#!/usr/bin/env node const fs = require('fs'); const pathM = require('path'); const argparse = require('argparse'); const markdownIt = require('markdown-it'); const markdownItTaskCheckbox = require('markdown-it-task-checkbox'); const markdownItEmoji = require('markdown-it-emoji'); const markdownItFootnote = require('markdown-it-footnote'); const markdownItAdmonition = require('markdown-it-admonition'); const markdownItHeaderAnchors = require('./markdown-it-header-anchors'); const Prism = require('prismjs/components/prism-core'); const loadPrismLanguages = require('prismjs/components/'); const PRISM_COMPONENTS = require('prismjs/components.js'); // TODO: integrate const PRISM_THEMES = Object.keys(PRISM_COMPONENTS.themes).filter((k) => k !== 'meta'); let parser = new argparse.ArgumentParser(); parser.add_argument('INPUT_FILE', { nargs: argparse.OPTIONAL, help: '(stdin by default)', }); parser.add_argument('OUTPUT_FILE', { nargs: argparse.OPTIONAL, help: '(stdout by default)', }); parser.add_argument('--input-encoding', { default: 'utf-8', help: '(utf-8 by default)', }); parser.add_argument('--output-encoding', { default: 'utf-8', help: '(utf-8 by default)', }); parser.add_argument('--theme', { choices: ['dotfiles', 'github', 'none'], default: 'dotfiles', }); parser.add_argument('--syntax-theme', { choices: [...PRISM_THEMES, 'none', 'dotfiles'], }); parser.add_argument('--stylesheet', { nargs: argparse.ZERO_OR_MORE, }); parser.add_argument('--script', { nargs: argparse.ZERO_OR_MORE, }); let args = parser.parse_args(); loadPrismLanguages(); // loads all languages let md = markdownIt({ html: true, linkify: true, highlight: (code, lang) => { if (lang && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Prism.languages, lang)) { return Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages[lang], lang); } return null; }, }); md.use(markdownItTaskCheckbox); md.use(markdownItEmoji, { shortcuts: {} }); md.use(markdownItHeaderAnchors); md.use(markdownItFootnote); md.use(markdownItAdmonition); let markdownDocument = fs.readFileSync(args.INPUT_FILE || 0, args.input_encoding); let renderedMarkdown = md.render(markdownDocument); let stylesheetsTexts = []; let scriptsTexts = []; let syntaxThemeName = 'dotfiles'; if (args.theme === 'dotfiles') { stylesheetsTexts.push(fs.readFileSync(require.resolve('./themes-out/my.css'), 'utf-8')); } else if (args.theme === 'github') { stylesheetsTexts.push(fs.readFileSync(require.resolve('./themes-out/github.css'), 'utf-8')); } else { syntaxThemeName = 'none'; } syntaxThemeName = args.syntax_theme || syntaxThemeName; if (syntaxThemeName && syntaxThemeName !== 'none') { stylesheetsTexts.push( fs.readFileSync( require.resolve( syntaxThemeName === 'dotfiles' ? './themes-out/my-prismjs-theme.css' : `prismjs/themes/${syntaxThemeName}.css`, ), 'utf-8', ), ); } for (let stylesheetPath of args.stylesheet || []) { stylesheetsTexts.push(fs.readFileSync(stylesheetPath)); } for (let scriptPath of args.script || []) { scriptsTexts.push(fs.readFileSync(scriptPath)); } let renderedHtmlDocument = ` ${pathM.basename(args.INPUT_FILE || '<stdin>')} ${stylesheetsTexts .map((s) => { let st = s.trim(); return !st.includes('\n') ? `` : ``; }) .join('\n')}
${scriptsTexts .map((s) => { let st = s.trim(); return !st.includes('\n') ? `` : ``; }) .join('\n')} `.trim(); fs.writeFileSync(args.OUTPUT_FILE || 1, renderedHtmlDocument, args.output_encoding);