use std::env; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::path::Path; fn main() { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let iso_mount_dir = Path::new(args.get(1) .expect("Arguments: rsfus (path to XP ISO mount) [bootloader disk number] [installer disk number]")) .canonicalize().expect("Can't canonicalize path to XP ISO mount."); if !iso_mount_dir.exists() || !iso_mount_dir.is_dir() { panic!("XP ISO mount is not a directory."); } let bootloader_disk_number = if let Some(i) = args.get(2) { i.parse::().expect("Not a valid number for disk number!") } else { 1 }; let installer_disk_number = if let Some(i) = args.get(3) { i.parse::().expect("Not a valid number for disk number!") } else { 1 }; let setup_source_line = format!("SetupSourceDevice = \"\\device\\harddisk{installer_disk_number}\\partition1\""); let amd64_basedir = iso_mount_dir.join("amd64"); let i386_basedir = iso_mount_dir.join("i386"); let x64_edition = amd64_basedir.is_dir(); { let mut ntdetect = File::open(amd64_basedir.join("")) .or(File::open(i386_basedir.join(""))) .expect("Can't open file"); let mut ntdetect_copy = File::create(iso_mount_dir.join("")) .expect("Can't create file"); let mut ntdetect_contents = Vec::new(); println!("Reading {ntdetect:?}"); ntdetect.read_to_end(&mut ntdetect_contents).expect("Can't read"); println!("Writing {ntdetect_copy:?}"); ntdetect_copy.write_all(&ntdetect_contents).expect("Can't write to"); } { let mut txtsetup = File::open(amd64_basedir.join("txtsetup.sif")) .or(File::open(i386_basedir.join("txtsetup.sif"))) .expect("Can't open file txtsetup.sif"); let mut txtsetup_copy = File::create(iso_mount_dir.join("txtsetup.sif")) .expect("Can't create file txtsetup.sif"); let mut txtsetup_contents = String::new(); println!("Reading {txtsetup:?}"); txtsetup.read_to_string(&mut txtsetup_contents).expect("Can't read from txtsetup.sif."); let mut txtsetup_lines: Vec<&str> = Vec::new(); for line in txtsetup_contents.lines() { txtsetup_lines.push(line); if line == "[SetupData]" { println!("TXTSETP: Found [SetupData], writing \"{setup_source_line}\""); txtsetup_lines.push(setup_source_line.as_str()); } } println!("Writing {txtsetup_copy:?}"); txtsetup_copy.write_all(txtsetup_lines.join("\r\n").as_bytes()) .expect("Couldn't write to txtsetup.sif."); } { let mut bootmgr = File::open(amd64_basedir.join("setupldr.bin")) .or(File::open(i386_basedir.join("setupldr.bin"))) .expect("Can't open file setupldr.bin"); let mut bootmgr_copy = File::create(iso_mount_dir.join("BOOTMGR")) .expect("Can't create file BOOTMGR"); let mut bootmgr_contents = Vec::new(); println!("Reading {bootmgr:?}"); bootmgr.read_to_end(&mut bootmgr_contents).expect("Can't read from setupldr.bin"); if bootmgr_contents.len() > 0x2061 && bootmgr_contents[0x2060] == 0x74 && bootmgr_contents[0x2061] == 0x03 { bootmgr_contents[0x2060] = 0xeb; bootmgr_contents[0x2061] = 0x1a; println!("BOOTMGR: 0x00002060 0x74 0x03 --> 0xeb 0x1a (Disable Win2k3 CRC check)"); } let rdisk0 = b"rdisk(0)".as_slice(); let win_nt_bt = b"$win_nt$.~bt".as_slice(); let win_nt_bt_caps = b"$WIN_NT$.~BT".as_slice(); let new_dir_bytes = b"i386"; let new_dir_bytes_x64 = b"amd64"; for index in 0..(bootmgr_contents.len() - win_nt_bt.len()) { if &bootmgr_contents[index..index + rdisk0.len()] == rdisk0 { println!("BOOTMGR: {index:#010x} Patching rdisk(0) --> rdisk({bootloader_disk_number})"); bootmgr_contents[index + 6] = 0x30 + bootloader_disk_number; } if &bootmgr_contents[index..index + win_nt_bt.len()] == win_nt_bt || &bootmgr_contents[index..index + win_nt_bt.len()] == win_nt_bt_caps { if x64_edition { println!("BOOTMGR: {index:#010x} Patching {:?} --> \"amd64\"", bootmgr_contents[index..index + win_nt_bt.len()].to_vec()); for i in 0..new_dir_bytes_x64.len() { bootmgr_contents[index + i] = new_dir_bytes_x64[i]; } bootmgr_contents[index + new_dir_bytes_x64.len()] = 0; bootmgr_contents[index + new_dir_bytes_x64.len()] = bootmgr_contents[index + win_nt_bt.len()]; bootmgr_contents[index + new_dir_bytes_x64.len() + 1] = 0; } else { println!("BOOTMGR: {index:#010x} Patching {:?} --> \"i386\"", bootmgr_contents[index..index + win_nt_bt.len()].to_vec()); for i in 0..new_dir_bytes.len() { bootmgr_contents[index + i] = new_dir_bytes[i]; } bootmgr_contents[index + new_dir_bytes.len()] = 0; bootmgr_contents[index + new_dir_bytes.len()] = bootmgr_contents[index + win_nt_bt.len()]; bootmgr_contents[index + new_dir_bytes.len() + 1] = 0; } } } println!("Writing {bootmgr_copy:?}"); bootmgr_copy.write_all(bootmgr_contents.as_slice()).expect("Couldn't write to BOOTMGR"); } println!("Done! :D"); }