2019-06-01 20:33:43 -03:00

278 lines
7.2 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const tokens = @import("token.zig");
const Token = tokens.Token;
const TokenType = tokens.TokenType;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
pub const TokenError = error{
fn isDigit(char: u8) bool {
return char >= '0' and char <= '9';
fn isAlpha(c: u8) bool {
return (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z') or
(c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z') or
c == '_';
fn isAlphaNumeric(char: u8) bool {
return isAlpha(char) or isDigit(char);
pub const KeywordMap = std.AutoHashMap([]const u8, u6);
/// The book does say that C doesn't have hashmaps. but Zig does. and I can
/// use it here.
fn initKeywordMap(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !KeywordMap {
var map = KeywordMap.init(allocator);
const keywords = [][]const u8{
const tags = []TokenType{
for (keywords) |keyword, idx| {
var tag = @enumToInt(tags[idx]);
_ = try map.put(keyword, tag);
return map;
pub const Scanner = struct {
source: []const u8,
keywords: KeywordMap,
start: usize = 0,
current: usize = 0,
line: usize = 1,
allocator: *Allocator,
pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, data: []const u8) !Scanner {
return Scanner{
.source = data,
.keywords = try initKeywordMap(allocator),
.allocator = allocator,
fn isAtEnd(self: *Scanner) bool {
return self.current >= self.source.len;
fn advance(self: *Scanner) u8 {
self.current += 1;
return self.source[self.current - 1];
pub fn currentLexeme(self: *Scanner) []const u8 {
return self.source[self.start..self.current];
fn makeToken(self: *Scanner, ttype: TokenType) Token {
return Token{
.ttype = ttype,
.lexeme = self.currentLexeme(),
.line = self.line,
/// Check if the next character matches what is expected.
fn match(self: *Scanner, expected: u8) bool {
if (self.isAtEnd()) return false;
if (self.source[self.current] != expected) return false;
self.current += 1;
return true;
/// Add a SimpleToken of type_match if the next character is
/// `expected`. Adds a SimpleToken of type_nomatch when it is not.
fn makeMatchToken(
self: *Scanner,
expected: u8,
type_match: TokenType,
type_nomatch: TokenType,
) Token {
if (self.match(expected)) {
return self.makeToken(type_match);
} else {
return self.makeToken(type_nomatch);
fn peek(self: *Scanner) u8 {
if (self.isAtEnd()) return 0;
return self.source[self.current];
fn peekNext(self: *Scanner) u8 {
if (self.isAtEnd()) return 0;
return self.source[self.current - 1];
fn skipWhitespace(self: *Scanner) void {
while (true) {
var c = self.peek();
switch (c) {
' ', '\r', '\t' => blk: {
_ = self.advance();
'\n' => blk: {
self.line += 1;
_ = self.advance();
else => return,
fn doString(self: *Scanner) !Token {
// consume entire string
while (self.peek() != '"' and !self.isAtEnd()) {
if (self.peek() == '\n') self.line += 1;
_ = self.advance();
// unterminated string.
if (self.isAtEnd()) {
return TokenError.Unterminated;
// the closing ".
_ = self.advance();
// trim the surrounding quotes.
return self.makeToken(.STRING);
/// Consume a number
fn doNumber(self: *Scanner) Token {
while (isDigit(self.peek())) {
_ = self.advance();
// check if its a number like 12.34, where the '.' character
// exists and the one next to it is a digit.
if (self.peek() == '.' and isDigit(self.peekNext())) {
_ = self.advance();
while (isDigit(self.peek())) {
_ = self.advance();
return self.makeToken(.NUMBER);
/// Either a keyword or an identifier come out of this.
fn doIdentifier(self: *Scanner) Token {
while (isAlphaNumeric(self.peek())) {
_ = self.advance();
// after reading the identifier, we check
// if it is any of our keywords, if it is, then we add
// the specificed keyword type. if not, just .IDENTIFIER
var text = self.source[self.start..self.current];
var type_opt = self.keywords.get(text);
var toktype: TokenType = undefined;
if (type_opt) |kv| {
toktype = @intToEnum(TokenType, kv.value);
} else {
toktype = TokenType.IDENTIFIER;
return self.makeToken(toktype);
pub fn scanToken(self: *Scanner) !?Token {
self.start = self.current;
if (self.isAtEnd()) {
std.debug.warn("got at end\n");
return self.makeToken(TokenType.EOF);
var c = self.advance();
if (isAlpha(c)) return self.doIdentifier();
if (isDigit(c)) return self.doNumber();
var token = switch (c) {
'(' => self.makeToken(.LEFT_PAREN),
')' => self.makeToken(.RIGHT_PAREN),
'{' => self.makeToken(.LEFT_BRACE),
'}' => self.makeToken(.RIGHT_BRACE),
',' => self.makeToken(.COMMA),
'.' => self.makeToken(.DOT),
'-' => self.makeToken(.MINUS),
'+' => self.makeToken(.PLUS),
';' => self.makeToken(.SEMICOLON),
'*' => self.makeToken(.STAR),
'!' => self.makeMatchToken('=', .BANG_EQUAL, .BANG),
'=' => self.makeMatchToken('=', .EQUAL_EQUAL, .EQUAL),
'<' => self.makeMatchToken('=', .LESS_EQUAL, .LESS),
'>' => self.makeMatchToken('=', .GREATER_EQUAL, .GREATER),
'/' => blk: {
if (self.peekNext() == '/') {
while (self.peek() != '\n' and !self.isAtEnd()) {
_ = self.advance();
break :blk null;
} else {
break :blk self.makeToken(.SLASH);
'"' => try self.doString(),
else => return TokenError.Unexpected,
return token;