sc.OPTIONS_DEFINITION[''] = { type: 'CONTROLS', cat: sc.OPTION_CATEGORY.CONTROLS, init: { key1: ig.KEY.M }, hasDivider: true, header: 'btw-i-use-arch', }; ig.KEY.MOUSE_LEFT = ig.KEY.MOUSE1; ig.KEY.MOUSE_RIGHT = ig.KEY.MOUSE2; ig.KEY.MOUSE_MIDDLE = -6; ig.KEY.MOUSE_BACK = -7; ig.KEY.MOUSE_FORWARD = -8; // As for the copied implementations of ig.Input#keydown and ig.Input#keyup: // there is probably a way to avoid copying, most notably by abusing the logic // of the keyCode check. See, in both methods it is basically the same, just // with differing event names, but the logic is as follows: if the event is a // keyboard event, get the `keyCode` property, otherwise check if // `event.button` is 2, then assume the key is `ig.KEY.MOUSE2`, otherwise // `ig.KEY.MOUSE1`. This means that I could replace the value of the `MOUSE1` // constant to the keyCode determined with my custom logic, and so the fallback // path will read my value, but ultimately I didn't do that because I figured // there might be other parts of these functions which can use some // refactoring. ig.Input.inject({ keydown(event) { if ( ig.system.crashed || this.isInIframeAndUnfocused() || (this.ignoreKeyboard && event.type !== 'mousedown') ) { return; } if (ig.system.hasFocusLost()) { if (event.type === 'mousedown') { ig.system.regainFocus(); } return; } if (event.type === 'mousedown') { this.mouseGuiActive = true; } this.currentDevice = ig.INPUT_DEVICES.KEYBOARD_AND_MOUSE; if ( === 'text') { return; } let keyCode = this.getKeyCodeFromEvent(event); if ( // It's quite interesting that the game kinda supports touch events, but // they are never actually used in practice. event.type === 'touchstart' || event.type === 'mousedown' ) { this.mousemove(event); } let action = this.bindings[keyCode]; if (action != null) { this.actions[action] = true; // Not sure what are locks supposed to do. Oh wait, I figured it out: // this is so that if a button is detected to be pressed in a frame, but // if an un-press event is caught during the processing of the frame, the // button... Hmmm, still not sure. Entirety of the game logic blocks the // main thread, so it's impossible to catch two events during processing // of the frame. if (!this.locks[action]) { this.presses[action] = true; this.locks[action] = true; } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }, keyup(event) { if ( ig.system.crashed || this.isInIframeAndUnfocused() || (this.ignoreKeyboard && event.type !== 'mouseup') || === 'text' || (ig.system.hasFocusLost() && event.type === 'mouseup') ) { return; } this.currentDevice = ig.INPUT_DEVICES.KEYBOARD_AND_MOUSE; let keyCode = this.getKeyCodeFromEvent(event); let action = this.bindings[keyCode]; if (action != null) { this.keyups[action] = true; this.delayedKeyup.push(action); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }, getKeyCodeFromEvent(event) { switch (event.type) { case 'keyup': case 'keydown': return event.keyCode; case 'mouseup': case 'mousedown': switch (event.button) { case 0: return ig.KEY.MOUSE_LEFT; case 1: return ig.KEY.MOUSE_MIDDLE; case 2: return ig.KEY.MOUSE_RIGHT; case 3: return ig.KEY.MOUSE_BACK; case 4: return ig.KEY.MOUSE_FORWARD; } } // idk, fall back to the left mouse button. That's kind of what the default // implementation does though. return ig.KEY.MOUSE_LEFT; }, }); // Finally, some nice injection places. sc.KeyBinderGui.inject({ show(...args) { this.parent(...args); window.addEventListener('mousedown', this.bindedKeyCheck, false); }, hide(...args) { this.parent(...args); window.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.bindedKeyCheck); }, onKeyCheck(event) { event.preventDefault(); let keyCode = ig.input.getKeyCodeFromEvent(event); if (ig.interact.isBlocked() || this._isBlackedListed(keyCode)) return; // This call was added by me. Just in case. Because the `stopPropagation` // call in `ig.Input` saved me from re-binds of left/right mouse buttons to // whatever else other than interactions with menus. event.stopPropagation(); if (this.finishCallback != null) { this.finishCallback(keyCode, this.isAlternative, false); } this.hide(); }, });