sublime-rana ============ Metrics, insights, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity. This is a fork of sublime-wakatime, unaffiliated with wakatime, modified to make it easier to use with rana or any other wakatime-compatible time tracking tools. Installation ------------ 1. Clone this repo to `~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages`. Troubleshooting --------------- First, turn on debug mode in your `WakaTime.sublime-settings` file. ![sublime user settings]( Add the line: `"debug": true` Then, open your Sublime Console with `View → Show Console` ( CTRL + \` ) to see the plugin executing the cli process when sending a heartbeat. Also, tail your `$HOME/.wakatime.log` file to debug wakatime cli problems. The [How to Debug Plugins][how to debug] guide shows how to check when coding activity was last received from your editor using the [User Agents API][user agents api]. For more general troubleshooting info, see the [wakatime-cli Troubleshooting Section][wakatime-cli-help]. [wakatime-cli-help]: [how to debug]: [user agents api]: