#!/bin/sh set -eux repo_url=$1 target_remote=$2 main_branch=$3 repo_name=$(printf "%s" "$repo_url" | rev | cut -d '/' -f1 | rev | cut -d '.' -f1) echo "$repo_name" if [ ! -d "$repo_name" ]; then echo "cloning..." git clone "$repo_url" fi # already exists, fetch and copy to adversarial git -C "$repo_name" fetch --force origin adversarial="adversarial-$repo_name" mkdir -p "$adversarial" if [ ! -d "$adversarial/.git" ]; then git -C "$adversarial" init -b main git -C "$adversarial" remote add origin "$target_remote" fi copy() { branch=$1 branch_target=$2 echo "copy $branch --> $branch_target" git -C "$repo_name" checkout "$branch" set +e git -C "$adversarial" rev-parse --verify "$branch_target" branch_exists_exitcode=$? set -e if [ "$branch_exists_exitcode" = "0" ]; then git -C "$adversarial" switch "$branch_target" else # always create from main lul if [ "$branch_target" = "$main_branch" ]; then git -C "$adversarial" checkout -b "$branch_target" else git -C "$adversarial" checkout "$main_branch" git -C "$adversarial" checkout -b "$branch_target" fi fi # copy, commit toplevels=$(find "$repo_name" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -path "$repo_name/.git") for path in $toplevels; do echo "$path" cp -vr "$path" "$adversarial" done timestamp=$(git -C "$repo_name" log -1 --format="%at" | xargs -I{} date -d @{} +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S) cd "$adversarial" git add . set +e git commit -m "$branch_target - remote-$timestamp now-$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)" set -e cd .. } # always copy main first so that other branches can be made from main copy "origin/$main_branch" "$main_branch" for line in $(git -C "$repo_name" for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/remotes/origin); do branch=$(printf "%s" "$line" | sed 's/refs\/remotes\///g') branch_target=$(printf "%s" "$branch" | sed 's/origin\///g') echo "copying branch $branch -> $branch_target" if [ "$branch_target" != "HEAD" ]; then copy "$branch" "$branch_target" else echo "skipping HEAD, not real branch" fi done echo "push time" cd "$adversarial" git push --all origin