteratorOptions, description: [*c]const u8, mutable_data: ?*c_void, immutable_data: ?*const c_void, x: c_long, y: c_long, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, image: [*c]Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub const PixelIteratorDualReadCallback = ?extern fn (?*c_void, ?*const c_void, [*c]const Image, [*c]const PixelPacket, [*c]const IndexPacket, [*c]const Image, [*c]const PixelPacket, [*c]const IndexPacket, c_long, [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn PixelIterateDualRead(call_back: PixelIteratorDualReadCallback, options: [*c]const PixelIteratorOptions, description: [*c]const u8, mutable_data: ?*c_void, immutable_data: ?*const c_void, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, first_image: [*c]const Image, first_x: c_long, first_y: c_long, second_image: [*c]const Image, second_x: c_long, second_y: c_long, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub const PixelIteratorDualModifyCallback = ?extern fn (?*c_void, ?*const c_void, [*c]const Image, [*c]const PixelPacket, [*c]const IndexPacket, [*c]Image, [*c]PixelPacket, [*c]IndexPacket, c_long, [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn PixelIterateDualModify(call_back: PixelIteratorDualModifyCallback, options: [*c]const PixelIteratorOptions, description: [*c]const u8, mutable_data: ?*c_void, immutable_data: ?*const c_void, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, source_image: [*c]const Image, source_x: c_long, source_y: c_long, update_image: [*c]Image, update_x: c_long, update_y: c_long, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub const PixelIteratorDualNewCallback = PixelIteratorDualModifyCallback; pub extern fn PixelIterateDualNew(call_back: PixelIteratorDualNewCallback, options: [*c]const PixelIteratorOptions, description: [*c]const u8, mutable_data: ?*c_void, immutable_data: ?*const c_void, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, source_image: [*c]const Image, source_x: c_long, source_y: c_long, new_image: [*c]Image, new_x: c_long, new_y: c_long, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub const PixelIteratorTripleModifyCallback = ?extern fn (?*c_void, ?*const c_void, [*c]const Image, [*c]const PixelPacket, [*c]const IndexPacket, [*c]const Image, [*c]const PixelPacket, [*c]const IndexPacket, [*c]Image, [*c]PixelPacket, [*c]IndexPacket, c_long, [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn PixelIterateTripleModify(call_back: PixelIteratorTripleModifyCallback, options: [*c]const PixelIteratorOptions, description: [*c]const u8, mutable_data: ?*c_void, immutable_data: ?*const c_void, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, source1_image: [*c]const Image, source2_image: [*c]const Image, source_x: c_long, source_y: c_long, update_image: [*c]Image, update_x: c_long, update_y: c_long, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub const PixelIteratorTripleNewCallback = PixelIteratorTripleModifyCallback; pub extern fn PixelIterateTripleNew(call_back: PixelIteratorTripleNewCallback, options: [*c]const PixelIteratorOptions, description: [*c]const u8, mutable_data: ?*c_void, immutable_data: ?*const c_void, columns: c_ulong, rows: c_ulong, source1_image: [*c]const Image, source2_image: [*c]const Image, source_x: c_long, source_y: c_long, new_image: [*c]Image, new_x: c_long, new_y: c_long, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn PlasmaImage(image: [*c]Image, segment: [*c]const SegmentInfo, attenuate: c_ulong, depth: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn GetImageProfile(image: [*c]const Image, name: [*c]const u8, length: [*c]usize) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn DeleteImageProfile(image: [*c]Image, name: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn ProfileImage(image: [*c]Image, name: [*c]const u8, profile: [*c]u8, length: usize, clone: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn SetImageProfile(image: [*c]Image, name: [*c]const u8, profile: [*c]const u8, length: usize) c_uint; pub extern fn AppendImageProfile(image: [*c]Image, name: [*c]const u8, profile_chunk: [*c]const u8, chunk_length: usize) c_uint; pub const ImageProfileIterator = ?*c_void; pub extern fn AllocateImageProfileIterator(image: [*c]const Image) ImageProfileIterator; pub extern fn NextImageProfile(profile_iterator: ImageProfileIterator, name: [*c]([*c]const u8), profile: [*c]([*c]const u8), length: [*c]usize) c_uint; pub extern fn DeallocateImageProfileIterator(profile_iterator: ImageProfileIterator) void; pub const struct__QuantizeInfo = extern struct { number_colors: c_ulong, tree_depth: c_uint, dither: c_uint, colorspace: ColorspaceType, measure_error: c_uint, signature: c_ulong, }; pub const QuantizeInfo = struct__QuantizeInfo; pub extern fn CloneQuantizeInfo(arg0: [*c]const QuantizeInfo) [*c]QuantizeInfo; pub extern fn GetImageQuantizeError(arg0: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn MapImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const Image, arg2: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MapImages(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const Image, arg2: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn OrderedDitherImage(arg0: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn QuantizeImage(arg0: [*c]const QuantizeInfo, arg1: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn QuantizeImages(arg0: [*c]const QuantizeInfo, arg1: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn SegmentImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: ColorspaceType, arg2: c_uint, arg3: f64, arg4: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn CompressImageColormap(arg0: [*c]Image) void; pub extern fn DestroyQuantizeInfo(arg0: [*c]QuantizeInfo) void; pub extern fn GetQuantizeInfo(arg0: [*c]QuantizeInfo) void; pub extern fn GrayscalePseudoClassImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: c_uint) void; pub const UndefinedRegistryType = 0; pub const ImageRegistryType = 1; pub const ImageInfoRegistryType = 2; pub const RegistryType = extern enum { UndefinedRegistryType = 0, ImageRegistryType = 1, ImageInfoRegistryType = 2, }; pub extern fn GetImageFromMagickRegistry(name: [*c]const u8, id: [*c]c_long, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn SetMagickRegistry(type_0: RegistryType, blob: ?*const c_void, length: usize, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_long; pub extern fn DeleteMagickRegistry(id: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn GetMagickRegistry(id: c_long, type_0: [*c]RegistryType, length: [*c]usize, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) ?*c_void; pub extern fn MagnifyImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn MinifyImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ResizeImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: FilterTypes, arg4: f64, arg5: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn SampleImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ScaleImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ThumbnailImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ZoomImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub const UndefinedResource = 0; pub const DiskResource = 1; pub const FileResource = 2; pub const MapResource = 3; pub const MemoryResource = 4; pub const PixelsResource = 5; pub const ThreadsResource = 6; pub const WidthResource = 7; pub const HeightResource = 8; pub const ResourceType = extern enum { UndefinedResource = 0, DiskResource = 1, FileResource = 2, MapResource = 3, MemoryResource = 4, PixelsResource = 5, ThreadsResource = 6, WidthResource = 7, HeightResource = 8, }; pub extern fn AcquireMagickResource(type_0: ResourceType, size: magick_uint64_t) c_uint; pub extern fn ListMagickResourceInfo(file: [*c]FILE, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn SetMagickResourceLimit(type_0: ResourceType, limit: magick_int64_t) c_uint; pub extern fn GetMagickResource(type_0: ResourceType) magick_int64_t; pub extern fn GetMagickResourceLimit(type_0: ResourceType) magick_int64_t; pub extern fn DestroyMagickResources() void; pub extern fn InitializeMagickResources() void; pub extern fn LiberateMagickResource(type_0: ResourceType, size: magick_uint64_t) void; pub extern fn AffineTransformImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]const AffineMatrix, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn AutoOrientImage(image: [*c]const Image, current_orientation: OrientationType, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn RotateImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ShearImage(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub const struct__SignatureInfo = extern struct { digest: [8]c_ulong, low_order: c_ulong, high_order: c_ulong, offset: c_long, message: [64]u8, }; pub const SignatureInfo = struct__SignatureInfo; pub extern fn SignatureImage(arg0: [*c]Image) c_uint; pub extern fn FinalizeSignature(arg0: [*c]SignatureInfo) void; pub extern fn GetSignatureInfo(arg0: [*c]SignatureInfo) void; pub extern fn TransformSignature(arg0: [*c]SignatureInfo) void; pub extern fn UpdateSignature(arg0: [*c]SignatureInfo, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: usize) void; pub const struct__ImageChannelStatistics = extern struct { maximum: f64, minimum: f64, mean: f64, standard_deviation: f64, variance: f64, }; pub const ImageChannelStatistics = struct__ImageChannelStatistics; pub const struct__ImageStatistics = extern struct { red: ImageChannelStatistics, green: ImageChannelStatistics, blue: ImageChannelStatistics, opacity: ImageChannelStatistics, }; pub const ImageStatistics = struct__ImageStatistics; pub extern fn GetImageStatistics(image: [*c]const Image, statistics: [*c]ImageStatistics, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn TextureImage(arg0: [*c]Image, arg1: [*c]const Image) c_uint; pub extern fn ChopImage(image: [*c]const Image, chop_info: [*c]const RectangleInfo, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn CoalesceImages(image: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn CropImage(image: [*c]const Image, geometry: [*c]const RectangleInfo, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn DeconstructImages(image: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ExtentImage(image: [*c]const Image, geometry: [*c]const RectangleInfo, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn FlattenImages(image: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn FlipImage(image: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn FlopImage(image: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn MosaicImages(image: [*c]const Image, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn RollImage(image: [*c]const Image, x_offset: c_long, y_offset: c_long, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn ShaveImage(image: [*c]const Image, shave_info: [*c]const RectangleInfo, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) [*c]Image; pub extern fn TransformImage(arg0: [*c]([*c]Image), arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8) void; pub const RootPath = 0; pub const HeadPath = 1; pub const TailPath = 2; pub const BasePath = 3; pub const ExtensionPath = 4; pub const MagickPath = 5; pub const SubImagePath = 6; pub const FullPath = 7; pub const PathType = extern enum { RootPath = 0, HeadPath = 1, TailPath = 2, BasePath = 3, ExtensionPath = 4, MagickPath = 5, SubImagePath = 6, FullPath = 7, }; pub const struct__TokenInfo = extern struct { state: c_int, flag: c_uint, offset: c_long, quote: u8, }; pub const TokenInfo = struct__TokenInfo; pub const MagickTextTranslate = ?extern fn ([*c]u8, [*c]const u8, usize) usize; pub extern fn AcquireString(arg0: [*c]const u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn AllocateString(arg0: [*c]const u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn Base64Encode(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: usize, arg2: [*c]usize) [*c]u8; pub extern fn EscapeString(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn GetPageGeometry(arg0: [*c]const u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn ListFiles(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]c_long) [*c]([*c]u8); pub extern fn StringToArgv(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]c_int) [*c]([*c]u8); pub extern fn StringToList(arg0: [*c]const u8) [*c]([*c]u8); pub extern fn TranslateText(arg0: [*c]const ImageInfo, arg1: [*c]Image, arg2: [*c]const u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn TranslateTextEx(arg0: [*c]const ImageInfo, arg1: [*c]Image, arg2: [*c]const u8, arg3: MagickTextTranslate) [*c]u8; pub extern fn GetClientFilename() [*c]const u8; pub extern fn GetClientName() [*c]const u8; pub extern fn GetClientPath() [*c]const u8; pub extern fn SetClientFilename(arg0: [*c]const u8) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn SetClientName(arg0: [*c]const u8) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn SetClientPath(arg0: [*c]const u8) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn StringToDouble(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: f64) f64; pub extern fn GetGeometry(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]c_long, arg2: [*c]c_long, arg3: [*c]c_ulong, arg4: [*c]c_ulong) c_int; pub extern fn GlobExpression(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_int; pub extern fn LocaleNCompare(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: usize) c_int; pub extern fn LocaleCompare(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_int; pub extern fn GetMagickDimension(str: [*c]const u8, width: [*c]f64, height: [*c]f64, xoff: [*c]f64, yoff: [*c]f64) c_int; pub extern fn GetMagickGeometry(geometry: [*c]const u8, x: [*c]c_long, y: [*c]c_long, width: [*c]c_ulong, height: [*c]c_ulong) c_int; pub extern fn MagickRandReentrant(seed: [*c]c_uint) c_int; pub extern fn MagickSpawnVP(verbose: c_uint, file: [*c]const u8, argv: [*c]const ([*c]u8)) c_int; pub extern fn SystemCommand(arg0: c_uint, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_int; pub extern fn Tokenizer(arg0: [*c]TokenInfo, arg1: c_uint, arg2: [*c]u8, arg3: usize, arg4: [*c]u8, arg5: [*c]u8, arg6: [*c]u8, arg7: [*c]u8, arg8: u8, arg9: [*c]u8, arg10: [*c]c_int, arg11: [*c]u8) c_int; pub extern fn MagickRandNewSeed() c_uint; pub extern fn Base64Decode(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]usize) [*c]u8; pub extern fn CloneString(arg0: [*c]([*c]u8), arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn ConcatenateString(arg0: [*c]([*c]u8), arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn ExpandFilenames(arg0: [*c]c_int, arg1: [*c]([*c]([*c]u8))) c_uint; pub extern fn GetExecutionPath(arg0: [*c]u8) c_uint; pub extern fn GetExecutionPathUsingName(arg0: [*c]u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickCreateDirectoryPath(dir: [*c]const u8, exception: [*c]ExceptionInfo) c_uint; pub extern fn IsAccessible(arg0: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn IsAccessibleNoLogging(arg0: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn IsAccessibleAndNotEmpty(arg0: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn IsGeometry(arg0: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn IsGlob(arg0: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn IsWriteable(arg0: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSceneFileName(filename: [*c]u8, filename_template: [*c]const u8, scene_template: [*c]const u8, force: c_uint, scene: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn SubstituteString(buffer: [*c]([*c]u8), search: [*c]const u8, replace: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MultilineCensus(arg0: [*c]const u8) c_ulong; pub extern fn AppendImageFormat(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]u8) void; pub extern fn DefineClientName(arg0: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn DefineClientPathAndName(arg0: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn ExpandFilename(arg0: [*c]u8) void; pub extern fn FormatSize(size: magick_int64_t, format: [*c]u8) void; pub extern fn GetPathComponent(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: PathType, arg2: [*c]u8) void; pub extern fn GetToken(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]([*c]u8), arg2: [*c]u8) void; pub extern fn LocaleLower(arg0: [*c]u8) void; pub extern fn LocaleUpper(arg0: [*c]u8) void; pub extern fn Strip(arg0: [*c]u8) void; pub extern fn SetGeometry(arg0: [*c]const Image, arg1: [*c]RectangleInfo) void; pub extern fn FormatString(string: [*c]u8, format: [*c]const u8, ...) void; pub extern fn FormatStringList(string: [*c]u8, format: [*c]const u8, operands: [*c]struct___va_list_tag) void; pub extern fn MagickFormatString(string: [*c]u8, length: usize, format: [*c]const u8, ...) void; pub extern fn MagickFormatStringList(string: [*c]u8, length: usize, format: [*c]const u8, operands: [*c]struct___va_list_tag) void; pub extern fn MagickSizeStrToInt64(str: [*c]const u8, kilo: c_uint) magick_int64_t; pub extern fn MagickGetToken(start: [*c]const u8, end: [*c]([*c]u8), token: [*c]u8, buffer_length: usize) usize; pub extern fn MagickStripSpacesFromString(string: [*c]u8) usize; pub extern fn MagickStrlCat(dst: [*c]u8, src: [*c]const u8, size: usize) usize; pub extern fn MagickStrlCpy(dst: [*c]u8, src: [*c]const u8, size: usize) usize; pub extern fn MagickStrlCpyTrunc(dst: [*c]u8, src: [*c]const u8, size: usize) usize; pub extern fn GetMagickCopyright() [*c]const u8; pub extern fn GetMagickVersion(arg0: [*c]c_ulong) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn GetMagickWebSite() [*c]const u8; pub const struct__PixelWand = @OpaqueType(); pub const PixelWand = struct__PixelWand; pub extern fn PixelGetColorAsString(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) [*c]u8; pub extern fn PixelGetBlack(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) f64; pub extern fn PixelGetBlue(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) f64; pub extern fn PixelGetCyan(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) f64; pub extern fn PixelGetGreen(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) f64; pub extern fn PixelGetMagenta(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) f64; pub extern fn PixelGetOpacity(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) f64; pub extern fn PixelGetRed(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) f64; pub extern fn PixelGetYellow(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) f64; pub extern fn ClonePixelWand(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) ?*PixelWand; pub extern fn ClonePixelWands(arg0: [*c](?*const PixelWand), arg1: c_ulong) [*c](?*PixelWand); pub extern fn NewPixelWand() ?*PixelWand; pub extern fn NewPixelWands(arg0: c_ulong) [*c](?*PixelWand); pub extern fn PixelGetBlackQuantum(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) Quantum; pub extern fn PixelGetBlueQuantum(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) Quantum; pub extern fn PixelGetCyanQuantum(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) Quantum; pub extern fn PixelGetGreenQuantum(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) Quantum; pub extern fn PixelGetMagentaQuantum(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) Quantum; pub extern fn PixelGetOpacityQuantum(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) Quantum; pub extern fn PixelGetRedQuantum(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) Quantum; pub extern fn PixelGetYellowQuantum(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) Quantum; pub extern fn PixelSetColor(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn PixelGetColorCount(arg0: ?*const PixelWand) c_ulong; pub extern fn DestroyPixelWand(arg0: ?*PixelWand) void; pub extern fn PixelGetQuantumColor(arg0: ?*const PixelWand, arg1: [*c]PixelPacket) void; pub extern fn PixelSetBlack(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn PixelSetBlackQuantum(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: Quantum) void; pub extern fn PixelSetBlue(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn PixelSetBlueQuantum(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: Quantum) void; pub extern fn PixelSetColorCount(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: c_ulong) void; pub extern fn PixelSetCyan(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn PixelSetCyanQuantum(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: Quantum) void; pub extern fn PixelSetGreen(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn PixelSetGreenQuantum(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: Quantum) void; pub extern fn PixelSetMagenta(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn PixelSetMagentaQuantum(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: Quantum) void; pub extern fn PixelSetOpacity(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn PixelSetOpacityQuantum(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: Quantum) void; pub extern fn PixelSetQuantumColor(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: [*c]PixelPacket) void; pub extern fn PixelSetRed(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn PixelSetRedQuantum(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: Quantum) void; pub extern fn PixelSetYellow(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn PixelSetYellowQuantum(arg0: ?*PixelWand, arg1: Quantum) void; pub const struct__DrawingWand = @OpaqueType(); pub const DrawingWand = struct__DrawingWand; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetClipPath(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetException(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand, arg1: [*c]ExceptionType) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetFont(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetFontFamily(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetTextEncoding(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetClipUnits(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) ClipPathUnits; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetTextDecoration(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) DecorationType; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetFillOpacity(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) f64; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetFontSize(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) f64; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetStrokeDashArray(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand, arg1: [*c]c_ulong) [*c]f64; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetStrokeDashOffset(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) f64; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetStrokeOpacity(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) f64; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetStrokeWidth(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) f64; pub extern fn MagickDrawPeekGraphicContext(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) [*c]DrawInfo; pub extern fn MagickCloneDrawingWand(drawing_wand: ?*const DrawingWand) ?*DrawingWand; pub extern fn MagickDrawAllocateWand(arg0: [*c]const DrawInfo, arg1: [*c]Image) ?*DrawingWand; pub extern fn MagickNewDrawingWand() ?*DrawingWand; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetClipRule(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) FillRule; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetFillRule(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) FillRule; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetGravity(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) GravityType; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetStrokeLineCap(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) LineCap; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetStrokeLineJoin(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) LineJoin; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetFontStretch(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) StretchType; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetFontStyle(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) StyleType; pub extern fn MagickDrawClearException(arg0: ?*DrawingWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetStrokeAntialias(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetTextAntialias(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickDrawRender(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetFontWeight(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) c_ulong; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetStrokeMiterLimit(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand) c_ulong; pub extern fn MagickDrawAffine(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: [*c]const AffineMatrix) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawAnnotation(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawArc(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64, arg5: f64, arg6: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawBezier(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: [*c]const PointInfo) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawCircle(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawColor(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: PaintMethod) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawComment(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn MagickDestroyDrawingWand(arg0: ?*DrawingWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawEllipse(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64, arg5: f64, arg6: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawComposite(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: CompositeOperator, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64, arg5: f64, arg6: [*c]const Image) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetFillColor(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand, arg1: ?*PixelWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetStrokeColor(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand, arg1: ?*PixelWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawGetTextUnderColor(arg0: ?*const DrawingWand, arg1: ?*PixelWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawLine(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawMatte(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: PaintMethod) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathClose(arg0: ?*DrawingWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathCurveToAbsolute(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64, arg5: f64, arg6: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathCurveToRelative(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64, arg5: f64, arg6: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathCurveToSmoothAbsolute(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathCurveToSmoothRelative(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathEllipticArcAbsolute(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: c_uint, arg5: c_uint, arg6: f64, arg7: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathEllipticArcRelative(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: c_uint, arg5: c_uint, arg6: f64, arg7: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathFinish(arg0: ?*DrawingWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathLineToAbsolute(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathLineToRelative(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathLineToHorizontalAbsolute(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathLineToHorizontalRelative(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathLineToVerticalAbsolute(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathLineToVerticalRelative(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathMoveToAbsolute(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathMoveToRelative(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPathStart(arg0: ?*DrawingWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPoint(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPolygon(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: [*c]const PointInfo) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPolyline(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: [*c]const PointInfo) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPopClipPath(arg0: ?*DrawingWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPopDefs(arg0: ?*DrawingWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPopGraphicContext(arg0: ?*DrawingWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPopPattern(arg0: ?*DrawingWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPushClipPath(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPushDefs(arg0: ?*DrawingWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPushGraphicContext(arg0: ?*DrawingWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawPushPattern(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64, arg5: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawRectangle(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawRotate(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawRoundRectangle(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64, arg5: f64, arg6: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawScale(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetClipPath(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetClipRule(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: FillRule) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetClipUnits(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: ClipPathUnits) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetFillColor(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetFillOpacity(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetFillRule(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: FillRule) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetFillPatternURL(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetFont(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetFontFamily(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetFontSize(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetFontStretch(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: StretchType) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetFontStyle(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: StyleType) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetFontWeight(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: c_ulong) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetGravity(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: GravityType) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSkewX(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSkewY(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetStrokeAntialias(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: c_uint) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetStrokeColor(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetStrokeDashArray(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: [*c]const f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetStrokeDashOffset(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, dashoffset: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetStrokeLineCap(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: LineCap) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetStrokeLineJoin(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: LineJoin) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetStrokeMiterLimit(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: c_ulong) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetStrokeOpacity(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetStrokePatternURL(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetStrokeWidth(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetTextAntialias(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: c_uint) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetTextDecoration(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: DecorationType) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetTextEncoding(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetTextUnderColor(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawSetViewbox(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: c_ulong, arg4: c_ulong) void; pub extern fn MagickDrawTranslate(arg0: ?*DrawingWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) void; pub extern fn FormatMagickString(arg0: [*c]u8, arg1: usize, arg2: [*c]const u8, ...) c_int; pub extern fn CopyMagickString(arg0: [*c]u8, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: usize) usize; pub const struct__MagickWand = @OpaqueType(); pub const MagickWand = struct__MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickDescribeImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickGetConfigureInfo(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickGetException(arg0: ?*const MagickWand, arg1: [*c]ExceptionType) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickGetFilename(arg0: ?*const MagickWand) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickGetImageAttribute(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickGetImageFilename(arg0: ?*MagickWand) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickGetImageFormat(arg0: ?*MagickWand) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickGetImageSignature(arg0: ?*MagickWand) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickQueryFonts(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]c_ulong) [*c]([*c]u8); pub extern fn MagickQueryFormats(arg0: [*c]const u8, arg1: [*c]c_ulong) [*c]([*c]u8); pub extern fn MagickGetImageCompose(arg0: ?*MagickWand) CompositeOperator; pub extern fn MagickGetImageColorspace(arg0: ?*MagickWand) ColorspaceType; pub extern fn MagickGetImageCompression(arg0: ?*MagickWand) CompressionType; pub extern fn MagickGetCopyright() [*c]const u8; pub extern fn MagickGetHomeURL() [*c]const u8; pub extern fn MagickGetImageGeometry(arg0: ?*MagickWand) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn MagickGetPackageName() [*c]const u8; pub extern fn MagickGetQuantumDepth(arg0: [*c]c_ulong) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn MagickGetReleaseDate() [*c]const u8; pub extern fn MagickGetVersion(arg0: [*c]c_ulong) [*c]const u8; pub extern fn MagickGetImageDispose(arg0: ?*MagickWand) DisposeType; pub extern fn MagickGetImageGamma(arg0: ?*MagickWand) f64; pub extern fn MagickGetImageFuzz(arg0: ?*MagickWand) f64; pub extern fn MagickGetSamplingFactors(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]c_ulong) [*c]f64; pub extern fn MagickQueryFontMetrics(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const DrawingWand, arg2: [*c]const u8) [*c]f64; pub extern fn MagickGetImageGravity(wand: ?*MagickWand) GravityType; pub extern fn MagickGetImageType(arg0: ?*MagickWand) ImageType; pub extern fn MagickGetImageSavedType(arg0: ?*MagickWand) ImageType; pub extern fn MagickGetImageInterlaceScheme(arg0: ?*MagickWand) InterlaceType; pub extern fn MagickGetImageIndex(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_long; pub extern fn MagickGetImageSize(arg0: ?*MagickWand) magick_int64_t; pub extern fn CloneMagickWand(arg0: ?*const MagickWand) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickAppendImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_uint) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickAverageImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickCoalesceImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickCompareImageChannels(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const MagickWand, arg2: ChannelType, arg3: MetricType, arg4: [*c]f64) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickCompareImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const MagickWand, arg2: MetricType, arg3: [*c]f64) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickDeconstructImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickFlattenImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickFxImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickFxImageChannel(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ChannelType, arg2: [*c]const u8) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickGetImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickMorphImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickMosaicImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickMontageImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const DrawingWand, arg2: [*c]const u8, arg3: [*c]const u8, arg4: MontageMode, arg5: [*c]const u8) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickPreviewImages(wand: ?*MagickWand, arg1: PreviewType) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickSteganoImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const MagickWand, arg2: c_long) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickStereoImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const MagickWand) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickTextureImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const MagickWand) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickTransformImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8) ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn NewMagickWand() ?*MagickWand; pub extern fn MagickGetImageOrientation(arg0: ?*MagickWand) OrientationType; pub extern fn MagickGetImageHistogram(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]c_ulong) [*c](?*PixelWand); pub extern fn MagickGetImageRenderingIntent(arg0: ?*MagickWand) RenderingIntent; pub extern fn MagickGetImageUnits(arg0: ?*MagickWand) ResolutionType; pub extern fn DestroyMagickWand(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickAdaptiveThresholdImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickAddImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickAddNoiseImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: NoiseType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickAffineTransformImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const DrawingWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickAnnotateImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const DrawingWand, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64, arg5: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickAnimateImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickAutoOrientImage(wand: ?*MagickWand, arg1: OrientationType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickBlackThresholdImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickBlurImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickBorderImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickCdlImage(wand: ?*MagickWand, cdl: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickCharcoalImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickChopImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: c_long, arg4: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickClipImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickClipPathImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickColorFloodfillImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand, arg2: f64, arg3: ?*const PixelWand, arg4: c_long, arg5: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickColorizeImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand, arg2: ?*const PixelWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickCommentImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickCompositeImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const MagickWand, arg2: CompositeOperator, arg3: c_long, arg4: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickContrastImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickConvolveImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: [*c]const f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickCropImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: c_long, arg4: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickCycleColormapImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickDespeckleImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickDisplayImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickDisplayImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickDrawImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const DrawingWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickEdgeImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickEmbossImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickEnhanceImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickEqualizeImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickExtentImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: isize, arg4: isize) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickFlipImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickFlopImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickFrameImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: c_ulong, arg4: c_long, arg5: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGammaImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGammaImageChannel(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ChannelType, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageBackgroundColor(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*PixelWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageBluePrimary(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]f64, arg2: [*c]f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageBorderColor(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*PixelWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageBoundingBox(wand: ?*MagickWand, fuzz: f64, width: [*c]c_ulong, height: [*c]c_ulong, x: [*c]c_long, y: [*c]c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageChannelExtrema(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ChannelType, arg2: [*c]c_ulong, arg3: [*c]c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageChannelMean(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ChannelType, arg2: [*c]f64, arg3: [*c]f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageColormapColor(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: ?*PixelWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageExtrema(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]c_ulong, arg2: [*c]c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageGreenPrimary(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]f64, arg2: [*c]f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageMatte(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageMatteColor(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*PixelWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImagePage(wand: ?*MagickWand, width: [*c]c_ulong, height: [*c]c_ulong, x: [*c]c_long, y: [*c]c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImagePixels(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_long, arg2: c_long, arg3: c_ulong, arg4: c_ulong, arg5: [*c]const u8, arg6: StorageType, arg7: [*c]u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageRedPrimary(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]f64, arg2: [*c]f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageResolution(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]f64, arg2: [*c]f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageWhitePoint(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]f64, arg2: [*c]f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetSize(arg0: ?*const MagickWand, arg1: [*c]c_ulong, arg2: [*c]c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickHaldClutImage(wand: ?*MagickWand, clut_wand: ?*const MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickHasColormap(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickHasNextImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickHasPreviousImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickImplodeImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickIsGrayImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickIsMonochromeImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickIsOpaqueImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickIsPaletteImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickLabelImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickLevelImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickLevelImageChannel(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ChannelType, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickMagnifyImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickMapImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const MagickWand, arg2: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickMatteFloodfillImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: Quantum, arg2: f64, arg3: ?*const PixelWand, arg4: c_long, arg5: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickMedianFilterImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickMinifyImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickModulateImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickMotionBlurImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickNegateImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickNegateImageChannel(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ChannelType, arg2: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickNextImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickNormalizeImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickOilPaintImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickOpaqueImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand, arg2: ?*const PixelWand, arg3: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickOperatorImageChannel(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ChannelType, arg2: QuantumOperator, arg3: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickPingImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickPreviousImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickProfileImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8, arg3: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickQuantizeImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: ColorspaceType, arg3: c_ulong, arg4: c_uint, arg5: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickQuantizeImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: ColorspaceType, arg3: c_ulong, arg4: c_uint, arg5: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickRadialBlurImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickRaiseImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: c_long, arg4: c_long, arg5: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickReadImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickReadImageBlob(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8, length: usize) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickReadImageFile(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]FILE) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickReduceNoiseImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickRelinquishMemory(arg0: ?*c_void) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickRemoveImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickRemoveImageOption(wand: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickResampleImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: FilterTypes, arg4: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickResizeImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong, arg3: FilterTypes, arg4: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickRollImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_long, arg2: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickRotateImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSampleImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickScaleImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSeparateImageChannel(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ChannelType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetCompressionQuality(wand: ?*MagickWand, quality: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetFilename(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetFormat(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageAttribute(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageBackgroundColor(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageBluePrimary(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageBorderColor(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageChannelDepth(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ChannelType, arg2: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageColormapColor(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: ?*const PixelWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageCompose(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: CompositeOperator) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageCompression(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: CompressionType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageDelay(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageDepth(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageDispose(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: DisposeType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageColorspace(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ColorspaceType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageGreenPrimary(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageGamma(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageGeometry(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageGravity(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: GravityType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageFilename(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageFormat(wand: ?*MagickWand, format: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageFuzz(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageIndex(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageInterlaceScheme(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: InterlaceType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageIterations(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageMatte(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageMatteColor(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageOption(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8, arg3: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageOrientation(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: OrientationType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImagePage(wand: ?*MagickWand, width: c_ulong, height: c_ulong, x: c_long, y: c_long) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImagePixels(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_long, arg2: c_long, arg3: c_ulong, arg4: c_ulong, arg5: [*c]const u8, arg6: StorageType, arg7: [*c]u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageRedPrimary(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageRenderingIntent(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: RenderingIntent) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageResolution(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageScene(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageType(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ImageType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageSavedType(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ImageType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageUnits(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ResolutionType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageVirtualPixelMethod(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: VirtualPixelMethod) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetPassphrase(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageProfile(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]const u8, arg3: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetResolution(wand: ?*MagickWand, x_resolution: f64, y_resolution: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetResolutionUnits(wand: ?*MagickWand, units: ResolutionType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetResourceLimit(type_0: ResourceType, limit: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetSamplingFactors(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: [*c]const f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetSize(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetImageWhitePoint(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSetInterlaceScheme(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: InterlaceType) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSharpenImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickShaveImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: c_ulong, arg2: c_ulong) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickShearImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand, arg2: f64, arg3: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSolarizeImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSpreadImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickStripImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickSwirlImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickTintImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand, arg2: ?*const PixelWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickThresholdImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickThresholdImageChannel(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ChannelType, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickTransparentImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand, arg2: Quantum, arg3: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickTrimImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickUnsharpMaskImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64, arg3: f64, arg4: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickWaveImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: f64, arg2: f64) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickWhiteThresholdImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ?*const PixelWand) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickWriteImage(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickWriteImageFile(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]FILE) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickWriteImagesFile(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]FILE, arg2: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickWriteImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: c_uint) c_uint; pub extern fn MagickGetImageColors(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_ulong; pub extern fn MagickGetImageDelay(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_ulong; pub extern fn MagickGetImageChannelDepth(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: ChannelType) c_ulong; pub extern fn MagickGetImageDepth(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_ulong; pub extern fn MagickGetImageHeight(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_ulong; pub extern fn MagickGetImageIterations(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_ulong; pub extern fn MagickGetImageScene(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_ulong; pub extern fn MagickGetImageWidth(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_ulong; pub extern fn MagickGetNumberImages(arg0: ?*MagickWand) c_ulong; pub extern fn MagickGetResourceLimit(arg0: ResourceType) c_ulong; pub extern fn MagickGetImageVirtualPixelMethod(arg0: ?*MagickWand) VirtualPixelMethod; pub extern fn MagickGetImageProfile(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]c_ulong) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickRemoveImageProfile(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]const u8, arg2: [*c]c_ulong) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickWriteImageBlob(arg0: ?*MagickWand, arg1: [*c]usize) [*c]u8; pub extern fn MagickClearException(arg0: ?*MagickWand) void; pub extern fn MagickResetIterator(arg0: ?*MagickWand) void; pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_TEST_AND_SET_TRUEVAL = 1; pub const _STDC_PREDEF_H = 1; pub const __FLT16_MAX_EXP__ = 15; pub const __GNUC_VA_LIST = 1; pub const __BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__ = 16; pub const EXIT_SUCCESS = 0; pub const _IO_USER_LOCK = 32768; pub const __INT64_FMTd__ = c"ld"; pub const __STDC_VERSION__ = c_long(201112); pub const __SIZEOF_FLOAT__ = 4; pub const MagickSignature = c_ulong(2880220587); pub const __INT_LEAST32_FMTi__ = c"i"; pub const MagickLibInterfaceOldest = 3; pub const __INT_LEAST8_FMTi__ = c"hhi"; pub const __LDBL_EPSILON__ = 0.000000; pub const __LZCNT__ = 1; pub const MaxTextExtent = 2053; pub const __STDC_UTF_32__ = 1; pub const __INT_LEAST32_FMTd__ = c"d"; pub const __INVPCID__ = 1; pub const __SIG_ATOMIC_WIDTH__ = 32; pub const __FD_ZERO_STOS = c"stosq"; pub const __UINT_FAST64_FMTX__ = c"lX"; pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const DrawGetException = MagickDrawGetException; pub const __clang_version__ = c"8.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_800/final)"; pub const __UINT_LEAST8_FMTo__ = c"hho"; pub const __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__ = 8; pub const __INTMAX_FMTd__ = c"ld"; pub const __HAVE_DISTINCT_FLOAT16 = __HAVE_FLOAT16; pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const LITTLE_ENDIAN = __LITTLE_ENDIAN; pub const __INT_LEAST16_FMTi__ = c"hi"; pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_SHORT_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const MAGICK_OFF_F = MAGICK_INT64_F; pub const _STDLIB_H = 1; pub const _BITS_STDIO_LIM_H = 1; pub const __FMA__ = 1; pub const __MMX__ = 1; pub const __HAVE_FLOAT64 = 1; pub const __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_16 = 1; pub const BYTE_ORDER = __BYTE_ORDER; pub const __SIZE_FMTX__ = c"lX"; pub const __ID_T_TYPE = __U32_TYPE; pub const _THREAD_SHARED_TYPES_H = 1; pub const MinBlobExtent = c_long(32768); pub const __RDSEED__ = 1; pub const RunlengthEncodedCompression = RLECompression; pub const __INO_T_TYPE = __SYSCALL_ULONG_TYPE; pub const _BITS_TYPES_H = 1; pub const __FSBLKCNT_T_TYPE = __SYSCALL_ULONG_TYPE; pub const __ptr_t = [*c]void; pub const __WCHAR_WIDTH__ = 32; pub const __FSGSBASE__ = 1; pub const __STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__ = 1; pub const __USE_MISC = 1; pub const __FSBLKCNT64_T_TYPE = __UQUAD_TYPE; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_ATTR_T = 56; pub const __PTRDIFF_FMTd__ = c"ld"; pub const __DBL_MIN_EXP__ = -1021; pub const MAGICK_UINT32_F = c""; pub const __lldiv_t_defined = 1; pub const __HAVE_FLOAT32X = 1; pub const __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ = 0; pub const __USECONDS_T_TYPE = __U32_TYPE; pub const __SSE_MATH__ = 1; pub const __PID_T_TYPE = __S32_TYPE; pub const __UINT_FAST8_FMTo__ = c"hho"; pub const __UINT_LEAST64_MAX__ = c_ulong(18446744073709551615); pub const SignatureSize = 64; pub const _ALLOCA_H = 1; pub const __UINT_LEAST64_FMTx__ = c"lx"; pub const __INT8_MAX__ = 127; pub const __NLINK_T_TYPE = __SYSCALL_ULONG_TYPE; pub const __DBL_HAS_DENORM__ = 1; pub const __FLOAT128__ = 1; pub const __HAVE_GENERIC_SELECTION = 1; pub const __FLT16_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1; pub const __ATOMIC_RELAXED = 0; pub const __DBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 17; pub const __XSAVEC__ = 1; pub const __SIZEOF_SHORT__ = 2; pub const ____FILE_defined = 1; pub const __UINT16_FMTX__ = c"hX"; pub const __UINT_FAST16_MAX__ = 65535; pub const __PTHREAD_MUTEX_HAVE_PREV = 1; pub const __timeval_defined = 1; pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_SHORT_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const __SSSE3__ = 1; pub const __CONSTANT_CFSTRINGS__ = 1; pub const WEXITED = 4; pub const __MODE_T_TYPE = __U32_TYPE; pub const _SYS_CDEFS_H = 1; pub const _ATFILE_SOURCE = 1; pub const __AVX2__ = 1; pub const __RLIM_T_TYPE = __SYSCALL_ULONG_TYPE; pub const __WINT_MAX__ = c_uint(4294967295); pub const __LDBL_MAX_EXP__ = 16384; pub const __USE_POSIX199309 = 1; pub const _STDIO_H = 1; pub const __STDC_ISO_10646__ = c_long(201706); pub const __NO_MATH_INLINES = 1; pub const __WCHAR_TYPE__ = int; pub const NewDrawingWand = MagickNewDrawingWand; pub const __BLKCNT64_T_TYPE = __SQUAD_TYPE; pub const __LONG_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807); pub const __STDC_HOSTED__ = 1; pub const __pic__ = 2; pub const __PTRDIFF_WIDTH__ = 64; pub const __INT_FAST16_FMTi__ = c"hi"; pub const __INT_LEAST32_TYPE__ = int; pub const __SCHAR_MAX__ = 127; pub const __USE_POSIX2 = 1; pub const __LDBL_DENORM_MIN__ = 0.000000; pub const __HAVE_FLOATN_NOT_TYPEDEF = 0; pub const __FLT16_MIN_EXP__ = -14; pub const __TIMESIZE = __WORDSIZE; pub const RAND_MAX = 2147483647; pub const __USE_XOPEN2K = 1; pub const __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER = __BYTE_ORDER; pub const _IOFBF = 0; pub const __PRFCHW__ = 1; pub const __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL = 0; pub const __ELF__ = 1; pub const __INT64_C_SUFFIX__ = L; pub const __FSFILCNT_T_TYPE = __SYSCALL_ULONG_TYPE; pub const __LDBL_MANT_DIG__ = 64; pub const __PTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCK_ELISION = 1; pub const __SSIZE_T_TYPE = __SWORD_TYPE; pub const __USE_XOPEN2K8 = 1; pub const MaxRGBFloat = 65535.000000; pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const __SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T__ = 8; pub const ExtendedSignedIntegralType = magick_int64_t; pub const __SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__ = 2147483647; pub const __struct_FILE_defined = 1; pub const _IO_EOF_SEEN = 16; pub const __USE_ATFILE = 1; pub const __UINT64_FMTX__ = c"lX"; pub const __WALL = 1073741824; pub const __UINT64_MAX__ = c_ulong(18446744073709551615); pub const __DBL_MANT_DIG__ = 53; pub const __FLT_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 9; pub const _____fpos_t_defined = 1; pub const __INT_LEAST32_MAX__ = 2147483647; pub const __DBL_DIG__ = 15; pub const __GLIBC_USE_DEPRECATED_SCANF = 0; pub const MagickLogFilename = c"log.mgk"; pub const __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE = 2; pub const __OPENCL_MEMORY_SCOPE_WORK_GROUP = 1; pub const __USE_ISOC95 = 1; pub const __FLT16_HAS_DENORM__ = 1; pub const __UID_T_TYPE = __U32_TYPE; pub const __UINT_FAST16_FMTu__ = c"hu"; pub const __INTPTR_FMTi__ = c"li"; pub const __UINT_FAST8_FMTX__ = c"hhX"; pub const __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ = 1; pub const __SSE__ = 1; pub const __FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1; pub const __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__ = 8; pub const __UINT_LEAST16_FMTo__ = c"ho"; pub const __UINT8_FMTo__ = c"hho"; pub const MagickSizeType = magick_int64_t; pub const __HAVE_FLOAT32 = 1; pub const __UINT_LEAST16_FMTx__ = c"hx"; pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_WCHAR_T_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const MagickFalse = 0; pub const __UINT_FAST16_FMTX__ = c"hX"; pub const __UINT_FAST32_FMTx__ = c"x"; pub const __VERSION__ = c"4.2.1 Compatible Clang 8.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_800/final)"; pub const MagickQuantumDepth = c"Q16"; pub const __UINTPTR_MAX__ = c_ulong(18446744073709551615); pub const __UINT_FAST8_FMTu__ = c"hhu"; pub const __UINT_LEAST8_FMTu__ = c"hhu"; pub const __UINT_LEAST64_FMTo__ = c"lo"; pub const __clockid_t_defined = 1; pub const __UINT_LEAST8_MAX__ = 255; pub const OpaqueOpacity = c_ulong(0); pub const __SYSCALL_ULONG_TYPE = __ULONGWORD_TYPE; pub const __warnattr = msg; pub const __RDRND__ = 1; pub const __STD_TYPE = typedef; pub const __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ = 4; pub const __MOVBE__ = 1; pub const __GLIBC_USE_DEPRECATED_GETS = 0; pub const MaxMap = c_uint(65535); pub const __LDBL_MAX__ = inf; pub const __UINT16_MAX__ = 65535; pub const _LP64 = 1; pub const __CLOCK_T_TYPE = __SYSCALL_SLONG_TYPE; pub const FD_SETSIZE = __FD_SETSIZE; pub const __x86_64 = 1; pub const __PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INT_FLAGS_SHARED = 1; pub const __code_model_small_ = 1; pub const linux = 1; pub const __SIZEOF_WINT_T__ = 4; pub const DestroyDrawingWand = MagickDestroyDrawingWand; pub const __UINTMAX_FMTo__ = c"lo"; pub const __FLT_DIG__ = 6; pub const __UINT_LEAST8_FMTX__ = c"hhX"; pub const __INT16_MAX__ = 32767; pub const __HAVE_FLOAT64X = 1; pub const MagickReleaseDate = c"2019-06-15"; pub const __HAVE_FLOAT16 = 0; pub const __WINT_UNSIGNED__ = 1; pub const __FLT_MAX_10_EXP__ = 38; pub const MAGICK_UINTPTR_F = c"l"; pub const _FEATURES_H = 1; pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_POINTER_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const __UINTPTR_FMTX__ = c"lX"; pub const __UINT_LEAST16_FMTu__ = c"hu"; pub const __WINT_WIDTH__ = 32; pub const MagickChangeDate = c"20190615"; pub const __F16C__ = 1; pub const AreaResource = UndefinedResource; pub const __SHRT_MAX__ = 32767; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_T = 8; pub const MagickLibInterfaceNewest = 23; pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_BOOL_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const __POINTER_WIDTH__ = 64; pub const __PTRDIFF_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807); pub const __tune_corei7__ = 1; pub const __FLT16_DIG__ = 3; pub const __INT32_FMTd__ = c"d"; pub const __DBL_MIN__ = 0.000000; pub const __SIZEOF_LONG__ = 8; pub const __S32_TYPE = int; pub const __TIME_T_TYPE = __SYSCALL_SLONG_TYPE; pub const __INTPTR_WIDTH__ = 64; pub const __FLT16_MAX_10_EXP__ = 4; pub const __INT_FAST32_TYPE__ = int; pub const __TIME64_T_TYPE = __TIME_T_TYPE; pub const __W_CONTINUED = 65535; pub const __NO_INLINE__ = 1; pub const __UINT_FAST32_FMTX__ = c"X"; pub const _POSIX_SOURCE = 1; pub const __LITTLE_ENDIAN = 1234; pub const __HAVE_FLOAT128 = 0; pub const __gnu_linux__ = 1; pub const __INT_FAST32_MAX__ = 2147483647; pub const _BITS_PTHREADTYPES_COMMON_H = 1; pub const __corei7__ = 1; pub const __UINTMAX_FMTu__ = c"lu"; pub const __BMI__ = 1; pub const __FILE_defined = 1; pub const CloneDrawingWand = MagickCloneDrawingWand; pub const _____fpos64_t_defined = 1; pub const __FLT_RADIX__ = 2; pub const __GLIBC_MINOR__ = 29; pub const __timer_t_defined = 1; pub const __FLT16_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1; pub const MaxMapDepth = 16; pub const __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_1 = 1; pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const _BITS_BYTESWAP_H = 1; pub const IndexChannel = BlackChannel; pub const __SGX__ = 1; pub const __OPENCL_MEMORY_SCOPE_ALL_SVM_DEVICES = 3; pub const _STRUCT_TIMESPEC = 1; pub const _BITS_STDINT_INTN_H = 1; pub const __FLT16_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 5; pub const __PRAGMA_REDEFINE_EXTNAME = 1; pub const __INT_FAST8_FMTd__ = c"hhd"; pub const __KEY_T_TYPE = __S32_TYPE; pub const SEEK_SET = 0; pub const __INT32_TYPE__ = int; pub const __USE_POSIX199506 = 1; pub const __CPU_MASK_TYPE = __SYSCALL_ULONG_TYPE; pub const MagickFail = 0; pub const FOPEN_MAX = 16; pub const MAGICK_OPTIMIZE_FUNC = opt; pub const MAGICK_INT64_F = c"l"; pub const __UINTMAX_WIDTH__ = 64; pub const MAGICK_SSIZE_T_F = c"l"; pub const __PTHREAD_MUTEX_USE_UNION = 0; pub const __FLT_MIN__ = 0.000000; pub const __INT64_FMTi__ = c"li"; pub const __UINT_FAST64_FMTu__ = c"lu"; pub const __INT8_FMTd__ = c"hhd"; pub const MagickLibVersion = 2301952; pub const __INT_FAST16_TYPE__ = short; pub const YCbCrColorspace = Rec601YCbCrColorspace; pub const __HAVE_DISTINCT_FLOAT128 = 0; pub const __FLT_MAX_EXP__ = 128; pub const __XSAVE__ = 1; pub const __DBL_MAX_10_EXP__ = 308; pub const __LDBL_MIN__ = 0.000000; pub const __INT_FAST64_FMTi__ = c"li"; pub const __INT_LEAST8_FMTd__ = c"hhd"; pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const __FSFILCNT64_T_TYPE = __UQUAD_TYPE; pub const MAGICK_RANDOM_MAX = 4294967295; pub const __UINT_LEAST32_FMTX__ = c"X"; pub const __PIC__ = 2; pub const __GID_T_TYPE = __U32_TYPE; pub const MagickLibVersionText = c"1.3.32"; pub const __UINTMAX_MAX__ = c_ulong(18446744073709551615); pub const __UINT_FAST16_FMTo__ = c"ho"; pub const _DEFAULT_SOURCE = 1; pub const __FD_SETSIZE = 1024; pub const __LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 21; pub const __UINT_LEAST64_FMTX__ = c"lX"; pub const __clang_minor__ = 0; pub const __LDBL_REDIR_DECL = name; pub const __OFF64_T_TYPE = __SQUAD_TYPE; pub const __SIZEOF_FLOAT128__ = 16; pub const __CLOCKID_T_TYPE = __S32_TYPE; pub const __UINT_FAST64_FMTo__ = c"lo"; pub const __SIZE_FMTx__ = c"lx"; pub const __DBL_MAX__ = 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878; pub const __DBL_EPSILON__ = 0.000000; pub const __UINT64_FMTx__ = c"lx"; pub const MAGICK_UINTMAX_F = c"l"; pub const P_tmpdir = c"/tmp"; pub const __BLKCNT_T_TYPE = __SYSCALL_SLONG_TYPE; pub const __CHAR_BIT__ = 8; pub const __WCOREFLAG = 128; pub const SEEK_END = 2; pub const __INT16_FMTi__ = c"hi"; pub const __SLONG32_TYPE = int; pub const SEEK_CUR = 1; pub const _DEBUG = 1; pub const __GNUC_MINOR__ = 2; pub const __restrict_arr = __restrict; pub const __UINT_FAST32_MAX__ = c_uint(4294967295); pub const __RLIM_T_MATCHES_RLIM64_T = 1; pub const __UINT8_FMTX__ = c"hhX"; pub const NFDBITS = __NFDBITS; pub const __FLT_EPSILON__ = 0.000000; pub const __UINTPTR_WIDTH__ = 64; pub const MAGICK_PIXELS_BGRA = 1; pub const __llvm__ = 1; pub const __UINT_FAST64_MAX__ = c_ulong(18446744073709551615); pub const __INT_FAST32_FMTi__ = c"i"; pub const __WNOTHREAD = 536870912; pub const __time_t_defined = 1; pub const __FLT_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1; pub const __FSWORD_T_TYPE = __SYSCALL_SLONG_TYPE; pub const __DADDR_T_TYPE = __S32_TYPE; pub const __AES__ = 1; pub const NULL = if (@typeId(@typeOf(0)) == @import("builtin").TypeId.Pointer) @ptrCast([*c]void, 0) else if (@typeId(@typeOf(0)) == @import("builtin").TypeId.Int) @intToPtr([*c]void, 0) else ([*c]void)(0); pub const __OFF_T_TYPE = __SYSCALL_SLONG_TYPE; pub const __UINT8_FMTx__ = c"hhx"; pub const __INTMAX_C_SUFFIX__ = L; pub const __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ = 1234; pub const __time64_t = __time_t; pub const MagickRationalType = double; pub const DrawClearException = MagickDrawClearException; pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const __INT16_FMTd__ = c"hd"; pub const __UINT32_FMTX__ = c"X"; pub const __SUSECONDS_T_TYPE = __SYSCALL_SLONG_TYPE; pub const HasX11 = 1; pub const MAGICK_INT32_F = c""; pub const __PTHREAD_MUTEX_NUSERS_AFTER_KIND = 0; pub const __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4 = 1; pub const MagickPass = 1; pub const __UINT32_C_SUFFIX__ = U; pub const MagickSignedType = magick_int64_t; pub const __INT32_MAX__ = 2147483647; pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const __INTMAX_WIDTH__ = 64; pub const MaxRGB = c_uint(65535); pub const __INO64_T_TYPE = __UQUAD_TYPE; pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_BOOL_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const EXIT_FAILURE = 1; pub const __USE_POSIX = 1; pub const __BIT_TYPES_DEFINED__ = 1; pub const TransparentOpacity = MaxRGB; pub const __SIZE_FMTo__ = c"lo"; pub const __DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1; pub const __PDP_ENDIAN = 3412; pub const __INT_FAST8_FMTi__ = c"hhi"; pub const __UINT_LEAST32_FMTo__ = c"o"; pub const __STDC_UTF_16__ = 1; pub const __UINT_LEAST32_MAX__ = c_uint(4294967295); pub const __ATOMIC_RELEASE = 3; pub const __UINT_FAST16_FMTx__ = c"hx"; pub const __UINTMAX_C_SUFFIX__ = UL; pub const __FLT_MIN_EXP__ = -125; pub const __SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__ = 16; pub const __UINT_LEAST64_FMTu__ = c"lu"; pub const __ldiv_t_defined = 1; pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const __ORDER_PDP_ENDIAN__ = 3412; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIER_T = 32; pub const __GLIBC_USE_IEC_60559_FUNCS_EXT = 0; pub const __INT_FAST64_FMTd__ = c"ld"; pub const FILENAME_MAX = 4096; pub const ExtendedUnsignedIntegralType = magick_uint64_t; pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const __GXX_ABI_VERSION = 1002; pub const __INT16_TYPE__ = short; pub const __SSE2_MATH__ = 1; pub const __FLT_MANT_DIG__ = 24; pub const __GLIBC_USE_IEC_60559_TYPES_EXT = 0; pub const __UINT_FAST64_FMTx__ = c"lx"; pub const __STDC__ = 1; pub const __HAVE_FLOAT64X_LONG_DOUBLE = 1; pub const __INT_FAST8_MAX__ = 127; pub const __INTPTR_FMTd__ = c"ld"; pub const __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ = 1; pub const __SIZE_WIDTH__ = 64; pub const __UINT_LEAST8_FMTx__ = c"hhx"; pub const __MPX__ = 1; pub const __INT_LEAST64_FMTi__ = c"li"; pub const __HAVE_DISTINCT_FLOAT64 = 0; pub const __SSE4_2__ = 1; pub const __STDC_IEC_559__ = 1; pub const __AVX__ = 1; pub const __INT_FAST16_MAX__ = 32767; pub const __USE_ISOC99 = 1; pub const __INTPTR_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807); pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const __UINT64_FMTu__ = c"lu"; pub const __have_pthread_attr_t = 1; pub const __BYTE_ORDER__ = __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__; pub const __SSE2__ = 1; pub const MaxMapDouble = 65535.000000; pub const MAGICK_UINT64_F = c"l"; pub const __INT_MAX__ = 2147483647; pub const __BLKSIZE_T_TYPE = __SYSCALL_SLONG_TYPE; pub const __INTMAX_FMTi__ = c"li"; pub const __DBL_DENORM_MIN__ = 0.000000; pub const __clang_major__ = 8; pub const __FLT16_MANT_DIG__ = 11; pub const __GNUC__ = 4; pub const __UINT32_MAX__ = c_uint(4294967295); pub const MaxRGBDouble = 65535.000000; pub const _POSIX_C_SOURCE = c_long(200809); pub const __FLT_DENORM_MIN__ = 0.000000; pub const __DBL_MAX_EXP__ = 1024; pub const __INT8_FMTi__ = c"hhi"; pub const L_tmpnam = 20; pub const __BIG_ENDIAN = 4321; pub const __UINT_LEAST16_MAX__ = 65535; pub const __HAVE_DISTINCT_FLOAT32X = 0; pub const __XSAVES__ = 1; pub const __LDBL_HAS_DENORM__ = 1; pub const __FLT16_MIN_10_EXP__ = -13; pub const __LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1; pub const TMP_MAX = 238328; pub const __UINT_FAST8_MAX__ = 255; pub const __DBL_MIN_10_EXP__ = -307; pub const __GLIBC_USE_LIB_EXT2 = 0; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEX_T = 40; pub const __UINT8_FMTu__ = c"hhu"; pub const __OFF_T_MATCHES_OFF64_T = 1; pub const __RLIM64_T_TYPE = __UQUAD_TYPE; pub const __HAVE_FLOAT128X = 0; pub const __INT_FAST64_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807); pub const __SSE3__ = 1; pub const __UINT16_FMTu__ = c"hu"; pub const __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST = 5; pub const __SIZE_FMTu__ = c"lu"; pub const __LDBL_MIN_EXP__ = -16381; pub const __UINT_FAST32_FMTu__ = c"u"; pub const DrawAllocateWand = MagickDrawAllocateWand; pub const __SSP_STRONG__ = 2; pub const __BYTE_ORDER = __LITTLE_ENDIAN; pub const __clang_patchlevel__ = 0; pub const MaxMapFloat = 65535.000000; pub const __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__ = 8; pub const __BMI2__ = 1; pub const EOF = -1; pub const __HAVE_DISTINCT_FLOAT64X = 0; pub const __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ = 1; pub const MagickTrue = 1; pub const __FXSR__ = 1; pub const __PCLMUL__ = 1; pub const __UINT8_MAX__ = 255; pub const __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_2 = 1; pub const _IOLBF = 1; pub const __UINT32_FMTx__ = c"x"; pub const __UINT16_FMTo__ = c"ho"; pub const __POPCNT__ = 1; pub const __OPENCL_MEMORY_SCOPE_DEVICE = 2; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_T = 4; pub const __UINT32_FMTu__ = c"u"; pub const WNOHANG = 1; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_T = 48; pub const __SIZEOF_POINTER__ = 8; pub const __TIMER_T_TYPE = [*c]void; pub const __SIZE_MAX__ = c_ulong(18446744073709551615); pub const __unix = 1; pub const _BITS_UINTN_IDENTITY_H = 1; pub const __GLIBC_USE_IEC_60559_BFP_EXT = 0; pub const MagickPackageName = c"GraphicsMagick"; pub const __INT_FAST16_FMTd__ = c"hd"; pub const unix = 1; pub const __UINT_LEAST32_FMTu__ = c"u"; pub const __FLT_MAX__ = 340282346999999984391321947108527833088.000000; pub const __corei7 = 1; pub const BUFSIZ = 8192; pub const __HAVE_DISTINCT_FLOAT32 = 0; pub const __USE_ISOC11 = 1; pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_WCHAR_T_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const __ATOMIC_CONSUME = 1; pub const __unix__ = 1; pub const __x86_64__ = 1; pub const __LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1; pub const __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 = 1; pub const __UINTMAX_FMTx__ = c"lx"; pub const __UINT64_C_SUFFIX__ = UL; pub const __GNU_LIBRARY__ = 6; pub const __INT_LEAST16_MAX__ = 32767; pub const __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__ = -37; pub const __clock_t_defined = 1; pub const __UINT32_FMTo__ = c"o"; pub const __UINTPTR_FMTo__ = c"lo"; pub const _SYS_SELECT_H = 1; pub const MaxColormapSize = c_uint(65536); pub const __INT_LEAST16_FMTd__ = c"hd"; pub const __UINTPTR_FMTx__ = c"lx"; pub const __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_8 = 1; pub const _IONBF = 2; pub const __INT_LEAST64_FMTd__ = c"ld"; pub const _SYS_TYPES_H = 1; pub const __INT_LEAST16_TYPE__ = short; pub const __attribute_alloc_size__ = params; pub const __attribute_copy__ = arg; pub const __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ = 4321; pub const __LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__ = -4931; pub const __INT_LEAST8_MAX__ = 127; pub const __SIZEOF_INT__ = 4; pub const __USE_POSIX_IMPLICITLY = 1; pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_POINTER_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const NodesInAList = 1536; pub const _IO_ERR_SEEN = 32; pub const __amd64 = 1; pub const _BITS_TIME64_H = 1; pub const __OBJC_BOOL_IS_BOOL = 0; pub const __ADX__ = 1; pub const __LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__ = 4932; pub const L_ctermid = 9; pub const __SIZEOF_INT128__ = 16; pub const __UINT_FAST8_FMTx__ = c"hhx"; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_T = 56; pub const __glibc_c99_flexarr_available = 1; pub const __linux = 1; pub const __sigset_t_defined = 1; pub const __UINT16_FMTx__ = c"hx"; pub const MaxTreeDepth = 8; pub const __UINTPTR_FMTu__ = c"lu"; pub const __UINT_LEAST16_FMTX__ = c"hX"; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_T = 4; pub const __CLFLUSHOPT__ = 1; pub const __amd64__ = 1; pub const __UINT_FAST32_FMTo__ = c"o"; pub const __linux__ = 1; pub const __clang__ = 1; pub const __LP64__ = 1; pub const __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE = 64; pub const __PTRDIFF_FMTi__ = c"li"; pub const __SSE4_1__ = 1; pub const __LDBL_DIG__ = 18; pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const _BITS_TYPESIZES_H = 1; pub const DefaultResizeFilter = LanczosFilter; pub const WCONTINUED = 8; pub const ReplaceCompositeOp = CopyCompositeOp; pub const __XSAVEOPT__ = 1; pub const __UINT64_FMTo__ = c"lo"; pub const __INT_FAST32_FMTd__ = c"d"; pub const __HAVE_DISTINCT_FLOAT128X = __HAVE_FLOAT128X; pub const _BITS_PTHREADTYPES_ARCH_H = 1; pub const BIG_ENDIAN = __BIG_ENDIAN; pub const __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL = 4; pub const PDP_ENDIAN = __PDP_ENDIAN; pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIERATTR_T = 4; pub const __LONG_LONG_MAX__ = c_longlong(9223372036854775807); pub const __OPENCL_MEMORY_SCOPE_SUB_GROUP = 4; pub const ____mbstate_t_defined = 1; pub const _ENDIAN_H = 1; pub const __INO_T_MATCHES_INO64_T = 1; pub const __GLIBC__ = 2; pub const WUNTRACED = 2; pub const DefaultThumbnailFilter = BoxFilter; pub const __INTMAX_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807); pub const __UINT_LEAST32_FMTx__ = c"x"; pub const __WORDSIZE = 64; pub const MagickUnsignedType = magick_uint64_t; pub const __WCHAR_MAX__ = 2147483647; pub const __INT64_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807); pub const WSTOPPED = 2; pub const MAGICK_SIZE_T_F = c"l"; pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE = 2; pub const MagickCopyright = c"Copyright (C) 2002-2019 GraphicsMagick Group.\nAdditional copyrights and licenses apply to this software.\nSee for details."; pub const __INT_LEAST64_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807); pub const WNOWAIT = 16777216; pub const __UINTMAX_FMTX__ = c"lX"; pub const __OPENCL_MEMORY_SCOPE_WORK_ITEM = 0; pub const __FLT_HAS_DENORM__ = 1; pub const __DECIMAL_DIG__ = __LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__; pub const __SYSCALL_SLONG_TYPE = __SLONGWORD_TYPE; pub const __WCLONE = 2147483648; pub const __DEV_T_TYPE = __UQUAD_TYPE; pub const __INT32_FMTi__ = c"i"; pub const __DBL_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1; pub const QuantumDepth = 16; pub const __FINITE_MATH_ONLY__ = 0; pub const __va_list_tag = struct___va_list_tag; pub const _G_fpos_t = struct__G_fpos_t; pub const _G_fpos64_t = struct__G_fpos64_t; pub const _IO_marker = struct__IO_marker; pub const _IO_codecvt = struct__IO_codecvt; pub const _IO_wide_data = struct__IO_wide_data; pub const _IO_FILE = struct__IO_FILE; pub const timeval = struct_timeval; pub const timespec = struct_timespec; pub const __pthread_rwlock_arch_t = struct___pthread_rwlock_arch_t; pub const __pthread_internal_list = struct___pthread_internal_list; pub const __pthread_mutex_s = struct___pthread_mutex_s; pub const __pthread_cond_s = struct___pthread_cond_s; pub const random_data = struct_random_data; pub const drand48_data = struct_drand48_data; pub const _PixelPacket = struct__PixelPacket; pub const _PrimaryInfo = struct__PrimaryInfo; pub const _ChromaticityInfo = struct__ChromaticityInfo; pub const _RectangleInfo = struct__RectangleInfo; pub const _ErrorInfo = struct__ErrorInfo; pub const _Timer = struct__Timer; pub const _TimerInfo = struct__TimerInfo; pub const _ExceptionInfo = struct__ExceptionInfo; pub const _ImageExtra = struct__ImageExtra; pub const _CacheInfo = struct__CacheInfo; pub const _ThreadViewSet = struct__ThreadViewSet; pub const _ImageAttribute = struct__ImageAttribute; pub const _Ascii85Info = struct__Ascii85Info; pub const _BlobInfo = struct__BlobInfo; pub const _SemaphoreInfo = struct__SemaphoreInfo; pub const _Image = struct__Image; pub const _AffineMatrix = struct__AffineMatrix; pub const _DoublePixelPacket = struct__DoublePixelPacket; pub const _FloatPixelPacket = struct__FloatPixelPacket; pub const _FrameInfo = struct__FrameInfo; pub const _LongPixelPacket = struct__LongPixelPacket; pub const _MontageInfo = struct__MontageInfo; pub const _ProfileInfo = struct__ProfileInfo; pub const _SegmentInfo = struct__SegmentInfo; pub const _ImageInfo = struct__ImageInfo; pub const _ImageCharacteristics = struct__ImageCharacteristics; pub const _HistogramColorPacket = struct__HistogramColorPacket; pub const _DifferenceImageOptions = struct__DifferenceImageOptions; pub const _DifferenceStatistics = struct__DifferenceStatistics; pub const _CompositeOptions_t = struct__CompositeOptions_t; pub const _ExportPixelAreaOptions = struct__ExportPixelAreaOptions; pub const _ExportPixelAreaInfo = struct__ExportPixelAreaInfo; pub const _ImportPixelAreaOptions = struct__ImportPixelAreaOptions; pub const _ImportPixelAreaInfo = struct__ImportPixelAreaInfo; pub const _DelegateInfo = struct__DelegateInfo; pub const _TypeInfo = struct__TypeInfo; pub const _GradientInfo = struct__GradientInfo; pub const _ElementReference = struct__ElementReference; pub const _DrawInfoExtra = struct__DrawInfoExtra; pub const _DrawInfo = struct__DrawInfo; pub const _PointInfo = struct__PointInfo; pub const _TypeMetric = struct__TypeMetric; pub const _DrawContext = struct__DrawContext; pub const _MagickRandomKernel = struct__MagickRandomKernel; pub const _MagickInfo = struct__MagickInfo; pub const _PixelIteratorOptions = struct__PixelIteratorOptions; pub const _QuantizeInfo = struct__QuantizeInfo; pub const _SignatureInfo = struct__SignatureInfo; pub const _ImageChannelStatistics = struct__ImageChannelStatistics; pub const _ImageStatistics = struct__ImageStatistics; pub const _TokenInfo = struct__TokenInfo; pub const _PixelWand = struct__PixelWand; pub const _DrawingWand = struct__DrawingWand; pub const _MagickWand = struct__MagickWand;