Luna c4401dc8cf moving to the virtual machine part of the book, pt 1
the java part would still fuck me up since it lies on OOP stuff
that zig doesnt provide, so i'm skipping towards the C part of the book
which will hopefully be more understandable from a zig perspective.
2019-06-01 01:20:06 -03:00

119 lines
3.1 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
// const Scanner = @import("scanner.zig").Scanner;
const chunk = @import("chunk.zig");
//const Compiler = @import("compiler.zig").Compiler;
pub var hadError = false;
fn run(allocator: *Allocator, data: []u8) !void {
var stdout_file = try;
const stdout = &stdout_file.outStream().stream;
var scanner = try Scanner.init(allocator, data);
var tokens = try scanner.scanTokens();
var it = tokens.iterator();
while ( |token| {
switch (token) {
.Simple => |value| {
try value.printToken(stdout);
.Slice => |value| {
try value.printToken(stdout);
.Number => |value| {
try value.printToken(stdout);
hadError = false;
// fn run() !void {}
pub fn doError(line: usize, message: []const u8) !void {
try errorReport(line, "", message);
pub fn errorReport(line: usize, where: []const u8, message: []const u8) !void {
var stdout_file = try;
const stdout = &stdout_file.outStream().stream;
try stdout.print("[line {}] Error {}: {}\n", line, where, message);
hadError = true;
fn runFile(allocator: *Allocator, path: []const u8) !void {
var lox_file = try std.fs.File.openRead(path);
defer lox_file.close();
const total_bytes = try lox_file.getEndPos();
var slice = try allocator.alloc(u8, total_bytes);
_ = try;
try run(allocator, slice);
if (hadError) std.os.exit(65);
fn runPrompt(allocator: *Allocator) !void {
var stdout_file = try;
const stdout = &stdout_file.outStream().stream;
while (true) {
try stdout.print(">");
var buffer = try std.Buffer.init(allocator, ""[0..]);
var line = catch |err| {
if (err == error.EndOfStream) return;
return err;
try run(allocator, line);
pub fn mainOld() anyerror!void {
var da = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init();
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(&da.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
var allocator = &arena.allocator;
var args_it = std.process.args();
var jorts_arg0 = try ( orelse {
// if you ever reach this, tell me what is your os lmao
var lox_path = try ( orelse {
// try runPrompt(allocator);
//var vm = VM.init();
//try runFile(allocator, lox_path);
pub fn main() !void {
var da = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init();
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(&da.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
var allocator = &arena.allocator;
var stdout_file = try;
const stdout = &stdout_file.outStream().stream;
var chk = try chunk.Chunk.init(allocator);
// this crashes zig??? lol
//var opcode_byte: u8 = @enumToInt(chunk.OpCode.Return);
try chk.write(chunk.OpCode.Return);
try chk.disassemble(stdout, "test chunk");