#!/usr/bin/env zsh # Escapes `%` in all arguments by replacing it with `%%`. Escaping is needed so # that untrusted input (e.g. git branch names) doesn't affect prompt rendering. prompt_escape() { echo "${@//'%'/%%}" } prompt_preexec_hook() { # record command start time # $EPOCHREALTIME returns a float representing system time in seconds (see # docs for zsh/datetime module) and is much faster than `date +%s.%N` because # it doesn't involve starting a process typeset -gF _PROMPT_EXEC_START_TIME="$EPOCHREALTIME" } prompt_precmd_hook() { if [[ -v _PROMPT_EXEC_START_TIME ]]; then local -F duration="$((EPOCHREALTIME - _PROMPT_EXEC_START_TIME))" unset _PROMPT_EXEC_START_TIME if (( duration > 1 )); then local -i t="$duration" d h m s typeset -g _PROMPT_EXEC_TIME="" d="$((t/60/60/24))" h="$((t/60/60%24))" m="$((t/60%60))" s="$((t%60))" (( d > 0 )) && _PROMPT_EXEC_TIME+="${d}d" (( h > 0 )) && _PROMPT_EXEC_TIME+="${h}h" (( m > 0 )) && _PROMPT_EXEC_TIME+="${m}m" _PROMPT_EXEC_TIME+="${s}s" else unset _PROMPT_EXEC_TIME fi fi } prompt_vcs_info() { if [[ "$(command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree)" != true ]]; then return fi local branch="(no branches)" line git branch | while IFS= read -r line; do # find a line which starts with `* `, it contains the current branch name if [[ "$line" == "* "* ]]; then # remove the `* ` prefix branch="${line#\* }" break fi done print -n ' %F{blue}git:(%F{magenta}'"$(prompt_escape "$branch")"'%F{blue})%f' } # configure prompt expansion # nopromptbang # `!` should not be treated specially, use `%!` instead. # promptcr and promptsp # print a character (`%` for normal users, `#` for root) and a newline in # order to preserve output that may be covered by the prompt. See # zshoptions(1) for more details. # promptpercent # enable normal prompt expansion sequences which begin with a `%`. # promptsubst # enable parameter/command/arithmetic expansion/substitution in the prompt. setopt nopromptbang promptcr promptsp promptpercent promptsubst zmodload zsh/datetime autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook add-zsh-hook preexec prompt_preexec_hook add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_precmd_hook # Construct the prompt. See EXPANSION OF PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1) for # the list and descriptions of the expansion sequences. # Start the prompt with gray (ANSI color 8 is "bright black" or "gray") # box drawing characters, also enable bold font for the rest of it. This # makes the prompt easily distinguishable from command output. PROMPT='%F{8}┌─%f%B' # username PROMPT+='%F{%(!.red.yellow)}%n%f' # hostname PROMPT+=' at %F{' if [[ -v SSH_CONNECTION ]]; then PROMPT+='blue' else PROMPT+='green' fi PROMPT+='}%m%f' # working directory PROMPT+=' in %F{cyan}%~%f' # VCS info PROMPT+='$(prompt_vcs_info 2>/dev/null)' PROMPT+=' ' # command execution time PROMPT+='${_PROMPT_EXEC_TIME:+" %F{yellow}$(prompt_escape "$_PROMPT_EXEC_TIME")%f"}' # exit code of the previous command PROMPT+='%(?.. %F{red}EXIT:%?%f)' # number of currently running background jobs PROMPT+='%1(j. %F{blue}JOBS:%j%f.)' # A while ago I decided to start using a multiline prompt because: # a) all commands I type are visually aligned # b) I can type pretty long commands without text wrapping in small terminal # windows (e.g. in Termux on my phone) PROMPT+=$'\n' # see prompt beginning PROMPT+='%b%F{8}└─%f' # the last character PROMPT+='%F{%(?.green.red)}%(!.#.\$)%f ' # PROMPT2 is used when you type an unfinished command. Spaces are needed for # alignment with normal PROMPT. PROMPT2=' %_> '