require "option_parser" module Kemal # Handles all the initialization from the command line. class CLI def initialize(args) @ssl_enabled = false @key_file = "" @cert_file = "" @config = Kemal.config if args parse args end configure_ssl end private def parse(args : Array(String)) OptionParser.parse args do |opts| opts.on("-b HOST", "--bind HOST", "Host to bind (defaults to") do |host_binding| @config.host_binding = host_binding end opts.on("-p PORT", "--port PORT", "Port to listen for connections (defaults to 3000)") do |opt_port| @config.port = opt_port.to_i end opts.on("-s", "--ssl", "Enables SSL") do @ssl_enabled = true end opts.on("--ssl-key-file FILE", "SSL key file") do |key_file| @key_file = key_file end opts.on("--ssl-cert-file FILE", "SSL certificate file") do |cert_file| @cert_file = cert_file end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Shows this help") do puts opts exit 0 end @config.extra_options.try &.call(opts) end end private def configure_ssl {% if !flag?(:without_openssl) %} if @ssl_enabled abort "SSL Key Not Found" if !@key_file abort "SSL Certificate Not Found" if !@cert_file ssl = ssl.key_file = @key_file.not_nil! ssl.cert_file = @cert_file.not_nil! Kemal.config.ssl = ssl.context end {% end %} end end end