let g:k_nvim_dotfiles_dir = expand(':p:h') let g:k_dotfiles_dir = expand(':p:h:h') let &runtimepath = g:k_nvim_dotfiles_dir.','.&runtimepath.','.g:k_nvim_dotfiles_dir.'/after' let g:vim_ide = 1 let g:dotfiles_rainbow_indent_opacity = 0.5 source :p:h/../dmitmel-dotfiles/nvim/init.vim if has('nvim') luafile :p:h/init.lua else set termguicolors endif " Arrow key fix kanged from {{{ if exists("g:HELP_MY_ARROW_KEYS_ARE_BROKEN") " the following simply creates an ambiguous mapping so vim fully " processes the escape sequence for terminal keys, see 'ttimeout' for a " rough explanation, this just forces it to work if &term[:4] == "xterm" || &term[:5] == 'screen' || &term[:3] == 'rxvt' inoremap OC endif endif " }}}