""" ========================================================== File: sublime-wakatime.py Description: Automatic time tracking for Sublime Text 2 and 3. Maintainer: WakaTi.me Website: https://www.wakati.me/ ===========================================================""" __version__ = '0.2.8' import time import uuid from os.path import expanduser, dirname, realpath, isfile, join from subprocess import call, Popen import platform import sublime import sublime_plugin # globals AWAY_MINUTES = 10 ACTION_FREQUENCY = 5 PLUGIN_DIR = dirname(realpath(__file__)) API_CLIENT = '%s/packages/wakatime/wakatime-cli.py' % PLUGIN_DIR LAST_ACTION = 0 LAST_USAGE = 0 LAST_FILE = None BUSY = False # To be backwards compatible, rename config file if isfile(join(expanduser('~'), '.wakatime')): call([ 'mv', join(expanduser('~'), '.wakatime'), join(expanduser('~'), '.wakatime.conf') ]) # Create config file if it does not already exist if not isfile(join(expanduser('~'), '.wakatime.conf')): def got_key(text): if text: cfg = open(join(expanduser('~'), '.wakatime.conf'), 'w') cfg.write('api_key=%s' % text) cfg.close() sublime.active_window().show_input_panel('Enter your WakaTi.me api key:', '', got_key, None, None) def api(targetFile, timestamp, isWrite=False, endtime=0): global LAST_ACTION, LAST_USAGE, LAST_FILE if not targetFile: targetFile = LAST_FILE if targetFile: python_cmd = 'python' if(platform.system() == 'Windows'): python_cmd = 'pythonw' cmd = [python_cmd, API_CLIENT, '--file', targetFile, '--time', str('%f' % timestamp), '--plugin', 'sublime-wakatime/%s' % __version__, #'--verbose', ] if isWrite: cmd.append('--write') if endtime: cmd.extend(['--endtime', str('%f' % endtime)]) #print(cmd) with open(join(expanduser('~'), '.wakatime.log'), 'a') as stderr: Popen(cmd, stderr=stderr) LAST_ACTION = timestamp if endtime and endtime > LAST_ACTION: LAST_ACTION = endtime LAST_FILE = targetFile LAST_USAGE = LAST_ACTION else: LAST_USAGE = timestamp def away(now): duration = now - LAST_USAGE minutes = '' units = 'second' if duration >= 60: duration = int(duration / 60) units = 'minute' if duration >= 60: remainder = duration % 60 if remainder > 0: minutes = ' and %d minute' % remainder if remainder > 1: minutes = minutes + 's' duration = int(duration / 60) units = 'hour' if duration > 1: units = units + 's' return sublime\ .ok_cancel_dialog("You were away %d %s%s. Add time to current file?"\ % (duration, units, minutes), 'Yes, log this time') def enough_time_passed(now): if now - LAST_ACTION > ACTION_FREQUENCY * 60: return True return False def should_prompt_user(now): if not LAST_USAGE: return False duration = now - LAST_USAGE if duration > AWAY_MINUTES * 60: return True return False def handle_write_action(view): global LAST_USAGE, BUSY BUSY = True targetFile = view.file_name() now = time.time() if enough_time_passed(now) or (LAST_FILE and targetFile != LAST_FILE): if should_prompt_user(now): if away(now): api(targetFile, now, endtime=LAST_ACTION, isWrite=True) else: api(targetFile, now, isWrite=True) else: api(targetFile, now, endtime=LAST_ACTION, isWrite=True) else: api(targetFile, now, isWrite=True) BUSY = False def handle_normal_action(view): global LAST_USAGE, BUSY BUSY = True targetFile = view.file_name() now = time.time() if enough_time_passed(now) or (LAST_FILE and targetFile != LAST_FILE): if should_prompt_user(now): if away(now): api(targetFile, now, endtime=LAST_ACTION) else: api(targetFile, now) else: api(targetFile, now, endtime=LAST_ACTION) else: LAST_USAGE = now BUSY = False class WakatimeListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener): def on_post_save(self, view): if view.file_name(): #print(['saved', view.file_name()]) handle_write_action(view) def on_activated(self, view): if view.file_name() and not BUSY: #print(['activated', view.file_name()]) handle_normal_action(view) def on_modified(self, view): if view.file_name() and not BUSY: #print(['modified', view.file_name()]) handle_normal_action(view)