Compare commits


No commits in common. "3f2a8f3801e5dfc0688768360cb5c808c51274e0" and "38715af2000a8f5686792996fa94d368d93d0165" have entirely different histories.

4 changed files with 13 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ pub const Compiler = struct {
scanr: Scanner = undefined,
chunk: *chunks.Chunk,
debug_flag: bool = false,
vmach: *vm.VM,
pub fn init(
allocator: *Allocator,
@ -129,7 +128,6 @@ pub const Compiler = struct {
stdout: vm.StdOut,
source: []const u8,
debug_flag: bool,
vmach: *vm.VM,
) Compiler {
return Compiler{
.src = source,
@ -138,7 +136,6 @@ pub const Compiler = struct {
.stdout = stdout,
.parser = Parser{},
.debug_flag = debug_flag,
.vmach = vmach,
@ -234,9 +231,8 @@ pub const Compiler = struct {
fn string(self: *Compiler) !void {
const lexeme_len = self.parser.previous.lexeme.len;
try self.emitConstant(values.ObjVal(try objects.copyString(
self.parser.previous.lexeme[1 .. lexeme_len - 1],

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ fn run(allocator: *Allocator, data: []u8) !void {
const stdout = &stdout_file.outStream().stream;
var vmach = try vm.VM.init(allocator, stdout, data, true);
defer vmach.deinit();
try vmach.interpret();

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
const std = @import("std");
const vm = @import("vm.zig");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
@ -14,36 +13,25 @@ pub const ObjValue = struct {
pub const Object = struct {
otype: ObjType,
value: ObjValue,
next: ?*Object = null,
pub fn allocateObject(
vmach: *vm.VM,
otype: ObjType,
value: ObjValue,
) !*Object {
var obj = try vmach.allocator.create(Object);
obj.otype = otype;
obj.value = value; = vmach.objs;
vmach.objs = obj;
fn createString(allocator: *Allocator, data: []u8) !*Object {
var obj = try allocator.create(Object);
obj.otype = ObjType.String;
obj.value = ObjValue{ .String = data };
return obj;
fn createString(vmach: *vm.VM, data: []u8) !*Object {
return allocateObject(vmach, ObjType.String, ObjValue{ .String = data });
pub fn copyString(vmach: *vm.VM, data: []const u8) !*Object {
var str = try vmach.allocator.alloc(u8, data.len);
pub fn copyString(allocator: *Allocator, data: []const u8) !*Object {
var str = try allocator.alloc(u8, data.len);
std.mem.copy(u8, str, data);
return try createString(vmach, str);
return try createString(allocator, str);
/// Assumes it can take ownership of the given data.
pub fn takeString(vmach: *vm.VM, data: []u8) !*Object {
return try createString(vmach, data);
pub fn takeString(allocator: *Allocator, data: []u8) !*Object {
return try createString(allocator, data);
pub fn printObject(stdout: var, obj: Object) !void {

View File

@ -46,9 +46,7 @@ pub const VM = struct {
stdout: StdOut,
debug_flag: bool,
pub allocator: *std.mem.Allocator,
objs: ?*objects.Object = null,
allocator: *std.mem.Allocator,
fn resetStack(self: *VM) void {
self.stackTop = 0;
@ -74,36 +72,6 @@ pub const VM = struct {
return self;
fn deinitObject(self: *VM, obj: *objects.Object) void {
switch (obj.otype) {
.String => blk: {;
break :blk;
else => unreachable,
fn deinitObjects(self: *VM) void {
var obj_opt: ?*objects.Object = self.objs;
// doing a while(obj != null) but with optionals
while (true) {
if (obj_opt) |obj| {
var next =;
obj_opt = next;
} else {
pub fn deinit(self: *VM) void {
pub fn debug(self: *VM, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: ...) void {
if (self.debug_flag) {
std.debug.warn(fmt, args);
@ -167,7 +135,7 @@ pub const VM = struct {
[][]u8{ a, b },
var val = values.ObjVal(try objects.takeString(self, res_str));
var val = values.ObjVal(try objects.takeString(self.allocator, res_str));
try self.push(val);
@ -305,7 +273,6 @@ pub const VM = struct {
if (!try cmpr.compile(&chk)) {
return InterpretResult.CompileError;