input = IO.gets("input?") |> String.trim |> String.split(" ") defmodule Solver do def to_list(string) do case string do "" -> [] _ -> string |> String.split("") |> Enum.filter(fn char -> char != "" end) end end # get the common string between the box ids def get_common(box_id, box_id_2) do # convert to list box_id_l = to_list(box_id) box_id_2_l = to_list(box_id_2) # zip them list_chars =, box_id_2_l) # if theyre equal, we add to the accumulator common_str = Enum.reduce(list_chars, "", fn tup, acc -> {c1, c2} = tup if c1 == c2 do acc <> c1 else acc end end) # for common_str to be valid it has to be # L(common_str) = L(box_id) - 1 # since correct box ids have just *ONE* # character difference between them if String.length(common_str) == (String.length(box_id) - 1) do {:ok, common_str} else :not_found end end def solve(input) do # find all the common strings # and filter shit commons =, fn box_id ->, fn box_id_2 -> common = get_common(box_id, box_id_2) case common do :not_found -> nil {:ok, str} -> str end end) |> Enum.filter(fn combo -> combo != nil end) end) |> Enum.filter(fn combo -> combo != [] end) end end res = Solver.solve(input) IO.puts "result: #{inspect res}"