
55 lines
1.2 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const vm = @import("vm.zig");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
pub const ObjType = enum {
pub const ObjValue = struct {
String: []u8,
pub const Object = struct {
otype: ObjType,
value: ObjValue,
next: ?*Object = null,
pub fn allocateObject(
vmach: *vm.VM,
otype: ObjType,
value: ObjValue,
) !*Object {
var obj = try vmach.allocator.create(Object);
obj.otype = otype;
obj.value = value; = vmach.objs;
vmach.objs = obj;
return obj;
fn createString(vmach: *vm.VM, data: []u8) !*Object {
return allocateObject(vmach, ObjType.String, ObjValue{ .String = data });
pub fn copyString(vmach: *vm.VM, data: []const u8) !*Object {
var str = try vmach.allocator.alloc(u8, data.len);
std.mem.copy(u8, str, data);
return try createString(vmach, str);
/// Assumes it can take ownership of the given data.
pub fn takeString(vmach: *vm.VM, data: []u8) !*Object {
return try createString(vmach, data);
pub fn printObject(stdout: var, obj: Object) !void {
switch (obj.otype) {
.String => try stdout.print("{}", obj.value.String),
else => unreachable,