
192 lines
5.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

const std = @import("std");
const value = @import("value.zig");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
// hack. ugly hack. zig has compiler crash.
const AllOpcodes = struct {
2019-06-01 18:40:18 +00:00
pub Return: u8 = 0,
pub Constant: u8 = 1,
pub ConstantLong: u8 = 2,
pub Add: u8 = 3,
pub Subtract: u8 = 4,
pub Multiply: u8 = 5,
pub Divide: u8 = 6,
pub Negate: u8 = 7,
// basic type op codes
pub Nil: u8 = 8,
pub True: u8 = 9,
pub False: u8 = 10,
pub const OpCode = AllOpcodes{};
fn simpleInstruction(
stdout: var,
comptime name: []const u8,
2019-06-01 17:18:44 +00:00
index: usize,
) !usize {
try stdout.print("{}\n", name);
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return index + 1;
fn constantInstruction(
stdout: var,
comptime name: []const u8,
chunk: *Chunk,
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index: usize,
) !usize {
// get the constant's index in constants slice
2019-06-01 17:18:44 +00:00
var idx = chunk.code[index + 1];
try stdout.print("\t{}\t{} '", name, idx);
try value.printValue(stdout, chunk.constants.values[idx]);
try stdout.print("'\n");
2019-06-01 17:18:44 +00:00
return index + 2;
fn constantLongInstruction(
stdout: var,
comptime name: []const u8,
chunk: *Chunk,
offset: usize,
) !usize {
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// constantLong uses three u8's that encode a u24 as the
// contants' index.
var v3: u8 = chunk.code[offset + 1];
var v2: u8 = chunk.code[offset + 2];
var v1: u8 = chunk.code[offset + 3];
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var idx: u24 = (@intCast(u24, v3) << 16) | (@intCast(u24, v2) << 8) | v1;
try stdout.print("\t{}\t{} '", name, idx);
try value.printValue(stdout, chunk.constants.values[idx]);
try stdout.print("'\n");
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return offset + 4;
pub const Chunk = struct {
count: usize,
lines: []usize,
code: []u8,
allocator: *Allocator,
constants: value.ValueList,
pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator) !Chunk {
return Chunk{
.count = 0,
.allocator = allocator,
.code = try allocator.alloc(u8, 0),
.lines = try allocator.alloc(usize, 0),
.constants = try value.ValueList.init(allocator),
pub fn write(self: *Chunk, byte: u8, line: usize) !void {
if (self.code.len < self.count + 1) {
self.code = try self.allocator.realloc(
self.count + 1,
self.lines = try self.allocator.realloc(
self.count + 1,
self.code[self.count] = byte;
self.lines[self.count] = line;
self.count += 1;
pub fn addConstant(self: *Chunk, val: value.Value) !u8 {
try self.constants.write(val);
return self.constants.count - 1;
pub fn writeConstant(self: *Chunk, val: value.Value, line: usize) !void {
try self.constants.write(val);
var constant_idx = self.constants.count - 1;
if (constant_idx < 256) {
try self.write(OpCode.Constant, line);
try self.write(@intCast(u8, constant_idx), line);
} else {
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var idx_u24: u24 = @intCast(u24, constant_idx);
const mask = @intCast(u24, 0xff);
const v1: u8 = @intCast(u8, idx_u24 & mask);
const v2: u8 = @intCast(u8, (idx_u24 >> 8) & mask);
const v3: u8 = @intCast(u8, (idx_u24 >> 16) & mask);
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try self.write(OpCode.ConstantLong, line);
try self.write(v3, line);
try self.write(v2, line);
try self.write(v1, line);
pub fn disassembleInstruction(
self: *Chunk,
stdout: var,
index: usize,
) !usize {
try stdout.print("{} ", index);
if (index > 0 and self.lines[index] == self.lines[index - 1]) {
try stdout.print(" | ");
} else {
try stdout.print("{} ", self.lines[index]);
var instruction = self.code[index];
if (instruction == OpCode.Return) {
return try simpleInstruction(stdout, "OP_RETURN", index);
} else if (instruction == OpCode.Constant) {
return try constantInstruction(stdout, "OP_CONSTANT", self, index);
} else if (instruction == OpCode.ConstantLong) {
return try constantLongInstruction(
2019-06-01 18:27:19 +00:00
} else if (instruction == OpCode.Negate) {
return try simpleInstruction(stdout, "OP_NEGATE", index);
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} else if (instruction == OpCode.Add) {
return try simpleInstruction(stdout, "OP_ADD", index);
} else if (instruction == OpCode.Subtract) {
return try simpleInstruction(stdout, "OP_SUBTRACT", index);
} else if (instruction == OpCode.Multiply) {
return try simpleInstruction(stdout, "OP_MULTIPLY", index);
} else if (instruction == OpCode.Divide) {
return try simpleInstruction(stdout, "OP_DIVIDE", index);
} else if (instruction == OpCode.Nil) {
return try simpleInstruction(stdout, "OP_NIL", index);
} else if (instruction == OpCode.True) {
return try simpleInstruction(stdout, "OP_TRUE", index);
} else if (instruction == OpCode.False) {
return try simpleInstruction(stdout, "OP_FALSE", index);
} else {
try stdout.print("Unknown opcode: {}\n", instruction);
return index + 1;
pub fn disassemble(self: *Chunk, stdout: var, name: []const u8) !void {
try stdout.print("== {} ==\n", name);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < self.count) {
i = try self.disassembleInstruction(stdout, i);