use Dictionary for last heartbeat to improve readability

This commit is contained in:
Alan Hamlett 2017-04-22 13:39:07 -07:00
parent f1b6c2a142
commit 6bfd62865f

View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ let s:VERSION = '4.0.15'
let s:debug_mode_already_setup = s:false
let s:is_debug_mode_on = s:false
let s:local_cache_expire = 10 " seconds between reading s:data_file
let s:last_heartbeat = [0, 0, '']
let s:last_heartbeat = {'last_seen_at': 0, 'last_heartbeat_at': 0, 'file': ''}
let s:heartbeats_buffer = []
let s:last_sent = 0
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ let s:VERSION = '4.0.15'
function! s:AppendHeartbeat(file, now, is_write, last)
let file = a:file
if file == ''
let file = a:last[2]
let file = a:last.file
if file != ''
let heartbeat = {}
@ -322,29 +322,30 @@ let s:VERSION = '4.0.15'
function! s:GetLastHeartbeat()
if !s:last_heartbeat[0] || localtime() - s:last_heartbeat[0] > s:local_cache_expire
if !s:last_heartbeat.last_seen_at || localtime() - s:last_heartbeat.last_seen_at > s:local_cache_expire
if !filereadable(s:data_file)
return [0, 0, '']
return {'last_seen_at': 0, 'last_heartbeat_at': 0, 'file': ''}
let last = readfile(s:data_file, '', 3)
if len(last) == 3
let s:last_heartbeat = [s:last_heartbeat[0], last[1], last[2]]
let s:last_heartbeat.last_heartbeat_at = last[1]
let s:last_heartbeat.file = last[2]
return s:last_heartbeat
function! s:SetLastHeartbeatInMemory(time, last_update, file)
let s:last_heartbeat = [a:time, a:last_update, a:file]
function! s:SetLastHeartbeatInMemory(last_seen_at, last_heartbeat_at, file)
let s:last_heartbeat = {'last_seen_at': a:last_seen_at, 'last_heartbeat_at': a:last_heartbeat_at, 'file': a:file}
function! s:SetLastHeartbeat(time, last_update, file)
call s:SetLastHeartbeatInMemory(a:time, a:last_update, a:file)
call writefile([substitute(printf('%d', a:time), ',', '.', ''), substitute(printf('%d', a:last_update), ',', '.', ''), a:file], s:data_file)
function! s:SetLastHeartbeat(last_seen_at, last_heartbeat_at, file)
call s:SetLastHeartbeatInMemory(a:last_seen_at, a:last_heartbeat_at, a:file)
call writefile([substitute(printf('%d', a:last_seen_at), ',', '.', ''), substitute(printf('%d', a:last_heartbeat_at), ',', '.', ''), a:file], s:data_file)
function! s:EnoughTimePassed(now, last)
let prev = a:last[1]
let prev = a:last.last_heartbeat_at
if a:now - prev > g:wakatime_HeartbeatFrequency * 60
return s:true
@ -387,11 +388,11 @@ let s:VERSION = '4.0.15'
" Create a heartbeat when saving a file, when the current file
" changes, and when still editing the same file but enough time
" has passed since the last heartbeat.
if a:is_write || s:EnoughTimePassed(now, last) || file != last[2]
if a:is_write || s:EnoughTimePassed(now, last) || file != last.file
call s:AppendHeartbeat(file, now, a:is_write, last)
if now - s:last_heartbeat[0] > s:local_cache_expire
call s:SetLastHeartbeatInMemory(now, last[1], last[2])
if now - s:last_heartbeat.last_seen_at > s:local_cache_expire
call s:SetLastHeartbeatInMemory(now, last.last_heartbeat_at, last.file)