{% if compare_versions(Crystal::VERSION, "0.35.0-0") >= 0 %} require "compress/deflate" require "compress/gzip" {% end %} require "mime" # Adds given `Kemal::Handler` to handlers chain. # There are 5 handlers by default and all the custom handlers # goes between the first 4 and the last `Kemal::RouteHandler`. # # - `Kemal::InitHandler` # - `Kemal::LogHandler` # - `Kemal::ExceptionHandler` # - `Kemal::StaticFileHandler` # - Here goes custom handlers # - `Kemal::RouteHandler` def add_handler(handler : HTTP::Handler) Kemal.config.add_handler handler end def add_handler(handler : HTTP::Handler, position : Int32) Kemal.config.add_handler handler, position end # Sets public folder from which the static assets will be served. # # By default this is `/public` not `src/public`. def public_folder(path : String) Kemal.config.public_folder = path end # Logs the output via `logger`. # This is the built-in `Kemal::LogHandler` by default which uses STDOUT. def log(message : String) Kemal.config.logger.write "#{message}\n" end # Enables / Disables logging. # This is enabled by default. # # ``` # logging false # ``` def logging(status : Bool) Kemal.config.logging = status end # This is used to replace the built-in `Kemal::LogHandler` with a custom logger. # # A custom logger must inherit from `Kemal::BaseLogHandler` and must implement # `call(env)`, `write(message)` methods. # # ``` # class MyCustomLogger < Kemal::BaseLogHandler # def call(env) # puts "I'm logging some custom stuff here." # call_next(env) # => This calls the next handler # end # # # This is used from `log` method. # def write(message) # STDERR.puts message # => Logs the output to STDERR # end # end # ``` # # Now that we have a custom logger here's how we use it # # ``` # logger MyCustomLogger.new # ``` def logger(logger : Kemal::BaseLogHandler) Kemal.config.logger = logger Kemal.config.add_handler logger end # Enables / Disables static file serving. # This is enabled by default. # # ``` # serve_static false # ``` # # Static server also have some advanced customization options like `dir_listing` and # `gzip`. # # ``` # serve_static {"gzip" => true, "dir_listing" => false} # ``` def serve_static(status : (Bool | Hash)) Kemal.config.serve_static = status end # Helper for easily modifying response headers. # This can be used to modify a response header with the given hash. # # ``` # def call(env) # headers(env, {"X-Custom-Header" => "This is a custom value"}) # end # ``` def headers(env : HTTP::Server::Context, additional_headers : Hash(String, String)) env.response.headers.merge!(additional_headers) end # Send a file with given path and base the mime-type on the file extension # or default `application/octet-stream` mime_type. # # ``` # send_file env, "./path/to/file" # ``` # # Optionally you can override the mime_type # # ``` # send_file env, "./path/to/file", "image/jpeg" # ``` # # Also you can set the filename and the disposition # # ``` # send_file env, "./path/to/file", filename: "image.jpg", disposition: "attachment" # ``` def send_file(env : HTTP::Server::Context, path : String, mime_type : String? = nil, *, filename : String? = nil, disposition : String? = nil) config = Kemal.config.serve_static file_path = File.expand_path(path, Dir.current) mime_type ||= MIME.from_filename(file_path, "application/octet-stream") env.response.content_type = mime_type env.response.headers["Accept-Ranges"] = "bytes" env.response.headers["X-Content-Type-Options"] = "nosniff" minsize = 860 # http://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/31750/what-is-recommended-minimum-object-size-for-gzip-performance-benefits ?? request_headers = env.request.headers filesize = File.size(file_path) filestat = File.info(file_path) attachment(env, filename, disposition) Kemal.config.static_headers.try(&.call(env.response, file_path, filestat)) File.open(file_path) do |file| if env.request.method == "GET" && env.request.headers.has_key?("Range") next multipart(file, env) end condition = config.is_a?(Hash) && config["gzip"]? == true && filesize > minsize && Kemal::Utils.zip_types(file_path) if condition && request_headers.includes_word?("Accept-Encoding", "gzip") env.response.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip" {% if compare_versions(Crystal::VERSION, "0.35.0-0") >= 0 %} Compress::Gzip::Writer.open(env.response) do |deflate| IO.copy(file, deflate) end {% else %} Gzip::Writer.open(env.response) do |deflate| IO.copy(file, deflate) end {% end %} elsif condition && request_headers.includes_word?("Accept-Encoding", "deflate") env.response.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "deflate" {% if compare_versions(Crystal::VERSION, "0.35.0-0") >= 0 %} Compress::Deflate::Writer.open(env.response) do |deflate| IO.copy(file, deflate) end {% else %} Flate::Writer.open(env.response) do |deflate| IO.copy(file, deflate) end {% end %} else env.response.content_length = filesize IO.copy(file, env.response) end end return end # Send a file with given data and default `application/octet-stream` mime_type. # # ``` # send_file env, data_slice # ``` # # Optionally you can override the mime_type # # ``` # send_file env, data_slice, "image/jpeg" # ``` # # Also you can set the filename and the disposition # # ``` # send_file env, data_slice, filename: "image.jpg", disposition: "attachment" # ``` def send_file(env : HTTP::Server::Context, data : Slice(UInt8), mime_type : String? = nil, *, filename : String? = nil, disposition : String? = nil) mime_type ||= "application/octet-stream" env.response.content_type = mime_type env.response.content_length = data.bytesize attachment(env, filename, disposition) env.response.write data end private def multipart(file, env : HTTP::Server::Context) # See http://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7233.html fileb = file.size startb = endb = 0_i64 if match = env.request.headers["Range"].match /bytes=(\d{1,})-(\d{0,})/ startb = match[1].to_i64 { 0_i64 } if match.size >= 2 endb = match[2].to_i64 { 0_i64 } if match.size >= 3 end endb = fileb - 1 if endb == 0 if startb < endb < fileb content_length = 1_i64 + endb - startb env.response.status_code = 206 env.response.content_length = content_length env.response.headers["Accept-Ranges"] = "bytes" env.response.headers["Content-Range"] = "bytes #{startb}-#{endb}/#{fileb}" # MUST file.seek(startb) IO.copy(file, env.response, content_length) else env.response.content_length = fileb env.response.status_code = 200 # Range not satisfable, see 4.4 Note IO.copy(file, env.response) end end # Set the Content-Disposition to "attachment" with the specified filename, # instructing the user agents to prompt to save. private def attachment(env : HTTP::Server::Context, filename : String? = nil, disposition : String? = nil) disposition = "attachment" if disposition.nil? && filename if disposition && filename env.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "#{disposition}; filename=\"#{File.basename(filename)}\"" end end # Configures an `HTTP::Server::Response` to compress the response # output, either using gzip or deflate, depending on the `Accept-Encoding` request header. # # Disabled by default. def gzip(status : Bool = false) add_handler HTTP::CompressHandler.new if status end # Adds headers to `Kemal::StaticFileHandler`. This is especially useful for `CORS`. # # ``` # static_headers do |response, filepath, filestat| # if filepath =~ /\.html$/ # response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") # end # response.headers.add("Content-Size", filestat.size.to_s) # end # ``` def static_headers(&headers : HTTP::Server::Response, String, File::Info -> Void) Kemal.config.static_headers = headers end