""" ========================================================== File: WakaTime.py Description: Automatic time tracking for Sublime Text 2 and 3. Maintainer: WakaTime License: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. Website: https://wakatime.com/ ===========================================================""" __version__ = '6.0.3' import sublime import sublime_plugin import os import platform import re import sys import time import threading import urllib import webbrowser from datetime import datetime from zipfile import ZipFile from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE try: import _winreg as winreg # py2 except ImportError: try: import winreg # py3 except ImportError: winreg = None is_py2 = (sys.version_info[0] == 2) is_py3 = (sys.version_info[0] == 3) if is_py2: def u(text): if text is None: return None try: return text.decode('utf-8') except: try: return text.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()) except: try: return unicode(text) except: return text elif is_py3: def u(text): if text is None: return None if isinstance(text, bytes): try: return text.decode('utf-8') except: try: return text.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()) except: pass try: return str(text) except: return text else: raise Exception('Unsupported Python version: {0}.{1}.{2}'.format( sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], sys.version_info[2], )) # globals HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY = 2 ST_VERSION = int(sublime.version()) PLUGIN_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) API_CLIENT = os.path.join(PLUGIN_DIR, 'packages', 'wakatime', 'cli.py') SETTINGS_FILE = 'WakaTime.sublime-settings' SETTINGS = {} LAST_HEARTBEAT = { 'time': 0, 'file': None, 'is_write': False, } LOCK = threading.RLock() PYTHON_LOCATION = None # Log Levels DEBUG = 'DEBUG' INFO = 'INFO' WARNING = 'WARNING' ERROR = 'ERROR' # add wakatime package to path sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(PLUGIN_DIR, 'packages')) try: from wakatime.base import parseConfigFile except ImportError: pass def log(lvl, message, *args, **kwargs): try: if lvl == DEBUG and not SETTINGS.get('debug'): return msg = message if len(args) > 0: msg = message.format(*args) elif len(kwargs) > 0: msg = message.format(**kwargs) print('[WakaTime] [{lvl}] {msg}'.format(lvl=lvl, msg=msg)) except RuntimeError: sublime.set_timeout(lambda: log(lvl, message, *args, **kwargs), 0) def createConfigFile(): """Creates the .wakatime.cfg INI file in $HOME directory, if it does not already exist. """ configFile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.wakatime.cfg') try: with open(configFile) as fh: pass except IOError: try: with open(configFile, 'w') as fh: fh.write("[settings]\n") fh.write("debug = false\n") fh.write("hidefilenames = false\n") except IOError: pass def prompt_api_key(): global SETTINGS createConfigFile() default_key = '' try: configs = parseConfigFile() if configs is not None: if configs.has_option('settings', 'api_key'): default_key = configs.get('settings', 'api_key') except: pass if SETTINGS.get('api_key'): return True else: def got_key(text): if text: SETTINGS.set('api_key', str(text)) sublime.save_settings(SETTINGS_FILE) window = sublime.active_window() if window: window.show_input_panel('[WakaTime] Enter your wakatime.com api key:', default_key, got_key, None, None) return True else: log(ERROR, 'Could not prompt for api key because no window found.') return False def python_binary(): if PYTHON_LOCATION is not None: return PYTHON_LOCATION # look for python in PATH and common install locations paths = [ os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.wakatime', 'python'), None, '/', '/usr/local/bin/', '/usr/bin/', ] for path in paths: path = find_python_in_folder(path) if path is not None: set_python_binary_location(path) return path # look for python in windows registry path = find_python_from_registry(r'SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore') if path is not None: set_python_binary_location(path) return path path = find_python_from_registry(r'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore') if path is not None: set_python_binary_location(path) return path return None def set_python_binary_location(path): global PYTHON_LOCATION PYTHON_LOCATION = path log(DEBUG, 'Found Python at: {0}'.format(path)) def find_python_from_registry(location, reg=None): if platform.system() != 'Windows' or winreg is None: return None if reg is None: path = find_python_from_registry(location, reg=winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER) if path is None: path = find_python_from_registry(location, reg=winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) return path val = None sub_key = 'InstallPath' compiled = re.compile(r'^\d+\.\d+$') try: with winreg.OpenKey(reg, location) as handle: versions = [] try: for index in range(1024): version = winreg.EnumKey(handle, index) try: if compiled.search(version): versions.append(version) except re.error: pass except EnvironmentError: pass versions.sort(reverse=True) for version in versions: try: path = winreg.QueryValue(handle, version + '\\' + sub_key) if path is not None: path = find_python_in_folder(path) if path is not None: log(DEBUG, 'Found python from {reg}\\{key}\\{version}\\{sub_key}.'.format( reg=reg, key=location, version=version, sub_key=sub_key, )) return path except WindowsError: log(DEBUG, 'Could not read registry value "{reg}\\{key}\\{version}\\{sub_key}".'.format( reg=reg, key=location, version=version, sub_key=sub_key, )) except WindowsError: if SETTINGS.get('debug'): log(DEBUG, 'Could not read registry value "{reg}\\{key}".'.format( reg=reg, key=location, )) return val def find_python_in_folder(folder, headless=True): pattern = re.compile(r'\d+\.\d+') path = 'python' if folder is not None: path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(folder, 'python')) if headless: path = u(path) + u('w') log(DEBUG, u('Looking for Python at: {0}').format(path)) try: process = Popen([path, '--version'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) output, err = process.communicate() output = u(output).strip() retcode = process.poll() log(DEBUG, u('Python Version Output: {0}').format(output)) if not retcode and pattern.search(output): return path except: log(DEBUG, u('Python Version Output: {0}').format(u(str(sys.exc_info()[1])))) if headless: path = find_python_in_folder(folder, headless=False) if path is not None: return path return None def obfuscate_apikey(command_list): cmd = list(command_list) apikey_index = None for num in range(len(cmd)): if cmd[num] == '--key': apikey_index = num + 1 break if apikey_index is not None and apikey_index < len(cmd): cmd[apikey_index] = 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX' + cmd[apikey_index][-4:] return cmd def enough_time_passed(now, last_heartbeat, is_write): if now - last_heartbeat['time'] > HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY * 60: return True if is_write and now - last_heartbeat['time'] > 2: return True return False def find_folder_containing_file(folders, current_file): """Returns absolute path to folder containing the file. """ parent_folder = None current_folder = current_file while True: for folder in folders: if os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(current_folder)) == os.path.realpath(folder): parent_folder = folder break if parent_folder is not None: break if not current_folder or os.path.dirname(current_folder) == current_folder: break current_folder = os.path.dirname(current_folder) return parent_folder def find_project_from_folders(folders, current_file): """Find project name from open folders. """ folder = find_folder_containing_file(folders, current_file) return os.path.basename(folder) if folder else None def is_view_active(view): if view: active_window = sublime.active_window() if active_window: active_view = active_window.active_view() if active_view: return active_view.buffer_id() == view.buffer_id() return False def handle_heartbeat(view, is_write=False): window = view.window() if window is not None: target_file = view.file_name() project = window.project_data() if hasattr(window, 'project_data') else None folders = window.folders() thread = SendHeartbeatThread(target_file, view, is_write=is_write, project=project, folders=folders) thread.start() class SendHeartbeatThread(threading.Thread): """Non-blocking thread for sending heartbeats to api. """ def __init__(self, target_file, view, is_write=False, project=None, folders=None, force=False): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.lock = LOCK self.target_file = target_file self.is_write = is_write self.project = project self.folders = folders self.force = force self.debug = SETTINGS.get('debug') self.api_key = SETTINGS.get('api_key', '') self.ignore = SETTINGS.get('ignore', []) self.last_heartbeat = LAST_HEARTBEAT.copy() self.cursorpos = view.sel()[0].begin() if view.sel() else None self.view = view def run(self): with self.lock: if self.target_file: self.timestamp = time.time() if self.force or self.target_file != self.last_heartbeat['file'] or enough_time_passed(self.timestamp, self.last_heartbeat, self.is_write): self.send_heartbeat() def send_heartbeat(self): if not self.api_key: log(ERROR, 'missing api key.') return ua = 'sublime/%d sublime-wakatime/%s' % (ST_VERSION, __version__) cmd = [ API_CLIENT, '--file', self.target_file, '--time', str('%f' % self.timestamp), '--plugin', ua, '--key', str(bytes.decode(self.api_key.encode('utf8'))), ] if self.is_write: cmd.append('--write') if self.project and self.project.get('name'): cmd.extend(['--alternate-project', self.project.get('name')]) elif self.folders: project_name = find_project_from_folders(self.folders, self.target_file) if project_name: cmd.extend(['--alternate-project', project_name]) if self.cursorpos is not None: cmd.extend(['--cursorpos', '{0}'.format(self.cursorpos)]) for pattern in self.ignore: cmd.extend(['--ignore', pattern]) if self.debug: cmd.append('--verbose') if python_binary(): cmd.insert(0, python_binary()) log(DEBUG, ' '.join(obfuscate_apikey(cmd))) try: if not self.debug: Popen(cmd) self.sent() else: process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) output, err = process.communicate() output = u(output) retcode = process.poll() if (not retcode or retcode == 102) and not output: self.sent() if retcode: log(DEBUG if retcode == 102 else ERROR, 'wakatime-core exited with status: {0}'.format(retcode)) if output: log(ERROR, u('wakatime-core output: {0}').format(output)) except: log(ERROR, u(sys.exc_info()[1])) else: log(ERROR, 'Unable to find python binary.') def sent(self): sublime.set_timeout(self.set_status_bar, 0) sublime.set_timeout(self.set_last_heartbeat, 0) def set_status_bar(self): if SETTINGS.get('status_bar_message'): self.view.set_status('wakatime', datetime.now().strftime(SETTINGS.get('status_bar_message_fmt'))) def set_last_heartbeat(self): global LAST_HEARTBEAT LAST_HEARTBEAT = { 'file': self.target_file, 'time': self.timestamp, 'is_write': self.is_write, } class DownloadPython(threading.Thread): """Non-blocking thread for extracting embeddable Python on Windows machines. """ def run(self): log(INFO, 'Downloading embeddable Python...') ver = '3.5.0' arch = 'amd64' if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit' else 'win32' url = 'https://www.python.org/ftp/python/{ver}/python-{ver}-embed-{arch}.zip'.format( ver=ver, arch=arch, ) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.wakatime')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.wakatime')) zip_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.wakatime', 'python.zip') try: urllib.urlretrieve(url, zip_file) except AttributeError: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, zip_file) log(INFO, 'Extracting Python...') with ZipFile(zip_file) as zf: path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.wakatime', 'python') zf.extractall(path) try: os.remove(zip_file) except: pass log(INFO, 'Finished extracting Python.') def plugin_loaded(): global SETTINGS log(INFO, 'Initializing WakaTime plugin v%s' % __version__) SETTINGS = sublime.load_settings(SETTINGS_FILE) if not python_binary(): log(WARNING, 'Python binary not found.') if platform.system() == 'Windows': thread = DownloadPython() thread.start() else: sublime.error_message("Unable to find Python binary!\nWakaTime needs Python to work correctly.\n\nGo to https://www.python.org/downloads") return after_loaded() def after_loaded(): if not prompt_api_key(): sublime.set_timeout(after_loaded, 500) # need to call plugin_loaded because only ST3 will auto-call it if ST_VERSION < 3000: plugin_loaded() class WakatimeListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener): def on_post_save(self, view): handle_heartbeat(view, is_write=True) def on_selection_modified(self, view): if is_view_active(view): handle_heartbeat(view) def on_modified(self, view): if is_view_active(view): handle_heartbeat(view) class WakatimeDashboardCommand(sublime_plugin.ApplicationCommand): def run(self): webbrowser.open_new_tab('https://wakatime.com/dashboard')