scritcher ==== glitch art "framework", ???????? language??? something? # how do? currently it can't do much other than running the eg-amp default lv2 plugin. depedencies: - zig at - libc, lilv and libsndfile - an appreciation for glitched anime girls on your hard drive - optional: imagemagick to convert from whatever to bmp ```bash # build and install # assumes lilv headers are at /usr/include/lilv-0, check build.zig if different git clone cd scritcher zig build install --prefix ~/.local/ # on your input image file convert blah.jpg blah.bmp scritcher examples/middle_echo.scri blah.bmp # TODO have an out.bmp # the path to the file is shown on stdout under "temporary name: blah", go with # that $your_image_viewer out.bmp ``` ## todo - search other plugins - conquer the world for glitchy anime girls