# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pygments.lexers.shell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lexers for various shells. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import re from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, do_insertions, bygroups, \ include, default, this, using, words from pygments.token import Punctuation, \ Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, Number, Generic from pygments.util import shebang_matches __all__ = ['BashLexer', 'BashSessionLexer', 'TcshLexer', 'BatchLexer', 'MSDOSSessionLexer', 'PowerShellLexer', 'PowerShellSessionLexer', 'TcshSessionLexer', 'FishShellLexer'] line_re = re.compile('.*?\n') class BashLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for (ba|k|)sh shell scripts. .. versionadded:: 0.6 """ name = 'Bash' aliases = ['bash', 'sh', 'ksh', 'shell'] filenames = ['*.sh', '*.ksh', '*.bash', '*.ebuild', '*.eclass', '*.exheres-0', '*.exlib', '.bashrc', 'bashrc', '.bash_*', 'bash_*', 'PKGBUILD'] mimetypes = ['application/x-sh', 'application/x-shellscript'] tokens = { 'root': [ include('basic'), (r'`', String.Backtick, 'backticks'), include('data'), include('interp'), ], 'interp': [ (r'\$\(\(', Keyword, 'math'), (r'\$\(', Keyword, 'paren'), (r'\$\{#?', String.Interpol, 'curly'), (r'\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Name.Variable), # user variable (r'\$(?:\d+|[#$?!_*@-])', Name.Variable), # builtin (r'\$', Text), ], 'basic': [ (r'\b(if|fi|else|while|do|done|for|then|return|function|case|' r'select|continue|until|esac|elif)(\s*)\b', bygroups(Keyword, Text)), (r'\b(alias|bg|bind|break|builtin|caller|cd|command|compgen|' r'complete|declare|dirs|disown|echo|enable|eval|exec|exit|' r'export|false|fc|fg|getopts|hash|help|history|jobs|kill|let|' r'local|logout|popd|printf|pushd|pwd|read|readonly|set|shift|' r'shopt|source|suspend|test|time|times|trap|true|type|typeset|' r'ulimit|umask|unalias|unset|wait)(?=[\s)`])', Name.Builtin), (r'\A#!.+\n', Comment.Hashbang), (r'#.*\n', Comment.Single), (r'\\[\w\W]', String.Escape), (r'(\b\w+)(\s*)(=)', bygroups(Name.Variable, Text, Operator)), (r'[\[\]{}()=]', Operator), (r'<<<', Operator), # here-string (r'<<-?\s*(\'?)\\?(\w+)[\w\W]+?\2', String), (r'&&|\|\|', Operator), ], 'data': [ (r'(?s)\$?"(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\$])*"', String.Double), (r'"', String.Double, 'string'), (r"(?s)\$'(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^'\\])*'", String.Single), (r"(?s)'.*?'", String.Single), (r';', Punctuation), (r'&', Punctuation), (r'\|', Punctuation), (r'\s+', Text), (r'\d+(?= |\Z)', Number), (r'[^=\s\[\]{}()$"\'`\\<&|;]+', Text), (r'<', Text), ], 'string': [ (r'"', String.Double, '#pop'), (r'(?s)(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\$])+', String.Double), include('interp'), ], 'curly': [ (r'\}', String.Interpol, '#pop'), (r':-', Keyword), (r'\w+', Name.Variable), (r'[^}:"\'`$\\]+', Punctuation), (r':', Punctuation), include('root'), ], 'paren': [ (r'\)', Keyword, '#pop'), include('root'), ], 'math': [ (r'\)\)', Keyword, '#pop'), (r'[-+*/%^|&]|\*\*|\|\|', Operator), (r'\d+#\d+', Number), (r'\d+#(?! )', Number), (r'\d+', Number), include('root'), ], 'backticks': [ (r'`', String.Backtick, '#pop'), include('root'), ], } def analyse_text(text): if shebang_matches(text, r'(ba|z|)sh'): return 1 if text.startswith('$ '): return 0.2 class ShellSessionBaseLexer(Lexer): """ Base lexer for simplistic shell sessions. .. versionadded:: 2.1 """ def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): innerlexer = self._innerLexerCls(**self.options) pos = 0 curcode = '' insertions = [] for match in line_re.finditer(text): line = match.group() m = re.match(self._ps1rgx, line) if m: # To support output lexers (say diff output), the output # needs to be broken by prompts whenever the output lexer # changes. if not insertions: pos = match.start() insertions.append((len(curcode), [(0, Generic.Prompt, m.group(1))])) curcode += m.group(2) elif line.startswith(self._ps2): insertions.append((len(curcode), [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:len(self._ps2)])])) curcode += line[len(self._ps2):] else: if insertions: toks = innerlexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode) for i, t, v in do_insertions(insertions, toks): yield pos+i, t, v yield match.start(), Generic.Output, line insertions = [] curcode = '' if insertions: for i, t, v in do_insertions(insertions, innerlexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)): yield pos+i, t, v class BashSessionLexer(ShellSessionBaseLexer): """ Lexer for simplistic shell sessions. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ name = 'Bash Session' aliases = ['console', 'shell-session'] filenames = ['*.sh-session', '*.shell-session'] mimetypes = ['application/x-shell-session', 'application/x-sh-session'] _innerLexerCls = BashLexer _ps1rgx = \ r'^((?:(?:\[.*?\])|(?:\(\S+\))?(?:| |sh\S*?|\w+\S+[@:]\S+(?:\s+\S+)' \ r'?|\[\S+[@:][^\n]+\].+))\s*[$#%])(.*\n?)' _ps2 = '>' class BatchLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for the DOS/Windows Batch file format. .. versionadded:: 0.7 """ name = 'Batchfile' aliases = ['bat', 'batch', 'dosbatch', 'winbatch'] filenames = ['*.bat', '*.cmd'] mimetypes = ['application/x-dos-batch'] flags = re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE _nl = r'\n\x1a' _punct = r'&<>|' _ws = r'\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0' _space = r'(?:(?:(?:\^[%s])?[%s])+)' % (_nl, _ws) _keyword_terminator = (r'(?=(?:\^[%s]?)?[%s+./:[\\\]]|[%s%s(])' % (_nl, _ws, _nl, _punct)) _token_terminator = r'(?=\^?[%s]|[%s%s])' % (_ws, _punct, _nl) _start_label = r'((?:(?<=^[^:])|^[^:]?)[%s]*)(:)' % _ws _label = r'(?:(?:[^%s%s%s+:^]|\^[%s]?[\w\W])*)' % (_nl, _punct, _ws, _nl) _label_compound = (r'(?:(?:[^%s%s%s+:^)]|\^[%s]?[^)])*)' % (_nl, _punct, _ws, _nl)) _number = r'(?:-?(?:0[0-7]+|0x[\da-f]+|\d+)%s)' % _token_terminator _opword = r'(?:equ|geq|gtr|leq|lss|neq)' _string = r'(?:"[^%s"]*(?:"|(?=[%s])))' % (_nl, _nl) _variable = (r'(?:(?:%%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|' r'[^%%:%s]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%%%s^]|' r'\^[^%%%s])[^=%s]*=(?:[^%%%s^]|\^[^%%%s])*)?)?%%))|' r'(?:\^?![^!:%s]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:' r'[^!%s^]|\^[^!%s])[^=%s]*=(?:[^!%s^]|\^[^!%s])*)?)?\^?!))' % (_nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl)) _core_token = r'(?:(?:(?:\^[%s]?)?[^"%s%s%s])+)' % (_nl, _nl, _punct, _ws) _core_token_compound = r'(?:(?:(?:\^[%s]?)?[^"%s%s%s)])+)' % (_nl, _nl, _punct, _ws) _token = r'(?:[%s]+|%s)' % (_punct, _core_token) _token_compound = r'(?:[%s]+|%s)' % (_punct, _core_token_compound) _stoken = (r'(?:[%s]+|(?:%s|%s|%s)+)' % (_punct, _string, _variable, _core_token)) def _make_begin_state(compound, _core_token=_core_token, _core_token_compound=_core_token_compound, _keyword_terminator=_keyword_terminator, _nl=_nl, _punct=_punct, _string=_string, _space=_space, _start_label=_start_label, _stoken=_stoken, _token_terminator=_token_terminator, _variable=_variable, _ws=_ws): rest = '(?:%s|%s|[^"%%%s%s%s])*' % (_string, _variable, _nl, _punct, ')' if compound else '') rest_of_line = r'(?:(?:[^%s^]|\^[%s]?[\w\W])*)' % (_nl, _nl) rest_of_line_compound = r'(?:(?:[^%s^)]|\^[%s]?[^)])*)' % (_nl, _nl) set_space = r'((?:(?:\^[%s]?)?[^\S\n])*)' % _nl suffix = '' if compound: _keyword_terminator = r'(?:(?=\))|%s)' % _keyword_terminator _token_terminator = r'(?:(?=\))|%s)' % _token_terminator suffix = '/compound' return [ ((r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop') if compound else (r'\)((?=\()|%s)%s' % (_token_terminator, rest_of_line), Comment.Single)), (r'(?=%s)' % _start_label, Text, 'follow%s' % suffix), (_space, using(this, state='text')), include('redirect%s' % suffix), (r'[%s]+' % _nl, Text), (r'\(', Punctuation, 'root/compound'), (r'@+', Punctuation), (r'((?:for|if|rem)(?:(?=(?:\^[%s]?)?/)|(?:(?!\^)|' r'(?<=m))(?:(?=\()|%s)))(%s?%s?(?:\^[%s]?)?/(?:\^[%s]?)?\?)' % (_nl, _token_terminator, _space, _core_token_compound if compound else _core_token, _nl, _nl), bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text')), 'follow%s' % suffix), (r'(goto%s)(%s(?:\^[%s]?)?/(?:\^[%s]?)?\?%s)' % (_keyword_terminator, rest, _nl, _nl, rest), bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text')), 'follow%s' % suffix), (words(('assoc', 'break', 'cd', 'chdir', 'cls', 'color', 'copy', 'date', 'del', 'dir', 'dpath', 'echo', 'endlocal', 'erase', 'exit', 'ftype', 'keys', 'md', 'mkdir', 'mklink', 'move', 'path', 'pause', 'popd', 'prompt', 'pushd', 'rd', 'ren', 'rename', 'rmdir', 'setlocal', 'shift', 'start', 'time', 'title', 'type', 'ver', 'verify', 'vol'), suffix=_keyword_terminator), Keyword, 'follow%s' % suffix), (r'(call)(%s?)(:)' % _space, bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Punctuation), 'call%s' % suffix), (r'call%s' % _keyword_terminator, Keyword), (r'(for%s(?!\^))(%s)(/f%s)' % (_token_terminator, _space, _token_terminator), bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Keyword), ('for/f', 'for')), (r'(for%s(?!\^))(%s)(/l%s)' % (_token_terminator, _space, _token_terminator), bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Keyword), ('for/l', 'for')), (r'for%s(?!\^)' % _token_terminator, Keyword, ('for2', 'for')), (r'(goto%s)(%s?)(:?)' % (_keyword_terminator, _space), bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Punctuation), 'label%s' % suffix), (r'(if(?:(?=\()|%s)(?!\^))(%s?)((?:/i%s)?)(%s?)((?:not%s)?)(%s?)' % (_token_terminator, _space, _token_terminator, _space, _token_terminator, _space), bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Keyword, using(this, state='text')), ('(?', 'if')), (r'rem(((?=\()|%s)%s?%s?.*|%s%s)' % (_token_terminator, _space, _stoken, _keyword_terminator, rest_of_line_compound if compound else rest_of_line), Comment.Single, 'follow%s' % suffix), (r'(set%s)%s(/a)' % (_keyword_terminator, set_space), bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Keyword), 'arithmetic%s' % suffix), (r'(set%s)%s((?:/p)?)%s((?:(?:(?:\^[%s]?)?[^"%s%s^=%s]|' r'\^[%s]?[^"=])+)?)((?:(?:\^[%s]?)?=)?)' % (_keyword_terminator, set_space, set_space, _nl, _nl, _punct, ')' if compound else '', _nl, _nl), bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Keyword, using(this, state='text'), using(this, state='variable'), Punctuation), 'follow%s' % suffix), default('follow%s' % suffix) ] def _make_follow_state(compound, _label=_label, _label_compound=_label_compound, _nl=_nl, _space=_space, _start_label=_start_label, _token=_token, _token_compound=_token_compound, _ws=_ws): suffix = '/compound' if compound else '' state = [] if compound: state.append((r'(?=\))', Text, '#pop')) state += [ (r'%s([%s]*)(%s)(.*)' % (_start_label, _ws, _label_compound if compound else _label), bygroups(Text, Punctuation, Text, Name.Label, Comment.Single)), include('redirect%s' % suffix), (r'(?=[%s])' % _nl, Text, '#pop'), (r'\|\|?|&&?', Punctuation, '#pop'), include('text') ] return state def _make_arithmetic_state(compound, _nl=_nl, _punct=_punct, _string=_string, _variable=_variable, _ws=_ws): op = r'=+\-*/!~' state = [] if compound: state.append((r'(?=\))', Text, '#pop')) state += [ (r'0[0-7]+', Number.Oct), (r'0x[\da-f]+', Number.Hex), (r'\d+', Number.Integer), (r'[(),]+', Punctuation), (r'([%s]|%%|\^\^)+' % op, Operator), (r'(%s|%s|(\^[%s]?)?[^()%s%%^"%s%s%s]|\^[%s%s]?%s)+' % (_string, _variable, _nl, op, _nl, _punct, _ws, _nl, _ws, r'[^)]' if compound else r'[\w\W]'), using(this, state='variable')), (r'(?=[\x00|&])', Text, '#pop'), include('follow') ] return state def _make_call_state(compound, _label=_label, _label_compound=_label_compound): state = [] if compound: state.append((r'(?=\))', Text, '#pop')) state.append((r'(:?)(%s)' % (_label_compound if compound else _label), bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Label), '#pop')) return state def _make_label_state(compound, _label=_label, _label_compound=_label_compound, _nl=_nl, _punct=_punct, _string=_string, _variable=_variable): state = [] if compound: state.append((r'(?=\))', Text, '#pop')) state.append((r'(%s?)((?:%s|%s|\^[%s]?%s|[^"%%^%s%s%s])*)' % (_label_compound if compound else _label, _string, _variable, _nl, r'[^)]' if compound else r'[\w\W]', _nl, _punct, r')' if compound else ''), bygroups(Name.Label, Comment.Single), '#pop')) return state def _make_redirect_state(compound, _core_token_compound=_core_token_compound, _nl=_nl, _punct=_punct, _stoken=_stoken, _string=_string, _space=_space, _variable=_variable, _ws=_ws): stoken_compound = (r'(?:[%s]+|(?:%s|%s|%s)+)' % (_punct, _string, _variable, _core_token_compound)) return [ (r'((?:(?<=[%s%s])\d)?)(>>?&|<&)([%s%s]*)(\d)' % (_nl, _ws, _nl, _ws), bygroups(Number.Integer, Punctuation, Text, Number.Integer)), (r'((?:(?<=[%s%s])(?>?|<)(%s?%s)' % (_nl, _ws, _nl, _space, stoken_compound if compound else _stoken), bygroups(Number.Integer, Punctuation, using(this, state='text'))) ] tokens = { 'root': _make_begin_state(False), 'follow': _make_follow_state(False), 'arithmetic': _make_arithmetic_state(False), 'call': _make_call_state(False), 'label': _make_label_state(False), 'redirect': _make_redirect_state(False), 'root/compound': _make_begin_state(True), 'follow/compound': _make_follow_state(True), 'arithmetic/compound': _make_arithmetic_state(True), 'call/compound': _make_call_state(True), 'label/compound': _make_label_state(True), 'redirect/compound': _make_redirect_state(True), 'variable-or-escape': [ (_variable, Name.Variable), (r'%%%%|\^[%s]?(\^!|[\w\W])' % _nl, String.Escape) ], 'string': [ (r'"', String.Double, '#pop'), (_variable, Name.Variable), (r'\^!|%%', String.Escape), (r'[^"%%^%s]+|[%%^]' % _nl, String.Double), default('#pop') ], 'sqstring': [ include('variable-or-escape'), (r'[^%]+|%', String.Single) ], 'bqstring': [ include('variable-or-escape'), (r'[^%]+|%', String.Backtick) ], 'text': [ (r'"', String.Double, 'string'), include('variable-or-escape'), (r'[^"%%^%s%s%s\d)]+|.' % (_nl, _punct, _ws), Text) ], 'variable': [ (r'"', String.Double, 'string'), include('variable-or-escape'), (r'[^"%%^%s]+|.' % _nl, Name.Variable) ], 'for': [ (r'(%s)(in)(%s)(\()' % (_space, _space), bygroups(using(this, state='text'), Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Punctuation), '#pop'), include('follow') ], 'for2': [ (r'\)', Punctuation), (r'(%s)(do%s)' % (_space, _token_terminator), bygroups(using(this, state='text'), Keyword), '#pop'), (r'[%s]+' % _nl, Text), include('follow') ], 'for/f': [ (r'(")((?:%s|[^"])*?")([%s%s]*)(\))' % (_variable, _nl, _ws), bygroups(String.Double, using(this, state='string'), Text, Punctuation)), (r'"', String.Double, ('#pop', 'for2', 'string')), (r"('(?:%s|[\w\W])*?')([%s%s]*)(\))" % (_variable, _nl, _ws), bygroups(using(this, state='sqstring'), Text, Punctuation)), (r'(`(?:%s|[\w\W])*?`)([%s%s]*)(\))' % (_variable, _nl, _ws), bygroups(using(this, state='bqstring'), Text, Punctuation)), include('for2') ], 'for/l': [ (r'-?\d+', Number.Integer), include('for2') ], 'if': [ (r'((?:cmdextversion|errorlevel)%s)(%s)(\d+)' % (_token_terminator, _space), bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Number.Integer), '#pop'), (r'(defined%s)(%s)(%s)' % (_token_terminator, _space, _stoken), bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), using(this, state='variable')), '#pop'), (r'(exist%s)(%s%s)' % (_token_terminator, _space, _stoken), bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text')), '#pop'), (r'(%s%s?)(==)(%s?%s)' % (_stoken, _space, _space, _stoken), bygroups(using(this, state='text'), Operator, using(this, state='text')), '#pop'), (r'(%s%s)(%s)(%s%s)' % (_number, _space, _opword, _space, _number), bygroups(using(this, state='arithmetic'), Operator.Word, using(this, state='arithmetic')), '#pop'), (r'(%s%s)(%s)(%s%s)' % (_stoken, _space, _opword, _space, _stoken), bygroups(using(this, state='text'), Operator.Word, using(this, state='text')), '#pop') ], '(?': [ (_space, using(this, state='text')), (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'else?', 'root/compound')), default('#pop') ], 'else?': [ (_space, using(this, state='text')), (r'else%s' % _token_terminator, Keyword, '#pop'), default('#pop') ] } class MSDOSSessionLexer(ShellSessionBaseLexer): """ Lexer for simplistic MSDOS sessions. .. versionadded:: 2.1 """ name = 'MSDOS Session' aliases = ['doscon'] filenames = [] mimetypes = [] _innerLexerCls = BatchLexer _ps1rgx = r'^([^>]+>)(.*\n?)' _ps2 = 'More? ' class TcshLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for tcsh scripts. .. versionadded:: 0.10 """ name = 'Tcsh' aliases = ['tcsh', 'csh'] filenames = ['*.tcsh', '*.csh'] mimetypes = ['application/x-csh'] tokens = { 'root': [ include('basic'), (r'\$\(', Keyword, 'paren'), (r'\$\{#?', Keyword, 'curly'), (r'`', String.Backtick, 'backticks'), include('data'), ], 'basic': [ (r'\b(if|endif|else|while|then|foreach|case|default|' r'continue|goto|breaksw|end|switch|endsw)\s*\b', Keyword), (r'\b(alias|alloc|bg|bindkey|break|builtins|bye|caller|cd|chdir|' r'complete|dirs|echo|echotc|eval|exec|exit|fg|filetest|getxvers|' r'glob|getspath|hashstat|history|hup|inlib|jobs|kill|' r'limit|log|login|logout|ls-F|migrate|newgrp|nice|nohup|notify|' r'onintr|popd|printenv|pushd|rehash|repeat|rootnode|popd|pushd|' r'set|shift|sched|setenv|setpath|settc|setty|setxvers|shift|' r'source|stop|suspend|source|suspend|telltc|time|' r'umask|unalias|uncomplete|unhash|universe|unlimit|unset|unsetenv|' r'ver|wait|warp|watchlog|where|which)\s*\b', Name.Builtin), (r'#.*', Comment), (r'\\[\w\W]', String.Escape), (r'(\b\w+)(\s*)(=)', bygroups(Name.Variable, Text, Operator)), (r'[\[\]{}()=]+', Operator), (r'<<\s*(\'?)\\?(\w+)[\w\W]+?\2', String), (r';', Punctuation), ], 'data': [ (r'(?s)"(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\])*"', String.Double), (r"(?s)'(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^'\\])*'", String.Single), (r'\s+', Text), (r'[^=\s\[\]{}()$"\'`\\;#]+', Text), (r'\d+(?= |\Z)', Number), (r'\$#?(\w+|.)', Name.Variable), ], 'curly': [ (r'\}', Keyword, '#pop'), (r':-', Keyword), (r'\w+', Name.Variable), (r'[^}:"\'`$]+', Punctuation), (r':', Punctuation), include('root'), ], 'paren': [ (r'\)', Keyword, '#pop'), include('root'), ], 'backticks': [ (r'`', String.Backtick, '#pop'), include('root'), ], } class TcshSessionLexer(ShellSessionBaseLexer): """ Lexer for Tcsh sessions. .. versionadded:: 2.1 """ name = 'Tcsh Session' aliases = ['tcshcon'] filenames = [] mimetypes = [] _innerLexerCls = TcshLexer _ps1rgx = r'^([^>]+>)(.*\n?)' _ps2 = '? ' class PowerShellLexer(RegexLexer): """ For Windows PowerShell code. .. versionadded:: 1.5 """ name = 'PowerShell' aliases = ['powershell', 'posh', 'ps1', 'psm1'] filenames = ['*.ps1', '*.psm1'] mimetypes = ['text/x-powershell'] flags = re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE keywords = ( 'while validateset validaterange validatepattern validatelength ' 'validatecount until trap switch return ref process param parameter in ' 'if global: function foreach for finally filter end elseif else ' 'dynamicparam do default continue cmdletbinding break begin alias \\? ' '% #script #private #local #global mandatory parametersetname position ' 'valuefrompipeline valuefrompipelinebypropertyname ' 'valuefromremainingarguments helpmessage try catch throw').split() operators = ( 'and as band bnot bor bxor casesensitive ccontains ceq cge cgt cle ' 'clike clt cmatch cne cnotcontains cnotlike cnotmatch contains ' 'creplace eq exact f file ge gt icontains ieq ige igt ile ilike ilt ' 'imatch ine inotcontains inotlike inotmatch ireplace is isnot le like ' 'lt match ne not notcontains notlike notmatch or regex replace ' 'wildcard').split() verbs = ( 'write where wait use update unregister undo trace test tee take ' 'suspend stop start split sort skip show set send select scroll resume ' 'restore restart resolve resize reset rename remove register receive ' 'read push pop ping out new move measure limit join invoke import ' 'group get format foreach export expand exit enter enable disconnect ' 'disable debug cxnew copy convertto convertfrom convert connect ' 'complete compare clear checkpoint aggregate add').split() commenthelp = ( 'component description example externalhelp forwardhelpcategory ' 'forwardhelptargetname functionality inputs link ' 'notes outputs parameter remotehelprunspace role synopsis').split() tokens = { 'root': [ # we need to count pairs of parentheses for correct highlight # of '$(...)' blocks in strings (r'\(', Punctuation, 'child'), (r'\s+', Text), (r'^(\s*#[#\s]*)(\.(?:%s))([^\n]*$)' % '|'.join(commenthelp), bygroups(Comment, String.Doc, Comment)), (r'#[^\n]*?$', Comment), (r'(<|<)#', Comment.Multiline, 'multline'), (r'@"\n', String.Heredoc, 'heredoc-double'), (r"@'\n.*?\n'@", String.Heredoc), # escaped syntax (r'`[\'"$@-]', Punctuation), (r'"', String.Double, 'string'), (r"'([^']|'')*'", String.Single), (r'(\$|@@|@)((global|script|private|env):)?\w+', Name.Variable), (r'(%s)\b' % '|'.join(keywords), Keyword), (r'-(%s)\b' % '|'.join(operators), Operator), (r'(%s)-[a-z_]\w*\b' % '|'.join(verbs), Name.Builtin), (r'\[[a-z_\[][\w. `,\[\]]*\]', Name.Constant), # .net [type]s (r'-[a-z_]\w*', Name), (r'\w+', Name), (r'[.,;@{}\[\]$()=+*/\\&%!~?^`|<>-]|::', Punctuation), ], 'child': [ (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'), include('root'), ], 'multline': [ (r'[^#&.]+', Comment.Multiline), (r'#(>|>)', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'), (r'\.(%s)' % '|'.join(commenthelp), String.Doc), (r'[#&.]', Comment.Multiline), ], 'string': [ (r"`[0abfnrtv'\"$`]", String.Escape), (r'[^$`"]+', String.Double), (r'\$\(', Punctuation, 'child'), (r'""', String.Double), (r'[`$]', String.Double), (r'"', String.Double, '#pop'), ], 'heredoc-double': [ (r'\n"@', String.Heredoc, '#pop'), (r'\$\(', Punctuation, 'child'), (r'[^@\n]+"]', String.Heredoc), (r".", String.Heredoc), ] } class PowerShellSessionLexer(ShellSessionBaseLexer): """ Lexer for simplistic Windows PowerShell sessions. .. versionadded:: 2.1 """ name = 'PowerShell Session' aliases = ['ps1con'] filenames = [] mimetypes = [] _innerLexerCls = PowerShellLexer _ps1rgx = r'^(PS [^>]+> )(.*\n?)' _ps2 = '>> ' class FishShellLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for Fish shell scripts. .. versionadded:: 2.1 """ name = 'Fish' aliases = ['fish', 'fishshell'] filenames = ['*.fish', '*.load'] mimetypes = ['application/x-fish'] tokens = { 'root': [ include('basic'), include('data'), include('interp'), ], 'interp': [ (r'\$\(\(', Keyword, 'math'), (r'\(', Keyword, 'paren'), (r'\$#?(\w+|.)', Name.Variable), ], 'basic': [ (r'\b(begin|end|if|else|while|break|for|in|return|function|block|' r'case|continue|switch|not|and|or|set|echo|exit|pwd|true|false|' r'cd|count|test)(\s*)\b', bygroups(Keyword, Text)), (r'\b(alias|bg|bind|breakpoint|builtin|command|commandline|' r'complete|contains|dirh|dirs|emit|eval|exec|fg|fish|fish_config|' r'fish_indent|fish_pager|fish_prompt|fish_right_prompt|' r'fish_update_completions|fishd|funced|funcsave|functions|help|' r'history|isatty|jobs|math|mimedb|nextd|open|popd|prevd|psub|' r'pushd|random|read|set_color|source|status|trap|type|ulimit|' r'umask|vared|fc|getopts|hash|kill|printf|time|wait)\s*\b(?!\.)', Name.Builtin), (r'#.*\n', Comment), (r'\\[\w\W]', String.Escape), (r'(\b\w+)(\s*)(=)', bygroups(Name.Variable, Text, Operator)), (r'[\[\]()=]', Operator), (r'<<-?\s*(\'?)\\?(\w+)[\w\W]+?\2', String), ], 'data': [ (r'(?s)\$?"(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\$])*"', String.Double), (r'"', String.Double, 'string'), (r"(?s)\$'(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^'\\])*'", String.Single), (r"(?s)'.*?'", String.Single), (r';', Punctuation), (r'&|\||\^|<|>', Operator), (r'\s+', Text), (r'\d+(?= |\Z)', Number), (r'[^=\s\[\]{}()$"\'`\\<&|;]+', Text), ], 'string': [ (r'"', String.Double, '#pop'), (r'(?s)(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\$])+', String.Double), include('interp'), ], 'paren': [ (r'\)', Keyword, '#pop'), include('root'), ], 'math': [ (r'\)\)', Keyword, '#pop'), (r'[-+*/%^|&]|\*\*|\|\|', Operator), (r'\d+#\d+', Number), (r'\d+#(?! )', Number), (r'\d+', Number), include('root'), ], }