rana-cli ========= Command line interface to [rana](https://github.com/lnyaa/rana). This is a fork of the wakatime CLI tool for use with rana. **Rana is not affiliated with WakaTime.** Go to http://gitdab.com/lavatech to install the plugin for your text editor or IDE. ## Installation / Forking WakaTime plugins Note: You shouldn't need to directly use this package unless you're building your own plugin *or* forking an existing WakaTime plugin for support with Rana. Since plugins install the WakaTime CLI directly, the recommendation for plugin forkers is to copy this repository into the plugin's installation of WakaTime CLI. For example, this would happen on vim-rana: ``` cp -rv path/to/rana-cli/wakatime/* path/to/vim-rana/packages/wakatime/ ``` WakaTime plugins can be found in https://wakatime.com/editors. WakaTime plugins *with Rana support* can be found in https://gitdab.com/lavatech. ## Usage rana-cli aims to be a seamless replacement of WakaTime CLI. As such, all existing documentation of WakaTime CLI applies to rana-cli. - https://wakatime.com/help/misc/creating-plugin - https://wakatime.com/faq ## Configuration rana-cli, as of right now, has a single extra field in the configuration file: `api_key`, so that you can switch easily between rana instances (e.g prod/local) The config file is found on `$WAKATIME_HOME/.wakatime.cfg`, which is the user's current home directory for UNIXes. An example config file is as follows. ``` [settings] debug = false api_key = your-api-key base_url = https://your-rana-instance.com hide_file_names = false hide_project_names = false exclude = ^COMMIT_EDITMSG$ ^TAG_EDITMSG$ ^/var/(?!www/).* ^/etc/ include = .* include_only_with_project_file = false status_bar_icon = true status_bar_coding_activity = true offline = true proxy = https://user:pass@localhost:8080 no_ssl_verify = false ssl_certs_file = timeout = 30 hostname = machinename [projectmap] projects/foo = new project name ^/home/user/projects/bar(\d+)/ = project{0} [git] disable_submodules = false ``` The default config file may be: ``` [settings] debug = false hidefilenames = false ignore = COMMIT_EDITMSG$ PULLREQ_EDITMSG$ MERGE_MSG$ TAG_EDITMSG$ base_url=https://rana.lavatech.top api_key=awoo ``` Check https://wakatime.com/faq for other config options. ## Running tests Install dev requirements: ``` virtualenv venv venv/bin/pip install -r dev-requirements.txt venv/bin/pip install tox ``` Run tests: ``` tox ``` ## Credits Thank you to the WakaTime developers and contributors for writing the CLI tool.