# 0.16.0 - Multipart support <3 (thanks @RX14). Now you can handle file uploads. ```crystal post "/upload" do |env| parse_multipart(env) do |field, data| image1 = data if field == "image1" image2 = data if field == "image2" "Upload complete" end end ``` - Make session configurable. Now you can specify session name and expire time wit ```crystal Kemal.config.session["name"] = "your_app" Kemal.config.session["expire_time"] = 48.hours ``` - Session now supports more types. (String, Int32, Float64, Bool) - Add `gzip` helper to enable / disable gzip compression on responses. - Static file caching with etag and gzip (thanks @crisward) - `Kemal.run` now accepts port to listen. # 0.15.1 (05-09-2015) - Don't forget to call_next on NullLogHandler # 0.15.0 (03-09-2016) - Add context store - `KEMAL_ENV` respects to `Kemal.config.env` and needs to be explicitly set. - `Kemal::InitHandler` is introduced. Adds initial configuration, headers like `X-Powered-By`. - Add `send_file` to helpers. - Add mime types. - Fix parsing JSON params when "charset" is present in "Content-Type" header. - Use http-only cookie for session - Inject STDOUT by default in CommonLogHandler