const Builder = @import("std").build.Builder; pub fn build(b: *Builder) void { const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions(); const exe = b.addExecutable("journal", null); exe.setBuildMode(mode); exe.linkSystemLibrary("c"); const source_files = [_][]const u8{"src/journal/main.c"}; for (source_files) |source| { exe.addCSourceFile(source, [_][]const u8{"-Wall"}); } const zig_sources = [_][]const u8{"src/journal/journal.zig"}; for (zig_sources) |source| { const obj = b.addObject("journal", source); obj.linkSystemLibrary("c"); exe.addObject(obj); } // enable us to run the main journal executable via // the build system const run_cmd =; const run_step = b.step("run", "Run journal"); run_step.dependOn(&run_cmd.step); b.default_step.dependOn(&exe.step); b.installArtifact(exe); }