{ pkgs, dotfiles, ... }: let packageSets = with pkgs; rec { system = [ gnutls gsasl libtool patchelf pcre pkg-config ]; base = [ act bat bitwarden-cli cloudflared delta exa ffmpeg fzf gh git-crypt gitui gnupg jq kubectl kubelogin-oidc mosh nixpkgs-fmt pandoc ripgrep sops texlive.combined.scheme-small vim wget ]; languages = [ crystal deno dotnet-sdk go jdk nil nodejs_20 ruby_3_1 sbcl shards zig ]; programs = [ jetbrains.idea-ultimate jetbrains.phpstorm jetbrains.rider rectangle slack tailscale ]; multimedia = [ ffmpeg ]; everything = system ++ base ++ languages ++ programs ++ multimedia; }; in { # Absolutely proprietary. nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; # Make sure the nix daemon always runs services.nix-daemon.enable = true; # enable the gpg agent by default programs.gnupg.agent.enable = true; # if you use zsh (the default on new macOS installations), # you'll need to enable this so nix-darwin creates a zshrc sourcing needed environment changes programs.zsh.enable = true; # Make sure to set the correct values, or everything will break! (in reality, # it will just not build) users.users.alyxia = { name = "alyxia"; home = "/Users/alyxia"; }; home-manager = { useGlobalPkgs = true; useUserPackages = true; extraSpecialArgs = { inherit dotfiles; }; users.alyxia = { pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ./zsh.nix ./git.nix ./nvim.nix ]; home = { packages = packageSets.everything; file.".npmrc".text = '' prefix = ''${HOME}/.npm-packages ''; }; # DO NOT CHANGE UNLESS YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SURE ALL STATE AFFECTED BY THIS # OPTION IS APPROPRIATELY MIGRATED!!! home.stateVersion = "23.05"; # did you read the comment? }; }; homebrew = { enable = true; onActivation = { autoUpdate = true; cleanup = "zap"; upgrade = true; }; taps = [ "drud/ddev" "homebrew/cask" "homebrew/cask-versions" ]; # Please do not the brew. brews = [ "composer" "croc" "ddev" "mkcert" "pinentry-mac" "pkg-config" "sdl2" ]; casks = [ "1password" "1password-cli" "alt-tab" "android-studio" "audacity" "background-music" "db-browser-for-sqlite" "discord" "discord-ptb" "docker" "firefox" "google-chrome" "itch" "iterm2" "obs" "raycast" "sequel-ace" "shottr" "spotify" "thunderbird" "visual-studio-code" ]; }; }