" ============================================================================ " File: wakatime.vim " Description: Automatic time tracking for Vim. " Maintainer: WakaTime " License: BSD, see LICENSE.txt for more details. " Website: https://wakatime.com/ " ============================================================================ let s:VERSION = '7.1.0' " Init {{{ " Check Vim version if v:version < 700 echoerr "This plugin requires vim >= 7." finish endif " Use constants for truthy check to improve readability let s:true = 1 let s:false = 0 " Only load plugin once if exists("g:loaded_wakatime") finish endif let g:loaded_wakatime = s:true " Backup & Override cpoptions let s:old_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Backup wildignore before clearing it to prevent conflicts with expand() let s:wildignore = &wildignore if s:wildignore != "" set wildignore="" endif " Script Globals let s:home = expand("$WAKATIME_HOME") if s:home == '$WAKATIME_HOME' let s:home = expand("$HOME") endif let s:cli_location = substitute(expand(":p:h"), '\', '/', 'g') . '/packages/wakatime/cli.py' let s:config_file = s:home . '/.wakatime.cfg' let s:default_configs = ['[settings]', 'debug = false', 'hidefilenames = false', 'ignore =', ' COMMIT_EDITMSG$', ' PULLREQ_EDITMSG$', ' MERGE_MSG$', ' TAG_EDITMSG$'] let s:data_file = s:home . '/.wakatime.data' let s:has_reltime = has('reltime') && localtime() - 1 < split(split(reltimestr(reltime()))[0], '\.')[0] let s:config_file_already_setup = s:false let s:debug_mode_already_setup = s:false let s:is_debug_on = s:false let s:local_cache_expire = 10 " seconds between reading s:data_file let s:last_heartbeat = {'last_activity_at': 0, 'last_heartbeat_at': 0, 'file': ''} let s:heartbeats_buffer = [] let s:send_buffer_seconds = 10 " seconds between sending buffered heartbeats let s:last_sent = localtime() let s:has_async = has('patch-7.4-2344') && exists('*job_start') let s:nvim_async = exists('*jobstart') function! s:Init() " For backwards compatibility, rename wakatime.conf to wakatime.cfg if !filereadable(s:config_file) if filereadable(expand("$HOME/.wakatime")) exec "silent !mv" expand("$HOME/.wakatime") expand("$HOME/.wakatime.conf") endif if filereadable(expand("$HOME/.wakatime.conf")) if !filereadable(s:config_file) let contents = ['[settings]'] + readfile(expand("$HOME/.wakatime.conf"), '') call writefile(contents, s:config_file) call delete(expand("$HOME/.wakatime.conf")) endif endif endif " Set default python binary location if !exists("g:wakatime_PythonBinary") let g:wakatime_PythonBinary = 'python' endif " Set default heartbeat frequency in minutes if !exists("g:wakatime_HeartbeatFrequency") let g:wakatime_HeartbeatFrequency = 2 endif " Get legacy g:wakatime_ScreenRedraw setting let s:redraw_setting = 'auto' if exists("g:wakatime_ScreenRedraw") && g:wakatime_ScreenRedraw let s:redraw_setting = 'enabled' endif " Get redraw setting from wakatime.cfg file if s:GetIniSetting('settings', 'vi_redraw') != '' if s:GetIniSetting('settings', 'vi_redraw') == 'enabled' let s:redraw_setting = 'enabled' endif if s:GetIniSetting('settings', 'vi_redraw') == 'auto' let s:redraw_setting = 'auto' endif if s:GetIniSetting('settings', 'vi_redraw') == 'disabled' let s:redraw_setting = 'disabled' endif endif " Buffering heartbeats disabled in Windows, unless have async support let s:buffering_heartbeats_enabled = s:has_async || s:nvim_async || !s:IsWindows() endfunction " }}} " Function Definitions {{{ function! s:StripWhitespace(str) return substitute(a:str, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') endfunction function! s:SetupConfigFile() if !s:config_file_already_setup " Create config file if does not exist if !filereadable(s:config_file) call writefile(s:default_configs, s:config_file) endif " Make sure config file has api_key let found_api_key = s:false if s:GetIniSetting('settings', 'api_key') != '' || s:GetIniSetting('settings', 'apikey') != '' let found_api_key = s:true endif if !found_api_key call s:PromptForApiKey() echo "[WakaTime] Setup complete! Visit https://wakatime.com to view your coding activity." endif let s:config_file_already_setup = s:true endif endfunction function! s:SetupDebugMode() if !s:debug_mode_already_setup if s:GetIniSetting('settings', 'debug') == 'true' let s:is_debug_on = s:true else let s:is_debug_on = s:false endif let s:debug_mode_already_setup = s:true endif endfunction function! s:GetIniSetting(section, key) if !filereadable(s:config_file) return '' endif let lines = readfile(s:config_file) let currentSection = '' for line in lines let line = s:StripWhitespace(line) if matchstr(line, '^\[') != '' && matchstr(line, '\]$') != '' let currentSection = substitute(line, '^\[\(.\{-}\)\]$', '\1', '') else if currentSection == a:section let group = split(line, '=') if len(group) == 2 && s:StripWhitespace(group[0]) == a:key return s:StripWhitespace(group[1]) endif endif endif endfor return '' endfunction function! s:SetIniSetting(section, key, val) let output = [] let sectionFound = s:false let keyFound = s:false if filereadable(s:config_file) let lines = readfile(s:config_file) let currentSection = '' for line in lines let entry = s:StripWhitespace(line) if matchstr(entry, '^\[') != '' && matchstr(entry, '\]$') != '' if currentSection == a:section && !keyFound let output = output + [join([a:key, a:val], '=')] let keyFound = s:true endif let currentSection = substitute(entry, '^\[\(.\{-}\)\]$', '\1', '') let output = output + [line] if currentSection == a:section let sectionFound = s:true endif else if currentSection == a:section let group = split(entry, '=') if len(group) == 2 && s:StripWhitespace(group[0]) == a:key let output = output + [join([a:key, a:val], '=')] let keyFound = s:true else let output = output + [line] endif else let output = output + [line] endif endif endfor endif if !sectionFound let output = output + [printf('[%s]', a:section), join([a:key, a:val], '=')] else if !keyFound let output = output + [join([a:key, a:val], '=')] endif endif call writefile(output, s:config_file) endfunction function! s:GetCurrentFile() return expand("%:p") endfunction function! s:SanitizeArg(arg) let sanitized = shellescape(a:arg) let sanitized = substitute(sanitized, '!', '\\!', '') return sanitized endfunction function! s:JsonEscape(str) return substitute(a:str, '"', '\\"', 'g') endfunction function! s:JoinArgs(args) let safeArgs = [] for arg in a:args let safeArgs = safeArgs + [s:SanitizeArg(arg)] endfor return join(safeArgs, ' ') endfunction function! s:IsWindows() if has('win32') || has('win64') return s:true endif return s:false endfunction function! s:CurrentTimeStr() if s:has_reltime return split(reltimestr(reltime()))[0] endif return printf('%d', localtime()) endfunction function! s:AppendHeartbeat(file, now, is_write, last) let file = a:file if file == '' let file = a:last.file endif if file != '' let heartbeat = {} let heartbeat.entity = file let heartbeat.time = s:CurrentTimeStr() let heartbeat.is_write = a:is_write if !empty(&syntax) let heartbeat.language = &syntax else if !empty(&filetype) let heartbeat.language = &filetype endif endif let s:heartbeats_buffer = s:heartbeats_buffer + [heartbeat] call s:SetLastHeartbeat(a:now, a:now, file) if !s:buffering_heartbeats_enabled call s:SendHeartbeats() endif endif endfunction function! s:GetPythonBinary() let python_bin = g:wakatime_PythonBinary if !filereadable(python_bin) let paths = ['python3'] if s:IsWindows() let pyver = 39 while pyver >= 26 let paths = paths + [printf('/Python%d/pythonw', pyver), printf('/python%d/pythonw', pyver), printf('/Python%d/python', pyver), printf('/python%d/python', pyver)] let pyver = pyver - 1 endwhile else let paths = paths + ['/usr/bin/python3', '/usr/local/bin/python3', '/usr/bin/python3.6', '/usr/local/bin/python3.6', '/usr/bin/python', '/usr/local/bin/python', '/usr/bin/python2', '/usr/local/bin/python2'] endif let paths = paths + ['python'] let index = 0 let limit = len(paths) while index < limit if filereadable(paths[index]) let python_bin = paths[index] let index = limit endif let index = index + 1 endwhile endif if s:IsWindows() && filereadable(printf('%sw', python_bin)) let python_bin = printf('%sw', python_bin) endif return python_bin endfunction function! s:SendHeartbeats() let start_time = localtime() let stdout = '' if len(s:heartbeats_buffer) == 0 let s:last_sent = start_time return endif let heartbeat = s:heartbeats_buffer[0] let s:heartbeats_buffer = s:heartbeats_buffer[1:-1] if len(s:heartbeats_buffer) > 0 let extra_heartbeats = s:GetHeartbeatsJson() else let extra_heartbeats = '' endif let python_bin = s:GetPythonBinary() let cmd = [python_bin, '-W', 'ignore', s:cli_location] let cmd = cmd + ['--entity', heartbeat.entity] let cmd = cmd + ['--time', heartbeat.time] let cmd = cmd + ['--plugin', printf('vim/%d vim-wakatime/%s', v:version, s:VERSION)] if heartbeat.is_write let cmd = cmd + ['--write'] endif if has_key(heartbeat, 'language') let cmd = cmd + ['--language', heartbeat.language] endif if extra_heartbeats != '' let cmd = cmd + ['--extra-heartbeats'] endif " overwrite shell let [sh, shellcmdflag, shrd] = [&shell, &shellcmdflag, &shellredir] if !s:IsWindows() set shell=sh shellredir=>%s\ 2>&1 endif if s:has_async let job = job_start([&shell, &shellcmdflag, s:JoinArgs(cmd)], { \ 'stoponexit': '', \ 'callback': {channel, output -> s:AsyncHandler(output, cmd)}}) if extra_heartbeats != '' let channel = job_getchannel(job) call ch_sendraw(channel, extra_heartbeats . "\n") endif elseif s:nvim_async let s:nvim_async_output = [''] let job = jobstart([&shell, &shellcmdflag, s:JoinArgs(cmd)], { \ 'detach': 1, \ 'on_stdout': function('s:NeovimAsyncOutputHandler'), \ 'on_stderr': function('s:NeovimAsyncOutputHandler'), \ 'on_exit': function('s:NeovimAsyncExitHandler')}) if extra_heartbeats != '' call jobsend(job, extra_heartbeats . "\n") endif elseif s:IsWindows() if s:is_debug_on if extra_heartbeats != '' let stdout = system('(' . s:JoinArgs(cmd) . ')', extra_heartbeats) else let stdout = system('(' . s:JoinArgs(cmd) . ')') endif else exec 'silent !start /b cmd /c "' . s:JoinArgs(cmd) . ' > nul 2> nul"' endif else if s:is_debug_on if extra_heartbeats != '' let stdout = system(s:JoinArgs(cmd), extra_heartbeats) else let stdout = system(s:JoinArgs(cmd)) endif else if extra_heartbeats != '' let stdout = system(s:JoinArgs(cmd) . ' &', extra_heartbeats) else let stdout = system(s:JoinArgs(cmd) . ' &') endif endif endif " restore shell let [&shell, &shellcmdflag, &shellredir] = [sh, shellcmdflag, shrd] let s:last_sent = localtime() " need to repaint in case a key was pressed while sending if !s:has_async && !s:nvim_async && s:redraw_setting != 'disabled' if s:redraw_setting == 'auto' if s:last_sent - start_time > 0 redraw! endif else redraw! endif endif if s:is_debug_on && stdout != '' echoerr '[WakaTime] Heartbeat Command: ' . s:JoinArgs(cmd) . "\n[WakaTime] Error: " . stdout endif endfunction function! s:GetHeartbeatsJson() let arr = [] let loop_count = 1 for heartbeat in s:heartbeats_buffer let heartbeat_str = '{"entity": "' . s:JsonEscape(heartbeat.entity) . '", ' let heartbeat_str = heartbeat_str . '"timestamp": ' . s:OrderTime(heartbeat.time, loop_count) . ', ' let heartbeat_str = heartbeat_str . '"is_write": ' if heartbeat.is_write let heartbeat_str = heartbeat_str . 'true' else let heartbeat_str = heartbeat_str . 'false' endif if has_key(heartbeat, 'language') let heartbeat_str = heartbeat_str . ', "language": "' . s:JsonEscape(heartbeat.language) . '"' endif let heartbeat_str = heartbeat_str . '}' let arr = arr + [heartbeat_str] let loop_count = loop_count + 1 endfor let s:heartbeats_buffer = [] return '[' . join(arr, ',') . ']' endfunction function! s:AsyncHandler(output, cmd) if s:is_debug_on && a:output != '' echoerr '[WakaTime] Heartbeat Command: ' . s:JoinArgs(a:cmd) . "\n[WakaTime] Error: " . a:output endif endfunction function! s:NeovimAsyncOutputHandler(job_id, output, event) let s:nvim_async_output[-1] .= a:output[0] call extend(s:nvim_async_output, a:output[1:]) endfunction function! s:NeovimAsyncExitHandler(job_id, exit_code, event) let output = s:StripWhitespace(join(s:nvim_async_output, "\n")) if a:exit_code == 104 let output .= 'Invalid API Key' endif if (s:is_debug_on || a:exit_code == 103 || a:exit_code == 104) && (a:exit_code != 0 || output != '') echoerr printf('[WakaTime] Error %d: %s', a:exit_code, output) endif endfunction function! s:OrderTime(time_str, loop_count) " Add a milisecond to a:time. " Time prevision doesn't matter, but order of heartbeats does. if !(a:time_str =~ "\.") let millisecond = printf('%d', a:loop_count) while strlen(millisecond) < 6 let millisecond = '0' . millisecond endwhile return a:time_str . '.' . millisecond endif return a:time_str endfunction function! s:GetLastHeartbeat() if !s:last_heartbeat.last_activity_at || localtime() - s:last_heartbeat.last_activity_at > s:local_cache_expire if !filereadable(s:data_file) return {'last_activity_at': 0, 'last_heartbeat_at': 0, 'file': ''} endif let last = readfile(s:data_file, '', 3) if len(last) == 3 let s:last_heartbeat.last_heartbeat_at = last[1] let s:last_heartbeat.file = last[2] endif endif return s:last_heartbeat endfunction function! s:SetLastHeartbeatInMemory(last_activity_at, last_heartbeat_at, file) let s:last_heartbeat = {'last_activity_at': a:last_activity_at, 'last_heartbeat_at': a:last_heartbeat_at, 'file': a:file} endfunction function! s:SetLastHeartbeat(last_activity_at, last_heartbeat_at, file) call s:SetLastHeartbeatInMemory(a:last_activity_at, a:last_heartbeat_at, a:file) call writefile([substitute(printf('%d', a:last_activity_at), ',', '.', ''), substitute(printf('%d', a:last_heartbeat_at), ',', '.', ''), a:file], s:data_file) endfunction function! s:EnoughTimePassed(now, last) let prev = a:last.last_heartbeat_at if a:now - prev > g:wakatime_HeartbeatFrequency * 60 return s:true endif return s:false endfunction function! s:PromptForApiKey() let api_key = s:false let api_key = s:GetIniSetting('settings', 'api_key') if api_key == '' let api_key = s:GetIniSetting('settings', 'apikey') endif let api_key = inputsecret("[WakaTime] Enter your wakatime.com api key: ", api_key) call s:SetIniSetting('settings', 'api_key', api_key) endfunction function! s:EnableDebugMode() call s:SetIniSetting('settings', 'debug', 'true') let s:is_debug_on = s:true endfunction function! s:DisableDebugMode() call s:SetIniSetting('settings', 'debug', 'false') let s:is_debug_on = s:false endfunction function! s:EnableScreenRedraw() call s:SetIniSetting('settings', 'vi_redraw', 'enabled') let s:redraw_setting = 'enabled' endfunction function! s:EnableScreenRedrawAuto() call s:SetIniSetting('settings', 'vi_redraw', 'auto') let s:redraw_setting = 'auto' endfunction function! s:DisableScreenRedraw() call s:SetIniSetting('settings', 'vi_redraw', 'disabled') let s:redraw_setting = 'disabled' endfunction function! s:InitAndHandleActivity(is_write) call s:SetupDebugMode() call s:SetupConfigFile() call s:HandleActivity(a:is_write) endfunction function! s:HandleActivity(is_write) let file = s:GetCurrentFile() if !empty(file) && file !~ "-MiniBufExplorer-" && file !~ "--NO NAME--" && file !~ "^term:" let last = s:GetLastHeartbeat() let now = localtime() " Create a heartbeat when saving a file, when the current file " changes, and when still editing the same file but enough time " has passed since the last heartbeat. if a:is_write || s:EnoughTimePassed(now, last) || file != last.file call s:AppendHeartbeat(file, now, a:is_write, last) else if now - s:last_heartbeat.last_activity_at > s:local_cache_expire call s:SetLastHeartbeatInMemory(now, last.last_heartbeat_at, last.file) endif endif " When buffering heartbeats disabled, no need to re-check the " heartbeats buffer. if s:buffering_heartbeats_enabled " Only send buffered heartbeats every s:send_buffer_seconds if now - s:last_sent > s:send_buffer_seconds call s:SendHeartbeats() endif endif endif endfunction " }}} call s:Init() " Autocommand Events {{{ augroup Wakatime autocmd BufEnter,VimEnter * call s:InitAndHandleActivity(s:false) autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI * call s:HandleActivity(s:false) autocmd BufWritePost * call s:HandleActivity(s:true) if exists('##QuitPre') autocmd QuitPre * call s:SendHeartbeats() endif augroup END " }}} " Plugin Commands {{{ :command -nargs=0 WakaTimeApiKey call s:PromptForApiKey() :command -nargs=0 WakaTimeDebugEnable call s:EnableDebugMode() :command -nargs=0 WakaTimeDebugDisable call s:DisableDebugMode() :command -nargs=0 WakaTimeScreenRedrawDisable call s:DisableScreenRedraw() :command -nargs=0 WakaTimeScreenRedrawEnable call s:EnableScreenRedraw() :command -nargs=0 WakaTimeScreenRedrawEnableAuto call s:EnableScreenRedrawAuto() " }}} " Restore wildignore option if s:wildignore != "" let &wildignore=s:wildignore endif " Restore cpoptions let &cpo = s:old_cpo