# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ wakatime.heartbeat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: (c) 2017 Alan Hamlett. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import os import logging import re from subprocess import PIPE from .compat import u, json, is_win, Popen from .exceptions import SkipHeartbeat from .project import get_project_info from .stats import get_file_stats from .utils import get_user_agent, should_exclude, format_file_path, find_project_file log = logging.getLogger('WakaTime') class Heartbeat(object): """Heartbeat data for sending to API or storing in offline cache.""" skip = False args = None configs = None time = None entity = None type = None category = None is_write = None project = None branch = None language = None dependencies = None lines = None lineno = None cursorpos = None user_agent = None _sensitive = ('dependencies', 'lines', 'lineno', 'cursorpos', 'branch') def __init__(self, data, args, configs, _clone=None): if not data: self.skip = u('Skipping because heartbeat data is missing.') return self.args = args self.configs = configs self.entity = data.get('entity') self.time = data.get('time', data.get('timestamp')) self.is_write = data.get('is_write') self.user_agent = data.get('user_agent') or get_user_agent(args.plugin) self.type = data.get('type', data.get('entity_type')) if self.type not in ['file', 'domain', 'app']: self.type = 'file' self.category = data.get('category') allowed_categories = [ 'coding', 'building', 'indexing', 'debugging', 'running tests', 'manual testing', 'writing tests', 'browsing', 'code reviewing', 'designing', ] if self.category not in allowed_categories: self.category = None if not _clone: exclude = self._excluded_by_pattern() if exclude: self.skip = u('Skipping because matches exclude pattern: {pattern}').format( pattern=u(exclude), ) return if self.type == 'file': self.entity = format_file_path(self.entity) self._format_local_file() if not self._file_exists(): self.skip = u('File does not exist; ignoring this heartbeat.') return if self._excluded_by_missing_project_file(): self.skip = u('Skipping because missing .wakatime-project file in parent path.') return if args.local_file and not os.path.isfile(args.local_file): args.local_file = None project, branch = get_project_info(configs, self, data) self.project = project self.branch = branch if self._excluded_by_unknown_project(): self.skip = u('Skipping because project unknown.') return try: stats = get_file_stats(self.entity, entity_type=self.type, lineno=data.get('lineno'), cursorpos=data.get('cursorpos'), plugin=args.plugin, language=data.get('language'), local_file=args.local_file) except SkipHeartbeat as ex: self.skip = u(ex) or 'Skipping' return else: self.project = data.get('project') self.branch = data.get('branch') stats = data for key in ['language', 'dependencies', 'lines', 'lineno', 'cursorpos']: if stats.get(key) is not None: setattr(self, key, stats[key]) def update(self, attrs): """Return a copy of the current Heartbeat with updated attributes.""" data = self.dict() data.update(attrs) heartbeat = Heartbeat(data, self.args, self.configs, _clone=True) return heartbeat def sanitize(self): """Removes sensitive data including file names and dependencies. Returns a Heartbeat. """ if not self.args.hide_file_names: return self if self.entity is None: return self if self.type != 'file': return self if self.should_obfuscate_filename(): self._sanitize_metadata() extension = u(os.path.splitext(self.entity)[1]) self.entity = u('HIDDEN{0}').format(extension) elif self.should_obfuscate_project(): self._sanitize_metadata() return self def json(self): return json.dumps(self.dict()) def dict(self): return { 'time': self.time, 'entity': self._unicode(self.entity), 'type': self.type, 'category': self.category, 'is_write': self.is_write, 'project': self._unicode(self.project), 'branch': self._unicode(self.branch), 'language': self._unicode(self.language), 'dependencies': self._unicode_list(self.dependencies), 'lines': self.lines, 'lineno': self.lineno, 'cursorpos': self.cursorpos, 'user_agent': self._unicode(self.user_agent), } def items(self): return self.dict().items() def get_id(self): return u('{time}-{type}-{category}-{project}-{branch}-{entity}-{is_write}').format( time=self.time, type=self.type, category=self.category, project=self._unicode(self.project), branch=self._unicode(self.branch), entity=self._unicode(self.entity), is_write=self.is_write, ) def should_obfuscate_filename(self): """Returns True if hide_file_names is true or the entity file path matches one in the list of obfuscated file paths.""" for pattern in self.args.hide_file_names: try: compiled = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE) if compiled.search(self.entity): return True except re.error as ex: log.warning(u('Regex error ({msg}) for hide_file_names pattern: {pattern}').format( msg=u(ex), pattern=u(pattern), )) return False def should_obfuscate_project(self): """Returns True if hide_project_names is true or the entity file path matches one in the list of obfuscated project paths.""" for pattern in self.args.hide_project_names: try: compiled = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE) if compiled.search(self.entity): return True except re.error as ex: log.warning(u('Regex error ({msg}) for hide_project_names pattern: {pattern}').format( msg=u(ex), pattern=u(pattern), )) return False def _unicode(self, value): if value is None: return None return u(value) def _unicode_list(self, values): if values is None: return None return [self._unicode(value) for value in values] def _file_exists(self): return (self.entity and os.path.isfile(self.entity) or self.args.local_file and os.path.isfile(self.args.local_file)) def _format_local_file(self): """When args.local_file empty on Windows, tries to map args.entity to a unc path. Updates args.local_file in-place without returning anything. """ if self.type != 'file': return if not is_win: return if self._file_exists(): return if not self.entity: return self.args.local_file = self._to_unc_path(self.entity) def _to_unc_path(self, filepath): drive, rest = self._splitdrive(filepath) if not drive: return filepath stdout = None try: stdout, stderr = Popen(['net', 'use'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() except OSError: pass else: if stdout: cols = None for line in stdout.strip().splitlines()[1:]: line = u(line) if not line.strip(): continue if not cols: cols = self._unc_columns(line) continue start, end = cols.get('local', (0, 0)) if not start and not end: break local = line[start:end].strip().split(':')[0].upper() if not local.isalpha(): continue if local == drive: start, end = cols.get('remote', (0, 0)) if not start and not end: break remote = line[start:end].strip() return remote + rest return filepath def _unc_columns(self, line): cols = {} current_col = u('') newcol = False start, end = 0, 0 for char in line: if char.isalpha(): if newcol: cols[current_col.strip().lower()] = (start, end) current_col = u('') start = end newcol = False current_col += u(char) else: newcol = True end += 1 if start != end and current_col: cols[current_col.strip().lower()] = (start, -1) return cols def _splitdrive(self, filepath): if filepath[1:2] != ':' or not filepath[0].isalpha(): return None, filepath return filepath[0].upper(), filepath[2:] def _excluded_by_pattern(self): return should_exclude(self.entity, self.args.include, self.args.exclude) def _excluded_by_unknown_project(self): if self.project: return False return self.args.exclude_unknown_project def _excluded_by_missing_project_file(self): if not self.args.include_only_with_project_file: return False return find_project_file(self.entity) is None def _sanitize_metadata(self): for key in self._sensitive: setattr(self, key, None) def __repr__(self): return self.json() def __bool__(self): return not self.skip def __nonzero__(self): return self.__bool__() def __getitem__(self, key): return self.dict()[key]