Welcome, this is iglunix-autobuild. Thu GNU General Public License v3 licensed (mostly) automatic build system for Iglunix. Iglunix for the uninitiated is a linux distribution designed to not use _GNU_, sadly this is quite hard. GNU make is still available inside this environment. # Usage run `./autobuild.sh` to compile packages. Then run `./chroot.sh` to create a chroot. To try Iglunix in a chroot run `./enter_chroot.sh`. If you want to create an installation image run `./img.sh`. ## Trivia Everything in trivia is not important. * The name `Iglunix` This comes from the following reasoning, by yours truly aheirman. ``` ∄GNU --> iglu iglu-unix --> iglunix ``` * The location to place the git repository of `iglunix` in the filesystem is controversial. These are the contenders: ``` /iglunix /root/iglunix /usr/src/iglunix ``` The `iglunix` repo tries to be agnostic to the install dir. This repo choses (because it must choose) for `/root/iglunix`. Further reading: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGSNULpHHZc * https://docs.docker.com/network/overlay/ * https://docs.docker.com/registry/