const std = @import("std"); const ast = @import("ast.zig"); pub const CompilationError = error{TypeError}; pub const SymbolTable = std.hash_map.StringHashMap(SymbolData); pub const TypeList = std.ArrayList(SymbolUnderlyingType); pub const SymbolUnderlyingTypeEnum = enum { Integer32, Integer64, Bool, // opaque unsolved identifier OpaqueType, // solved custom type Struct, Enum, }; pub const SymbolUnderlyingType = union(SymbolUnderlyingTypeEnum) { Integer32: void, Integer64: void, Bool: void, OpaqueType: []const u8, Struct: []const u8, Enum: []const u8, }; pub const Environment = std.StringHashMap(SymbolUnderlyingType); pub const ScopeList = std.ArrayList(*Scope); pub const Scope = struct { parent: ?*Scope, env: Environment, /// Used for debug information. children: ScopeList, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, pub fn create(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, parent: ?*Scope) !*Scope { var scope = try allocator.create(Scope); scope.* = Scope{ .parent = parent, .env = Environment.init(allocator), .children = ScopeList.init(allocator), .allocator = allocator, }; return scope; } pub fn createChild(self: *@This()) !*Scope { return try @This().create(self.allocator, self); } pub fn deinit(self: *const @This()) void { self.env.deinit(); } }; // functions, for our purposes, other than symbols, have: // - a return type // - parameters pub const FunctionSymbol = struct { decl: ast.FnDecl, return_type: SymbolUnderlyingType, /// Parameters for a function are also a table instead of an ArrayList /// because we want to resolve identifiers to them. parameters: UnderlyingTypeMap, scope: *Scope, /// Find a given identifier in the function. Can resolve to either a parameter pub fn findSymbol(self: *const @This(), identifier: []const u8) ?SymbolData { // try to find it on overall variable symbols // TODO //var var_sym = self.symbols.get(identifier); //if (var_sym != null) return var_sym.?.value; //var param_sym = self.parameters.get(identifier); //if (param_sym != null) return param_sym.?.value; return null; } }; // structs are hashmaps pointing to SymbolUnderlyingType pub const UnderlyingTypeMap = std.hash_map.StringHashMap(SymbolUnderlyingType); // enums have maps from fields to u32s pub const IdentifierMap = std.StringHashMap(u32); // TODO const pub const SymbolType = enum { Function, Struct, Enum, Variable, Const, }; pub const SymbolData = union(SymbolType) { Function: FunctionSymbol, Struct: UnderlyingTypeMap, Enum: IdentifierMap, // variables (parameters and variables), for the type system // only have types Variable: SymbolUnderlyingType, Const: SymbolUnderlyingType, }; const builtin_type_identifiers = [_][]const u8{ "i32", "i64", "bool" }; const builtin_types = [_]SymbolUnderlyingTypeEnum{ .Integer32, .Integer64, .Bool }; /// Represents the context for a full compiler run. /// This is used to manage the symbol table for the compilation unit, etc. pub const CompilationContext = struct { allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, symbol_table: SymbolTable, current_function: ?*FunctionSymbol = null, current_scope: ?*Scope = null, pub fn init(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) CompilationContext { return CompilationContext{ .allocator = allocator, .symbol_table = SymbolTable.init(allocator), }; } /// Create a new scope out of the current one and set it as the current. pub fn bumpScope(self: *@This()) !void { if (self.current_scope == null) { @panic("can't bump scope from null"); } var child = try self.current_scope.?.createChild(); self.current_scope = child; } /// Set a given scope as the current scope. pub fn setScope(self: *@This(), scope: *Scope) void { self.current_scope = scope; } /// "dump" the current scope, making the new current scope be its parent. pub fn dumpScope(self: *@This()) void { if (self.current_scope == null) { @panic("can't dump scope from null"); } self.current_scope = self.current_scope.?.parent; } /// Solve a given type as a string into a SymbolUnderlyingTypeEnum /// This does not help if you want a full SymbolUnderlyingType, use /// solveType() for that. pub fn solveTypeEnum( self: *@This(), typ_ident: []const u8, ) SymbolUnderlyingTypeEnum { inline for (builtin_type_identifiers) |typ, idx| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, typ, typ_ident)) return builtin_types[idx]; } return .OpaqueType; } /// Solve a given type string into a full fleged SymbolUnderlyingType. /// This always works, since resolution into struct/enum custom types /// become the fallback. pub fn solveType( self: *@This(), typ_ident: []const u8, ) SymbolUnderlyingType { const typ_enum_val = self.solveTypeEnum(typ_ident); return switch (typ_enum_val) { .Integer32 => SymbolUnderlyingType{ .Integer32 = {} }, .Integer64 => SymbolUnderlyingType{ .Integer64 = {} }, .Bool => SymbolUnderlyingType{ .Bool = {} }, .OpaqueType => SymbolUnderlyingType{ .OpaqueType = typ_ident }, else => unreachable, }; } pub fn insertStruct(self: *@This(), struc: ast.Struct, field_types: TypeList) !void { var type_map = UnderlyingTypeMap.init(self.allocator); for (struc.fields.toSlice()) |field, idx| { _ = try type_map.put(,; } _ = try self.symbol_table.put(, SymbolData{ .Struct = type_map }); } pub fn insertFn( self: *@This(), decl: ast.FnDecl, ret_type: SymbolUnderlyingType, param_types: TypeList, scope: *Scope, ) !void { var type_map = UnderlyingTypeMap.init(self.allocator); for (decl.params.toSlice()) |param, idx| { _ = try type_map.put(,; } _ = try self.symbol_table.put(decl.func_name.lexeme, SymbolData{ .Function = FunctionSymbol{ .decl = decl, .return_type = ret_type, .parameters = type_map, .scope = scope, }, }); } pub fn insertEnum(self: *@This(), enu: ast.Enum) !void { var ident_map = IdentifierMap.init(self.allocator); errdefer ident_map.deinit(); // TODO change this when enums get support for custom values for (enu.fields.toSlice()) |token, idx| { _ = try ident_map.put(token.lexeme, @intCast(u32, idx)); } _ = try self.symbol_table.put(, SymbolData{ .Enum = ident_map, }); } pub fn insertConst(self: *@This(), constdecl: ast.SingleConst, typ: SymbolUnderlyingType) !void { _ = try self.symbol_table.put(, SymbolData{ .Const = typ }); } pub fn fetchGlobalSymbol( self: *@This(), identifier: []const u8, typ: SymbolType, ) !SymbolData { var sym_kv = self.symbol_table.get(identifier); if (sym_kv == null) { std.debug.warn("Unknown {} '{}'\n", typ, identifier); return CompilationError.TypeError; } var value = sym_kv.?.value; var sym_typ = SymbolType(value); if (sym_typ != typ) { std.debug.warn("Expected {}, got {}\n", sym_typ, typ); return CompilationError.TypeError; } return sym_kv.?.value; } };