" modified version of base16-vim (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-vim) " by Chris Kempson (http://chriskempson.com) " Color definitions {{{ execute 'source' fnameescape(g:nvim_dotfiles_dir.'/../colorschemes/out/vim.vim') if !&termguicolors && exists('$_COLORSCHEME_TERMINAL') set notermguicolors endif " }}} " Theme setup {{{ hi clear syntax reset let g:colors_name = g:dotfiles_colorscheme_name " }}} " The highlighting function {{{ function s:is_number(value) return type(a:value) == v:t_number endfunction let s:colors = g:dotfiles_colorscheme_base16_colors function s:hi(group, fg, bg, attr, guisp) let l:args = '' if a:fg isnot '' let l:fg = s:is_number(a:fg) ? s:colors[a:fg] : {'gui': a:fg, 'cterm': a:fg} let l:args .= ' guifg=' . l:fg.gui . ' ctermfg=' . l:fg.cterm endif if a:bg isnot '' let l:bg = s:is_number(a:bg) ? s:colors[a:bg] : {'gui': a:bg, 'cterm': a:bg} let l:args .= ' guibg=' . l:bg.gui . ' ctermbg=' . l:bg.cterm endif if a:attr isnot '' let l:args .= ' gui=' . a:attr . ' cterm=' . a:attr endif if a:guisp isnot '' let l:guisp = s:is_number(a:guisp) ? s:colors[a:guisp].gui : a:guisp let l:args .= ' guisp=' . l:guisp endif exec 'hi' a:group l:args endfunction " }}} " General syntax highlighting {{{ call s:hi('Normal', 0x5, 0x0, '', '') call s:hi('Italic', 0xE, '', 'italic', '') call s:hi('Bold', 0xA, '', 'bold', '') call s:hi('Underlined', 0x8, '', 'underline', '') call s:hi('Title', 0xD, '', 'NONE', '') hi! link Directory Title call s:hi('Conceal', 0xC, 'NONE', '', '') call s:hi('NonText', 0x3, '', '', '') hi! link SpecialKey NonText call s:hi('MatchParen', 'fg', 0x3, '', '') call s:hi('Keyword', 0xE, '', '', '') hi! link Statement Keyword hi! link Repeat Keyword hi! link StorageClass Keyword hi! link Exception Keyword hi! link Structure Keyword hi! link Conditional Keyword call s:hi('Constant', 0x9, '', '', '') hi! link Boolean Constant hi! link Float Constant hi! link Number Constant call s:hi('String', 0xB, '', '', '') hi! link Character String hi! link Quote String hi! link StringDelimiter String call s:hi('Comment', 0x3, '', '', '') hi! link SpecialComment Comment call s:hi('Todo', 'bg', 0xA, 'bold', '') call s:hi('Function', 0xD, '', '', '') call s:hi('Identifier', 0x8, '', 'none', '') hi! link Variable Identifier " call s:hi('Include', 0xF, '', '', '') hi! link Include Keyword call s:hi('PreProc', 0xA, '', '', '') call s:hi('Label', 0xA, '', '', '') hi! link Operator NONE hi! link Delimiter NONE call s:hi('Special', 0xC, '', '', '') call s:hi('Tag', 0xA, '', '', '') call s:hi('Type', 0xA, '', 'none', '') hi! link Typedef Type " }}} " User interface {{{ call s:hi('Error', 'bg', 0x8, '', '') call s:hi('ErrorMsg', 0x8, 'NONE', '', '') call s:hi('WarningMsg', 0x9, 'NONE', '', '') call s:hi('TooLong', 0x8, '', '', '') call s:hi('Debug', 0x8, '', '', '') hi! link CocErrorSign Error call s:hi('CocWarningSign', 'bg', 0xA, '', '') call s:hi('CocInfoSign', 'bg', 0xD, '', '') hi! link CocHintSign CocInfoSign call s:hi('FoldColumn', 0xC, 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('Folded', 0x3, 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('IncSearch', 0x1, 0x9, 'none', '') call s:hi('Search', 0x1, 0xA, '', '') hi! link Substitute Search call s:hi('ModeMsg', 0xB, '', '', '') call s:hi('Question', 0xB, '', '', '') hi! link MoreMsg Question call s:hi('Visual', '', 0x2, '', '') call s:hi('WildMenu', 0x1, 'fg', '', '') call s:hi('CursorLine', '', 0x1, 'none', '') hi! link CursorColumn CursorLine call s:hi('ColorColumn', '', 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('LineNr', 0x3, 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('CursorLineNr', 0x4, 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('QuickFixLine', '', 0x2, '', '') call s:hi('SignColumn', 0x3, 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('StatusLine', 0x4, 0x1, 'none', '') call s:hi('StatusLineNC', 0x3, 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('VertSplit', 0x2, 0x2, '', '') call s:hi('TabLine', 0x3, 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('TabLineFill', 0x3, 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('TabLineSel', 0xB, 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('PMenu', 'fg', 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('PMenuSel', 0x1, 'fg', '', '') hi! link ctrlsfMatch Search hi! link ctrlsfLnumMatch ctrlsfMatch let s:is_kitty = $TERM ==# 'xterm-kitty' let s:spell_fg = s:is_kitty ? '' : 'bg' let s:spell_bg = s:is_kitty ? 'NONE' : '' let s:spell_attr = s:is_kitty ? 'undercurl' : '' call s:hi('SpellBad', s:spell_fg, s:spell_bg, s:spell_attr, 0x8) call s:hi('SpellLocal', s:spell_fg, s:spell_bg, s:spell_attr, 0xC) call s:hi('SpellCap', s:spell_fg, s:spell_bg, s:spell_attr, 0xD) call s:hi('SpellRare', s:spell_fg, s:spell_bg, s:spell_attr, 0xE) unlet s:is_kitty s:spell_fg s:spell_bg s:spell_attr call s:hi('Sneak', 'bg', 0xB, 'bold', '') hi! link SneakScope Visual hi! link SneakLabel Sneak " }}} " AWK {{{ hi! link awkArrayElement Number hi! link awkBoolLogic Operator hi! link awkComma Delimiter hi! link awkExpression Operator hi! link awkFieldVars awkVariables hi! link awkOperator Operator hi! link awkPatterns Label hi! link awkSemicolon Delimiter hi! link awkVariables Variable " }}} " Diff {{{ " diff mode call s:hi('DiffAdd', 0xB, 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('DiffDelete', 0x8, 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('DiffText', 0xE, 0x1, '', '') call s:hi('DiffChange', 0x3, 0x1, '', '') " diff file call s:hi('diffAdded', 0xB, '', '', '') call s:hi('diffRemoved', 0x8, '', '', '') call s:hi('diffChanged', 0xE, '', '', '') hi! link diffNewFile diffAdded hi! link diffFile diffRemoved hi! link diffIndexLine Bold hi! link diffLine Title hi! link diffSubname Include " }}} " XML {{{ call s:hi('xmlTagName', 0x8, '', '', '') call s:hi('xmlAttrib', 0x9, '', '', '') hi! link xmlTag Delimiter hi! link xmlEndTag Delimiter hi! link xmlAttribPunct Delimiter hi! link xmlProcessingDelim Delimiter " }}} " Git {{{ hi! link gitCommitOverflow TooLong hi! link gitCommitSummary String hi! link gitCommitComment Comment hi! link gitcommitUntracked Comment hi! link gitcommitDiscarded Comment hi! link gitcommitSelected Comment hi! link gitcommitHeader Keyword call s:hi('gitcommitSelectedType', 0xD, '', '', '') call s:hi('gitcommitUnmergedType', 0xD, '', '', '') call s:hi('gitcommitDiscardedType', 0xD, '', '', '') hi! link gitcommitBranch Function call s:hi('gitcommitUntrackedFile', 0xA, '', 'bold', '') call s:hi('gitcommitUnmergedFile', 0x8, '', 'bold', '') call s:hi('gitcommitDiscardedFile', 0x8, '', 'bold', '') call s:hi('gitcommitSelectedFile', 0xB, '', 'bold', '') hi! link GitGutterAdd DiffAdd hi! link GitGutterDelete DiffDelete hi! link GitGutterChange DiffText hi! link GitGutterChangeDelete GitGutterDelete hi! link SignifySignAdd DiffAdd hi! link SignifySignChange DiffText hi! link SignifySignDelete DiffDelete " }}} " Vim scripts {{{ hi! link vimUserFunc vimFuncName hi! link vimBracket vimMapModKey hi! link vimFunction vimFuncName hi! link vimParenSep Delimiter hi! link vimSep Delimiter hi! link vimVar Variable hi! link vimFuncVar Variable " }}} " C {{{ hi! link cOperator Special " }}} " C# {{{ call s:hi('csClass', 0xA, '', '', '') call s:hi('csAttribute', 0xA, '', '', '') call s:hi('csModifier', 0xE, '', '', '') hi! link csType Type call s:hi('csUnspecifiedStatement', 0xD, '', '', '') call s:hi('csContextualStatement', 0xE, '', '', '') call s:hi('csNewDecleration', 0x8, '', '', '') " }}} " Rust {{{ hi! link rustEnumVariant rustType hi! link rustSelf Variable hi! link rustSigil rustOperator hi! link rustMacroVariable Variable hi! link rustModPath Identifier " }}} " HTML {{{ hi! link htmlBold Bold hi! link htmlItalic Italic hi! link htmlTag xmlTag hi! link htmlTagName xmlTagName hi! link htmlSpecialTagName xmlTagName hi! link htmlEndTag xmlEndTag hi! link htmlArg xmlAttrib " }}} " CSS {{{ hi! link cssBraces Delimiter hi! link cssTagName htmlTagName hi! link cssPseudoClassId Type hi! link cssPseudoClass cssPseudoClassId hi! link cssClassName Type hi! link cssClassNameDot cssClassName hi! link cssAtRule Keyword hi! link cssProp Identifier hi! link cssVendor Special hi! link cssNoise Delimiter hi! link cssAttr String hi! link cssAttrComma Delimiter hi! link cssAttrRegion cssAttr " }}} " SCSS {{{ hi! link scssSelectorName cssClassName hi! link scssSelectorChar cssClassnameDot hi! link scssAmpersand cssSelectorOp " }}} " JavaScript {{{ hi! link javaScriptBraces Delimiter hi! link jsParens Delimiter hi! link jsOperator Operator hi! link jsStorageClass StorageClass hi! link jsThis Variable hi! link jsSuper jsThis hi! link jsClassDefinition Type hi! link jsFunction Keyword hi! link jsArrowFunction jsFunction hi! link jsFuncName jsFuncCall hi! link jsClassFuncName jsFuncCall hi! link jsClassMethodType jsFunction hi! link jsRegexpString Special hi! link jsGlobalObjects Type hi! link jsGlobalNodeObjects Type hi! link jsException Exception hi! link jsExceptions Type hi! link jsBuiltins jsFuncName hi! link jsNull Constant hi! link jsUndefined Constant hi! link jsOperatorKeyword Keyword hi! link jsObjectKey Identifier hi! link jsEnvComment Special hi! link jsImport Include hi! link jsExport Include hi! link jsTemplateBraces PreProc " }}} " JSON {{{ hi! link jsonNull Constant " }}} " TypeScript {{{ let g:yats_host_keyword = 0 hi! link typescriptParens jsParens hi! link typescriptBraces javaScriptBraces hi! link typescriptOperator jsOperatorKeyword hi! link typescriptKeywordOp typescriptOperator hi! link typescriptCastKeyword typescriptOperator hi! link typescriptMappedIn typescriptOperator hi! link typescriptBinaryOp jsOperator hi! link typescriptOptionalMark typescriptBinaryOp hi! link typescriptIdentifier jsThis hi! link typescriptArrowFunc jsArrowFunction hi! link typescriptFuncTypeArrow typescriptArrowFunc hi! link typescriptCall Variable hi! link typescriptArrowFuncArg typescriptCall hi! link typescriptFuncType typescriptCall hi! link typescriptVariable jsStorageClass hi! link typescriptAmbientDeclaration typescriptVariable hi! link typescriptVariableDeclaration Variable hi! link typescriptDestructureLabel typescriptVariableDeclaration hi! link typescriptDestructureVariable typescriptVariableDeclaration hi! link typescriptGlobal typescriptVariableDeclaration hi! link typescriptTypeReference Type hi! link typescriptTypeParameter typescriptTypeReference hi! link typescriptConstructSignature Keyword hi! link typescriptConstructorType typescriptConstructSignature hi! link typescriptEndColons Delimiter hi! link typescriptImport jsImport hi! link typescriptExport jsExport hi! link typescriptNull jsNull hi! link typescriptObjectLabel jsObjectKey hi! link typescriptMethodAccessor Keyword hi! link typescriptClassName jsClassDefinition hi! link typescriptClassHeritage jsClassDefinition hi! link typescriptExceptions jsException hi! link typescriptTry typescriptExceptions hi! link typescriptEnumKeyword typescriptClassKeyword hi! link typescriptModule jsImport hi! link typescriptAbstract Keyword hi! link typescriptTemplateSB PreProc hi! link typescriptDebugger Keyword " }}} " Markdown {{{ hi! link mkdHeading Title " }}} " Mail {{{ call s:hi('mailQuoted1', 0x8, '', '', '') call s:hi('mailQuoted2', 0x9, '', '', '') call s:hi('mailQuoted3', 0xA, '', '', '') call s:hi('mailQuoted4', 0xB, '', '', '') call s:hi('mailQuoted5', 0xD, '', '', '') call s:hi('mailQuoted6', 0xE, '', '', '') hi! link mailURL Underlined hi! link mailEmail Underlined " }}} " Python {{{ hi! link pythonBuiltinType Type hi! link pythonExClass Type hi! link pythonBuiltinObj pythonFunction hi! link pythonClassVar Variable " }}} " Ruby {{{ hi! link rubyPseudoVariable Variable hi! link rubyClassName Type hi! link rubyAttribute rubyFunction hi! link rubyConstant Constant hi! link rubyInterpolationDelimiter PreProc hi! link rubySymbol String hi! link rubyStringDelimiter StringDelimiter hi! link rubyRegexp Special hi! link rubyRegexpDelimiter rubyRegexp " }}} " Lua {{{ hi! link luaFuncCall Function hi! link luaBraces Delimiter " }}} " Shell {{{ hi! link shQuote String hi! link zshFunction Function hi! link zshVariable Variable " }}}