/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Yahoo Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ 'use strict'; var Promise = global.Promise || require('promise'); var glob = require('glob'); var Handlebars = require('handlebars'); var fs = require('graceful-fs'); var path = require('path'); var utils = require('./utils'); module.exports = ExpressHandlebars; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ExpressHandlebars(config) { // Config properties with defaults. utils.assign(this, { handlebars : Handlebars, extname : '.handlebars', layoutsDir : undefined, // Default layouts directory is relative to `express settings.view` + `layouts/` partialsDir : undefined, // Default partials directory is relative to `express settings.view` + `partials/` defaultLayout : 'main', helpers : undefined, compilerOptions: undefined, }, config); // Express view engine integration point. this.engine = this.renderView.bind(this); // Normalize `extname`. if (this.extname.charAt(0) !== '.') { this.extname = '.' + this.extname; } // Internal caches of compiled and precompiled templates. this.compiled = Object.create(null); this.precompiled = Object.create(null); // Private internal file system cache. this._fsCache = Object.create(null); } ExpressHandlebars.prototype.getPartials = function (options) { var partialsDirs = Array.isArray(this.partialsDir) ? this.partialsDir : [this.partialsDir]; partialsDirs = partialsDirs.map(function (dir) { var dirPath; var dirTemplates; var dirNamespace; // Support `partialsDir` collection with object entries that contain a // templates promise and a namespace. if (typeof dir === 'string') { dirPath = dir; } else if (typeof dir === 'object') { dirTemplates = dir.templates; dirNamespace = dir.namespace; dirPath = dir.dir; } // We must have some path to templates, or templates themselves. if (!(dirPath || dirTemplates)) { throw new Error('A partials dir must be a string or config object'); } // Make sure we're have a promise for the templates. var templatesPromise = dirTemplates ? Promise.resolve(dirTemplates) : this.getTemplates(dirPath, options); return templatesPromise.then(function (templates) { return { templates: templates, namespace: dirNamespace, }; }); }, this); return Promise.all(partialsDirs).then(function (dirs) { var getTemplateName = this._getTemplateName.bind(this); return dirs.reduce(function (partials, dir) { var templates = dir.templates; var namespace = dir.namespace; var filePaths = Object.keys(templates); filePaths.forEach(function (filePath) { var partialName = getTemplateName(filePath, namespace); partials[partialName] = templates[filePath]; }); return partials; }, {}); }.bind(this)); }; ExpressHandlebars.prototype.getTemplate = function (filePath, options) { filePath = path.resolve(filePath); options || (options = {}); var precompiled = options.precompiled; var cache = precompiled ? this.precompiled : this.compiled; var template = options.cache && cache[filePath]; if (template) { return template; } // Optimistically cache template promise to reduce file system I/O, but // remove from cache if there was a problem. template = cache[filePath] = this._getFile(filePath, {cache: options.cache}) .then(function (file) { if (precompiled) { return this._precompileTemplate(file, this.compilerOptions); } return this._compileTemplate(file, this.compilerOptions); }.bind(this)); return template.catch(function (err) { delete cache[filePath]; throw err; }); }; ExpressHandlebars.prototype.getTemplates = function (dirPath, options) { options || (options = {}); var cache = options.cache; return this._getDir(dirPath, {cache: cache}).then(function (filePaths) { var templates = filePaths.map(function (filePath) { return this.getTemplate(path.join(dirPath, filePath), options); }, this); return Promise.all(templates).then(function (templates) { return filePaths.reduce(function (hash, filePath, i) { hash[filePath] = templates[i]; return hash; }, {}); }); }.bind(this)); }; ExpressHandlebars.prototype.render = function (filePath, context, options) { options || (options = {}); return Promise.all([ this.getTemplate(filePath, {cache: options.cache}), options.partials || this.getPartials({cache: options.cache}), ]).then(function (templates) { var template = templates[0]; var partials = templates[1]; var helpers = options.helpers || this.helpers; // Add ExpressHandlebars metadata to the data channel so that it's // accessible within the templates and helpers, namespaced under: // `@exphbs.*` var data = utils.assign({}, options.data, { exphbs: utils.assign({}, options, { filePath: filePath, helpers : helpers, partials: partials, }), }); return this._renderTemplate(template, context, { data : data, helpers : helpers, partials: partials, }); }.bind(this)); }; ExpressHandlebars.prototype.renderView = function (viewPath, options, callback) { options || (options = {}); var context = options; // Express provides `settings.views` which is the path to the views dir that // the developer set on the Express app. When this value exists, it's used // to compute the view's name. Layouts and Partials directories are relative // to `settings.view` path var view; var viewsPath = options.settings && options.settings.views; if (viewsPath) { view = this._getTemplateName(path.relative(viewsPath, viewPath)); this.partialsDir = this.partialsDir || path.join(viewsPath, 'partials/'); this.layoutsDir = this.layoutsDir || path.join(viewsPath, 'layouts/'); } // Merge render-level and instance-level helpers together. var helpers = utils.assign({}, this.helpers, options.helpers); // Merge render-level and instance-level partials together. var partials = Promise.all([ this.getPartials({cache: options.cache}), Promise.resolve(options.partials), ]).then(function (partials) { return utils.assign.apply(null, [{}].concat(partials)); }); // Pluck-out ExpressHandlebars-specific options and Handlebars-specific // rendering options. options = { cache : options.cache, view : view, layout: 'layout' in options ? options.layout : this.defaultLayout, data : options.data, helpers : helpers, partials: partials, }; this.render(viewPath, context, options) .then(function (body) { var layoutPath = this._resolveLayoutPath(options.layout); if (layoutPath) { return this.render( layoutPath, utils.assign({}, context, {body: body}), utils.assign({}, options, {layout: undefined}) ); } return body; }.bind(this)) .then(utils.passValue(callback)) .catch(utils.passError(callback)); }; // -- Protected Hooks ---------------------------------------------------------- ExpressHandlebars.prototype._compileTemplate = function (template, options) { return this.handlebars.compile(template.trim(), options); }; ExpressHandlebars.prototype._precompileTemplate = function (template, options) { return this.handlebars.precompile(template, options); }; ExpressHandlebars.prototype._renderTemplate = function (template, context, options) { return template(context, options).trim(); }; // -- Private ------------------------------------------------------------------ ExpressHandlebars.prototype._getDir = function (dirPath, options) { dirPath = path.resolve(dirPath); options || (options = {}); var cache = this._fsCache; var dir = options.cache && cache[dirPath]; if (dir) { return dir.then(function (dir) { return dir.concat(); }); } var pattern = '**/*' + this.extname; // Optimistically cache dir promise to reduce file system I/O, but remove // from cache if there was a problem. dir = cache[dirPath] = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { glob(pattern, { cwd : dirPath, follow: true }, function (err, dir) { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(dir); } }); }); return dir.then(function (dir) { return dir.concat(); }).catch(function (err) { delete cache[dirPath]; throw err; }); }; ExpressHandlebars.prototype._getFile = function (filePath, options) { filePath = path.resolve(filePath); options || (options = {}); var cache = this._fsCache; var file = options.cache && cache[filePath]; if (file) { return file; } // Optimistically cache file promise to reduce file system I/O, but remove // from cache if there was a problem. file = cache[filePath] = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', function (err, file) { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(file); } }); }); return file.catch(function (err) { delete cache[filePath]; throw err; }); }; ExpressHandlebars.prototype._getTemplateName = function (filePath, namespace) { var extRegex = new RegExp(this.extname + '$'); var name = filePath.replace(extRegex, ''); if (namespace) { name = namespace + '/' + name; } return name; }; ExpressHandlebars.prototype._resolveLayoutPath = function (layoutPath) { if (!layoutPath) { return null; } if (!path.extname(layoutPath)) { layoutPath += this.extname; } return path.resolve(this.layoutsDir, layoutPath); };