Compare commits


No commits in common. "518d2daeb4604f79c45f02abc29f9fc2cf6e6be9" and "81fd7184037889b2ee175d56229b7d2189d591ce" have entirely different histories.

6 changed files with 43 additions and 86 deletions

View file

@ -31,10 +31,6 @@ fn test_function() B {
return B.b;
fn func_refer_param(b: i32) i32 {
return b * 231 + b;
fn multwo(num: i32, double_flag: bool) i32 {
if (double_flag) {
var truthy = true;
@ -45,6 +41,10 @@ fn multwo(num: i32, double_flag: bool) i32 {
fn func_refer_param(b: i32) i32 {
return b * 231 + b;
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
return a + b;

View file

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ pub const TypeSolver = struct {
return null;
return switch (sym.?.value.*) {
return switch (sym.?.value) {
.Struct => SymbolUnderlyingType{ .Struct = val },
.Enum => SymbolUnderlyingType{ .Enum = val },
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ pub const TypeSolver = struct {
"expected struct or enum for '{}', got {}",
break :blk null;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
const std = @import("std");
const tokens = @import("tokens.zig");
const llvm = @import("llvm.zig");
const Token = tokens.Token;
pub const NodeList = std.ArrayList(Node);
@ -185,7 +184,6 @@ pub const ForStmt = struct {
pub const VarDeclStmt = struct {
name: Token,
value: *Expr,
llvm_alloca: ?llvm.LLVMValueRef = null,
pub const Stmt = union(enum) {

View file

@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ pub fn printContext(ctx: CompilationContext) void {
var it = ctx.symbol_table.iterator();
while ( |kv| {
switch (kv.value.*) {
switch (kv.value) {
.Function => |fn_sym| {
"function {} returns {}\n",

View file

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ pub const Codegen = struct {
.Struct, .Enum => |lex| blk: {
var sym_data = self.ctx.symbol_table.get(lex).?.value;
break :blk switch (sym_data.*) {
break :blk switch (sym_data) {
.Struct => unreachable,
.Enum => llvm.LLVMInt32Type(),
else => {
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ pub const Codegen = struct {
fn emitForVariableType(self: *@This(), vari: var, get: var, kv: var) !llvm.LLVMValueRef {
var sym = kv.value;
switch (sym.*) {
switch (sym) {
.Enum => |map| {
var val = map.get(;
if (val == null) {
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ pub const Codegen = struct {
.Struct => @panic("TODO handle struct"),
else => {
std.debug.warn("Invalid get target: {}\n", comp.SymbolType(sym.*));
std.debug.warn("Invalid get target: {}\n", comp.SymbolType(sym));
return CompileError.EmitError;
@ -236,11 +236,11 @@ pub const Codegen = struct {
return switch (metadata.using) {
.Function => blk: {
var param = metadata.from_function.?.parameters.get(vari.lexeme).?.value;
// var llvm_func = self.llvm_table.get(self.current_function_name.?).?.value;
// break :blk llvm.LLVMGetParam(llvm_func, @intCast(c_uint, param.idx));
var llvm_func = self.llvm_table.get(self.current_function_name.?).?.value;
std.debug.warn("fn param alloca {} {}\n",, param.llvm_alloca);
break :blk param.llvm_alloca.?;
// may i thank all the demons in hell for giving me
// good energies to make this work
break :blk llvm.LLVMGetParam(llvm_func, @intCast(c_uint, param.idx));
.Scope => @panic("TODO local variables"),
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ pub const Codegen = struct {
fn emitStmt(self: *Codegen, builder: var, stmt: *ast.Stmt) anyerror!void {
fn emitStmt(self: *Codegen, builder: var, stmt: *const ast.Stmt) anyerror!void {
switch (stmt.*) {
.Expr => |expr| _ = try self.emitExpr(builder, expr),
@ -286,16 +286,13 @@ pub const Codegen = struct {
var then_branch = ifstmt.then_branch.toSlice();
for (then_branch) |_, idx| {
for (ifstmt.then_branch.toSlice()) |then_stmt| {
// keep emitting until branch has ret
var then_stmt = &then_branch[idx];
if (!then_rets)
try self.emitStmt(builder, then_stmt);
try self.emitStmt(builder, &then_stmt);
// TODO break? lol
switch (then_stmt.*) {
switch (then_stmt) {
.Return => then_rets = true,
else => {},
@ -317,16 +314,12 @@ pub const Codegen = struct {
// 'Else *ElseV = Else->codegen();'
if (ifstmt.else_branch) |else_block| {
var else_slice = else_block.toSlice();
for (else_slice) |_, idx| {
for (else_block.toSlice()) |else_stmt| {
// keep emitting until branch has ret
var else_stmt = &else_slice[idx];
if (!else_rets)
try self.emitStmt(builder, else_stmt);
try self.emitStmt(builder, &else_stmt);
switch (else_stmt.*) {
switch (else_stmt) {
.Return => else_rets = true,
else => {},
@ -342,8 +335,6 @@ pub const Codegen = struct {
llvm.LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, merge_bb);
// if both of the branches return, we should put
// the merge branch as unreachable.
if (then_rets and else_rets)
_ = llvm.LLVMBuildUnreachable(builder);
@ -360,14 +351,13 @@ pub const Codegen = struct {
var fn_symbol = self.getFnSymbol(self.current_function_name.?);
// TODO add llvm value ref to var metadata as well
var variable = llvm.LLVMBuildAlloca(
try self.typeToLLVM(var_metadata.typ),
stmt.*.VarDecl.llvm_alloca = variable;
var llvm_expr = try self.emitExpr(builder, vardecl.value);
_ = llvm.LLVMBuildStore(builder, llvm_expr, variable);
@ -379,17 +369,17 @@ pub const Codegen = struct {
fn getFnSymbol(self: *@This(), name: []const u8) *comp.FunctionSymbol {
fn getFnSymbol(self: *@This(), name: []const u8) comp.FunctionSymbol {
var fn_sym_search = self.ctx.symbol_table.get(name).?.value;
std.debug.assert(comp.SymbolType(fn_sym_search.*) == .Function);
return &fn_sym_search.Function;
std.debug.assert(comp.SymbolType(fn_sym_search) == .Function);
return fn_sym_search.Function;
/// Emit LLVM ir for the given node.
fn genNode(
self: *Codegen,
mod: llvm.LLVMModuleRef,
node: *ast.Node,
node: *const ast.Node,
) !void {
switch (node.*) {
.Root => @panic("Should not have gotten Root"),
@ -430,30 +420,11 @@ pub const Codegen = struct {
var builder = llvm.LLVMCreateBuilder();
llvm.LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, entry);
// to have the ability to mutate parameters, we must allocate them on
// the stack
var params_slice = decl.params.toSlice();
for (params_slice) |param_node, idx| {
var param = fn_sym.parameters.get(;
const param_name_cstr = try std.cstr.addNullByte(self.allocator,;
var alloca = llvm.LLVMBuildAlloca(builder, try self.typeToLLVM(param.typ), param_name_cstr.ptr);
std.debug.warn("SET PARAM LLVM ALLOCA {} to {}\n",, alloca);
param.llvm_alloca = alloca;
// TODO store register into stack param
// llvm.LLVMBuildStore(builder, null, assign_expr);
defer self.ctx.dumpScope();
var body_slice = decl.body.toSlice();
for (body_slice) |_, idx| {
try self.emitStmt(builder, &body_slice[idx]);
for (decl.body.toSlice()) |stmt| {
try self.emitStmt(builder, &stmt);
std.debug.warn("cgen: generated function '{}'\n", name);
@ -498,9 +469,9 @@ pub const Codegen = struct {
var mod = llvm.LLVMModuleCreateWithName(c"awoo").?;
defer llvm.LLVMDisposeModule(mod);
var root_slice = root.Root.toSlice();
for (root_slice) |_, idx| {
try self.genNode(mod, &root_slice[idx]);
for (root.Root.toSlice()) |child| {
std.debug.warn("cgen: gen {}\n", @tagName(child));
try self.genNode(mod, &child);
var err: ?[*]u8 = null;

View file

@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
const std = @import("std");
const ast = @import("ast.zig");
const llvm = @import("llvm.zig");
pub const CompilationError = error{
pub const SymbolTable = std.hash_map.StringHashMap(*SymbolData);
pub const SymbolTable = std.hash_map.StringHashMap(SymbolData);
pub const TypeList = std.ArrayList(SymbolUnderlyingType);
pub const SymbolUnderlyingTypeEnum = enum {
@ -79,10 +78,7 @@ pub const Scope = struct {
pub const Parameter = struct {
idx: usize,
name: []const u8,
typ: SymbolUnderlyingType,
llvm_alloca: llvm.LLVMValueRef = null,
pub const ParameterMap = std.StringHashMap(Parameter);
@ -259,9 +255,7 @@ pub const CompilationContext = struct {
_ = try type_map.put(,;
var symbol = try self.allocator.create(SymbolData);
symbol.* = SymbolData{ .Struct = type_map };
_ = try self.symbol_table.put(, symbol);
_ = try self.symbol_table.put(, SymbolData{ .Struct = type_map });
pub fn insertFn(
@ -275,7 +269,6 @@ pub const CompilationContext = struct {
for (decl.params.toSlice()) |param, idx| {
_ = try param_map.put(, Parameter{
.name =,
.idx = idx,
.typ =,
@ -283,8 +276,7 @@ pub const CompilationContext = struct {
const lex = decl.func_name.lexeme;
var symbol = try self.allocator.create(SymbolData);
symbol.* = SymbolData{
_ = try self.symbol_table.put(lex, SymbolData{
.Function = FunctionSymbol{
.decl = decl,
.return_type = ret_type,
@ -292,9 +284,7 @@ pub const CompilationContext = struct {
.parameter_list = param_types,
.scope = scope,
_ = try self.symbol_table.put(lex, symbol);
var kv = self.symbol_table.get(lex);
self.cur_function = &kv.?.value.Function;
@ -309,22 +299,20 @@ pub const CompilationContext = struct {
_ = try ident_map.put(token.lexeme, @intCast(u32, idx));
var symbol = try self.allocator.create(SymbolData);
symbol.* = SymbolData{ .Enum = ident_map };
_ = try self.symbol_table.put(, symbol);
_ = try self.symbol_table.put(, SymbolData{
.Enum = ident_map,
pub fn insertConst(self: *@This(), constdecl: ast.SingleConst, typ: SymbolUnderlyingType) !void {
var symbol = try self.allocator.create(SymbolData);
symbol.* = SymbolData{ .Const = typ };
_ = try self.symbol_table.put(, symbol);
_ = try self.symbol_table.put(, SymbolData{ .Const = typ });
pub fn fetchGlobalSymbol(
self: *@This(),
identifier: []const u8,
typ: SymbolType,
) !*SymbolData {
) !SymbolData {
var sym_kv = self.symbol_table.get(identifier);
if (sym_kv == null) {
std.debug.warn("Unknown {} '{}'\n", typ, identifier);
@ -332,14 +320,14 @@ pub const CompilationContext = struct {
var value = sym_kv.?.value;
var sym_typ = SymbolType(value);
var sym_typ = SymbolType(value.*);
if (sym_typ != typ) {
std.debug.warn("Expected {}, got {}\n", sym_typ, typ);
return CompilationError.TypeError;
return value;
return sym_kv.?.value;
fn resolveVarTypeInScope(